BREAKING NEWS: CIO, Soldier Killed In Rusape Suspicious Accident

warningA soldier reported to belong to the Central Intelligence Organisation, was on Friday morning found dead and his body in pieces on a rail line close to Rusape, expelled ZANU PF Secretary for Administration Didymus Mutasa’s home area.
The man who cannot be named until relatives have been informed, was found dead with his body bruised in ways too gross for the print.
Two witnesses have said he was accidentally killed by a passing train having ‘strayed’ into a locomotive’s way.
Stripped Naked Exposing Private Parts
But pictures in’s possession show the man’s hand crushed on the tracks but the rest of his body which was fairly intact, being bent to one side. Suspicion that he was murdered was further fuelled by the fact that his trousers were on the spot found half stripped while exposing his private parts.
His death comes after two intelligence agents died following a suspicious car accident close to Chiredzi, in which their vehicle was not only burnt up, but exploded into several parts.
A comment from the police could not be obtained at the time of writing as telephones were not being answered.
WARNING: Disturbing pictures (below) . To access the FULL UNCENSORED pictures, readers may Whatsapp a subscribe request to +447426963301 


Mugabe’s Last Supper

The Movement For Democratic Change – Tsvangirai, South Africa Province is today conducting a demonstration at the embassy in South Africa at 1230PM.
The LAST SUPPER inspired by columnist Clement Moyo, is a brain child of the MDC-T in South Africa and has received international endorsement from various organisations and the Zimbabwean communities worldwide.
In South Africa, plans are in place to hold a LAST SUPPER demonstration on Saturday the 21st of February 2015 in Pretoria at the Zimbabwe Embassy.
Similar events under the LAST SUPPER banner will be held at Zimbabwe embassies and consulates worldwide on the day of President Mugabe’s birthday.
The LAST SUPPER has since been adopted by a cross section of people across the political divide hence it is not solely an MDC T event.
The media will be addressed by civic organisations, Zimbabwe political parties and other organisations in solidarity.
The key grievances of the protesters are the immediate resignation of President Mugabe, return to rule of law, the full implementation of the new constitution, election rigging, unemployment crisis and the decaying social, political, legal, academic and political and the compromised governance culture.

You Know Me by Kapital K

Zimbabwean born & now Cape Town based rapper Kapital K has dropped a new single titled “ You Know Me” , the second off is much anticipated mixtape Listening Party . The track acts as a reminder of who one is and where he or she has come from. The 25 year old rapper said, “The experiences from the past have forced me to develop a hunger that has allowed me to overcome all the hurdles I used to face. Hence the “in your face” reminder that you know me especially for those that try to pretend they don’t see your progress in life”.
In December 2014 the rapper leased his first single titled Billionaire which has been well received online & on social media. Talking about his upcoming project the rapper said “expect a blend of music which represents where I am in my life in terms of everything I’m currently into. That’s MCing, going out, dealing with friends issues, the transitions and challenges I face in my day to day life such as relationships and the likes. The mixtape Listening Party is expected to be released soon.

Video Exposes Female Thugs

TWO female thieves who robbed another woman of $370 in OK Supermarket, Makoni were nabbed after they were identified on CCTV camera.
Panashe Madziva(27) and Yolanda Nyabadza(29) both from Mbare appeared before Chitungwiza Resident Magistrate Donald Ndirowei this week facing two counts of theft and fraud.
Prosecutor Ntombikayise Nleya told the court that on January 29 this year at around 1200 hours the complainant, Jane Tsiga (25)an employee at Chitungwiza magistrate court was in OK Supermarket buying some groceries.
The two accused persons were following the complainant with one of shielding Tsiga’s bag as the other was cutting it with a sharp object.
The accused persons took the complainant’s wallet with cash amounting to $370 and her particulars.
Madziva and Nyabadza were however being recorded on CCTV camera in the supermarket.
The complainant made a police report and positively identified the accused persons.
Further allegations are that on February 3 this year at around 1230 hours another complainant Maritha Zumbani from Unit B in Chitungwiza, met the two accused persons at Makoni.
The accused were in the company of two male accomplices who are still at large.
Madziva and Nyabadza told the complainant that someone had their $5 000 but did not know how to count it and requested her to help them count the money.
The complainant was then ordered to surrender her valuables to the male counterparts as assurance that she would not run away with their money.
The court heard that the complainant was referred to a house in Unit B, Seke to collect the money.
After realising that she had been duped the complainant went back to where she had left the two accused persons, but found them gone with her phone, $60 and R200.
On February 12 the two accused tried to dupe her again using the same modus operandi.
The complainant notified members of the public and the two were apprehended.
They were remanded in custody to February 19 for continuation of trial.-Newsday

Mugabe Grins Ahead of Obscene Birthday

President Robert Mugabe faced with a fast failing economy, is preparing to celebrate his birthday where several elephants are to be slaughtered. Mugabe joked saying he is happy to reach the age of 91.
Answering a question from the Jonathan Moyo controlled media on his birthday message in Pretoria, South Africa, where he chaired the Extraordinary SADC Double Troika Summit on Lesotho, Mugabe had delegates in stitches when he threw some jokes.
He jokingly said he had forgotten about his birthday and that he imagines how many tonnes of sugar he has taken in the 91 years.
“I have had a lion’s share, I am sure,” he said. “But seriously, I am happy I am that age. I am happy God has looked after me. And I am happy also that my relatives, my friends and they include of course political friends who have assisted us in the struggle, South Africa included, have made me happier that I have seen my country become an independent one.
“I have also seen my country also going to the assistance of others which had not become independent and ensuring that they got their independence. But when all is said and done, I said to the good Lord, thanks for giving me this long life.”
There was a round of applause from the floor after President Mugabe finished speaking.
President Mugabe will celebrate his birthday in Victoria Falls next Saturday at a colourful function that will coincide with the 29th edition of the 21st February Movement.
The 21st February Movement was inaugurated in 1986 under the auspices of the Zanu-PF Youth League to encourage Zimbabweans, particularly youths to emulate President Mugabe’s revolutionary ideas, charismatic leadership and selfless policies.
As of yesterday, congratulatory messages were already streaming in from organs of Zanu-PF and ordinary Zimbabweans, wishing the President more years of good health and wise leadership.
In a statement, Zanu-PF spokesperson Simon Khaya Moyo, hailed President Mugabe not only for his exceptional role in the liberation of Zimbabwe, but his remarkable work in post independence era.
“Given the rarity of this achievement, we believe that this is the best evidence yet that his leadership is indeed the will of the Almighty God,” he said.
“We wish him many more and look forward to more years of his extraordinary stewardship.
“President Mugabe has done remarkable work not just in respect of our liberation (of which every Zimbabwean, including our brothers and sisters in the opposition, is a beneficiary) but also in terms of capably leading Government since independence.”
He said the 21st February Movement celebrations next weekend would afford the young people a golden opportunity to reflect on the leadership of President Mugabe who was not only appreciated in Zimbabwe but also cherished the entire world as amply demonstrated by his election recently to lead both the SADC and AU.
“It is trite that President Mugabe’s birthday celebrations are always sponsored by patriotic Zimbabweans and never by Government. The suggestion that public funds were used to sponsor this year’s celebrations is therefore unfounded,” he said.
Khaya Moyo said desperate attempts by MDC formations with the backing of the grovelling Western media that President Mugabe’s birthday celebrations would gobble US$1 million were useless smear campaign that would not stop the people of Africa in general and Zimbabweans in particular from idolising this special man.
The Zanu-PF Youth League, which is organising the 21st February Movement celebrations, said it was elated that President Mugabe had achieved a rare feat in life.
The league’s deputy secretary Kudzai Chipanga, said this year’s celebrations of the 21st February Movement, were unique because they were also coming at a time when President Mugabe had been crowned the Sadc and Africa Union chairman.-State Media

Mliswa Looks to His ‘Homosexual’ Charm

Expelled former Zanu PF Mashonaland West chairman Temba Mliswa, has revealed that he admires Professor Jonathan Moyo the man he has also alleged “is a homosexual”.
Mliswa said he has accepted his fate and is finding comfort in Information Minister Jonathan Moyo’s political comeback charm after he was expelled from Zanu PF in 2005.
Moyo was ejected from Zanu PF after defying President Robert Mugabe and stood as an independent in parliamentary elections. His constituency had been designated for women candidates in the party.
But he bounced back in 2009 and Mr. Mugabe picked him for the second time round as his information minister. Moyo now sits on the party’s supreme decision-making body, the politburo.
The Zanu PF politburo expelled Mliswa and former secretary for administration Didymus Mutasa on Wednesday accusing them of insubordination.
Mliswa, who’s also the Hurungwe West lawmaker, told VOA he, however, is yet to receive official communication about his expulsion from Zanu PF.
He says the people in his constituency appreciate the work he has put in as he tried to improve their lives.
“The work I’m doing in Hurunge West is good enough for the next ten years,” said Mliswa. ” It will be difficult for anyone to out-do what I have done because I was and I’m truly committed to the people there and they appreciate.”
He continued: “They are good people, they stood by me and they deserve a better life; a transformation of their daily lives. I know they are not happy, they are aggrieved but I will tell them that that’s politics at the end of the day and I will give them examples of people like Jonathan Moyo who were expelled from the party but came back into the central committee, into the politburo; he’s now minister of information and is one of the kingpins of the party.”
Zanu PF spokesman Simon Khaya Moyo was said to be out of town, but politburo member and lawyer Munyaradzi Paul Mangwana told VOA there was nothing wrong with the expulsions or ongoing purges in his party.
He said anyone who takes aim at President Robert Mugabe would be expelled from the party immediately.
Zanu PF has been purging its structures of allies of ousted former Vice President Joice Mujuru who was accused of plotting to assassinate President Mugabe so she could assume office. Mrs. Mujuru has refuted the allegations. – VOA/Additional Reporting

Black Mamba Causes Terror, Interferes With Water Supply

A deadly black mamba is coming between a thirsty Zimbabwean city and its water by attacking technicians trying to finish work on a new water reservoir, it was reported on Friday.
The snake “is chasing away” engineers and electricians trying to connect electric meters at water tanks above the eastern city of Mutare, the state-run Manica Post reported.
“(Engineers) said a big black mamba viciously attacked them last week in the company of technicians who wanted to upgrade the power grid at the holding tanks to cater for the new electric meters,” the newspaper reported. There were no reports of injuries.
The holding tanks will reportedly supply water to a new 10 million litre reservoir for more than 5000 households in the city’s low-income Chikanga suburb.
The reservoir is due to be commissioned next week if the engineers manage to finish their work.
The black mamba is one of Zimbabwe’s deadliest snakes and is widespread in low-lying areas.
Willard Manungo, an official in the finance ministry, urged the technicians to have the snake trapped or chased off by game rangers, the Manica Post reported.

