Gumbura Sentenced to 50 Years In Prison
3 February 2014
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The pastor and founder of the RMG End Time Message church, Robert Martin Gumbura has been sentenced to 50 years in prison.
Of these Gumbura will spend an effective 40 years with 10 years suspended on condition of good behaviour.
Passing sentence magistrate Hoseah Mujaya said  “The court must always strive to find a punishment which will fit both the crime and the offender. In this case, the accused was like a wolf in sheep’s cloth. The core-business of the church is to worship God not to sleep with girls and women and threatening them that misfortune would befall them.
“Pastors and deacons in this church must have been aware of the blasphemous teachings in their church and also the abuse of women but they chose to ignore what was happening. Teachings in church must be monitored internally and externally,” Mujaya went on to say.
Gumbura was last Friday convicted on 4 counts of rape and one count of possession of pornographic materials.
Gumbura who is currently 57years old will be 97years old upon his release in 2054.
Sex crazed, Gumbura has been referred to on social networks as “Rape Master Gumbura” in an obvious pun with the initials of the RMG church title.
Gumbura is on record as having  11 wives namely: Tafadzwa Makoni (52); Queen Bunga (45); Tecla Muzungwani (37); Chipo Mhlanga (34); Choice Neganje (32); Concilia Mukandawire (33); Amanda Mbanga (27); Amadias Mutakwa (32); Pretty Rushwaya (27); Pamela Mukandawire (27) and Bester Runyowa (24). The youngest wife, Besta Runyowa, will be 64years old in the release of her husband.

30 Replies to “Gumbura Sentenced to 50 Years In Prison”

  1. Wataura chokwadi Chaputika,mapostori ngasungiswewo,ngavaongororwe ndokuti this craziness iite nani

  2. Whilst I feel a fair sentence was given on this monster, I have a feeling that our legal system should be consistent. Gumbura at least bedded mature people. What’s your take on Mapostori aya ekwaMarange who bed young girls as young as 10 years in a Multi-polygamous system and still get away with such gross abuse. And ironically the President and the First Lady visited the Church to solicit for voter prior to the July elections. These people are worse than Gumbura in every sense. Gumbura’s wives are well looked after at least as opposed to these Vapostori wives who suffer till death. What do you think of our legal system guys?

  3. @Chriseri thank you for clarifying on prison-years vs. ordinary years. But I think when the sentence is pronounced, the judge actually says “40” and this is what the reporters quote. Anyway, RMG will be released aged 84, barring any presidential pardon. Shame!

  4. Imi vanyori nyatsonzwizisai kana kuita research yakakwana Gumbura achagara mutorongo wemakore 27 years.Of the 40yrs jeri richamubvisira 13yrs which is a 3rd of 40yrs

  5. we are ol sinners. one day we wil ol stand b4 the thron of God. it true, we reap wat we saw.

  6. Vakadzi kana motambira Mwari munaona kurasha magaro nekuti amwe ma pastor anogama. Pastor wo ngavarege kunyengeterera munhu kadzi pasina witness. Mudzimu unoteurwa usiku ndeweuroi.

  7. Mahwani chaiyo. May God be with you in that cell. fourty years in one place is enough to drive you insane.

  8. but guys siyananaiye ne vakadzi vagumbura…get goose pimples when i see them. kuzvipinza muna gumbura wide eyed open, supping with the temptresses , they no longer have a tresuary or any $$$$

  9. Watchout! Pandino appealer kuHigh court ndinombo buda hamumbondi ona futi!! I wil b back, do not even think abt touching my wives or even my girlfriends!!

  10. ndhetsho… even five years were going to kill him ne stress, coz he was alredy dining with the kings in heaven and he is in hell now kuchitokisi…

  11. Yes he deserve that i like MR Judge he knows the job and he also know hw to trap a rat thats it let us go and enjoy with them wives yeh

  12. The editor (muzukulez waBhan’ga Gumbushto) ndofunga uri kuyokonya neyapindwa dhara rako. Lolest mbhambishto.

  13. Kutamba NaMwari, hona manje. That nice house of yours zvikomba tii mukati!!!
    Sorry Ndoda kodwa ngabe wawungumfundisi uqobo bewungeke wabhekana nale nkinga.

  14. Njengoba ethanda isemting kangaka kutshu ukuthi usezaba etshaya amanye amadoda isbheki ejele.

  15. Gumbura wamama.Wave kuno nyengwa kujere zvino kumagaro ikoko kusvika waibva. Vakadzi vako tave kutovamhanyira kunovatora. Bye Bye Gumbura see you in hell.

  16. Shem maningi man of gold. Mapinzwaka? I like the statement that goes “10 years suspended on condition of good behaviour”. I think the judge should have said “on condition Gumbura’s organ behaves well while he is in prison”. I see another charge arising for Gumbura while in the slammer – sodomy!

  17. I feel for the women that were married under Gumbura ‘s rule, those marriages are doomed. wish days could be reversed then those women would stay single. Gumbura have caused a lot of heartaches to people. Satan has no pity, now behind bars after using this temple of Gumbura.

  18. Good riddance to you Gumbumbwa. May this sex-addicted satanic fiend rot and die in jail, and thereafter head straight to hell. The judge was very lenient, infact.

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