Zimbawe Records 27 New Covid-19 Cases On Tuesday.
9 June 2020
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Own Correspondent

Twenty-seven new COVID-19 cases were recorded today, Tuesday 9 June 2020, the Ministry of Health and Child Care (MoHCC) has announced.

All the 27 people who tested positive are returnees from South Africa and this has taken the cumulative number of coronavirus cases to 314. In a statement issued on Tuesday evening, MoHCC said:

Twenty-seven (27) cases tested positive for COVID-19 today. These are all returnees from South Africa and are all isolated.

Today 515 RDT screening tests and 352 PCR diagnostic tests were done. The cumulative number of tests done to date is 54 535 (32 282 RDT and 22 253 PCR).

To date the total number of confirmed cases is 314; recovered 46, active cases 264 and 4 deaths, since the onset of the outbreak on 20 March 2020.

… A mask alone cannot protect you from COVID-19, you should always combine its use with these protective measures: –

  • Keep at least 1 metre distance from others.
  • Avoid touching the mask or face.
  • Clean hands frequently and thoroughly.