“Satanists Strike Man Dead Using Cellphone”- LETTERS
13 February 2015
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LETTERS-strip-forum-red-strip-text-formatted3A London man writes claiming that so called Satanists have killed a man through a dodgy telephone call from an 09 number. Mobile operators and telecoms professionals dismissed the report as mere myth.

Dear Editor
This a true story of the 090 number and the 080 number. A friend of Mai Sibanda‘s husband , passed away two days ago after being called by Satanists. The person who called kept talking in a strange language and within hours. He carried on speaking in the strange language. He developed a headache yesterday and pain killers could not help before he died. To my fellow Zimbabweans, do not answer even other unknown numbers. _CLICK TO LISTEN_


3 Replies to ““Satanists Strike Man Dead Using Cellphone”- LETTERS”

  1. you can say that again dear. If you really believe Jehovah is protecting you how can you be so scared of,the unknown. Kutenda ndokuri kuita kushoma.

  2. you can say that again dear. If you really believe Jehovah is protecting you how can you be so scared of,the unknown. Kutenda ndokuri kuita kushoma.

  3. +91…………
    ndamboti ndinyarare but ndazoona kuti aiwa zvingatoenderera mberi. there is chain message irikutendera paWhatsapp zvichinzi usadaire phone number yakanzi +91. bvisai maProfile picture enyu and what what. whether its true or not hapazi ripo pane nyaya but what i want to address is nyaya yeFear yakabata vanhu.
    people are really scared, and unobva wanyatsoona kuti fear irikubata vanhu haizi yaMwari but irikubva kuna satan. nekuti 2 Timothy 1:7 inoti “Mwari haana kutipa mweya wokutya, asi mweya wesimba, noworudo nowokuzvidzora”. its not GOD who gave us fear over such issues, meaning kuti satan ndiye anoda kutyisa vanhu & its really working for some
    rega ndikupe a simple tip, unogona kukiya door rako but izvozvo hazvitadzise muroyi kupinda mumba mako. haizi hondo yepanyama asi ihondo yepaMweya, unotoda Jesu kuti upone, unogona kublocker number idzodzo paWhatsapp pako or kubisa profile pic yako but as long usina protection yaJesu. satan anokurova zvakadaro.
    kana uina Jesu you have no need to worry but kana usina Jesu then anything can happen to you. nhai vana vaMwari sei muchibvuma kutyiswa netuma message tusina maturo?
    problem ndeyekuti vamwe the fear they have towards the devil is greater than the faith they have in GOD. anotya satan zvakanyanya kupfura kutenda kwaanoita muna Mwari. zvekuti ukamuudza kuti masatanists anogona kuuraya munhu haarambe but ukati GOD can fight for you, he doubts that.
    im not denying kuti satan ane simba, aiwa he has power but ziva kuti simba rake harigone kurwisisana nesimba raMwari akawinner.
    ukanzwa Bible richiti no weapon formed against you shall prosper, it really means it, Mwari havazi muBusiness rekuMaker maPromises ekunyepa sezvinoitwa nevana vevanhu. what GOD says, He means it. Hakuna chombo chikachagadzirwa chichabudirira kuparadza iwe (Isaiah 54:17)> Mwari havana kuramba kuti kune maWeapons anogadzirwa newakaipa but Mwari vapa assurance yekuti even if pakagadzirwa weapon, inoshaya basa
    nhasi i just want to give you a task, tsvaga Bible rako uone kuti how many scriptures Mwari paVanotaura kuti fear not, usatye and kana wapawana believe in it.
    kana usati wavakutenda muna Jesu saIshe naMuponesi wako, you need to do so nekuti ndiko kwaunokwanisa kuwana protection kubva kune wakaipa but as long asusina Jesu you are vulnerable, satan anokuita zvese zvese, but kana uri waJesu, He will fight for you.

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