By A Correspondent| Presidential spokesperson, George Charamba through his Tinoedzazvimwe1 Twitter handle has hinted that the nomination fees gazetted by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) earlier this year will stand as the executive has indicated that the Statutory Instrument is within the law.
Posting on Twitter, Charamba said the parliamentary decision will be known today hinting that there are high chances, the Statutory Instrument will be upheld.
“SETTING THE RECORD RIGHT: The Constitutional Court did not direct a reduction of NOMINATION FEES; it did not! It merely directed Parliament to check on compliance of the Statutory Instrument gazetting nomination fees with the law of the land. Parliament had not done so because there was already a case pending on the same matter, in which case it thought it prudent to wait for court determination; which has now happened. A decision of Parliament will be known today, with indications from the Executive suggesting the SI is within the law. Still, we await Parliament’s formal decision and announcement,” said Charamba.
Last week, the Constitutional Court ordered parliament to sit and look into the Statutory Instrument in line with its constitutional duty.
The Con Court gave parliament until Friday this week to come up with a decision on the SI.
The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) gazetted hefty nomination fees for Presidential aspirants at US$20 000 and US$1000 for parliamentary candidates.