Stunner Dumps “Violent” Olinda | LIVE VIDEO
7 January 2017
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Stunner deliberately pushes Olinda to the edge.

It is now finally over between Stunner and Olinda after their relationship reached alarming violent levels with the wife threatening to burn down “everything”. ZimEye can reveal in the below live video Olinda on Saturday exploded for the last time as Stunner told her it is all over now. In the violent melee, Stunner is told he does not own even the suitcase he is trying to hurriedly tuck his clothes into, VIDEO:

0 Replies to “Stunner Dumps “Violent” Olinda | LIVE VIDEO”

  1. She knows how to deal with this shit guy but anenge mukadzi chaiye wani stunner one day you gonna realise mbutu yemumba irinani ka Deon kacho kari kupiswa na BLah Diva futi ……….kkkkkk

  2. iGODO CHETE IRI. KUNO KU AFRICA murume haarambidzwe kuita vakadzi vaanoda. stunner anofanira chete kungoroora chimwana ichi zviri official. hakuna murume anofanira kuita mukadzi one. imi vakladzi vasingazvide better stay alone or wotsvagawo murume anoda zvemukadzi one then momyorerana pasi./

  3. Classic “To the left to the left”.
    This is some Jerry Springer stuff. Reality show in the offing.

  4. I feel u. I think women get to a certain age where they get desperate to get a husband. TBH, the writing was on the wall for Olinda from the start, but love made her blind. Stunner, on the other hand, was never in love with her in the first place, but was ok becoz she was domiciled kure and could live his bachelor life as before

  5. I like this Olinda woman. She’s saying the whole truth. Stunner imboko, this is a woman who was building him amd Olinda even spoke of putting the cheating aside and refocussing on Stunners Carreer and all, ini hangu id Marry Olinda even asina chaanacho this is a woman any sane man needs all she wants kudiwa. The only problem is Olinda should hv leftnout Stunner achigara hupenyu wake whaka chipa than take care of him in those cluster houses. These idiots havasu veku chemgeta unless his a good and straightforward man. What hurts is Stunner boasts kuti anodya mari dzema mhamha shame on that lazy sick man. Olinda is mature and should leave this idiot asinga gone kuyimba. Ane shavi rehurombe this boy he needs God. Mai vake ngavamu namatire coz anyanya. Haana chaai nacho because of hunhu wake. U cant even endorse a fool who treats a woman like this. Ano hura zvakapusa and his lazy and fucks under age girls. He belongs to Xhikurubi. Infact i mbavha gororo anobira madzimai. This is one genuine woman and i hope she gets man she deserves not this fucker. Haaa chokwadi Glen Norah is calling him back and mamhepo. Olinda siya mhepo Idzi dziyende.

  6. I agree, this Stunner thing is beginning to annoy us. What’s so special about chihure chaStunner to be given so much coverage. Maperererwa nenya here?

  7. Tsano let us be fair for a but. Amai va Stunner vaedza kutaura nemukadzi uyu. Mukadzi uyu anenge asingateerere anyone. Honestly I think she is a lose cannon. Who would want a wife who tells you how much you are dependent on her every day. Guys mukadzi uyu haana ku twasuka.

    I am not excusing what Stunner did, cheating is wrong. His wife however is a stubborn and it seems she always thinks she is right. I think she treats Stunner like he owes her for what he is. No man wants to be treated like that. Maybe that is why he is looking for the young girls who do not tell him he is an ass and that he is nothing.

    It is ironic that this woman says Stunner made her be suicidal yet she brought it upon herself by treating him like a piece of crap. Due to that it seems Stunner is looking outside for love.

  8. Great way to advertise her nursing company and I am sure HMRC will want some information on how she is managing all these luxuries.

  9. Pavakadzi vese vari muno munyika amai ndimi moga here matanga kuisirwa mumwe munhu. Bvunzai vamwe anamai vanokuudzai kuti isu tinoisirwa zvakanyanya. Izvi zvokuchemera mhuri yeZimbabwe siayanai nazvo because mhuri yeZimbabwe inewo maproblems ayowo akanyanya kupfuura enyu. Garai mumba nemurume wenyu mugadzirsane because you are the only people who will lose what you have not us isusu.

  10. Are you forced to read?? All news on ZimEye is Breaking news.Cheka masettings.

  11. The final nail on the coffin has been hammered.After all is said & done better part ways in peace.Stunner must go back to Mabvuku.His character is well suited to weed smoking urban groves uninformed chaps who are taken everywhere by imagination.They dream becoming 50 Cent in a village country like Zimbabwe.Anyway I wish you all the best.Love is sweet muchadzokerana futi.

  12. This is Zimeye not Guardian, this is the content suitable for their site, keep this coming Zimeye…. Live Chakafukidza Dzimba Matenga… Dont blame Zimeye…

  13. Please Zimeye why should this be breaking news there are more important issues facing the nation which should be Breaking News not this Please make a better effort in 2017 there is alot of important news that could fill this space