BREAKING: Mai Titi Beaten Up By CIOs For Filming Auxillia’s Husband Drunk On Hot-Whisky As ED’s Girlfriend
17 May 2024
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By Showbiz Reporter | ZimEye |The sociallite Mai Titi(Felistas Murata) has been beaten up by intelligence agents who are punishing her for filming the ZANU PF President Emmerson Mnangagwa while drunk and posing as a competitor to the First Lady.

The video of Mnangagwa hand tapping Felistas Murata

ZimEye can reveal Murata was in pain from beatings on Thursday when she was ordered not to speak about her ordeal.

The fracas sprang from an incident on Sunday when Murata uploaded a video of Mnangagwa drunk and too close for comfort to her, a clip she utilised to announce that she has powers against her critics on social media.

The clip also suggested that Auxillia Mnangagwa is no longer regarded as Mnangagwa’s wife, as Murata titled herself the people’s mother who spent the day with Mnangagwa at his Kwekwe farm. The farm is the notorious property where Mnangagwa was once reportedly caught red handed while pleasuring himself on another woman and was chased by Auxillia into a thick green maize field, where he sought refuge.

It is also the same farm that the man is accused of taking advantage of a then minor, Susan Mutami and several other females. Felistas Murata filming herself at the place thus triggers many visual horrors that torment the First Family.

“She was beaten up and told, stay away from my husband,” impeccable sources told ZimEye.

Murata’s condition was not clear at the time of writing, but she was lying low the whole day, only sparsely posting a few tid bits on her Facebook portal.

Murata has been in the act of threatening her critics and other people who are court witnesses in her many criminal cases.

The development comes at a time the Facebook Meta company sanctioned her over some of her harassments, an event that now affects her video monetisation status. – ZimEye