Massive Cover Up As State House Soldiers Kill Man “Who Wanted To Break Into Premises”
26 August 2022
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By Farai D Hove | A suspected cover up has been reported after a Harare Man, Levi Musenda was killed by Presidential Guard officers who accused him of trying to break into the premises.

The ZRP on Wednesday confirmed receiving a complaint from the Masenda family following their loved one’s sudden death.

Part of the report states:

Reference in made to the above matter wherein we are favoured with instructions ta act for and on behalf of Mr Job Musenda the biological father of The late Levi Musenda and the Musenda family at large at whose specific instance and request, we currently address you. Kindly nide cur interest. Our client advises as follows: Background. On or about the 19th of August 2G22, the now deceased levy Musenda who was mentally challenged person but stable and on medication left home and got into town to carry out some errand of his own…

Reference in made to the above matter wherein we are favoured with instructions ta act for and on behalf of Mr Job Musenda the biological father of The late Levi Musenda and the Musenda family at large at whose specific instance and request, we currently address you. Kindly nide cur interest. Our client advises as follows: Background. On or about the 19th of August 2G22, the now deceased levy Musenda who was mentally challenged person but stable and on medication left home and got into town to carry out some errand of his own…