THE Agriculture Finance Corporation Holdings appeared before the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development where they were quizzed on the controversy surrounding the appointment of senior officials.
Appearing before the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Lands, Agriculture Fisheries Water and Rural Development this Tuesday, the AFC Board provided conflicting views on the criteria used to appoint AFC Holdings Chief Executive Officer after it emerged that he was the third best in interviews.
“In what capacity did this appointment come when the first candidate scored 98.7% on the interviews?” probed the chairperson Justice Mayor Wadyajena
“We had shortlisted the first six candidates and recommended to the board for the appointment of the first one, if he had declined the offer, the second best candidate would have been hired,” responded the AFC Human resource chair
Did the act specify who should be appointed and what was the recommendation from the HR committee?” asked legislators.
“We had the list and recommended the first candidate with the best score. I can not respond whether I was happy or not,’ said
Dr shadreck Makombe AFC Holdings Human Resources Chairperson.
Asked to furnish the committee with the letter of appointment from the parent ministry, the board chairman had more than a single definite response.
“Mr Chair, we ran out of money to prepare the number of documents for you we had short notice, we only submitted the list to the ministry where we also got the final name of the one appointed,” said James Mutizwa, Chairman of AFC Holdings.
AFC Holdings Board is now expected to re-appear before the committee as a whole after failing to provide all the requisite details, including the Chief Executive Officer’s resume.
-State Media