By Dr Raymond Chamba | It is difficult, nearly impossible, for any local leader to truly have a heart for Zimbabwe if they are not Zimbabwean. This is simply a fact. One must harbor a deep disdain for the people to pull off this feat of committed, sustained, structured repression.
All these great and elegant debates on policymaking are a mockery to the ordinary person and meaningless when you realize and understand the satanic indifference of our leaders to the material circumstances of the common Farai/Farisai. It takes a certain inhumanity to properly consider the man-made, accelerated, and continued destruction of our once-beautiful country to the benefit of committed looters, political plotters, and occultists.
All I prophesy is that the next change of government won’t be a pleasant TV drama affair, with old folks being cajoled to sign certain legal papers on power transfer.
There is no easy slumber nor safe sanctuary for the wicked and current Vandals, as much as they publicly wax lyrical nonchalantly and exude an attitude of control and confidence. Political karma is locked, loaded, laser-beamed, and fast ranging for their heads.
The perpetuation and hyper-acceleration of intransigence point to only one thing: the final countdown and reckoning. We are not headed for Venus.
Only Methodists could capture, sing, and guide this understanding most poignantly and accordingly with “muchazowepi kana tsuri yorira…” they would remind and challenge the soul.
Zimbabwe, cry no more. Zimbabwe, nyarara mwanawe. Zimbabwe, usaore moyo saNeria. Zimbabwe, God sees, understands, and hears your pain. Hush, Zimbabwe, hush, push…
“These Egyptians you shall see no more.” – Exodus 14:13