Top Pastor Loses US$5000 In Fake Chrome Deal
26 November 2024
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By Crime and Courts Reporter-Top Cleric and businessman Shingi Munyeza has lost nearly half a million dollars to a fake Chrome dealer.

Munyeza lost US$ 4,930 trying to buy chrome from a man who posed as an agent for ZimAlloys.

Simbarashe Elvis Kariwo, the man Munyeza claims deceived him, initially appeared in court on Saturday and was remanded in custody for bail considerations.

The case has since been postponed to Friday.
Allegations are that on June 10,  at Samatsatsa Complex in Harare, Kariwo misrepresented to Munyeza that he was an agent of ZimAlloys and was in the business of selling chrome.

He allegedly then took Munyeza to Sutton Mine in Mutorashanga and introduced him to the ‘mine managers’.

Munyeza believed that Kariwo was indeed an agent of ZimAlloys.

Acting upon the misrepresentation, Munyeza gave Kariwo US$4930 for the deal.

However, Kariwo did not supply the chrome as promised. Munyeza later made a follow-up with the mine and was told that Kariwo was not their agent. That is when Munyeza realised that he had been duped and filed a police report.

Polite Chikiwa appeared for the State while Killian Mandiki represented Kariwo.
-State Media