Think tank Claims Mnangagwa Popularity
12 January 2025
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By A Correspondent

Zanu PF’s recent claim that 98.9% of Zimbabweans are satisfied with President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s leadership has sparked intense debate. The figure, sourced from Afrobarometer, a leading think tank on African governance, seems unusually high, especially considering the country’s economic struggles and limited political freedoms.

Afrobarometer’s reputation for conducting independent surveys is well-established, but critics argue that the survey’s methodology, sample size, and potential biases may be flawed. Zimbabwe’s history of electoral controversies and reports of harassment and intimidation in certain regions raise questions about the accuracy of the findings.

Many Zimbabweans are struggling with daily hardships, including inflation, power shortages, and a high cost of living. These issues dominate conversations across the country and could lead many to question the accuracy of the survey. Opposition leaders and critics of Mnangagwa’s government have expressed concerns about the country’s economic struggles and limited political freedoms.

The CCC spokesperson, Fadzayi Mahere, stated that surveys that do not reflect the everyday struggles of Zimbabweans fail to capture the true essence of public sentiment. “We are seeing growing frustration from citizens who are concerned about the state of the economy and the erosion of democratic rights.”

Zanu PF’s portrayal of the survey results reflects a desire to project stability and legitimacy ahead of future elections. However, the true test of public opinion will come in future elections, where Zimbabweans will have the chance to voice their approval or disapproval at the ballot box. Until then, the debate over Mnangagwa’s leadership will likely continue.