Nhema “Found Guilty” Of Working With Mugabe
20 March 2018
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Former President Robert Mugabe’s allies continue to face the music for supporting him during his days in power against the Lacoste faction led by President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Among those punished after being found guilty of working with Mugabe is former Finance Minister Francis Nhema.

The state media reports that Zanu-PF Midlands province has recommended that six senior party members suspended over alleged misconduct, chief among them their involvement in the G40 machinations and creating parallel structures within the party, should remain ordinary members and not to stand for office.

Those suspended include former ministers Fred Moyo, Chiratidzo Mabuwa, Francis Nhema, senior party members, Tsitsi Zhou, Tremendous Musara and Tafanana Zhou.

Last week, the National Disciplinary Committee wrote to the province informing the party leadership that Zhou, Moyo, Mabuwa and Nhema should be recognised as party members, but the provincial leadership says they should just be confined to being ordinary members.

This means if the decision is upheld by the National Disciplinary Committee, these party members would be ordinary card carrying members and will not be eligible to participate in the primary elections or any other election during the time of their suspension.

The suspensions were announced by provincial vice chairman Godwill Shiri and were adopted by the party provincial executive committee and the provincial coordinating council (PCC) on Saturday.

“We have suspended Tafanana Zhou because he was found guilty of working in isolation, associating with G40 and participating in the meeting that led to the unconstitutional suspension of other party members,” he said.

“He is a second offender and therefore, he will be suspended for three years. Tsitsi Zhou also appeared before the disciplinary committee and was also found guilty for proposing to have other party members unconstitutionally dismissed.

“She has been slapped with a two year suspension. Chiratidzo Mabuwa, who was facing the same allegations has been slapped with a three-year suspension because she is a repeat offender.

“Fred Moyo also got a three-year suspension for his involvement in the G40 machinations and is also a repeat offender. Francis Nhema who was running parallel structures in Shurugwi has been suspended for three years. Councillors, Tremendous Musara and Chiripai Chipondeni have been suspended for two years.”

Speaking at the same meeting Midlands provincial chairman, Engineer Daniel Mckenzie Ncube, said the recommendations would be submitted to the National Disciplinary Committee for deliberation.

“As an organ of the party, we have made this decision and we will submit our recommendations to the National Disciplinary Committee,” he said. “As a province, we are saying we have not expelled these members, but we will work with them at cell (village) level while they serve their suspensions.

“A lot has been said on social media regarding these issues. I would want to inform you that we have a channel of communication in the party and whatever might be circulating on social media, if it’s not communicated to the party members through our structures, then ignore it. Let us be focused.”