EU Slaps Sanctions on Grace and Mugabe

The European Union bloc has slapped renewed sanctions on President Robert Mugabe and his wife, Grace.
The EU announced it is reviving its restrictive measures for another year, including a travel ban and asset freeze, according to a notice on Friday in the EU’s official online portal.
The move comes after former minister of state in the president’s office Didymus Mutasa publicly dressed down Mugabe’s wife, Grace.
The sanctions will be in force until February, 20, 2016.
Until today the EU had been working to restore Mugabe’s status as it was pre 2001.
The move has attracted a barrage of criticism from within ZANU PF. Zanu PF deputy information designate, Psychology Maziwisa responded atacking the EU. He said the bloc is displaying arrogance and its actions are surprising as they appear to be eroding the spirit of re-engagement.
“This is a display of arrogance ad total disregard of the re-engagement efforts that have been witnessed,” Maziwisa said.Only a few days ago, there were cheers when Europe unveiled development aid to the tune of US$270 million although government still held reservations on why the President remains under sanctions.

Council Mobilises Residents Into Mass Action

Municipality of Gwanda councillors are reported to be mobilising residents of the town to go out on a mass demonstration against the Zimbabwe National Water Authority (ZINWA) over continued water woes in the town.
In the latest radio news broadcast on Star FM News, Gwanda Residents Association spokesperson Bekezela Maduma Fuzwayo is quoted as saying that the councillors have called the residents of the town to a meeting at the town’s stadium tomorrow morning to discuss the stand off between Council and ZINWA on the erratic water supplies in the town. According to the news broadcast, Gwanda has been facing water problems for a long time as a result of a stand off between ZINWA and Council over an outstanding debt.
Speaking on the news broadcast Fuzwayo told Star FM news that his association is not fully informed on the proposed residents meeting but aware that its to discuss the water crisis. In a follow up by this media, Fuzwayo confirmed that they had been in a meeting with one of the councillors who indicated that council is calling the residents to announce that council has failed to handle ZINWA and handing over the case to the residents.
“I can confirm that one of the councillors has indicated to residents in a public meeting held today that council will indeed tomorrow meet with all the residents of the town and mobilise them to demonstrate against ZINWA dependent on the outcome of a meeting between Council and ZINWA held today,” he said.
Probed further on the possibility of the council taking such a move, Fuzwayo refused to commit himself to matters around the council meeting as it was not communicated to the Residents Association formally. He expressed disappointment in council trying to coerce people to a demonstration against ZINWA where as council called the police to call off a similar demonstration organised by the residents against ZINWA late last year.
“I am not going to comment beyond what the councillor said except that if this is what council is planning its sad because this issue would have been sealed last year had council not intervened by calling the police to stop a residents demonstration on the same matter because it was led from within the residents,” said Fuzwayo.
“We can not stop them if the legal provisions around their operations allow councillors to lead demonstration all we want as residents is water from the pipes and not points scoring,” he added.
According to Fuzwayo, council refused to have a tripartite meeting involving ZINWA, Council and the Residents Association which he believes remains the only logical way towards an amicable solution to the water problems.
“We asked for a formal tripartite meeting between ZINWA, Council and Residents representatives last year but council snubbed us while ZINWA came forward,” said Fuzwayo. “Its hopeless holding separate meetings. As residents we want water so if we meet and realise ZINWA is to blame we will get ZINWA out of our water and if its council the same will go for them without fear or favour,” added Fuzwayo.
Comment could not be sources from the Mayor’s office nor from the Town Clerk who were both said to be in a meeting. However a council official who would not be named confirmed that council will tomorrow hold a meeting with residents to discuss the water problems in the town and a way forward on the Council and ZINWA stand off.

I’m Not Going Anywhere: Mliswa

A defiant Temba Mliswa, the expelled former Zanu PF provincial chairperson for Mashonaland West, went on with his normal duties as a ruling party legislator yesterday, saying he was still to be officially notified about his reported expulsion.
Mliswa told the Daily News yesterday that he was “completely in the dark” about the allegations that had been levelled against him, and why he had not been summoned to attend any party hearing — having only learnt “through the media” that he had been expelled.
In that light, the firebrand politician said, he would carry on his work and remain a loyal cadre of the ruling party, as “politics runs in my blood”.
Speaking to the Daily News soon after chairing the parliamentary portfolio committee on Sports and Education yesterday, Mliswa said he was not moved by all the reports about him, including those that said he had been expelled from the ruling party.
“I don’t know the reasons why it is said that I was expelled from Zanu PF as I have only read about it in the Press. There was no disciplinary hearing against me or any charge laid against me.
“People can also kick Temba out of politics but they cannot take away politics from me. I want to thank my party for giving me the opportunity to work for it and I will remain serving it,” Mliswa added.
Asked further why he was still attending Parliament given that his party had expelled him, he said as he was yet to receive an official notification from Zanu PF, he could not stop working for his constituency.
“There are formal procedures to be followed, and the Speaker of the National Assembly is yet to receive the letter stating that I am fired from the party and that I am no longer an MP, just as I have also not received any expulsion letter,” Mliswa said. He added that his portfolio committee members had asked him to continue chairing the committee as he was still the legitimate chairperson.
Pressed further about what the future had in store for him, Mliswa said he would take a back seat and rest at his farm in Hurungwe West, if his expulsion was confirmed, but would continue to support Zanu PF. “I am not going to stand as an independent candidate in the event of a by-election in my constituency. The people in the constituency will decide, but I am going to remain with them and work with them.
“I am not the first politician to be expelled as it has happened to many others, but one can always come back in the future,” Mliswa said.
Announcing Mliswa’s expulsion on Wednesday, following a politburo meeting that was held in Harare, Zanu PF spokesperson Simon Khaya Moyo said the former Mashonaland West chairperson was fired for disrespecting the party’s national leadership and interrupting meetings in his province.
“On Cde Temba Mliswa, the former chairman of Mashonaland West, he has also been expelled from the party on an array of charges ranging from insubordination, denigrating national party leaders, interfering with the running of the Youth and Women League in Mashonaland West, extortionist behaviour and continuing to interrupt party meetings in that province. “His expulsion from the party (also) renders his seat in Parliament vacant,” Moyo said.
Confusion continued to abound yesterday as to when Zanu PF’s disciplinary committee had met to reach its decisions on Mutasa and Mliswa, amid conflicting reports from lickspittle State media — raising much speculation and serious doubts about how the much-debated decision was arrived at. daily news

Woman Brutally Scalds Hubby’s GF With Boiling Water

FAILURE to stomach her husband’s cheating landed a 17-year-old woman in court last week after scalding his small house with boiling water. 
Appearing before senior Mutare magistrate, Mrs Sekai Chiundura, Letwin Chaparara pleaded guilty to have intentionally caused bodily harm to Tracy Mukwekwezeke (23) by pouring boiling water on her face and chest. Prosecuting, Mr Donald Mudadirwa, told the court that the two are neighbours in the Destiny residential area.
“On the day in question, Chaparara saw the complainant in the company of her husband at around 8.30am and suspected that the two were having an affair. She confronted the two and threatened to dump her child with Tracy so that she would take care of her as she intended to snatch her husband.
“Tracey told Chaparara that she was dating her husband’s friend only identified as Liberty, but she was not convinced,” said Mr Mudadirwa.
After the confrontation, Chaparara quietly went to her house and boiled water. “At around 10am, Chaparara followed Tracey to the bathroom where she was taking a bath and poured boiling water on her face and chest,” the court heard.
Asked why she committed the offence, Chaparara blamed her action on anger. “I was overwhelmed with rage, Your Worship,” said Chaparara.
Tracey is admitted at Mutare Provincial Hospital where she is reported to be in a stable condition. Mrs Chiundura adjourned the case to yesterday where she was expected to sentence her. manica post
FAILURE to stomach her husband’s alleged cheating landed a 17-year-old woman in court last week after scalding the suspected mistress with boiling water. Appearing before senior Mutare magistrate, Mrs Sekai Chiundura, Letwin Chaparara pleaded guilty to have intentionally caused bodily harm to Tracy Mukwekwezeke (23) by pouring boiling water on her face and chest. Prosecuting, Mr Donald Mudadirwa, told the court that the two are neighbours in the Destiny residential area.
“On the day in question, Chaparara saw the complainant in the company of her husband at around 8.30am and suspected that the two were having an affair. She confronted the two and threatened to dump her child with Tracy so that she would take care of her as she intended to snatch her husband.
“Tracey told Chaparara that she was dating her husband’s friend only identified as Liberty, but she was not convinced,” said Mr Mudadirwa.
After the confrontation, Chaparara quietly went to her house and boiled water.
“At around 10am, Chaparara followed Tracey to the bathroom where she was taking a bath and poured boiling water on her face and chest,” the court heard.
Asked why she committed the offence, Chaparara blamed her action on anger.
“I was overwhelmed with rage, Your Worship,” said Chaparara.
Tracey is admitted at Mutare Provincial Hospital where she is reported to be in a stable condition.
Mrs Chiundura adjourned the case to yesterday where she was expected to sentence her.

Man Axes Three women Over UnPaid Wages And Disappears

In a shocking incident a man from Tsholotsho launched an attack on three women in one night after he allegedly accused them of failing to pay him for digging water wells at their homesteads in Bulilima.
Two of the women are recovering at Plumtree District Hospital after Khumalo axed them on their heads.
40 year Nkosiyabo Khumalo, also broke into a shop belonging to Simon Ndlela and destroyed all his goods at Zuzaphi Business centre,claiming that the businessman owed him money.
Maidah Sithole, 62, of Zuzaphi area in Ndolwane under Chief Masendu said Khumalo broke into her homestead around 2AM on Tuesday.
He was demanding payment before completing the job.
Sithole said Khumalo robbed her of R1,200.
“I was asleep at home with my grandchildren when I heard a loud knock on the door. The person identified himself as Khumalo. He told me that he had come to collect his money. I told him that I didn’t have any money. The man threatened to set our bedroom hut on fire if I didn’t open the door,” said Sithole.
Sithole said when she finally opened the door, Khumalo started assaulting her with a chisel on her arms.
This forced Sithole give R1,200 to Khumalo who complained that the money was not enough.
“He went on to hammer my head with the chisel. My two grandchildren had fled from the bedroom hut and were screaming for help but no one heard them. Khumalo struck me once with an axe and then fled.” said Sithole.
She said she fainted and was assisted by her grandchildren to get help from a neighbouring house.
Duduzile Ncube, 36, another victim from the same village, said Khumalo was well-known in the area as he had assisted a number of people by digging wells for them.
Ncube who was visibly in pain said Khumalo arrived at her homestead around 1AM and broke down her bedroom door. She was with her eight-year-old child when Khumalo attacked her.
Ncube said Khumalo demanded money but she pointed out that she did not have any.
“Khumalo struck me with an axe twice on the head. He also hammered me with a chisel and bit my upper lip and breasts as we struggled. Khumalo also tried to stab me with a knife but I ran out of the hut and hid in my backyard. He searched for me but eventually gave up as it was dark,” she said.
Ncube said she jumped over the fence intending to flee to her neighbour but collapsed on the way. She later woke up at the neighbour’s homestead.
She said Khumalo fled with her cellphone after he searched the hut and failed to get any money.
Ncube said Khumalo proceeded to her sister Sibongile’s homestead and attacked as well.
Sibongile was treated at Plumtree District Hospital and discharged.
The councillor of the area, Ian Matiwaza, said Khumalo destroyed Ndlela’s shop on the same night.
He said the man, who was still at large, broke into the shop and destroyed all the goods.
“Khumalo threw some of the goods in a blair toilet and emptied the other goods to the ground leaving shelves empty.” said Matiwaza.-chronicle

