Son Fraudulent Raids Dad’s Properties, Gets Own Father Arrested | GILBERT BARON SCAM
25 August 2022
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By Business Correspondent | The case in which a Bulawayo man, Mr. Gilbert Baron is going after his elderly father’s estate, has seen the son begin processing fraudulent documents using the courts to obtain verdicts so to rip his father off, and as at the weekend, had gotten his dad arrested on defamation charges.

Defamation is no crime.

The latest development comes over a year after Gilbert Baron sued his father for defamation over allegations that the son stole the family cattle.

Last month, Gilbert Baron approached his father’s own lawyers, ‘Chitere, Chidawanyika and Partners.’

In the conflicting twist, the lawyer did not renounce agencies and took Gilbert Baron who was the complainant to his father (the dad ‘s sister being the client)

On the 19 January 2022, the lawyers made a deed of settlement and withdrew the cases against the family because of the evidence of perjury.

Had it gone further, Gilbert Baron would have fallen into police hands over perjury.

Gilbert Baron

The brother, William, narrates his complaint saying:

After this date, “we woke up to our surprise see Gilbert Baron has registered a new company called, Tubmech and the same lawyers’ whose partner, Tondo Chitere went ahead to represent him and perform a ‘deed of sale, and transfer’ with fraudulent documents of an undervalued property (figures lowered so that they don’t pay a lot of taxes.)

“As a family home, the lawyer did not check with the other party who is Mr Thomas Baron or check if there was an exchange of money and if it did happen; why was the money not put into a trust account with the lawyers who did the conveyancing.

“Had I William Baron not put a caveat on Plot 17, it would have been stolen.”

On paper, Gilbert Baron is claiming his mother, Theresa, is behind the sale.

William told ZimEye this is not the case at all.

“The excuse is that Mrs Baron filed a divorce and the property was put in her name (so she can sell it), yet on the title deeds, it reads: ‘Mrs Baron married to Thomas Baron’ and Mr Baron has the agreement of sale from who he purchased the property,” he said.

Efforts to get a comment from Gilbert Baron were fruitless at the time of writing, though he later picked the phone up under subterfuge. He briefly interacted with ZimEye for over 3 minutes before dropping the call after being asked about why he is abusing his parents. Below was the phone call streamed LIVE: