PICTURES: Grace Mugabe Takes Over “The World”
1 December 2014
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First Lady Grace Mugabe has taken over the world, at least that of “her own mind” and she has been honoured by having a street named after her becoming the first person in Zimbabwe to have a street called after them by their title so that it reads “Dr Grace Mugabe Way”. PICTURES:

9 Replies to “PICTURES: Grace Mugabe Takes Over “The World””

  1. isusu tisu mhata manje vanhu less than 100 vakuita zvavanoda nenyika yese Gore rino vana havatambe christmas mari yatorwa nemahure nemapenzi kuti vaite tu street itwotwo tusina kana benefit watch 2 weeks after congress wat that place will look like……. nxaaaaaaaa zimbabweans a foolish fly follows the corpse to the grave

  2. Those are markings for the purpose of the Congress only, and it proves the idiocy of the reporter who regards this potholed strip of road as a ‘WORLD’. Besides, the reporter is an imbecile who does not know there is a Dr, Joshua M Nkomo road,
    Mbuya Nehanda rd, Sekuru Kaguvi rd, Sir so and so rd, Prince so and so road etc. Moreover there is the official endorsements of such names by the city council , which the city fathers have not yet announced. Already there is a dusty road to one of the cemeteries in Harare by the name ziMuroyi rekuDotito rd. Maybe thats the VP’s “taking of the world” also, judging by the tenets in your “factual” reporting.

  3. Tichazviturura izvo muZimbabwe itsva…thats the first street thats going to change its name in the new Zimbabwe.

  4. Any Herr doktor will tell you that madness is a symptom of syphillis and delusions a manifestation of gono-rhoea

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