Investigating officer in the matter involving MDC Alliance Deputy Chairperson Job Sikhala, Detective Assistance Inspector Victor Mukohwa had a torrid time justifying the police decision to arrest the firebrand politician without a warrant of arrest.
Human rights lawyer Jeremiah Bhamu, today questioned Mukohwa on why they invited Sikhala for an interview instead of visiting him as someone accused of committing a serious crime.
“Can you look at the press statement and show the court where it alleges that Job Sikhala was an accused person and can you then show the court the offence alleged against Job Sikhala in that press statement?” questioned Bhamu.
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Mukohwa was unable to justify why he executed an arrest without a warranty but relied on the police press statement which mentioned Sikhala as wanted for an interview.
“Why did you not make efforts if you wanted to arrest him like you are claiming that it is a serious offence? You should have visited not him coming to you, he was not looking for a job at the police,” he said.
Bhamu further questioned if Sikhala ever looked for a job at the police requiring an interview.
Another lawyer, Harrison Nkomo demanded that Mukohwa produce evidence of the police diaries to prove that they visited Sikhala’s place of residence looking for him.
“Detective, you are failing to give evidence to the court as to which day you looked for Sikhala. You brought a video which Sikhala shot at his office, but you did not go there.
“Sikhala also mentioned it in that video that if you are looking for him you should call him and he will come since he was in his home village but you did not bother,” said Nkomo further accusing the police of lying to the court that they were looking for Sikhala for a month to justify their opposition against his granting of bail.
However, Mukohwa insisted that the entire police tried to look for Sikhala but failed to located him though he failed to tell the court the dates they visited the Zengeza West legislator’s home.
Mukohwa could not answer why the police arrested Sikhala without a warrant of arrest.