WARNING DISTURBING VIDEO: Woman Stripped Naked, Sexually Assaulted as Harare Policeman Watches

A Harare policeman watched as a woman was stripped naked and sexually assaulted in Hatfield. can exclusively reveal that the male cop identified by his first name, “Brian,” who resides at 12A Nirvana Road Hatfield, last week allowed his wife and other surrounding women to attack his girlfriend discovered sleeping in his house.
The cop works at Braeside Police Station in Harare, a source revealed.
The violence occurred after the ZRP officer’s wife charged at the woman accusing her of cheating with her husband.
Some witnesses have suggested that the victim furthermore is a minor since in the clip, one of the women calls her a child “nhanha”.
Several witnesses have told  how the man also caused the fracas after he had allegedly squandered $1600.00 on the girlfriend.
A comment from police spokesperson Charity Charamba could not be obtained at the time of writing as her phone was not reachable. More To Follow…..VIDEOS:

Sex Attack Cop Watches as … by zimeye

Zim Man Beaten To Death By Botswana Police

A ZIMBABWEAN man has died after he was severely beaten by Botswana police for illegally entering their country.
Oscar Kani, 35, of Mkhubazi Village, Sanzukwi area in Mangwe District, arrived home unconscious on Monday afternoon after he was collected by relatives from a hospital in the neighbouring country.
He died on Wednesday at Brunapeg Hospital in Mangwe where he was admitted.
Kani’s uncle, Kenneth Ncube, who is the senior village head in the area, said his nephew could hardly speak or move when he arrived home.
“I received a phone call from a relative in Botswana telling me that Oscar was critically ill as he was thoroughly beaten up by the police.
“I sent my son to collect him from a hospital where he had been admitted in Botswana. My son later called and asked for a car to ferry my nephew as he could not walk,’’ said Ncube.
He said Kani had blisters all over his body, a swollen stomach and knees as well as scars on his head.
Ncube said Kani was diagnosed with subdural haemorrhage caused by the head injuries.
He said his nephew was rushed to Brunapeg Hospital where he later died from the injuries.
Ncube said relatives in Botswana informed him that his nephew was picked up from his workplace by Botswana police who accused him of being an illegal immigrant on February 7.
“My brother in Botswana told me that my nephew was arrested and a few days later they heard that he had been admitted at a hospital in Francistown,” said Ncube.
He said Kani left for Botswana in 2012 in search of employment. He said his nephew will be buried today at his rural home. chronicle

AUDIO: Grace Now Ruling ZANU PF- Mutasa

VOA|Former Zanu-PF secretary for administration, Didymus Mutasa, says the centre of power in Zanu-PF has shifted and First Lady, Grace Mugabe, is now firmly in control of party affairs.
The 285th ordinary session of the Politburo on Wednesday expelled Mutasa and Hurungwe West Member of Parliament
Temba Mliswa soon after the return of Grace from Singapore.
Mutasa told VOA Studio 7’s Blessing Zulu in an interview, “There is no doubt from what is going on that at the present moment, that the center of their power is going to be the first lady and we find that very absurd. It has never happened anywhere that, that kind of arrangement should be the case. One of us once talked about it, way back Jabulani Sibanda intimated that what had happened was a bedroom coup, and he was dragged to court and he is still waiting to be sentenced.
“You see at yesterday’s (Wednesday) Politburo meeting the first lady sat as a member of the presidium, but you see in terms of our constitution, the secretary for Women’s Affairs, which the late Sally Mugabe was, never sat at the top table, but when she comes in for the first Politburo meeting, she seats at the top table, well it gives us an assumption that they are probably prepared for her to be the center of power.”
Party spokesman Simon Khaya Moyo said the two were fired for insubordination. But Mutasa said he does not recognise the expulsion. – VOA

Tocky Vibes Survives On Kombi Business Economy

Zim Dancehall thrives on the Kombi Economy which government is destroying in 2016
DESPITE dancehall musician Tocky Vibes’s win of two National Merit Awards 2015 edition (NAMA), analysts are of the view that the genre has reached its epic and is now on the decline.
Tocky, real name, Obey Makamure got away with two awards in both the Outstanding Song and Outstanding Album categories at a colourful ceremony held at 7 Arts Theatre in Avondale on Saturday night, representing the rise of Dance Hall music.
In an interview on the future prospects of Dance Hall Music, social analyst, Alexander Rusero argues that should the fortunes of the country’s economy change, the genre is likely to suffer a natural death.
“Zim Dance Hall tends to have a niche` market on the unemployed youths and the majority of Commuter Omnibus drivers and their assistance where the tunes are always humming in the omnibuses’ stereos all day.
“Now given the Government’s move to ban and outlaw Kombis starting in 2016, it means Zim Dancehall is also under siege,” he said.
Rusero went on to argue that if the country’s unemployment problems are to be reduced, the genre will also be affected.
“Should unemployment levels be reduced through robust employment creation programmes like road construction, the decrease in unemployment will also realise a decrease in the popularity of this genre,” said Rusero.
However, Godfrey Bakasa, a manager for one Dance Hall musician, Seh Calaz argues that as long as Jamaican Dance Hall music is in existence, Zim Dance Hall will not die.
“Zimbabwean Dance Hall music is a reflection of Jamaican Dance Hall and the only difference is that we sing in Shona.
“So, as long as Jamaican Dance Hall is in existence, Zim Dance Hall will continue to survive,” he argued.
Furthermore, he said people may predict what they want, but “as long as people continue producing the music, the genre will not die.”
The sentiments leading to the predictions of Zim Dance Hall demise are largely coming from the demise of Urban Grooves music, a genre that took Zimbabwe by storm in the early 2000s.
Writing back in 2009, former radio DJ, Musavengana Nyasha, argue that Urban Grooves was not going to survive because it was not originally Zimbabwean.
“Zimbabweans love their music to bits, and of this there can be no doubt.
“That is why they do not spend their hard-earned cash on urban grooves.
“If you will permit me to say so, urban grooves are not Zimbabwean.
“Singing over foreign music in Shona does not make it local.
“The fact that it is Zimbabweans singing the music still doesn’t make it local,” he wrote then.
As it is, it remains to be seen if Dance Hall will survive into the future.


Birmingham plays host to Zimbabwe Fashion Week UK this year, with emerging designers from Zimbabwe showcasing their designs in this first of its kind exhibition. The fashion event will take place at The Crown Banqueting Hall, Birmingham on July 4th.

London, UK (February 13, 2015) – Zimbabwe Fashion Week UK is a collaboration between a group of designers and culture vultures, who came together out of a shared passion for all things Zimbabwean. The first of it’s kind in the UK, Zimbabwe Fashion Week UK will showcase some of the most exciting Zimbabwean designers working today.
Zimbabwe is ready to step out of the shadow of this blanket misunderstanding. With designers from all over the country, this unique fashion event will bring emerging designers and gifted musicians all under one roof. A celebration of Zimbabwe talent in the UK, it will champion new and emerging artists by giving them a platform to share their designs and music in front of influential media, buyers, bloggers and VIP guests. It will also give those attending the opportunity to network with a wealth of vibrant and passionate fashion design talent from Zimbabwe.
For one day, the magnificent Crown Banqueting Hall in Birmingham will play host to the fashion event from 11am to midnight on July 4th. Founder of Zimbabwe Fashion Week UK, Chiedza Dawn Ziyambe explains: “We aim to bridge the perceived gaps between Zimbabwean fashion and global fashion trends. This showcase will give Zimbabwean designers the opportunity to reach out to consumers globally and help them gain the recognition they deserve in the UK fashion industry.”
With African prints becoming a huge trend in large international fashion houses, many of the talented designers are sure to shine in the spotlight. The creators of Zimbabwe Fashion Week UK know that African designs and apparel have yet to really make an impact and achieve their rightful place in the global fashion market. This event intends to right this wrong and introduce fashion professionals from Zimbabwe to the right audience.
The show will also allow you to purchase some of the stunning pieces and unique creations from the emerging designers, allowing you to ensure your wardrobe is on-trend for the season ahead.
Zimbabwe Fashion Week UK is still looking for designers and sponsors for the event. If you would like to get involved then please contact Dawn on 07845062100.
For more information about Zimbabwe Fashion Week UK, please visit
About Zimbabwe Fashion Week UK
Zimbabwe Fashion Week UK is a collaboration between a group of designers and culture vultures who came together out of a shared passion for all things Zimbabwean. We love our culture, clothes, design, art and music and so wanted to share our creative and organisational abilities to bring Zimbabwe fashion to the UK in an all-around fashion spectacular.
For More Information Please Contact:
[email protected]
0843 886 9951

Bouncers Beat Up Bishop, Tear Up His Clothes

Bishop Danmore Magorimbo of the Abundant Life Global Ministries is seeking a peace order against the owner of the premises his church was renting whom he is accusing of hiring bouncers who allegedly assaulted him in October last year.
In his application filed at the Harare Civil Court, Magorimbo claimed Thomas Mutizhe hired the two bouncers who assaulted him in front of his wife and a man he only identified as Mr Rubaya.
“In October 2014, I was invited to a meeting by Mutizhe in the offices of Mr Rubaya, he turned up with two very muscular men who beat me up in the presence of my wife and Mr Rubaya, tearing my clothes in the process,” reads part of Magorimbo’s application.
The pastor had to run for dear life and was seen by some of the office staff as he ran towards the city library across the road.
“I received further threats via cell phone from one of the bouncers to vacate Mutizhe’s property which the church was renting within three hours.
After these threats i wrote a letter to Mr Rubaya and surrendered the property keys.” he said.
Mutizhe in his opposing affidavit,denied the allegations levelled against him by Magorimbo.
He claimed he never attended the alleged meeting with two bouncers and never witnessed the applicant being assaulted.
Magistrate Ms Ruth Kamangira ordered both parties to come to court on Monday for her ruling.

