PICTURES: Scruffy Lost Bob In Mauritius
20 March 2017
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President Robert Mugabe abandoned his suit and tie to attend the Africa Economic Forum. he looked lost and in a daze as he walked among properly dressed Heads Of State. This is Mugabe’s 4th trip outside Zimbabwe in 19 days.


0 Replies to “PICTURES: Scruffy Lost Bob In Mauritius”

  1. I wonder if the European Billion Dollar Baby is backing him. Cant recall name but Prince Harold of England was consorting with the rich guys daughter!

  2. Goddie, he is also a civil servant, so he should also abide by the code of dressing for civil servant that his ministers have proposed. This kind of dressing in such a high profile meetings only stands to confirm his demented state. This man is nothing but a moving ghost. Where was his Whore grace and his close security men leaving him to this embarrassment? This is not only sad but also making Zimbabwe populace a laughing stock to the world

  3. Zimbabweans someone behind Mugabe staying in power is more evil than the devil. If it’s over times as is done in industry it’s to bad. This is healthy condition driven attire. Mugabe will die in one of these meetings Grace must practise what his name says. this is evil.

  4. Problem yekuroora Hure. Hauzorori muhupenyu wako. Hure keeps demanding, mukadzi chaiye anoti chizororayi baba zvakwana.

  5. It must be hot andhumid wherever he is. But I like how he looks- looking more ordinary and informal. I wish he would do that back home. Not all the time but from time to time

  6. Anybody who thinks sir cool should continue at the helm of Zim must be charged with crime against humanity

  7. Guys give this lost soul a break. Zvaakabata zvikukutu. He cant afford to retire because he will lose everything. First his wife Grace will go for a spree of being bonked by tom and jacks, his children will be arrested for drug abuse. This is a man arikurumwa nechekuchera, he has killed his cdes and he is now even of his shadow. Mupeiwo zororo musharukwa uyo. Zvaakabata zvomutambudza. Unoda nyasha musharukwa uyu. Common sense dzavakutambira kure naye