Tsvangirai wedding PICTURES
15 September 2012
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Defiant Tsvangirai walks with his new "wife" Elizabeth Macheka

PRIME Minister Morgan Tsvangirai has proceeded with his wedding to Elizabeth Macheka on Saturday under customary laws, a day after a court cancelled his marriage licence.
Tsvangirai decided to circumvent the order by staging the wedding under the country’s customary law which allows a man to have as many wives as he wants.
“We respect the law; we don’t violate the law but there are other people who would like to abuse the law for their political ends.

More photos below…

“I think I will make it to the Guinness Book of Records as the first Zimbabwean to be denied the right to wed.”
Tsvangirai rubbished his critics saying despite the attacks on his character, he will die with Elizabeth: “Some have a chain of wives and some took other people’s spouses. So what is my issue?”
This one I hunted on my own and I shall die with her, he said
“Uyu ndakapfimba ndega, ndikaroora ndega and ndichafa naye. Zvichemo zvinoenda nekuna mai ava ndivo amai venyu.”
Below are some of the latest pictures coming out of the ceremony.
Tsvangirai cuts his wedding cake with his new wife

75 Replies to “Tsvangirai wedding PICTURES”

  1. inoita save. wenyu ndewenyu and die with her. kana kuine vakakudai mukavaramba ngavasvotwe varutsire muna mukuvisi

  2. It is written that for one to be a leader there will be sacrifies, trials and tribulations. Jesus had to be crucified for him to go to heaven and sit on the right hand of God’s throne. Mugabe went to prison for ten years. What is happening to Tswangirayi now needs to be checked with many recorded stories. To me these are the signs that he will be glorified in the end.

  3. Surely we all live by the Grace of God and we are quick to judge others without looking at our own lives. people repent before the Lord and have their sins washed away even if they are as red as blood. Tsvangirai could have done the same and who knows he could be clean in the eyes of the lord and we are busy judging him. God is I AM, meaning now, he has no past. Once you confess yr sins you start on a clean slate. Lets be careful about judging others without seraching our own lives. If God wants Tsvangirayi to lead Zimbabwe it will happen and no man can stop it.

  4. There goes the butt fairy Bla Miki again, his unending fascination of Chematamas male privates is getting crazy. Take it easy on the Castle Lite and clean John Nkomo’s spunk from your gob.

  5. Cde Red Orange ndaseka zvekuti! Ko munhu ukatukwa nebenzi unotongoseka ungaita sei? Kana nestatement yawataura hapana, kutuka basi. Even zita rako wakagona kusarudza. Ndekupi kwakamboonekwa orange reRed?

  6. Saka noise yese yakaro pedza mwedzi tichinyaudzwa chii chabuda. Can women tell me….are you now so desperate for men that mumwe wenyu haadi kurambwa??? Manyadziswa asikana. Even those behind all this “fiction” vachitadza kurara nekurwadziwa on behalf of xxxxx what have you gained. Zero. Those who laugh last, laugh the loudest. Sekai zvenyu Save…Regai vagare nechipepa chavo.

  7. veduwe the late mai tsvangirai was soooo motherly. Vaiva munhu wekuti unonyatsoti yaaah ndokuti amai ka uku. locardia, Elizabeth, nozipho etc mmmmmmm vanonyanya ku yuza.

  8. politics aside people!!! Morgan, like most african man, ndiye akatadza kuzvibata hake apa. Haana kupfimbirwa vakadzi vake ave nemunhu. He created this mess for himself. I think hangu dai akapedzerana nalocardia n the SA lady before aroora macheka. If i were macheka, which im glad im not, i would want a marriage ine foundation yakadai. Macheka, just like Lorcadia, is after Tsvangies money period!!!! and these african husbands of ours!!! Mirai muone, Locardia achadzokerana naTsvangi chete, even the SA woman. Mark my words.

  9. thank u fo yo comments but save did it no matter what. cio vanyara nemabasa avo. makorokoto Save makapedza naazvo.

