God Has Given Mugabe Another Chance – Prophet Wutaunashe
5 October 2014
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God has given President Robert Mugabe another chance, Prophet Andrew Wutaunashe said just after the July 2013 elections. Wutaunashe who is the founder of the Family of God church told ZimEye that Mugabe was last year  given another chance “to complete his work.”
A year later, this article revisits what he said about “Mugabe’s chance”:
He said God showed him a picture of how the post election Zimbabwe will be and told him ” I am going to give the old man an opportunity to complete his work.”
He added that he himself then told President Mugabe: “the years of collegial government you had with these people (The MDC) were not a waste of time.”
He said that contrary to what political apologists have said before, the government of national unity has actually brought respect among politicians from both warring groups.
When confronted over his alleged bias towards ZANU PF as widely reported, Wutaunashe said this is not true at all. He revealed that he has not only acted as a mediator between the parties but has also personally advised key MDC icons who follow his church teachings.
“When I was doing my mediation (between ZANU PF and MDC) there (between 2007 and 2008), my message was come together for the interest of the people because in the end what matters in any politician’s mind is that it is the people that matter,” he said referring to the need for the 2013-ended government of national unity. He said the doldrums the country went into were because of politicians’ failure to simply agree with each other, one elderly refusing to work with the other.
Mugabe and Tsvangirai learnt from each other
Wutaunashe however said that during the years running up to 2013, both Mugabe and Tsvangirai developed themselves by learning from each other.
“I actually believe that despite all hostilities, Tsvangirai learnt a lot from Mugabe, and vice versa as well,” he said
Tsvangirai Ignored Wutaunashe’s Advice?
On another subject, Wutaunashe sounded that MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai ignored advice concerning the ideology of Pan Africanism. In the two years running up to the year the MDC-T was founded, Prophet Wutaunashe had told an international delegation in a Johannesburg in 1997 that future African politics will have to be Pan African in nature and be geared towards ‘perfecting the work of liberation revolutionaries’. The conference was titled: “Restoring Dignity to Africa.” One of the attendants who followed guides from the conference, Nervous Mumba from Zambia, soon struck luck after the conference becoming Zambia’s Vice President under former President Levy Mwanawasa as earlier prophesied at the conference. At present, Mumba is rumoured to be standing as a strong challenger for the Presidency, said Wutaunashe.
Prophet Wutaunashe indicated to ZimEye that had Tsvangirai paid attention to the advice given more than two years before the MDC was formed, he could have saved himself much disappointment. The direction of Dr Nervous Mumba’s life and ministry changed as a result, said Wutaunashe.
“When I spoke to the delegation in Johannesburg the Zimbabwean opposition didn’t exist, and the Zimbabwean situation emerged as it did later. I actually believe that across the political divide there are people of like conviction, concerning the rise, working together as Africans”, he said.
He added that the government of national unity has been underrated on its achievements of causing an environment where the opposition would get an opportunity to “learn from an old man like Robert Mugabe the foundations of their nation.”

41 Replies to “God Has Given Mugabe Another Chance – Prophet Wutaunashe”

  1. I enjoyed and admire the wisdom of most of these contributors. Let us continue to reject false prophets who dine and wine with murderers and claim that God has sent them. Ichokwadi mufundisi uyu anotaura sebhuru renkochane chairo. Ngaarambe achibira zvake mabenzi anomupa mari. The majority of our people know why they are feeling the pain and they know very well the cause.

  2. FOG yaora kubva kumusoro. Baba ava ndinovaziva vanoshapira hwahwa. Vanokurudzira Cult KuFOG. Havana building asi vakuru vacho vanodya mari chete. Saka vision yavo dzingangove hope dzekutonhorera uku, nekuti mukadzi vakaramba. Mararamiro avo haaparidzi shoko saka Mwari vanomunzwa sei.

  3. @ sebk, according to Wikipedia, “Pan-Africanism is philosophy, doctrine or an ideology and movement that encourages the solidarity of Africans worldwide. It is based on the belief that unity is vital to economic, social, and political progress and aims to “unify and uplift” people of African descent”. Whilst the doctrine appears noble, just like Socialism & Communism, empirical evidence seems to have proved it to be rooted in UTOPIA and unattainable abstractness, just like Thabo ‘No Crisis’ Mbeki’s African Renaissance as it is more of the these African Leaders themselves & their African AU & SADC Clubs that are the chief demolishers of pan africanism and espouse a pan africanism called “African solutions for African problems’ which solutions benefit themselves as leaders and not the people of Africa in Africa and the Diaspora , just see inter-alia how they are anti the International Court of Justice.

  4. iwe mbavha siyana navamugabe ka opotunist ,mugabe does not need gay adviser kana uchifunga kuti kurotomoka kwako kuchakupa immunity pamhoswa dzako bvunza gumbura

  5. FOG church yangova buildings chete vanhu vakaperera ku AFM , ZAOGA and other churches.Kunyanya kudhakwa sabhuku.Work hard to revitalise your church

  6. iwe tichatonga mambo wave kuti bhohwa manje . we gonna celebrate if he dies but we wait and see . 3 feb is nxt wk

  7. Whilst GOD is a GOD of the SECOND CHANCE & EVEN MULTIPLE CHANCES, let’s not bank on second chances and lets strive to GET IT RIGHT FIRST TIME or to DO IT RIGHT FIRST TIME in our public and private lives! Remember Cain, Noah’s Generation, Sodom & Gomorrah, Lot’s Wife, Zimri & Zur in Numbers 25, Judas & the thief that spoke nonsense on the cross, Annanias & Sapphaira, etc did not get a second chance! A second chance is not necessarily guaranteed, unless if one repents before it’s too late, but even then it may be too late for ‘comfort’ as one may have to live and die with the consequences – remember biblical Samson died a blind hero. Second chances do not always come with the same level of grace as the first chance and may even be more difficult and have a punitive charge. A supplementary exam at a University will only get you a THIRD CLASS pass even if you got 100%!

  8. m going to withdraw my membership from this excuse of a church…God wl never send a thief murderer and a gay to deliver his people

  9. Who ever thnks wat he wants to say is saying heee mgabe heeee mgabe you nd yr frnd from Kenya beter shut off nd wind off yr day dream. Monamata Mwari kuti nyika yeDzimbabwe ive nechimwe chete

  10. Is this thing really a prophet?or is just a fraudster ripping people’s hard earned cash?anyway, this thing looks gay,yinkuzi yesitabane lesi.

  11. Dai mwari andibatsira ndarega kurasika…..
    Mapastor enyu aya…!!! Mavaona vaguta nezvipo zvedu vava kutaura zvisiizvo.
    Vava kutoona.. Zvinhu zvakanaka munyika MuGabe ariye mutumwa wamwari kuti apedzise basa…
    Pastor Mwari vaka taura nemi kudaro here….??? Matova political commentator the next time mava player.

  12. Munotaura henyu se munhu mukuru asi zvekurota izvi dzimwe nguva ziva ne mwoyo or if its definitely true its better to approach the presdent privately. its only my opnion

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