Sino Hydro Ready For Makomo 600MW Power Project

Chinese company Sino-Hydro is in the running for a contract to construct a planned 600 megawatt thermal power station for coal miner, Makomo Resources although officials insist that they are still to put out a tender for the project.
Sino-Hydro has moved some of its machines to Makomo’s operations in Hwange and was helping the company carry out feasibility studies for the power station.
Makomo, situated in the Hwange coal belt, was last year producing in excess of 200,000 tonnes of coal per month and installed a $14 million coal washing plant.
But poor uptake from its main customers – Zimbabwe Power Company’s Hwange Station and small power stations in Bulawayo, Harare and Munyati – has forced the company to look at alternatives and was last year awarded a licence to operate a power station by the Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority (ZERA).
Last week, Makomo Resources general manager Samson Mabvira told a local weekly that officials from Sino Hydro were preparing for the construction of the power station although the company had not been awarded the tender.
“Of course we are using some of (Sino-Hydro)’s equipment for other purposes but officially we have not awarded them the tender for the power station,” Mabvira told The Source on Thursday.
“We are still to advertise for the tender and that is when we will select the company which will construct the power station.”
Sino- Hydro is already constructing another power station of the similar size at Hwange Power Station after being contracted by Zimbabwe Power Company.
Mabvira said they were still to come up with cost of the project although the Hwange Power station project is estimated to cost $1,2 billion.

RBZ Owes Meikles $47 Million

Hotel group, Meikles, which was temporarily suspended from trading on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange on allegations of trying to manipulate its stock price through over stating its debt owed by the Reserve Bank on Tuesday, was owed $47 million by the central bank as at the end of December 2013, latest data from Parliament shows.
According to amendments contained in the Reserve Bank Debt Assumption Bill, which has been tabled for debate in Parliament, Meikles is among 60 other firms and 466 individuals that are owed a total of $1, 424 billion by the central bank as at the end December 2013.
Government has proposed to take over the central bank’s debt under the Reserve Bank Debt Assumption Bill.
Meikles, which posted a $2,8 million loss for the half-year ending September 30, claims it is owed $90 million by the central bank, a figure that is now being disputed and investigated by the local bourse.
Information in the RBZ Bill shows that the central bank’s principal debt to Meikles was $25, 882,099.77 in 1998 but shot up to $47,044,440.70 at the end of 2013 after inclusion on interest, charged at a rate of eight percent per annum.
According to the data, the money was specifically used to purchase grain, fuel, electricity, water treatment chemicals and drugs.
Meikles has said it was banking on the release of the money to fund its expansion programmes as well as compliance with indigenisation and empowerment laws.
The listed firm’s debt issue came under spotlight early this month when Bikita West legislator, Munyaradzi Kereke, a former advisor to the then central bank governor, Gideon Gono, accused the hotel group of inflating the figure to manipulate its stock price.
The ZSE on Tuesday announced the temporary suspension of Meikles from trading on the bourse after it acquired new information regarding the debt situation.
“The temporary suspension was necessitated by the carrying amount of the asset placed with the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (“RBZ”) as disclosed in the company’s audited financial statements for the year ended 31 March, 2014,” ZSE chief executive, Alban Chirume said in a statement.
“On 13 February 2015, the Securities and Exchange Commission of Zimbabwe received a written submission from the RBZ on the asset’s carrying amount, information which was availed to the ZSE. The ZSE believes that the information received is material and price-sensitive.
“On this basis, the ZSE deems it important to temporarily suspend trading whilst clarity is being sought in the interest of maintaining market integrity through promotion of equal dissemination of information. The ZSE has therefore, pursuant to Paragraph 1.4 in Section 1 of the ZSE Listings Requirements, temporarily suspended trading in Meikles Limited’s shares.”
On Thursday, The Herald Business reported that Meikles had challenged its suspension at the High Court.-The Source

Mugabe Flies Out Again

President Robert Mugabe has left Harare yet again, this time for South Africa to attend a SADC extra-ordinary Troika meeting in Pretoria.
The meeting is aimed at resolving political tension in Lesotho and assist the country deliver a credible election on the 28th of February.
President Mugabe, who is accompanied by Foreign Affairs Minister Simbarashe Mumbengegwi, was seen off at the Harare International Airport by Vice Presidents Emmerson Mnangagwa and Vice President Phelekezela Mphoko, cabinet ministers, senior government officials and service chiefs.
The SADC chairperson will meet other heads of state, Chairperson of the SADC Organ on Politics, Defence and Security (Troika), South African President Jacob Zuma and Botswana President Seretse Ian Khama as the regional bloc seeks solutions to Lesotho’s problems.
Lesotho goes to the polls on the 28th of February and SADC wants an environment suitable for the holding of a free and fair election.
The SADC leadership has already stressed its determination to ensure Lesotho’s elections go ahead as scheduled and that the current crisis is amicably resolved for the country to move on.
South Africa’s Vice President Cyril Ramaphosa, who was appointed by SADC to be the facilitator, recently indicated that issues around security challenges and the request for the regional bloc to provide material support for the elections will continue to receive the attention of the SADC facilitation mission. – State Media

Mugabe Fires Bhasikiti

Masvingo Minister of State for Provincial Affairs, Kudakwashe Bhasikiti has been fired from government with immediate effect.
In a statement, the Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet, Dr Misheck Sibanda confirmed that Bhasikiti has been dismissed from his post as minister.
The statement reads “In terms of section 108 (1a) of the constitution of Zimbabwe, His Excellency, the President has terminated the employment of Honourable Kudakwashe Bhasikiti Chuma as Minister of State for Masvingo Province as his conduct had become inconsistent with his prescribed duties and functions.
“The termination is with immediate effect.”

Mutasa Strikes Back At Female-Beast Grace Mugabe

Grace the female beast – caricature by Shiellah Sibanda

VOA|Former Zanu-PF secretary for administration, Didymus Mutasa, says the centre of power in Zanu-PF has shifted and First Lady, Grace Mugabe, is now firmly in control of party affairs.
The 285th ordinary session of the Politburo on Wednesday expelled Mutasa and Hurungwe West Member of Parliament
Temba Mliswa soon after the return of Grace from Singapore.
Mutasa told VOA Studio 7’s Blessing Zulu in an interview, “There is no doubt from what is going on that at the present moment, that the center of their power is going to be the first lady and we find that very absurd. It has never happened anywhere that, that kind of arrangement should be the case. One of us once talked about it, way back Jabulani Sibanda intimated that what had happened was a bedroom coup, and he was dragged to court and he is still waiting to be sentenced.
“You see at yesterday’s (Wednesday) Politburo meeting the first lady sat as a member of the presidium, but you see in terms of our constitution, the secretary for Women’s Affairs, which the late Sally Mugabe was, never sat at the top table, but when she comes in for the first Politburo meeting, she seats at the top table, well it gives us an assumption that they are probably prepared for her to be the center of power.”
Party spokesman Simon Khaya Moyo said the two were fired for insubordination. But Mutasa said he does not recognise the expulsion. – VOA

Murder Accused Gibson Mazikana Court Hearing Cancelled

The murder case against UK based Shonhiwa Gibson Mazikana who was due to appear at the Old Bailey on Wednesday, was yesterday cancelled.
The case is now to be heard on April 23.
Mazikana charged with the murder of his girlfriend and Uxbridge mum-of-two Emily Munemo, had his court appearance at the Old Bailey cancelled. He was due to appear at the Old Bailey Central Criminal Court for a preliminary hearing having last appeared at Uxbridge magistrates’ court on February 4 after being arrested on Monday the 2nd February.
It was yesterday decided that the hearing was not needed.
He is now thus scheduled to appear at a plea and case management hearing on April 23.
Mazikana was charged with murder following the death of Ms Munemo, 41, at a home in Collingwood Road, Uxbridge on January 30. Munemo was found stabbed twice dying barely two hours later.  VIDEO RELATED:  


Gibson Mazikana to Remain In Jail: Emily Munemo Murder Trial

The murder trial of the spouse of 41-year-old mum of two Emily Munemo slain in cold blood last week Friday,…Read More »

IN PICTURES: Two Men Win Brand New Nissan NP 200s in TelOne Competition

The Telone Talk and Surf Win competition has seen two winners walk away driving Nissan NP 200 winners, much to their joy and excitement.
Hundreds of passer-byes and dealers at the former Ximex Mall stood watching drama before their eyes as the two winners were announced.
Two Nissan NP 200s were won by Mutare resident Michael Mangweni, and David Moyo who is from Harare.
When contacted for a comment, the two did not believe the announcement ending up hanging up their phones in shock.
The cars were handed away during two separate ceremonies because Mangweni could not travel to Harare on time last week.

