Let the show go on! Runaway drama series, Wadiwa Wepa Moyo lead actor Everson Chieza, known for his lead role as Man Tawa is back in the country after having been stuck in Botswana since the beginning of the lockdown.
The talented actor who could not travel back home due to Covid-19 travel restrictions finally made it back a fortnight ago. Upon arrival, he was quarantined at Plumtree High School and was eventually released on Monday.
He is now at his home in Harare with fans excited as this may signal the return of the soapie whose shooting of the second season, had been halted due to Man Tawa’s absence among other Covid-19 related reasons.
Speaking from his Harare, Chieza said: “I’m officially back home in Zimbabwe. This is after I underwent Covid-19 testing and quarantine. I was very cautious with my travelling and I’m glad that I tested negative.
“It really wasn’t an easy decision to travel back considering the situation, but I needed to do it in order to pursue my dreams and passion.”
Having taken such a risk, Chieza said fans must expect to see him on screens soon, undertaking different roles.
“Now there’s a whole lot more to expect. I know people are mostly excited by Wadiwa Wepa Moyo, but there’ll be more of me in different screenplays as a different person.
“My only hope though is that Wadiwa Wepa Moyo supporters adjust to seeing me as a different person in other screenplays. Now that I’m in Zimbabwe, it’s time to work,” he said.
Wadiwa Wepa Moyo series production manager, Kudakwashe Jani in a recent interview said the production is scheduled for January next year adding that they are working on other projects for now.
Among the forthcoming projects is a comedy movie titled Organised Crime which they hope will resonate with most locals just like Wadiwa Wepa Moyo.
-State Media