Late Mthwakazi Leader “Declared A National Hero.”
19 May 2020
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David Magagula

Media Statement|Following the passing on of Mr. David Magagula on 18May 2020, MLF, in consultation its advisory body, Mthwakazi council of Elder, which is drawn from the length and breadth of Mthwakazi, has resolved to declare Mr. David Magagula a Mthwakazi national hero.

Mr. David Magagula will be laid at his final resting place at his rural home at a date to be advised soon. This is in line with our tradition, customs and values. The late passed away after a short illness in Johannesburg in RSA. In conferring him such a status, the organisation (MLF), with it’s subsidiaries considered the invaluable and selfless contributions to Mthwakazi as a whole the departed cadre offered while he lived.

The late, Mr. David Magagula was a teacher by profession with a BA in English for communication and media studies. At the time of his death he was a teacher in languages in the RSA. Magagula co-authored ‘Inyathelo’ series for Mthwakazi primary school children in lower grades to perfect their grasp of our indigenous languages at early stages. These books are still in use even today. He also authored the novel ‘Sasisemeveni’ which became a set book for secondary schools. He is also one of the founding members of Abalobi Bakithi where he co- authored Izigigaba ZakwaNdongaziyaduma.
In 2019, he published the novel entitled ‘Good Bye Zimbabwe. In this novel, he sought to interrogate and explore objectively the rampant injustices, impunity and gerrymandering that typify the Zimbabwean regime. At the time of his passing, Mr Magagula was working on a play titled the ‘The Trial of Robert Gabriel Mugabe’, which his publishing company, the Seraphim Publishers, is working towards publishing in the upcoming months.

On the political front, Magagula co-founded Matabeleland Freedom Party (MFP) with Mr. Andrea Sibanda and Mr. Philimon Ncube on 20 June 2006. This they saw as the only conveyance by which to resuscitate and breathe life into Mthwakazi nationalism once again. This they viewed as a means by which to relieve their nation of the unending and unabating afflictions oppression and marginalisation premised on tribal supremacy that has ejected many of people from their homeland. While in MFP, Magagula together with many others who had bought into this noble ideology, traveled home regularly to give out T-shirts and literature on who and what Mthwakazi is. This was an arduous undertaking to rekindle hitherto the somewhat dormant Mthwakazi nationalism and consciousness.

Later in 2009, Magagula was involved in talks aimed at merging MPO and MFP into one strong and compact organisation to champion the aspirations and hopes of our Mthwakazi nation.

These talks gave birth to MLF in 2010 to which Magagula became the first publicity and information secretary and spokesperson owing to his prowess in speech and fearlessness. As MLF spokesperson, Magagula, as a vital cog in a powerful front, pulled huge following from across Mthwakazi sparking the envy of the Zanupf regime which subsequently issued countless threats and punishment including capital. This, however, did not deter the resolute Magagula. Instead, he forged ahead and in the process building alliances with Organisation of Emerging African States(OEAS), the organisation that later helped to bring to the international platform the ruthless purging on thrumped up treason charges metted agaisnt some Mthwakazi cadres among them Charles Thomas, Paul Siwela and John Gazi, some who were later acquitted. They were incarcerated just because they also campaigned for self determination, a cornerstone of Mthwakazi movements. Such dubious senseless attacks by Zanupf regime using its multiple fronts threatened to stall MLF activities but Magagula in his portfolio rose to the occassion and never gave in nor up. He kept the flames burning by pounding with messages of hope and victory and this has kept MLF activities afoot up to now. Magagula as the leader of MLF was instrumental in the establishment of the Internationa Conference of Emerging States in Africa (ICESA), headquartered in Lesotho at the beginning of March 2020. ICESA is a mother body of the nations and states like, Mthwakazi, Caprivi, State of Good Hope, Basotho, Eswatini, Barotseland, Ambazonia, and Biafra which is a springboard platform that represents the African nations and states that seek total independence or regaining of their land that was scandalously given to some nations by the apartheid regimes.

Mr Magagula is survived by his wife Mrs Bokang Magagula, five children- four boys and a girl and two grandchildren.
His passing away happens when there is this lockdown due to inexplicable corona virus and this may effectively deprive Magagula of his deserved graceful send off. Equally, this also deprives his comrades, friends and family the opportunity to give him a dignified send off. At the time of writing this declaration, a handful mourners are gathered at his place in Johannesburg to mourn with the family and console them to come to grips with this tragedy which came so abruptly and stole such a pundit. In view of the foregoing, the MLF has seen it most fit, human and appropriate to accord him a recognition he deserves. Accordingly, Mr. David Magagula is herewith declared an ‘Mthwakazi National Hero’. The nation is called upon to uphold the ideals and values he stood for and redouble its effort in pursuit of Mthwakazi independence without fear or favour. Together we owe our independence to both our living and the departed. This is the time to introspect and selflessly give our nation all we can to save them from daily terrorism and predation at the hands of the British proxies – the shameless and callous Zimbabwean regime.

Andrea Sibanda M.L.F Secretary General.