  10. Wangaite zvawanoda imi sawe murambe makanyarara chero muchiona kuti denga rine nyasha. Hona rine nyasha kuziva kuti muri vana waro. Siyanai nevanobwereketa isu tinemi kusvika zvanaka. We’ll vote for u.

  11. And you guys think tsvangirai can save the country. Don’t be filled with a gay rights activist who wants to destroy Zimbabwe. Pamberi neZANU. Second wives always bring havock. Watch his space

  12. zvaoneka save.zvese zvamunoita zvinongoendeka vadzivisi varipo Jehovha vanongovhura nzira. Save muri chaedza cheZimbabwe itsva rambai makavheneka musaore moyo. Ticharamba tachikutsigirai nekuti muri gwara nenzira yeupenyu hweZIMBABWE


  14. if we know how things go nw we know he bett for cousin coruption use sunctions and gay mode to climb up for this stupid work he done since! only the way of him to be on top so musafunge kuti muchawana zvamakatarisira uyu atoenda pamberi nechigay madinga atsvangsari ok!

  15. hoo iwe hauna kuziva kuti tinenge tichikupa nguva kuti tigokuona hoo vamwe ndovoitana kumagaro iwe mberi nhai kutomisa madzipe kuti ndakamtsvaga ndega kochigay chako unoda kuita vamwe mombe dzamadhaka haikona isu takapusawo tinoti pamberi newe tichidya zvapasi kunge mbwa nxa hohodoo!

  16. tsvangirayi wakapata stereki zibenzi remunhu,if u cant manage ur own personal affairs how du u xpect to run dis country,Morgiza Zimbabwe hauitongi iwe

  17. Tsvangirayi akwangwara apa! This time vakada kuuraya mukadzi wake vanenge vachiuraya mwana wavo!Even panaLocardia it was going to be the same thing.

  18. mubharanzi tsvangirsi hadzimo hw can we be led by such a blank slet. hauna njere kupusa rume guru hororoooooo

  19. Locadia whats so special about you, to allege that you squander US$15 000 per month. You forgot that your alleged marriage didn’t last 1 week. I refer you to the Zanu PF Matrimonial Causes Act.

  20. Locadia bvuma kurambwa, hazvina kutanga pauri. Wave kuzvichipisa manje. Accept defeat. To all who are condeming Save i case you.

  21. What next CIO WE ARE WAITING TO HEAR?There are better campaigning tools but you choose to ignore them .Let us see what Zanu and cio will come up with next time

  22. Bla Miki’s fascination with chematama is beginning to show us that this muthaffukka is a truly butt fairy. Leave Save and his missuss alone, John Nkomo the zanoid is lying butt naked on the Presidential Suite bed waiting for you to give him a blow job….battie boy.

  23. Iwe Taridog Gays, tanga nekubvunza iye wacho Eliza kuti ingani dzapinda nepaburi rake uye kuti haachazoiswe here neuyo Kereke?

  24. mother taurai chaizvo tikada ku investgator kuti varume vangani vari kutatsura at the same time moronga navo kuti muite mari { kutatsura means having sex with} in case3 kamusingazive zvazvinoreva mother

  25. locadia we want to know since u are claimingf to be the wife we have never seen u around him now that eliza has won the jersey whats your next step? murume aenda ka , uri kutaura kuti nguva yese iyi wangausingatatsurwe
    wakamirira tsangirai

  26. Bla Miki and Chando stop being thick like a seven days brewed fresh dump. This is all sour grapes machinda what you zanoids wanted was total humiliation of the PM. As far as the situation is concerned all this hullabaloo might give zanoids some cud to chew on but it won’t change what the povo are itching to do to your satanic party very soon.

  27. at the same tsvangirai u have your self to blame dont take your position to go after woman , and also woman u must know your limits stand your grounds not kuvhura makumbo because munhu ane mari

  28. i myself iam not into politics but i want to wish the couple a happy life.guyz we must not mix politics with personal life , One question that i have is are these woman for sure for tsvangirai , why did they wait so long too come from the dark , iam also woman but i dont think this whole story make sence .they might have involved with him and things did work out now they want a revenge , sometimes woman we cfan do that but iam not saying thats what happens but be careful wiuth woman like locadia anything is possible causae the amount that she claiming it tells a lot about her.

