ZimEye Ethics Policy

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As the ZimEye network strives to ensure its publications is unbiased, trustworthy, accountable and ethical, it also daily pursues the uplift of the human potential.

We understand the importance of accuracy, integrity, reliability, and balance.

Editors and Author Responsibilities

We pursue the 12 sides to every story approach, a concept of our invention as we seek collaboration with authors, editors and customers who expect from us reliable and objective information.

ZimEye believes in transparency, accountability and honesty. Therefore, ZimEye commits to correct mistakes promptly. ZimEye believes that accuracy is equally essential; we ensure expediency in making corrections when needed.

ZimEye is dedicated to informing its readers when it has made a mistake (however big or small), conveying the error’s severity, and providing the correct information as soon as the mistake is brought to attention.

When an error is detected within an article, ZimEye works to find the correct information and clearly display the corrections wherever possible within the article. The corrections will include:

– The correct information.

– What was originally published that was incorrect.

– The date (and time, if available) when the change took place.

The process to report errors from within articles is made easy to understand, by providing an email address and form to contact us at the beginning of each article.

Whenever errors cannot be amended within the body of an article’s content, corrections are displayed clearly in the last paragraph of the news content. Rather than remove completely the content containing a mistake, we provide clarification and admittance of our mistakes to preserve transparency as we also uphold accountability.

AUTHORS’ RESPONSIBILITIES (Adapted from Reuters Standards)

Peer Review – Authors will participate constructively with the peer-review process, as set out in the journal’s own web page.

Originality – Authors published in ZimEye journals warrant that their research is original work. Except in exceptional circumstances, previously published work will not be considered.

Conflict of Interest – Authors will make clear any financial contributions received in support of the research, howsoever obtained

Choice of sources — Authors will be expected to reference content as fully as possible and substantiating submissions by using credible easily identifiable sources, e.g. an established law report series rather than summaries and extracts posted to a particular website. Authors shall ensure that the reasoning of any case cited is capable of supporting the propositions the authors make.

Conflicting accounts — Authors will endeavour to ensure that any content based on conflicting accounts provides the reader with a full and accurate description of all relevant accounts, in addition to identifying reasons why there may be discrepancies in the accounts provided, e.g. that the second of the two accounts came from a source closer to the decision-maker.

Language and balance (neutrality) – Authors published in ZimEye will provide content which provides the reader with the material to fully understand the argument or issue presented. All content must be measured and supported by evidence.

Language (non-inflammatory) — Authors published in ZimEye journals will provide content with suitably measured language, avoiding hyperbole and unduly provocative or overly-critical linguistic constructions.

Extracted material — Authors published in ZimEye journals will ensure that any extracted material is reproduced accurately, is fully referenced and is clearly delineated from the substantive text.

Context — Authors published in ZimEye will ensure that any comments, opinions, conclusions etc. are provided with sufficient context for the reader to fully appreciate the circumstances in which those comments, opinions and conclusions are made, e.g. “Given the severe economic circumstances, the town’s residents felt that they had little choice but to work without declaring the income that they had earned” rather than “the town’s residents had to work but they chose not to pay their taxes”.