19 May 2020
By Wezhira Munya
The MDC Alliance party in Masvingo remains intact after Khupe-Komichi-Mwonzora and Mudzuri led MDC T party was rejected by Chiredzi West and Chiredzi South constituencies.
Khupe MDC T party has been rejected by two rural constituency namely Chiredzi South.
Further more, MDC T Khupe suffers another heavy blow in Chiredzi West, which is an urban constituency.
In 2018, MDC Alliance held on of the biggest rallies in Tshovani stadium, approximately 70 000 people attended this rally that was addressed by President Chamisa.
In Chiredzi South, the MDC Alliance National women vice- chairlady and Masvingo Proportional Representatives Mrs Mugidho and MDC Alliance National youth member councillor Mutubuki were the facilitators of the consultative meetings.
In Chiredzi South two meetings were held in Chikombedzi and Save.
The MDC Alliance members both in 2014 and 2018 structures declared their full support to President Nelson Chamisa and MDC Alliance party.
Mrs Makondo MDC Alliance chairlady declared that, “as MDC Alliance party members and supporters are solidly behind President Chamisa and MDC Party. In 2018, we voted for MDC Alliance President Chamisa, our member of Parliament and councillors. We never voted Khupe MDC T. Therefore, we reject Khupe led MDC T.”
On the other hand, Mr Chauke, the MDC Alliance vice chair, was of the view that, “Courts cannot dictate to us as MDC Alliance who is our President. In addition, no courts can dictate to us which political party to join. We join MDC Alliance voluntary as stipulated in Zimbabwean constitution. Therefore, as Chiredzi South will reject Khupe MDC T.”
In Chiredzi South, the fearless youthful councillor Gilbert Mutubuki, ward 18 Chiredzi West thundered, “I am MDC Alliance Member under the leadership of Advocate Chamisa. In 2018, l contested on MDC Alliance party ticket and won because of MDC Alliance party and President Chamisa’s popularity. Therefore, l reject Khupe MDC T and l am ready to be recalled by Mwonzora and cabal.”
At the same meeting, the brave and hardworking MDC Alliance National women vice -chairlady, Mrs Mugidho said,” Let it be known that l am not into politics for money. It’s Khupe who is into politics for money as she once confessed. Mwonzora-Komichi-Mudzuri and Khupe have decided to sell people’s struggle. I dare Mwonzora to recall. I don’t care. I am strongly behind President Chamisa and MDC Alliance party. “
In Chiredzi West, MDC Alliance cadres held a consultative meeting at MDC Alliance national women vice-chairlady’s house.
At the meeting, MDC Alliance National youth leader Ms Tsungi declared that, “We as MDC Alliance youth in Chiredzi West and nationally, we are behind President Chamisa and we are ready to defend and support our Party and President.”
The meeting did not end well as Central Intelligence officer interrupted the meeting. The vedio of CIOs interpruting the meeting is available (from councillor Mutubuki).
In the vedio, Chiredzi West MDC Alliance members are seen fearless engaging the cio operative.
In Chiredzi East, all MDC Alliance structures are very clear on President Chamisa. Mr Ian Makuni, a shadow councillor in ward 4 said, “We MDC Alliance councillors in Chiredzi East and our Member of Parliament support President Chamisa. We contested under our Party MDC Alliance. We declare our solidarity with President Chamisa and MDC family.”
In Chiredzi North, the support of President Chamisa is extraordinary among the structures and supporters. Mr Chinyanga, ward 24 in Chiredzi North said, “All MDC Alliance members in our Chiredzi North district totally supports MDC Alliance party and President Chamisa.”
In 4 Chiredzi constituencies, 2018 MDC Alliance shadow councillors and members of Parliament declared their support to MDC Alliance party and President Chamisa.
More so, many 2014 MDC Alliance structures declared their unwavering support to president Chamisa.
Mr Farai Chinobva, the MDC Alliance national organizing Manager said: “I applaud MDC Alliance structures in Chiredzi South and Chiredzi West for supporting MDC Alliance party and President Chamisa. Mwonzora, Khupe, Komichi and Mudzuri have been totally rejected in Masvingo province. Keep it up, Masvingo MDC Alliance family. I want to thank all those who are supporting these programs in different forms.”
In Masvingo West, the energetic MDC Alliance national youth member leader Tettler Mwatenga encouraged Masvingo West MDC Alliance youth when she, “l want to encourage youths in Masvingo West to rally behind our president Nelson Chamisa, to defend our party, to recruit more youths and to gear up for action.”
MDC Alliance National youth leader iron lady, Tettler Mwatenga has been involved in many MDC Alliance legal demonstrations fighting for youth emancipation.