Comfort Dondo Receives US State Seal for Groundbreaking Domestic Violence Prevention
25 June 2024
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By A Correspondent | ZimEye | Saint Paul, MN – June 25, 2024 | In a significant acknowledgment of her efforts to combat domestic and sexual violence, Comfort Dondo has been awarded the prestigious State Seal Recognition by the Governor of Minnesota. The certificate, presented by Governor Tim Walz, highlights Dondo’s exceptional service to Phumulani Minnesota African Women Against Domestic and Sexual Violence and her pioneering establishment of the Healing Well Project.

The official ceremony took place at the Capitol in Saint Paul, where Dondo was honored for her dedication and impact on the community. The certificate of recognition lauds her contribution to supporting African women and her role in creating a safe and healing environment for survivors of

“This recognition is a testament to Comfort Dondo’s unwavering commitment to advocacy and support for victims of domestic and sexual violence. Her work has not only provided immediate assistance to those in need but has also paved the way for long-term healing and empowerment,” said Governor Walz during the ceremony.

The Healing Well Project, founded by Dondo, is the first of its kind, offering comprehensive support services tailored to the unique needs of African women. The project provides a safe space for healing and recovery, addressing both the physical and psychological scars of abuse.

Comfort Dondo’s leadership and vision have been instrumental in raising awareness about domestic violence within the African community in Minnesota. Her efforts have mobilized resources, fostered collaboration among community organizations, and most importantly, given a voice to those who have long been silenced.

The State Seal Recognition marks a significant milestone in Dondo’s career, serving as a powerful reminder of the positive change that dedicated individuals can bring to society. As she continues her work, Dondo remains a beacon of hope and resilience for countless women and families affected by domestic and sexual violence.

For more information on Comfort Dondo and the Healing Well Project, visit Phumulani’s official website.

About Comfort Dondo

Comfort Dondo is a prominent advocate for domestic and sexual violence prevention, focusing on the African immigrant community in Minnesota. She is the founder of the Healing Well Project and has been actively involved in numerous initiatives aimed at supporting survivors and promoting their well-being.

About the Healing Well Project

The Healing Well Project is a comprehensive support initiative that provides African women survivors of domestic and sexual violence with the resources they need to heal and rebuild their lives. The project offers a range of services, including counseling, legal assistance, and community support programs.

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