After Kicking Tsvangirai Out – Biti

19 February 2015 14:09
1. Introduction
It’s been ten months since the signing of the Mandel Declaration; we have been in existence for almost a year now. Our short journey so far has been a tough one, many challenges have confronted us, nonetheless l am proud we have soldered on as a united family of democrats. The political terrain continues to be fluid and unpredictable much to the detriment of the country and to the disadvantage of the people of Zimbabwe. The country lacks visionary leadership as the never ending wars in ZANU PF and a fresh wave of a possible split in the MDC – T are telling. It is up to us to provide leadership and The Solution.
2. State of the Nation: Economy
We are currently living in a Zimbabwe where an economy has ceased to exist. The informal sector has replaced the formal sector as company closures continue unabated with the situation escalating particularly in the post July 31 election. The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions estimates that in 2014 alone, at least 75 companies countrywide closed down and about 9 617 people lost their jobs. These figures are alarming considering that by the end of 2013 only 20% of the active population was employed in the formal sector, meaning that those that lost their jobs were added to an already long list of unemployed people and possibly to the informal sector; bringing the total percentage of those in the informal sector today to no less than 86%.
Further to this, salary increases are a thing of the past, in an economy where the prices of goods, services and commodities remain high. There has not been a reduction in prices in tandem with the stagnation of salary increases.
The government, which remains the biggest employer, is increasingly failing to pay the civil servants on time and fewer and fewer people have a guaranteed salary at the end of every month. In practice it means that every Zimbabwean has been turned into a vendor. It means that more and more people are surviving on money earned and spent outside the formal economy. It means that the government is collecting less and less taxes. To the ordinary person, it means that it is now more expensive to pay school fees. It means it is more difficult to put food on the table, pay rentals while accessing hospitals and medication has become a luxury. More telling is that, the Ministry of Health itself has admitted that at least 10% of Zimbabwe’s population is suffering from one psychiatric condition or another, due to the economic hardships in the country.
b. Service Delivery
Service delivery throughout the country is deplorable. City Councils have failed the citizens. In cities like Harare, Gweru, Kadoma, Kwekwe and Bulawayo water is unavailable on a regular basis. On top of the water being unavailable on a regular basis, when it is available it is dirty and unsafe to drink. The amount of dirt in the cities particularly in Harare is deplorable and a danger to residents’ health. The roads in the country have become a death trap due to potholes. Council clinics are struggling to remain open. In all of this the ordinary citizen bears the brunt as they continue to pay rates and yet services are not rendered.
For these reasons, we are calling upon the citizens of Zimbabwe to boycott the payments of rates until the government and the Councils display that they are committed to delivering public services. We call upon the citizens to boycott payment of rates until the government and local authorities put in place concrete and tangible processes towards combating corruption in the City Councils particularly in the form of the exorbitant salaries that the Council bosses are earning especially in the big cities such as Harare.
c. Corruption
The amount of corruption in the country has crippled the economy and it continues unabated. Corruption in central government, government parastatals and local government and it is benefitting the few elites through patronage and patronage networks. The Auditor General’s report that reveals that 22 Ministries are unable to account for their funds is revealing of the amount of rot that has infiltrated our government. As the MDC Renewal Team, we condemn these corrupt tendencies. The resources of the people must be channelled towards the betterment of the lives of the people of Zimbabwe and must not be plundered by a select few.
3. Party Business
a. Re – Unification Process
On the 26th November 2014, the Party and the MDC led by Prof Welshman Ncube made history by signing the Re- Unification Agreement. Both parties agreed that they had more similarities than differences thus there was no need for them to fight from different corners in this democratic struggle. As you may well be aware, the two parties will be known as the United Movement for Democratic Change (UMDC).
• Re – Unification Roadmap
Both parties are currently in the process of building their structures and as you may also be aware this process was given a deadline of the 28th of February 2015. Thereafter it is expected that the structures are verified before they are merged, a process to be completed by the end of March 2015. In April 2015, there shall be a Policy Conference by the UMDC which will essentially discuss Party policies. At the same event or concurrent with the Policy Conference will be Non Elective Take Note Congresses by the two merging parties. The Congress will take note of, among other things, the Re- Unification Agreement and receive reports on the Re – Unification Process itself. Thereafter an Inaugural Elective Congress will take place in August 2015.
Fellow comrades, we have embarked on yet another difficult journey, a journey that we must win. I urge the Secretaries of Organizing throughout the country and at all levels to work, work, and work. I urge all the members of the Party and all the Party leaders to have unity of purpose and as the Party President always says, to ‘run in their own lane’.
b. 1 March Launch
The Re- Unification process/path that we have begun allows the Committees and organs of the two parties to meet and familiarize with each other at all levels. Where possible, joint programmes can be carried out. With this in mind, it is my pleasure to announce that there will be a Joint Re – Unification Launch in Bulawayo on the 1st of March 2015. The two Parties will once again be celebrating the Unification and the journey walked thus far.
c. Face to Face Launch
On the 9th of February 2015, the Party launched its ‘Face to Face’ Campaign, by the Party MPs and National Leadership walking in the streets of Harare talking to people and giving out party pamphlets. The aim of the Campaign is to bring the leadership of the party at all levels to the people of Zimbabwe to get first-hand information on the challenges that Zimbabweans are facing and for the party leaders to explain to the people THE SOLUTION that Renewal is offering. It is also a recruitment campaign meant to grow the numbers of its Party membership. Provincial, Districts and Ward leaders together with the Women and Youth Wings are encouraged to take this campaign into the Provinces and ensure that launches take place countrywide. Further to this, l encourage Party members to go face to face with the people where ever they are, be it in the market place, in the taxi ranks, in the flea markets, on the streets, their homes, on bridges and wherever they are, to preach the Renewal Gospel.
4. Conclusion
In conclusion, l urge all party members to organize themselves, plan and strategize and walk the Renewal Talk. Members can make use of various platforms available to them particularly social media which has become a cheap and effective way of communicating. Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp groups have become the order of the day and l urge members to make effective use of these modern facilities as we organize and mobilize in our localities.
In all of this let us remain focused and work hard to build the Party.
Renewing our Commitment to Social Justice,
Renew today for a better future,
Renewal: The Solution,
Yours sincerely,

Mnangagwa Aide Stabbed, Nearly Killed at Meeting

South Africa based pro-Mnangagwa Zimbabwe Star Movement, Robert Gwarazimba, was stabbed in Johannesburg last week just after addressing a meeting.
Jephia Chivange, ZSM secretary general, said the assailants were suspected to be Zimbabweans based in South Africa and the attack was politically motivated. “The attempt at Gwarazimba’s life comes as we are preparing for celebrations to mark the president’s birthday in Johannesburg,” he said.
The party was formed by Zimbabwean youths in SA to push for Emmerson Mnangagwa’s as president of Zimbabwe. Its activities have been disturbed by regular attacks and raids by suspected CIO operatives.
“I would like to advise ZSM detractors that we will not be intimidated by political cowards who fear competition and will push our agenda as youths in the Diaspora, until Zimbabwe has realised its full potential,” said Gwarazimba, from his Johannesburg base. – TheZimbabwean

CIO Spied on Mujuru and Zimondi

The late General Solomon Mujuru and the Prisons Commissioner retired Major General Paradzai Zimondi were being spied on by the Central Intelligence Organization at a bar where they used meet and discuss private issues.
Also under surveillance were Air force commander Perence Shiri , former Energy Minister Mike Nyambuya and the former Mashonaland East Provincial Affairs Minister Simbaneuta Mudarikwa.
Before the death of Mujuru two years ago, the group would meet regularly at Zimondi’s special pub situated at Harare Central Prison, where they used to drink all night. A reliable source identified a member of the CIO (name withheld) who used to patronise the bar to spy on the group.
“At one point the spy, who was using a cell phone similar to Zimondi’s, pretended to be drunk and took Zimondi’s phone and went away. Later, after all the prison officers working at the bar had been accused of taking the phone, he returned and said he had mistaken it for his,” said the source.
“Zimondi was suspicious about the incident and ordered his security department to inspect the bar. They discovered that the place was bugged. Some ‘gadgets’ were dismantled from the ceiling and since then (end of November) the CIO officer has not returned to the mess, after visiting it daily for more than two years.”
The source said this resulted in the sacking of deputy minister Simbaneta Mudarikwa and the purging of more senior Zanu (PF) officials linked to the Mujuru family. Zimondi , a close ally of Mujuru, has allegedly been offered a diplomatic post.- TheZimbabwean

New Video of Mugabe Falling Down Again “For Nandos Chicken”

President Robert Mugabe has been featured in another alleged mock Nandos video advert which shows him crashing down.
The video has been circulating on social network Whatsapp but has been disowned by the Nandos company.

The fast food outfit caused a stir in 2011 after it released another motion picture depicting Mugabe as a lone dictator deserted through the angel of death following the departure of among others Muammar Gaddafi, Sadam Hussein, Iddi Amin, and PW Botha.
The company was forced to pull the advert down after protests from the Zimbabwean Government and threats to shut down Nandos Zimbabwe franchises.
This time a video has been released carries the words, “falling for our chicken is risky business.” The line is followed by a suggestive meme of Mugabe’s fall, then the line: “If you know what we mean”, after which comes the “Nandos flame grilled chicken” legendary undersigning.
Mugabe fell at Harare International Airport two weeks ago after returning from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Nando’s, with branches in more than 30 countries, said in a statement yesterday it had been alerted of a fake Nandos’ advertisement depicting Mugabe’s recent public fall being shared on social media.
“This constitutes an abuse of our brand and trademarks and we distance ourselves from this material,” the fastfood outlet said.
“Nando’s Zimbabwe would like to assure the people of Zimbabwe that this advertisement was neither created nor sanctioned by Nando’s. We appeal to our fans and customers not to share this advertisement in the mistaken belief that it is a creation or product of Nando’s.”
Following Mugabe’s fall, State security agents forced photojournalists to delete the pictures and videos, but it didn’t serve any purpose as the pictures found their way into the public domain.
In no time, memes of Mugabe’s fall found their way onto the social scene as well.
He was caricatured chasing the ball in a football game between English clubs Liverpool and Chelsea, on the dance floor, on the starting line of a 100m track race alongside the likes of Usain Bolt, on the back of a horse, being chased by a hippo, water surfing, in American singer Beyonce’s video and many others.

‘RipOff’ Water Meters: Bulawayo Residents Brace for Showdown, as Council Dodges

Following an announcement of the passing of the resolution on imposing prepaid water metres for Bulawayo ratepayers, the community has vowed to resort to physical treatment of council workers who are going to be installing the unwanted gadget.
“We were not informed that all our efforts were a mere waste of time, as the resolution to install the gadgets was passed in 2012, without our knowledge,” said a visibly angry Nomsa Khumalo of Bulawayo Residents Association.
The Bulawayo Ratepayers Associations have since begun their communiqué on their resolution to deal with what they brand Council rebellion, for failing to tell ratepayers the truth on their decision.
“We are not going to watch this circus taking place in our country. We are going to fight to the beater end and make sure that everything is communicated. This council is composed of failures that are bent on suffocating ratepayers, who are already suffering from economic collapse,” said Veronica Tshabalala of Nkulumane.
Jenny Williams of WOZA also poured another cold bucket of water on the Mayor’s head after she said the city father must calculate professionally. “When I met the Mayor this year, he told me that he perceives no problem in prepaid water metres, as cell phones are also prepaid. Water can also be prepaid like electricity, as this will enable one to use what he or she has paid for. This statement from the honourable city father shows what level of thinking he is at ladies and gentlemen, he is a total disappointment and problematic for Bulawayo,” she said amid roaring audience.
Several pressure groups and Residents Associations have agreed to take action in all angles, as they are in total agreement that Bulawayo City Council have an agenda against the community and ratepayers of Zimbabwe’s second largest city.
In a snap survey by, Bulawayo City Council’s Health Section has not been collecting garbage for more than two weeks, thereby posing another heath time bomb for the already strained ratepayers.
Last week, Bulawayo’s Mayor Councillor Martin Moyo snubbed residents and their associations, after he had assured them that he was going to address their predicament scenario.
The residents who last year successfully staged a demo, against the city council’s idea of installing prepaid water metres, are now baying for the city father’s blood.
The Mayor had also promised to address Bulawayo journalists before he abruptly cancelled the presser in the eleventh hour, thereby causing confusion, as more than 30 media practitioners had gathered for the Mayor’s address.
Residents associations and civic organisations are currently organising for another massive 500 000 people’s marching to the Bulawayo’s revenue Hall, where they will be demanding to know who passed the resolution on prepaid water metres without their knowledge.
When the Mayor failed to turn up to address the ratepayers last week, Roderick Fayayo, of Bulawayo Progressive Residence Associations (BUPRA) and Jane Williams of WOZA were waiting eagerly, representing the16 organisations that demonstrated against the council’s prepaid water metres.
Bulawayo residents have since resorted to fight the Council who they are accusing of trying to hide through prepaid water metres. “The council are now revealing their highest level of corruption, after they failed to address the community on the importance of the use of the gadget,” said Nonthando Ncube of Bulawayo residence Association. again failed to get comment from Bulawayo mayor Councillor Martin Moyo, as he was said to be busy on Council business, and that all journalists must put their questions in writing through the City Council Public Relations office for comments.

Woman Steals 36 Cows

A 44-YEAR-OLD Kadoma woman, Isata Mukova, has been sentenced to a nine-year jail term for stocktheft after she sold 36 beasts entrusted to her by her daughter-in-law.
Mukova was convicted of the charge when she appeared before magistrate Takudzwa Gwazemba last week.
The court heard that sometime between April 26 2011 and May 28 last year at Linton Farm, Eiffel Flats, the complainant, Sheila Shuro, entrusted her cattle to Mukova as surety for an undisclosed business deal.
It was heard that during that period, Mukova sold some of the cattle without Shuro”s consent after she failed to fulfil her side of the bargain.
On May 28 last year, Shuro visited the farm and discovered the theft.
A stock card with serial number 4204198 in the complainant’s name in respect of the 36 head of cattle was produced in court as evidence.
In her defence, Mukova averred that sometime in 2005, she left the country and tasked Shuro to run several business projects at the farm.
Mukova told the court that they later agreed to let her take Shuro’s cattle as full and final payment for the business deal.
Through her lawyer Tinashe Matiyashe of Mangwana and Partners, Mukova argued that she sold the beasts based on that agreement and was shocked when Shuro later claimed ownership of the same cattle.The beasts were valued at $21 600.
Wayne Togara prosecuted. -Newsday

Fridge Without Electricity? Yes! Our Girls Invented One

Zim girls invent first fridge that works without ZESA

Whilst we spend time debating and trying to put into order our political issues as a nation, let us not forget people who can develop the future of our country, and continent at large, young people. All our political parties are not in order, they are all in a foul mood, but their mess should not make all of us forget about the future of the country. This is what is gradually getting me more drawn to young people’s issues as I take note and reflect on our failure as a generation. I only see a brighter future if we do not bequeath our failure to our youth because the future of every society is in the hands of its youth. It is with this in mind that I am spending time focusing on young people and their mentors because they are the only people who can help make Africa tick. For example, how many of us are aware that Queen Elizabeth Girls Students devised a Non-Electric Fridge? Yes, a fridge  that doesn’t need electricity and which our parents can use wherever they are, Dotito, Nyamaropa, Madlambuzi, Murehwa, etc?
In July 2014 Queen Elizabeth Girls High School students, under the supervision of the University ofZimbabwe START Science Programme, won the first prize at the SEITT Young Scientist competitions in Harare for this stunning novel invention. Their invention focused on finding a solution to problems related to food wastage in developing countries, especially Africa. The lower sixth form team of girls who made this groundbreaking invention are; Tinotenda Mazongonda, Rondell Wine, Nomathemba Nyoni and Cynthia Mujeni.
Speaking about their invention and what motivated them to it, the school team representatives, Nomathemba Nyoni said, “Food preservation is a critical problem in most developing countries. Many methods have been devised, but very few have had a real impact on these commonly poor societies. Our concept tries to create a lasting solution to perennial problems associated with food preservation using the cooling method. I have devised a refrigerator which makes use of powder coolant made from a mixture of food waste ash powder, lemon juice and anhydrous ammonium nitrate. The present project combines an endothermic reaction, vacuum technology and a programmed chip to bring refrigeration to every home.
The reaction of the powder with water is very endothermic; it reaches negative 9 degrees Celsius at normal room temperature. With very cheap lagging the temperature has been kept constant, and to only rise to positive 9 degrees Celsius after 10 days.
It is the further object of this project to apply vacuum technology to keep the temperature low for extended periods.”
Knowledge Chikundi, START Science Zimbabwe Leader added that, ‘the search for new applications of technology to our present food wastage crisis that has led to our interest in connected technologies and to the project we are currently supervising at Queen Elizabeth Girls High School. People in marginalized communities have problems saving their food, they are forced to cook more than they can consume. They have limited ways of preserving their left overs.They cannot afford the conventional refrigerators which are expensive and require electricity. It is my hope that the present project will alleviate most of the problems regarding food preservation.
All the technologies to be applied are already cheap and local, making the project more feasible. A lot has been achieved from the time the idea came. All the testing has been done; laboratory test certificates are available as confirmation. The testing and design stages are over; the prototype is currently being refined. The project is going at a very high momentum.
I am very impressed by the creative genius of the students. The project is very revolutionary. There are many different types of refrigeration technologies, but the current one will impactfully address Africa’s need, in food security and environmentally.
In the prior art, refrigeration is accomplished by the use of heat pumps. There is the compression refrigerator which uses coolants such as ammonia, Freon, CFC and HCFC. However all these coolants destroy the ozone layer and ammonia is toxic. A gas refrigerator uses water, ammonia gas and hydrogen to create a continuous cycle for the coolant. Electric coolers use the Peltier effect to produce cold temperatures electronically.
The present refrigerator uses a coolant powder which is consumable and recyclable. Embedded inside the refrigerator is a small- battery powered thermo switch which signals when the temperature reaches positive 9 degrees Celsius. 9 degrees Celsius is the set point for replenishing. When the switch signal, the user is supposed to refill the coolant powder. The used powder can further be used as fertiliser.’
Indeed, these are the young people we should be exposing to those who are willing to promote them and their inventions. Our businessmen, universities, and donors should assist by funding these young people realise their potentials so that their inventions are able to help improve our quality of life.

Breakthrough Drug Stops HIV Transmission

Researchers have developed a potent drug which protects against the transmission of HIV even under exposure to extremely high levels of the virus.
Scientists from the Scripps Research Institute in Florida, Harvard Medical School and more than a dozen other institutions developed the novel drug candidate and tested it in rhesus macaques, monkeys which can carry simian HIV, a virus similar to the one that infects humans.
They found that macaques inoculated with the drug compound known as eCD4-lg did not catch the virus, even when they were repeatedly exposed to high levels of it over an 8-month period.
Results of the study were published today in the journal Nature.
In addition to protecting monkeys, the researchers say lab tests indicate the drug candidate blocks every known strain of HIV-1 and HIV-2, the two main types of the virus that infect humans.
“Our compound is the broadest and most potent entry inhibitor described so far,” lead researcher Michael Farzan, an immunologist at the Scripps Research Institute, said in a press statement. “Unlike antibodies, which fail to neutralize a large fraction of HIV-1 strains, our protein has been effective against all strains tested, raising the possibility it could offer an effective HIV vaccine alternative.”
New, aggressive strain of HIV discovered in Cuba
Child once thought “cured” of AIDS tests positive
It was built on previous research by Farzan’s lab into a receptor called CCR5, which plays a key role in enabling HIV to latch onto the surface of a cell and begin replicating. The new drug compound binds to two sites on the surface of the virus simultaneously, preventing it from infecting a cell.
“This is the culmination of more than a decade’s worth of work on the biochemistry of how HIV enters cells,” Farzan said. “When we did our original work on CCR5, people thought it was interesting, but no one saw the therapeutic potential. That potential is starting to be realized.”
To work like a vaccine, the researchers attached eCD4-lg to an adeno-associated virus (AAV), a virus harmless to humans that can be used as a vehicle.
Noted AIDS researcher David Baltimore, a Nobel laureate whose firm, Calimmune, is working on a separate gene therapy approach to HIV, told Science he considers these latest findings “impressive.” But he sounded a note of caution since it’s only been tested in a laboratory and in animals. “It’s perhaps a better construct than the antibodies we’ve been using, but it’s a matter of how it plays out in human trials,” Baltimore said. “I don’t think it’s easy to tell how that will happen.”

Mother Kills Baby, Tries To Take Own Life

A young mother from Mangwe district was rushed to Plumtree hospital after killing her seven-month baby boy and trying to take her own life by drinking termite poison following a dispute with her lover.
Thokozile Ndebele, 18, who stays wit her grandparents at Guqukani Village in Tshitshi area,fed her baby with the termite poison before drinking it herself on Monday evening.
She was saved by her grandparents who rushed her to Plumtree District Hospital but her son, Conwell Mhlanga died.
Chief Tshitshi who is Ndebele’s grandfather confirmed the incident which occurred at his cousin’s homestead around 10PM.
“I was shocked to learn of this tragedy this morning. It appears that Thoko was having problems with the father of her child.
I learnt that before committing this terrible act my granddaughter left a suicide note saying she was having problems with her lover. It’s a pity that the life of an innocent baby was lost in this incident.” said Chief Tshitshi.
Motilia Nyathi, Ndebele’s grandmother described the incident saying she heard her granddaughter screaming while she was asleep and rushed to investigate.
She found the seven month old baby lying on the bed while Ndebele was writhing in pain on the floor.
“There was a bottle of termite poison on the floor and the chemical was all over my grandson’s clothes. I immediately knew that Thokozile had given it to him. The baby was dead and I couldn’t help but imagine the pain he went through before dying.” said Nyathi.
She alerted her husband and other neighbours who assisted to ferry her granddaughter to hospital in the middle of the night.
Ndebele is admitted at Plumtree District Hospital under police guard and has said her lover Kidiboni Mhlanga, had been mistreating her.
The young woman who appeared to be in severe pain as she was struggling to speak, said her lover got angry after she dumped him for being involved with several women.
Ndebele said thereafter Mhlanga started threatening to kill her.
“I was fed up of being tortured and threatened by Kidiboni and I thought killing myself would be the best option. He is always sleeping around with different women and I told him that our relationship was over.
He didn’t want to take it. I took termite poison which was stored at home and drank it together with my son while I was in my bedroom .” said Ndebele.
She said she recalls feeding her son with the poison and thereafter he started crying and wriggling on the bed.
Ndebele said she ignored her baby’s cries and went on to drink the termite poison herself. She said she later woke up in hospital, in great pain.
“I’m struggling to eat and I can’t even sit. I’m in great pain. I just wanted to die and I didn’t want my baby to remain without a mother because I’m also an orphan. I know how painful it feels to live without a mother. I wanted to take him with me,” said Ndebele.
Matabeleland South provincial police spokesperson, Inspector Philani Ndebele confirmed the incident.
He said investigations were still underway.
Cases of suicide have become rampant among youths. Recently an 18-year-old boy from Empandeni in Mangwe District committed suicide by drinking a mixture of dip chemical and rat poison after being scolded by his mother.
Another 18-year-old from Magwegwe Suburb in Bulawayo hanged himself at his parents’ house while a 15-year-old from the same area committed suicide by drinking a poisonous chemical after his girlfriend dumped him.
A 19-year-old Plumtree teenager last month committed suicide in a bushy area near his aunt’s house by hanging himself over unclear circumstances.-chronicle

