Stanely Goreraza | The former president is also getting much needed fuel from hypocrites in the opposition who continue day dreaming they were going to remove Mr Mugabe without help from the Army, through democratic, legal and constitutional means. You hear totally confused activists going on about Mr Mugabe being removed illegally when they partook in the same illegality.
Everytime they tried to remove Mr Mugabe with a constitution in their hands, Mr Mugabe had a gun in his own hand and dared them to try it. Everytime they would run to Sadc and the West, crying and demanding they do something about Mugabe after having been pistol whipped by him. They tried everything and got nowhere. Each time vai dashurwa nava Mugabe mercilessly.
Then some people do something about Mr Mugabe and the people he used to bash protest on his behalf.
Some of us know why. Mugabe is gone and there is no more money from donors going the so called activists way. This is how they made their living, activism and donor funding.
Most of the activists we know today are not genuine. They only made noise about Mr Mugabe to attract the attention of sympathetic Westerners with deep pockets. They love the free travel, free lunch, free attention and other freebies. Some bought cars, houses and other valuable assets all from activism alone. Opposing Robert Mugabe had become big business which paid big time.
Little wonder Mr Mugabe thinks he is wanted back. It’s all their doing. They want him back because he made them a lot of money. Opposing ED does not pay but Mugabe pays the big bucks.
How would anyone who has suffered under the former president complain about his removal ? How did you want him removed honestly ? What is it that was not tried kubva more than 20 years ago ? Did you think it would take a couple of Bible verses and a lecture from Roman Catholic Priests to get him to step down? Or maybe you did not want him to go ?
Your chance to fix this question is only months away in the ballot box. There is an election less than 4 months away. Concentrate on that instead of continuing on and on about a Coup yakaitika ikapera kudhara.