Bovine Tuberculosis Hits Zim?
23 April 2019
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There are reports circulating on social media indicating there is an outbreak of bovine tuberculosis in the country.

Bovine TB usually affects animals such as cattle, but it can affect practically all mammals causing a general state of illness, coughing and eventual death. It can be transmitted from animals to humans as well as to other animals.

Transmission of the Bovine TB:
The disease is contagious and it is spread by contact between infected domestic animals such as cattle, and humans.

Usually, the disease is spread by animals or humans inhaling infected droplets which are expelled from the lungs by coughing.
Infection can also occur from direct contact with a wound that might happen during slaughter.

It is also believed by most people that calves and humans can also become infected by ingesting raw (unpasteurized) milk and other dairy products from infected cows.

It is possible for an infected animal to spread to many others and humans before the disease is detected. The symptoms do not show quickly.

Some of the Bovine TB Symptoms In Humans:
Young children infected typically have abdominal infections and older patients have swollen and sometimes ulcerated lymph glands in the neck.State media