Mnangagwa Builds Own Law School in Kwekwe
22 May 2024
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By A Correspondent – Mr Emmerson Mnangagwa is constructing a law school in Kwekwe, it has emerged.

This development was revealed by a source from the ruling Zanu PF party.

The initiative has been highlighted on the Zanu PF Operation Restore Legacy Facebook page, which shared the progress being made on the project.

“The construction of the Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa Law School in #Kwekwe is going super smoothly,” the post stated.

The announcement has been met with a cacophony of reactions, as it underscores the government’s focus on enhancing educational infrastructure.

The Facebook post further elaborated on the broader significance of the project, noting, “It’s amazing to see how our government is putting in efforts to capacitate institutions and help us achieve our #Vision2030.”

Vision 2030 is Mnangagwa’s ambitious plan to transform the country into an upper-middle-income economy by the year 2030.

Some critics argue Mnangagwa is using the vision 2030 maxim to circumvent constitutional principles and stay in power.

The new law school in Kwekwe is expected to provide state-of-the-art facilities and a curriculum designed to meet international standards.

It is anticipated that this institution will play a crucial role in advancing the rule of law and fostering legal expertise in Zimbabwe.

“As the law school nears completion, it is poised to become a cornerstone of legal education in the region,” a Zanu PF source claimed.

The Zanu PF leader’s efforts have been praised by supporters who view the law school as a positive step towards achieving national development goals.

However, critics may scrutinize the initiative, questioning the allocation of resources and the broader implications for the country’s educational landscape.