Tips For Artisanal Miners
22 January 2023
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Business Correspondent| Three Wingers Enterprises is planning to introduce training and empowerment lessons for miners.

The company says miners are losing thousands of dollars due to lack of proper knowledge in the field.

According to the company, artisanal miners need be to equipped with essential knowledge as well.

See statement below:

In response to high rise in people investing in mining losing thousands of dollars because of lack of knowledge and experience in the difference between Artisanal mining we are in process of developing any institution that will address that .

By 1 giving theory to specific small scale Mining areas.
2 give practical lessons on scale Mining
3 give small scale Mining management especially finance management.

4 Teach to raise funds and identify all key finance leakage points.
5 introduce you to mining compliance
6 train you in different mining environments and familiarize with small scale Mining agreements and loopholes firsthand and many more.


By providing accommodation inside a mine

Giving out theory lectures and practical lessons.
Introduce you to key players in the industry.

Later on plans
To establish fund in partnership with banks for students who concentrate and spend time at the mine to guarantee for loan.
To establish an online assistance through our digital network.

N.B for existence mines cyanide process assistance is taking shape from building tanks up to first elution for those with dump .

For more information

Call /WhatsApp 0774028830 for more

Facebook: Gold Mining Consultancy Zimbabwe
