Chipo Maria Sisimayi
1958 – 2023
Yesterday the bodily remains of Chipo Maria Sisimayi arrived home from the UK for burial at Glen Forest Memorial Park tomorrow Sunday 11th June.
She was known to many as a power house of worship, prayer, bible study, intercessions and spiritual messaging
She was an aggregator of inter-denominational worship, in Zimbabwe and the UK, bringing together hordes of women, mainly, into regular sessions of prayer.
The Boka ladies grouping has been robbed.
She mentored dozens, she comforted loads, she uplifted many.
Heaven is richer with her arrival
In her prayers I was a permanent, I was a constant feature, she was such a willing conduit to my Maker, yes she was, her own assumed mandate.
Beyond being a solid spiritual pillar she was a legion of things to Fran and I – adviser, confidante, lender, financier, guardian, teacher.
Our children know her role in our lives and in theirs
She will be missed deeply.
To Israel and to the children, Shamiso, Mike, Otis and Ngezvashe, our deepest sympathies in this shared loss.
Wishing everyone strength.
Rest in Peace, maiguru – you will always be there. – Ben Manyenyeni