So Sad, Matorokisi Hit Maker, Makhadzi Has Not Received A Cent From All Her Music As Manager Takes All Her Money
29 November 2020
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Paul Nyathi


Believe it or not, even in 2020, artists are still getting exploited and abused by their management companies. 

Makhadzi Muimbi the young South African musician who came up with the smashing hit Matorokisi never got a cent on it.

Heart broken Makhadzi revealed on her Twitter page the ongoing struggle she is enduring to get her money from her manager.

She wrote:

“The only thing I did was to ask for my money from my ex manager for my previous album matrokisi and money for my royalties. What she did was to claim all my money and delete all video from Ytube including riyavenda with 10 milion views and matroksi with 8 milion views I didnt get a cent frm my albm.”

Since I asked her to claim my money from iTunes she said they were not working because of lockdown, now everything is back to normal she’s not answering my calls she blocked me . I don’t even know how much I did from my album . I am only surviving in shows.

I want my money. I paid my picanto car she doesn’t want to change ownership names ..if I can die tomorrow everything will be under her name …meaning I was born to be a slave I am tired.

Iam tired. I am praying for my self I can’t cope to see someone chewing my money like this I need strength but is not easy I am depressed .”