By Mayor David Coltart| A close friend of mine who is a businessman in Mozambique has sent me his assessment of the situation prevailing in Mozambique.
“Mozambique is one of the best kept secrets of Africa because of illiteracy, the language Português and its resources. Because of this there is little understanding of what is actually going on within the country.
Joaquim Chissano the former President who took over from Late President Samora Machel has spoken about the Venâncio Mondlane uprising as follows “No one since 1975 ( year of independence) has confronted us this way”.
Common talk is that Frelimo has never ever really won a free and fair election. People must remember that in 1994 Renamo under Dlakama officially managed 43% of the vote and Afonso Dlakama disputed the election until earstwhile enemy Mugabe had to intervene. It is believed that he did win the election but the seemingly less sophisticated outfit Executive he led was unappealing even to Europe and thus his cries were overlooked.
Chissano’s statement that “Since 1975 no one has confronted us like Venâncio Mondlane” ,makes the late Dlakama’s words seem prophetic. Afonso Dlakama said once on TV ,””Ad vir alguem mas Malandro Que Dlakama’ ( One leader will emerge naughtier than Dlakama).
Dlakama was succeeded by his deputy when he died , one Ussufo Momade , a Military General from the island of Mozambique. He was feared and rumoured to be ruthless. But with time and with Frelimo making moves into Renamo Momade has lost popularity and the public feel he is a sellout to Frelimo. Some unconfirmed rumours say his son married Filipe Nyusi’s daughter. In the last election Ussufo Momade’s Renamo lost badly to Frelimo which won 73%. In that election Venâncio Mondlane, who was in the Renamo party, is rumored to have won election to Mayor of Maputo. But peripheral Local authority votes from small towns like Marracuene were brought in to wipe out his lead . Everyone now says Frelimo should have let Venâncio be Mayor of Maputo because he might have not had ambitions to be National President.
Indeed Venâncio Mondlane is, as Dlakama said “naughty”. He is an ex bank worker, a qualified Evangelical Pastor and has been a member of most if not all major political parties in Mozambique. Talk of Frelimo – he has been there; he has been in Simango’s MDM , then Renamo was his penultimate party where he challenged Momade for the Party Presidency and was undemocratically and physically blocked from contesting. His supporters were beaten up at the Renamo Congress including Quelimane Mayor Araujo.
Without an alternative Venâncio approached little known PODEMOS a party that previously had not held seats in parliament. Riding on Venâncio’s popularity they won 43 seats in parliament.
Everyone I talk to in Mozambique ( And because of my business contacts and having worked here 24 years both north , south and centre my contacts base is wide ) says Venâncio Mondlane won the election. In Maputo my lady taxi driver told me “I am a Frelimo person but I voted Venâncio.” Those who voted Frelimo say ,” It’s about time Frelimo took a hiding ! We are Frelimo but don’t like how they Govern!” It is believed the Frelimo Candidate Daniel Chapo, a reasonable looking and sounding experienced administrator, who speaks both Shona and English, wanted a GNU and Frelimo said no. Chissano, Guebuza and Nyusi are said to be the agitators of stubbornness. It is said Chissano said “Náo vamos entregar!”( We won’t hand over ) saying “All of us around this table will end up in jail”. Chissano and Guebuza and one Chipande from the north ( rumored to be the first to fire a bullet against the Portuguese and related to Nyusi ) are the remnants of the struggle. They unofficially, fairly or unfairly, are suspected to be plotters against Samora Machel and their illegal practices made them want to keep Soviet style impervious secrecy . Samora Machel was against Politics mixing with business. Under Nyusi the kidnappings backed by Police ( there are cases where Europeans or Aga Khan Moslems have been kidnapped and representations have been made to Government and victims have been immediately released), drug dealings have increased. It is alleged that even Frelimo candidates for parliament are not chosen through primary elections but have to pay up to a million Meticais US$16 000)to become a candidate.
Now Podemos the party that borrowed Venâncio have been compromised by Nyusi ( familiar Zanu PF tactics ) They will be sworn in today . So Venâncio is now in conflict with Podemos .
People even believe the vandalism and looting that happened was sponsored by Frelimo to make Venâncio look bad .
But one may ask where does this wide support for Venâncio even from?
- Frelimo supporters ?
- Frelimo Executives ?
- Police ?
- Army ?
People are tired of greed and corruption. Corruption is now endemic in Mozambique: - People who earn as little as 8000 Meticais a month are still expected to pay bribes of up to 200 000 Meticais for their children to get jobs;
- Patients in hospitals don’t get attendance unless they pay 200 Meticais:
- Drug dealer Indians and Mulatos ( Coloureds )in the north are the biggest contributors to Frelimo and are a law unto themselves;
- Students in colleges and Universities cannot get good marks unless they pay a lecturer a bribe or agree to sex favors;
- Even the war in the north is not believed to be genuine. No explanation is given as to what it is for !
There is suspense in the Country about what is going to happen now that Venâncio is back . He is now without a base as even his own Members of Parliament have been compromised. But he definitely has a larger base, which is the people.
Credit should go to Mozambican population for its political maturity. All the fervor about Venâncio is neither tribal no Regional. It is spontaneous and cross provincial . Credit should go to founder President Samora Machel for having made an effort to make Portuguese the local lingua Franca.
This story isnt over yet because neither Frelimo nor Podemos have the backing of the vast majority of the people.”