FULL TEXT- Linda Masarira’s Invitation To Chamisa
8 June 2020
By A Correspondent- LEAD President Linda Masarira has invited opposition leader Nelson Chamisa to join rebrand, restrategise or join her party.
Masarira, who herself was once a member of the break away faction of the MDC T led by Thokozani Khupe before she fell out with her earstwhile leader leads her year old party, LEAD.
Said Masarira in an invitation to Chamisa:
Dear Nelson Chamisa
How have you been my brother? I’ve been following the events unfolding between your party and the MDC T. For your sanity, my advise to you is rebrand, restrategise and or join LEAD and let’s work togethre to Rebuild Zimbabwe. Tikabatana tinokunda, Siyambambana Siyangoba.”
Chamisa is yet to respond to the invitation.