Sugar Sugar Bounces Back
13 August 2019
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Sungura musician Taruvinga “Sugar Sugar”” Manjokota has spoken out following his absence from the music radar.

The Samaita Express boss, now deemed a spent force, insists he is at his best form but making waves away from home.

Sugar Sugar rose to fame with the hit Mairos, which won the hearts of many. His other albums include Zvirimukati, Zvamungarwira and Mari Inoparira.

He has since established himself in South Africa after staying in Mozambique for a moment.
The Mairosi hit maker left Zimbabwe sometime last year and had been criticised for reportedly abandoning his family.

He is set to release his latest seven-track track album Kutsemurirana with songs such as Apirikede, Ndezvevarimuno, Vehuwori (Piracy), Munondichengeta, Zvinowanikwa, Mairosi Pfacha pfacha.

In exclusive interview from his new base, Sugar Sugar said he is doing well contrary to what people have been saying.

“Right now I busy communicating with Paradzai Mesi on how we can organise some shows in Zimbabwe and here is South Africa.H-Metro

Sugar Sugar