Full statement by Bishop Ancelimo Magaya
Presidential term extension to 2030/33 is unconstitutional and will be resisted.
God watches in derision-seeing the machinations of wicked regimes. A “well” crafted strategy to recall democratically elected MPs post 2023 elections to create an opposition in parliament that passively acquiesces to the behind the scene orchestrated 2030 plan, persecution of the likes of Ngarivhume and Sikhala, a constitution of an unjust judiciary service under the leadership of Chief Justice Malaba, current cabinet and security sect reshuffling, and possible including extending years of retirement from 65 -70 years -is all one script. It is a ploy to extend president Mnangagwa’ s term of office with less difficulties .
Mr President Sir, demonstrate your genuineness in being a constitutionalist by doing the following. First publicly announce in no uncertain terms that those that are signing the 2030 and lately 2033 chorus are a threat not only to the integrity of your party but also to the security of the nation and therefore will face arrest if they keep bleating the 2030/33 mantra like the sheep in Animal Farm by George Orwell.
Second report those bleating to the police if they do not abandon their chorus so that they get arrested for abusing you and dragging your image (as a constitutionalist) into disrepute.
Third, 2028 (the year for the next election) is near and it is prudent for you to allow your internal party process to elect the person who will stand in for zanu-pf so that you will begin to mentor the person . Avoid equivocation and plan to leave your party and Zimbabwe in a better state. If you do so, you will go down history as a leader that decided to end well: mending the past record and leaving a good legacy. We serve the God of a second chance. Any leader who has access to you (whether political, civic or church) who has not told you this does not truly love you and they are either opportunistic, cowards, moral failures or all of the above.
To a section of the church that wantonly joins the 2030 chorus- desperately adopting a policy of appeasement, l pray that the Lord God Almighty that discerns the intention of the heart from afar (Heb 4: 12) revive your conscience. It is tragic to speak it yet true to say that some church leaders are sacrificing their conscience.God forbid.
To all Zimbabweans from across the political divide, civic society and churches, we are more than this rubber stamping crew. We can, without any stone throwing or any other act of violence defend the constitution and help the president to be a true constitutionalist in keeping with his promise that he will step down in 2028.
God save Zimbabwe.