By A Correspondent- The government on Thursday released the mandatory Standard Operating Procedures in response to the coronavirus and compliance to the World Health Organisation (WHO) and Ministry of Health and Child Care, coronavirus prevention regulations.
The document outlines the dos and don’ts when schools reopen for examination classes this month and going forward.
Cambridge examinations pupils will resume lessons on September 14th while Zimbabwe School Examinations Council (ZIMSEC) candidates will reopen on September 28th.
ZIMSEC November 2020 public examinations were deferred to commence on the 1st of December due to the suspension of classes in March in response to SARS-CoV-2.
Below is a summary of the Standard Operating Procedures that will be adopted by all schools to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus:
- Pupils to wear masks
- Use hand sanitisers
- No hugs, no handshakes, no desk sharing
- No visitors in schools except essential service providers
- Break, lunchtime staggered
- Sports banned
- No school if unwell
- Underlying conditions must be declared to schools
- Maximum 35 kids in a classroom
- One metre apart
- Teachers to be trained to become health coordinators
- Temperature checks
- Schools mandated to have temporary isolation rooms