Striking University Lecturer Met Chinamasa Did they Demand an End to Corruption?

opinion_angry1 - CopyIn the mid-1990s I had the opportunity to meet the leading Trade Union leader (it will be not be necessary to name him). Gone were the ease years of the 1980s when on the then Prime Minister Robert Mugabe announced hefty pay increases for the all the workers across the board and have price controls on many goods and services. All that ended when the Zanu PF government accepted its first World Bank/ International Monetary Fund (WB/IMF) sponsored five-year Economic Structural Adjustment Programme (ESAP); price controls ended and workers were instructed to negotiate with the employers wage increases.
I spend an evening trying to explain to the Trade Union Leader why it was important to take into consid-eration the rate of inflation, amongst other factors, in deciding what wage increase to ask for. He did not understand what I was talking about. It does not how much one may try to gloss over this, knowledge is important; those whose actions are guided by knowledge have prospered whilst those who have blundered from pillar to post have suffered.
Two related stories occurred to illustrate the critical importance of knowledge. The first story was about lecturers in Zimbabwe’s State Universities going on strike to demand payment of their January salary and 2014 bonus. Whilst all the other civil servant had finally been paid their January wages and the bonus they had been singled out with no explanation from the employer, government.
The second story was on how the national army had reportedly muscled in on a $4.8 billion platinum mining project.
“The ministry also wants the benefits of the deal to accrue to Zimbabweans and treasury, rather than the army. We don’t want a repeat of the Chiadzwa scenario where the country is not truly benefiting from its diamonds. The army partnered the Chinese in mining diamonds, but the country has nothing to show for the resource,” a source in the Ministry of Mines told the Mail and Guardian newspaper.
It is a matter of record that former finance minister Tendai Biti and the current incumbent, Patrick China-masa, have complained about the diamond revenue not being properly accounted for. The late Zanu PF MP Chindori Chininga went even further and said in a parliamentary report in 2013 that the diamond mining in Chiadzwa and Marange was going on 24/7, the gems were shipped out of the country as quickly as they are extracted and that no one in the Zimbabwe government knew anything about diamonds; their size, quality, value, who was buying and selling them, etc.
In a rare moment of concern for the nation interest, the then Vice President Joice Mujuru complained of how in India a who city had sprung up to cut, make jewellery, diamond tools, etc. from diamonds imported from Zim-babwe.
Some people have valued Chiadzwa and Marange diamonds at a staggering $800 billion. Partnership Africa Canada, a Canadian NGO, estimated that Mugabe earned a staggering $2 billion from his share of the diamond looting in 2012 alone! The looting and plunder going on there is absolutely shocking.
According to the Mail and Guardian report Mugabe was set to approve the Army muscling in on the platinum mining deal. The upshot of that Russian and Zimbabwe National Army consortium would not pay any taxes for the first five years of the project. Not content with the looting and plunder of the diamonds the country’s ruling elite want to loot and plunder the platinum mines too.
International organisation have flatly refused to classify Zimbabwe as a poor country and write off it’s $10 billion debt because Zimbabwe is NOT a poor country. If the country’s wealth and riches were managed properly there is no reason why Zimbabwe should not be one of the richest and most prosperous nations on earth.
One expected the Trade Union Leader to know what inflation is all about. I expected the State University to know what inflation is about and more significantly to know of Zimbabwe’s true economic potential and the criminal waste of resources such as diamonds through corruption and looting.
A delegation of the striking State University lecturers was scheduled to meet a high powered government team headed by Finance Minister, Patrick Chinamasa and the deputy Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education, Dr Godfrey Gandawa, to ensure their salaries are paid on time in future. Whilst I would have not expected my Trade Union friend to raise the matter of the criminal waste of the national mineral wealth through corruption and looting, I would expect the lecturers to raise it as a matter of cause because it is the root cause of govern-ment’s financial problems.
The Lecturer and government official meeting was chalked to take place on Monday 18th February 2015 I had not seen report on what was discussed; still I am cock sure the lecturers did not raise the issue of corruption and looting. This begs the questions; if University Lecturers do not know that corruption and looting are the root causes behind Zimbabwe’s economic meltdown what hope is there that my aunt in the rural back waters will know that?
If University Lecturers know that corruption and looting are indeed the root causes behind Zimbabwe’s eco-nomic meltdown, in which they too have been not been spared of the economic hardships, but are too cowardly to raise these critical issues with government officials; who do they expect to do so?

Delta And Econet Push ZSE Turnover To $9 Million

The stock market closed lower on Wednesday, with the key industrial index shedding 0.20 points to 168.53 points but special bargains in market movers Delta and Econet pushed turnover to more than $9 million.
Telecoms giant Econet traded 0,30 cents lower to 54,50 cents with 1.1 million shares worth $605,000 exchanging hands on the market.
It also recorded a special bargain of nearly 4,9 million shares at the same price. Beverage maker Delta traded unchanged at 116 cents with trades realising $597,000. It, however, recorded a special bargain of nearly 4 million shares at 116 cents.
Food processor National Foods was down 10 cents to 310 cents on thin volumes.
On the upside, SeedCo gained two cents to 104 cents with a turnover of $288,000
Other big caps, Innscor and BAT were flat at 59 cents and 1,150 cents with a combined turnover of $90,000.
Without the special bargains, turnover for the day was at $1,7 million.
Delta, Econet and SeedCo combined contributed 92 percent of today’s total value of trades.
In minings, the index shed 4.42 points to 53.22 points, after Bindura pared off 0,49 cents to 4,50 cents.
Falgold, Hwange and RioZim were unchanged.The Source

Kereke’s Hospital Resumes Operations, Hopes to Trade out of Debt

Rockfoundation Medical Centre was placed under final judicial management on Wednesday, amid threats by its major shareholder, legislator Munyaradzi Kereke to sue the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (Zimra), which he accuses of being part of a political conspiracy to cripple the health service business.
The medical centre, located in the upmarket Mount Pleasant suburb in Harare, was forced to cease operations in 2014 after Zimra garnished its accounts over a $3,3 million tax charge, which was later revised to $1,8 million after the business challenged the amount in court. The firm was placed under provisional judicial management and resumed operations last December.
Zimra has so far collected $900,000 from the company, the court was told on Wednesday.
The hospital’s assets are worth $8,3million while its liabilities total $10,9 million. It also lost some of its property to creditors who obtained writs of execution from the courts to recover debts.
Addressing creditors during a meeting at the High Court, the judicial manager, Budhma Chikamhi said despite the hospital being technically insolvent, it had potential for turnaround and that since reopening, its monthly turnover had increased to $50,000 in February this year from $22,000 last December.
At its peak in 2012, its annual revenue was at $4,2 million before falling to $3,7 million in 2013.
Three of the business units are now running – the trauma centre, radiology and dental unit. The maternity and eye unit will be opened soon, he added.
“We had a number of doctors enquiring to partner with us. One potential investor wants to set up a state-of-the-art cancer treatment centre,” said Chikamhi.
He said the company’s shareholders were willing to offload between 30 to 40 percent shareholding to new investors to create a medium-term cash buffer.
“Even without investors, in the next three to four months we should be fine from our cash flows,” he said.
He said repayment of creditors would take four to five years and that if the creditors opted for liquidation, Capital Bank would get 54,4 cents for every dollar while Tetrad Bank, workers and unsecured creditors would get nothing.
In the end creditors voted to save the company.
Chikamhi said he had approached a bank for a $350,000 loan to pay staff and other creditors while he would negotiate to restructure short-term loans into long-term.
At the meeting, Kereke accused Zimra of politicising the debt issue and inflating figures.
“We need for them to not politicise their work. Let us put the welfare of the country at heart,” he said.
“At the court they sought to misrepresent facts. They thumb sucked and produced $2,7 million. Zimra is not operating professionally, it’s not right to create a false artificial debt,” he said.
“We will be taking Zimra to court as shareholders because they acted to ruin an innocent player in the market and made employees suffer. We are also suing Capital Bank for $2,5 million,” he said.
The meeting had moments of drama, with the CBZ Bank lawyer, Advocate Chiutsi, insisting on addressing the meeting but was blocked by the Master of the High Court, Eldard Mutasa, who stated the bank was not a creditor.
“The fact that you are a potential creditor does not make you a creditor. CBZ hasn’t properly filed its claim. Advocate Chiutsi I respect you as a senior counsel and I don’t want to excuse you from this court,” Mutasa said.
Capital Bank’s representative also insisted on speaking during the meeting although the bank’s application was filed late and could not be considered.
“We don’t want to get into an unnecessary show down. We don’t want to undress each other unnecessarily. I have made my decision and it’s not the end of the world. If anyone is aggrieved you know the procedure to seek recourse,” Mutasa said.
The Tetrad representative wanted to know why the bank as a secured creditor would get nothing at liquidation and was informed that it was based on the assets on which the bank’s claim were secured.

