Avoid Overtaking On Bridges
23 January 2025
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1) ON A BRIDGE: Avoid overtaking on bridges; bridges are dangerous places to overtake as you don’t have other places to go than inside the water, or colliding with opposing cars if anything happens.

2) ON A BEND: When there is a bend, please don’t overtake any matter how clear you think the road is, it is very dangerous as you can’t see oncoming vehicles.

3) SHARP SLOPES: It is also dangerous to overtake as your brake system may not work the way you expect.

4) LOW VISIBILITY: Don’t overtake if you cannot see ahead clearly due to bad weather conditions or any other reason.

5) RAINING: When it is raining heavily don’t overtake, because the road may be slippery, and your visibility is low.

6) WHEN YOU ARE FOLLOWING CONVOY OF FAST-MOVING CARS: Avoid overtaking fast-moving/speeding cars. It is always dangerous to do that. Don’t compete with them either.

7) WHEN THE ROAD IS TOO NARROW: some roads are too narrow for two vehicles at the same time, avoid overtaking on these kinds of roads. On such roads, you need to slow down and be prepared to stop if the need arises.

😎 AGGRESSIVE DRIVERS: Avoid overtaking aggressive drivers. These are drivers who increase their speed whenever you try to overtake them to prevent you from overtaking. These kinds of drivers see these as race tracks, they are dangerous drivers and can easily cause road accidents.

9) WHEN YOU CAN SEE A VEHICLE COMING FROM THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION: Don’t assume the car is far, your judgment may be wrong. Many people go to their graves before they realize their mistakes. It is safer not to overtake when the oncoming car is already in view, please be careful with this.

10) NIGHT DRIVING: Driving in the night involves great caution and carefulness, if you cannot see clearly please don’t overtake, if you don’t have good eyesight, don’t drive in the night at all, if you must do it, drive carefully.

Safety First and Arrive Alive

Produced by
Safety and Victims Advocacy Foundation (The Gambia)


In collaboration with The Traffic Pulse Newsletter

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