By-The troubled Zanu PF government has issued a bread propaganda statement to calm the pressed citizens who can longer afford to buy bread.
A loaf of bread costs US$1,20, and the clueless Emmerson Mnangagwa administration blames this astronomical price on the Russia-Ukraine war.
On Friday, the regime said the bread prices would drop owing to “a bumper wheat harvest”.
Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development Minister Anxious Masuka told reporters in Harare.
“To cushion consumers with affordable flour and bread, the price of wheat to millers by the Grain Marketing Board (GMB) will be reduced by 4,4 percent from US$680 per metric tonne to US$650 per metric tonne, payable in the ratio of US$33:$67 (33 percent payable in US dollars and 67 percent in local currency).
“The price also takes into consideration macroeconomic fundamentals and the likely impact of the floor price on the exchange rate, and the price of commodities such as flour and bread,” said Masuka.
Wheat and wheat flour imports, Masuka said, will be suspended, as the country anticipates self-sufficiency in domestic requirements. Grain Millers Association of Zimbabwe chairperson Mr Tafadzwa Musarara explained the mechanics behind the expected drop in the price of bread.
“With the bumper harvest that has a surplus to our local requirement, it means we are going to export some of our soft wheat in return for the 30 percent hard wheat, which is a smart way of doing business because we will not need foreign currency to import.
“What this means is, once we have enough flour at a reduced price as tabled by the Government, the flour price and bread price will eventually drop,” he said.
On Friday, Masuka announced prices of wheat pegged in US dollars to preserve the value of wheat throughout the season, with ordinary grade of wheat slated at US$620 per tonne while premium grade is US$682.
-Sunday Mail