Yes, good evening.
Yes, good evening. Good evening, Mozambique. Good evening, Mozambique.
Good evening to all Mozambicans. Good evening to all Mozambicans.
Good evening, Africa. Good evening, Africa.
Good evening to the diaspora, Europe, America. Good evening to the diaspora, Europe, America.
Good evening, Asia, Australia, Oceania, Antarctica, and the rest of the world. Good evening, Asia, Australia, Oceania, Antarctica, and the rest of the world.
The known and the unknown. The known and the unknown.
If you are already connected to this live broadcast, you can share it with 30 people, as this is the most important live session of our struggle, which has been ongoing for about two and a half months—
or, let’s say, two months and one week.
So share this live broadcast so we can all interact today and talk a little because I know there has been much anticipation regarding this live session.
So you can share this live broadcast. I know news services are running on television because right now it must be around 8:15 PM, 8:15 or 10:20 PM, I believe, in Mozambique.
Are you connecting to the live now? If you are connecting now, you can also share this live broadcast with 30 people or 30 groups. Share the live with 30 people or 30 groups.
Thank you very much.
Well, I think once we have 30,000 people, we can start our live session, and I believe we’re getting close to that.
Good evening. Good evening. To those who are connecting now, join our live session. Share the link of our live broadcast with 30 people or 30 groups, all right? Let’s see if we can get the maximum number of people connected.
It will be a very short live session—10 or 15 minutes, no more.
So it would be good if we start talking when the largest number of people is connected here.
Good evening, Mozambique. Good evening, Mozambique. Good evening, Youssef. Good evening, Youssef.
Good evening, Nelson Tinga. Good evening, Nelson Tinga. Good evening, Maybeck.
Good evening, Tina Francisco. Good evening, Tina Francisco.
Good evening, Gina… Gilda Manhesa, António, Patrício… I am also happy to see you. Good evening, Gina… Gilda Manhesa, António, Patrício… I am also happy to see you.
Good evening, Pace Wamus, João Félix, Jaime Mariquel, Danice. Good evening to all. Good evening to all.
Good evening. Good evening.
Well, for those who are connected, don’t forget to share the live session now with 30 people because it will be very short and brief, okay?
So, José Francisco Capesse. Okay. Canilde… Canilde? Ozzy? Ziraldo, good evening. Psychologist Carmelo de Xixongues, are you there? Brother, how are you? Uncle Lorino, good life. Ed, Estevão. Antonino… Bazo. Perfect, okay.
We wanted to start the live session with about 30 people, but now we’re close to 50,000 people. I think we can start our live session today, right?
But make sure you’re watching and have shared the link with at least 30 people.
May the Lord bless our entire country.
May the Lord deliver us from this calamitous situation our country is currently in.
The country is in a valley.
But we are confident that through His grace and mercy, the Lord will deliver the country from this situation and will shine upon Mozambique.
As we always say, Mozambique will be a great nation, and no one can stop that.
Thank you, Lord.
Well, dear friends, what do we have to talk about today? Many people must be asking, “But, Venâncio, what happened?”
Venâncio, I’ve been through mountains, valleys, walls, storms, tornadoes, cyclones, but I am standing firm by God’s grace and mercy.
What do we have to talk about today?
I announce my plan to return to Mozambique on January 9, at 8:05 AM; I invite people to meet me at the airport.
Until Thursday, January 9, at 8:05 AM, at Mavalane International Airport.
A big hug, a kiss, and goodbye! – ZimEye