By A Correspondent | Reports circulating in parliament have accused the corruption-charged, Gokwe Nembudziya MP, Justice Wadyajena of paying both the Speaker, and the Clerk of Parliament. How can the Clerk ignore this Wadyajena matter and only respond to the one of Blinart?, a whistleblower asked ZimEye. Wadyajena cannot chair a committee when he has a case of corruption against him.
The Speaker and the Clerk were still to comment on the allegations at the time of writing.
Anonymous sources also alleged that ZANU PF Makoni South MP Misheck Mataranyika (Vice Chairperson of the African Parliamentarians Network Against Corruption (APNAC) is one of the officials paid by Wadjajena, and this was after Mataranyika had published the following response:
Honourable Chairman, Sir.
The issue that you address in that press statement is an important issue that we would all want to see being handled fairly and concluded logically within the dictates of the standing rules and orders of Parliament of Zimbabwe and laws of Zimbabwe.
However, I have strong reservations when you take and express the position of APNAC unilaterally without consulting fellow members. In my humble view a meeting of the Committee should have been called up and the matter tabled for discussion before agreeing on the course of action including drafting of a press statement, if that is the agreed direction to be taken by the Committee.
The problem with taking unilateral action is that it is likely to lack ownership by members of the Committee, and that is not good governance of an organisation. Members, or majority of members, should identify with the position and/ or line of action taken by the organisation, something that has not been tested in this particular case. This reasoning applies to this case and any other case that may come before the APNAC Committee in future.
With all due respect, I therefore call upon you, Hon Chair, to withdraw the statement and urgently call for a meeting of the Committee to deliberate on the matter. This is the correct, professional and transparent manner of running any Committee business, APNAC included.
I have written this response to your purported press statement in my capacity as both, a bona fide member and Vice Chairman of APNAC Zimbabwe.
M.D. Mataranyika (Hon)
Vice Chairperson APNAC Zimbabwe.
The Speaker and the Clerk were still to comment on the allegations at the time of writing.