  29. As long as this couple remains unfaithful, bed hoppers, thigh trader and thigh master, this union will remain shacky without the need of an outside interference. Both of them have had a fair share of controversy in their love lives. Elizabeth was sent packing after being found in bed with another man by the late Cde Guma. She then went on a thigh trading spree, with some men having children with her. Some bought her luxuries and valuable assets till she hooked up with this foolish Tsvangisex. And Tsvangisex bears the same characteristics with his new wife, they are a matching couple ende zviuya zvazowanana. The funny thing though is, when one messes up with his own life, the blame is always shifted elsewhere, to Zanu Pf, Mugabe and CIO? What a shame!

  30. Macheka you have married a very strong man with a mind of a fitter and turner. I remember the day he defeated six members of the sunset party who wanted to throw him out of a floor chakuti window. They failed and left him.
    As for the SA lady she misdirected herself in behaving like a ZPF activitist. Had she contacted Makwembere another R13000 plus 3 rounds would have been quickly arranged for her as a parting shot. Now she will eat her failed image tarnishing.

  31. Tsano, no MDC cadres or comrades are gay. Is that what they have been brainwashing you during your all night satanic prayers boss?

  32. Congratulations honorable PM. May you continue to spite your detractors. We wish you many years of joy with your chosen beautiful better half. Do not be swayed by masterminds of evil who do not want to see any good deed in this world…

  33. Mr Tsvangidhodh chiendaiwo kugym. Saka mari dzekuma tollgate ndo dzaishandiswa kuisa vakadzi ava?

  34. well done save.th satanic zanu regime ddnt want to see you wed but you defied evil.what kind of politics is zanu displaying by tryng to stop you fromm holy matrimony.i thnk its demonic and satanic.next,prepare for th zanu backlash.next,you are going to be arrested for contempt of court bla bla bla.u are guaranteed that you hav one vote.and that is my vote.i will NEVER vote zanu nomatter wat.

  35. Well done baba tava namai she is beuatiful. now try and save the country as you now have amai behind you please, l dont think we are asking for too much

  36. At last Save u did the right thing by defying the odds by following the desire of your heart, l am reminded again of W Ncube senatorial saga of yester- year, you demostrated your mantle. Ngavataure vemiromo mikuru we will continue to ralley behind you. makorokoto, makorokoto next time zvemahara musatambire zvinokunyadzisai.

  37. Lunatic – you don’t mix politics nechinhu. Kusiririsa kunge wakabaiwa nechipikiri kumagaro on your wedding. We will vote Zanu Pf

  38. Makorokoto Save! Maagona mzizanu fools, marriage is marriage weather its customery or via legal courts haisi nyaya. Let’s wait for them to bring another funny issue.

  39. Ko iwe inga wachata na Eriza; ko vamwe inga urikuti vaite hungochani wani? Kuda kuuraya nyika chete apa. Kusakura chete apa. Kukara mavotes manje no votes for you.

  40. A leader is a living shadow of his organization,if the leader is crappy so as the organization as well,Tsvangirai you are crappy…….

  41. Elizabeth Macheka is very beautiful no doubt but the question, we asking now is did she marry him for money or because his handsome or maybe she just loves the man ,by the way Zim says NO NO NO to GAY right….hatidi

  42. The Prime Minister said he hunted for his new wife on his own. Good! He must now hunt to rid Zimbabwe of corruption. Congratulations Mr. Prime Minister!! Your 35 years old wife looks very nice.

  43. Congratulations Honourable Prime Minister of Zimbabwe on the occasion of your wedding. May the almighty God open up the floodgates of Hevean for blessings to overflow. The Will of God is what eventually prevails against all other conditions. We celebrate with you.

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