BREAKING NEWS: Didymus Mutasa and Temba Mliswa EXPELLED From ZANU PF

Former Secretary for Administration, Didymus Mutasa and his nephew Hurungwe West legislator, Themba Mliswa have been expelled from the party as First Lady, Grace Mugabe begins to flex her muscle. (Watch VIDEO Grace Mugabe marching in before expelling Mutasa)
But Mudzi South legislator, Jonathan Samkange; Bikita West member, Dr Munyaradzi Kereke and Daniel Garwe were re-admitted into the party. Mutasa and Mliswa were fired for indiscipline, with the former standing accused of a host of transgressions.
Mutasa was on record discrediting the 6th Zanu PF Congress held last December, declaring its outcomes as null and void.
He even wrote to SADC and the African Union (AU) calling on them to intervene in the matter in which he was ousted from party position of Secretary for Administration.
After such acts, the party tasked the National Disciplinary Committee to decide Mutasa’s fate. The committee is led by Grace Mugabe who now wields considerable power in Zanu PF. As soon as she returned home Zanu PF bigwigs are quacking in their boots as a cull is now expected in the Cabinet.
The disciplinary committee highlighted in its report the disparaging remarks by Mutasa against the party leadership and his utterances rubbishing the party’s congress.
The committee treated Mutasa’s case as unique and extraordinary, saying he continued to be unrepentant.
Former Zanu PF Mashonaland West Provincial Chairman, Mliswa was dismissed on an array of charges ranging from insubordination and interfering with party meetings in his province.
The expulsion of the two from the party, their National Assembly seats have been declared vacant and by-elections can be held.
On the other hand, the ruling party readmitted Dr Kereke, who was expelled in 2013 after standing as a candidate in Bikita West constituency contrary to the directive of the party which was rallying behind Elias Musakwa.
Garwe who contested as an independent in Murehwa North in the July 31 elections was also re-admitted together with Samkange.
During the same meeting, President Robert Mugabe in his opening remarks behind closed doors welcomed his wife into the meeting where he was making her maiden appearance after being elevated to lead the Women’s League.
The meeting also received briefs on ZIMASSET from Patrick Chinamasa, transport from Oppah Muchinguri and Saviour Kasukuwere for the commissariat. – State Media

WARNING DISTURBING PICTURE: Man Sex With A Goat, Conceives A Half Human Foetus

Two Masvingo men are being hunted by police after one of them allegedly impregnated a domestic goat.
The goat was soon conceived a half human creature.
The foetus was noticed after the she-goat was accidentally hit by a passing truck.
The expecting she-goat hit  by a haulage truck at Chivi Growth Point last week, shocked residents when from its womb came out the foetus that had human like features.
Many people at the Growth point said except for the hooves, all other features looked human.
A spokesperson for the Veterinary Department said it was not possible for a goat to give birth to a human being.
He said the human-like features could be a result of deformities in the development of the kid. Below is the foetus that astounded many.  Pic by Martha Leboho/ Mirror

US Govt Pours $2,6 Billion to Feed Zimbabweans | Letters

The United States government has poured into Zimbabwe $2.6Billion in the space of just 360 months. The US embassy writes refuting claims in the State Media that the western nation gave $850 million in funds to Zimbabwe NGOs between 2011 and 2014.


The February 16 edition of The Herald newspaper published a page one article that carried a great deal of misinformation regarding USAID support to the NGO sector in Zimbabwe.   One of the greatest pieces of erroneous information was contained in the headline itself, which asserted that the United States provided $850 million in funds to Zimbabwe NGOs between 2011 and 2014.   We would like to set the record straight:

​Fact: In Zimbabwe, ​​USAID provides funding to improve food security, ​increase agricultural production and farmer incomes, ​support economic resilience and develop small businesses, promote civil society and democratic engagement, ​and provide health services to save lives.

Fact: In FY 2014, the U.S. Government provided approximately $160 million in assistance to Zimbabwe, $130 million of which went to improving  health services for  Zimbabweans in areas including HIV AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, nutrition, maternal/child health and reproductive health.

Fact: For more than 30 years, the American people, through USAID, have provided over $2.6 billion in assistance to the people of Zimbabwe, including significant food aid and emergency relief during times of critical need.

Fact: The U.S. Government works with a variety of partners and organizations and adheres to the highest standards for accountability for U.S. funds.  The U.S. Government takes seriously allegations regarding misuse of resources.  The USAID Office of the Inspector General is an independent office responsible for investigating such claims.

Members of the public who are interested in learning about ​the facts regarding USG assistance​ in this country will find accurate information at​ ​the​ official U.S. Government website:

HIV Spreading Ruling: Con Court Reserves Judgement

The Constitutional Court has set aside judgement on whether the laws which make it a criminal offence for someone said to have infected his or her partner with HIV are constitutional or not.
Chief Justice Godfrey Chidyausiku leading a nine(9) member bench heard the case which was brought by the Zimbabwe Lawyers for human Rights urging the laws were not only vague but also unconstitutional.
ZLHR brought the cases after the conviction of two women on charges of wilfully infecting their partners with HIV.
Advocate Thabani Mpofu instructed by David Hofisi from the ZLHR submitted that there was no scientific evidence to support that “he or she was indeed infected HIV by his or her partner”.
Mpofu urged that the laws should clearly explain how the court would arrive at a conclusion that the accused person would have been intentionally and or wilfully infected his or her partner with HIV without scientific evidence.
Representing the state was Editor Mavuto from the Prosecutor General’s Office who said the contested laws were enacted with the aim of protecting and safeguarding public health.
He however agreed that there were no scientific evidence to prove that the accused person would have intentionally infected his or her partner adding that ‘actions’ and the ‘conduct’ of the accused person when the infection happened could lead to prosecution.
The laws which ZLHR wants to be repealed state that any person knowing that he or she is infected with HIV, or realizing that there is a real risk or possibility that he or she is infected with HIV, intentionally does anything or permits the doing of anything which he or she knows will infect or does anything which he or she realizes involves a real risk or possibility of infecting another person with HIV, shall be guilty of deliberate transmission of HIV whether or not he or she is married to that person and shall be liable to imprisonment for a period not exceeding twenty years.

100 Kids to Fly for Mugabe Vic Falls Bash

More than 100 children selected from the country’s 10 provinces, who share a birthday with President Robert Mugabe, will be flown to Victoria Falls to attend his 91st birthday celebrations scheduled for next week, where elephant and other game meat is on the menu.
Mugabe turns 91 this Saturday and as has become the norm, the 21st February Movement has organised a birthday bash for him in Victoria Falls on February 28.
This year’s celebrations are being held under the theme “Celebrating the birth of Gushungo, the icon of Zimbabwe’s revolution and champion of youth empowerment”.
Matabeleland North Zanu PF youth chairperson, Tamuka Nyoni, confirmed yesterday that the children will be going to the resort town.
“We are prepared to host them so that they enjoy their day with His Excellency President Mugabe,” he said.
“All February 21st children will be well catered for.”
A lot of food has been lined up for the day and an elephant is part of the menu after it was donated by Woodlands Wildlife Conservancy.
The new development comes as hotels and lodges in the resort town are all fully-booked for the duration of the birthday bash.
Tourism operators said Mugabe’s bash had brought them more business than regional summits normally hosted in the resort town. Reports said about 622 government delegates are booked in the resort town ahead of the bash for a period of four days from February 26 to 28.
Delegates will start arriving in the resort town on February 26.
Children will converge at the Victoria Falls Farm School on February 27 for the birthday reception, but Mugabe will only jet into the resort town the following day for the main event at Elephant Hills Hotel.
The crowd expected has doubled, with organisers of the event saying they were expecting about 20 000 people to attend, meaning more mouths to be fed than the previous bashes.
This has brought smiles on the faces of tourism players as the huge influx of delegates for the bash translates into profits for them.
Employers’ Association for Safari and Tourism Operators, president and Shearwater public relations manager Clement Mukwasi yesterday confirmed the development and said it was a real test of their capacity as an industry to handle big events.
“The occasion is a massive one,” he said.
“It’s going to bring domestic tourists into Victoria Falls like never before.
“It’s a real test of our capacity to handle the local market as an industry.”
Mugabe’s 90th birthday bash on February 23 2014 was attended by about 10 000 in Harare and 90 beasts were reportedly slaughtered for the occasion with costs reaching a staggering $1 million.
This year the money needed for the bash could surpass that of 2014 as the birthday bash is being held more than 800km from the capital.

Magaya, Kaseke Splashed With Praises By Daily News

Prophetic Healing and Deliverance (PHD) Ministries leader, Prophet Walter Magaya, and controversial tourism boss Karikoga Kaseke have received splashes of praises from the Daily News paper.
The paper handed Magaya a Personality of the Year award for 2014.
A statement read stating, “Despite the fact that 2014 was undoubtedly one of the most difficult years Zimbabweans have had to endure since 1980, Magaya proved to a wide cross-section of the population that he was one of a few institutions and individuals that provided a rare ray of hope to many.
“Personality of the year award — Walter Magaya
“The young charismatic preacher managed to attract one of the largest crowds Zimbabwe has ever seen during his Night of Turnaround in November last year.
“An estimated 350 000 people from all walks of life attended the conference, a feat that all the country’s stage-hungry politicians have failed to achieve over the past 35 years of Uhuru.
“The well-known philanthropist also won the hearts of many Zimbabweans when he gave the late Studio 263 actress Pretty Xaba $18 000 to cater for her travel and medical bills at an Indian hospital, in addition to awarding scholarships to several orphans dotted across the country.”
But despite all his good deeds, Magaya did court some controversy during the year, including facing untested allegations of adultery and seeing one of his crusades in Kwekwe ending tragically.
But the publication concluded claiming that “through his ministry, characterised by fervent reports of healing and miracles, he managed to turn many Zimbabweans to God.”
Meanwhile Karikoga Kaseke was handed,
the Tourism personality of the year award.
A reading stated, ‘The strong-willed Zimbabwe Tourism Authority chief executive, Karikoga Kaseke, is a hands-on man.
Notwithstanding the fact that he is a regulator, Kaseke, with his team, deserve praise for working so hard to revive the country’s tourism sector.
After realising that Zimbabwe was losing a lot of revenue due to lack of tourists in the country, Kaseke has gone on a successful soft diplomatic offensive — and his efforts are slowly paying off.
Last year, the sector brought close to $1 billion in tourism receipts.
Through his dedication and commitment to the industry, Kaseke personally negotiated with Egypt Air to review its decision to withdraw from Zimbabwe.

Tsvangirai not Involved In Scam

opinion_angry1 - CopyThe Zanu PF attempts to drag President Tsvangirai’s name into the controversial RBZ Debt Assumption Bill will not wash simply because he is not involved in any scam at all.
The allegations by Marondera East MP Jeremiah Chiwetu that the MDC leader used $3 million of RBZ funds to buy his Highlands House are not only preposterous but defamatory as well. This is a desperate attempt to equalize the doyen of the democratic struggle in Zimbabwe with those who benefitted from the quasi-fiscal activities of the RBZ that included the provision of tractors, scotch-carts and farming inputs.
The facts of the matter are that President Tsvangirai never received $3 million as alleged by Zanu PF. He never got money from the RBZ. He got a loan from government that is just about $1 million to buy the Highlands house but he had put in $400 000 of his own personal money as a deposit before the payment of the full value of the property.
President Tsvangirai is committed to servicing his own loan from government just as the State should also reimburse him $400 000 of personal funds that was used in buying this government property.
It should not be forgotten that President Tsvangirai spent three of his four years as Prime Minister staying in his own house in Strathaven, transacting the business of the State from his own private residence when the State had an obligation to provide him accommodation befitting his status.
For the three years he stayed in his own house, President Tsvangirai did not make the use of his own house an issue because material benefits have never driven his politics.
President Tsvangirai supports the position of the MDC MPs in parliament that anyone who owes the RBZ should pay back so that we do not burden innocent Zimbabweans with debts they know nothing about.
Whoever owes the RBZ should pay. If there was anyone who benefitted from the RBZ funds, then they must pay back and not saddle innocent Zimbabweans who are surviving on less than $1 a day and struggling to make ends meet.
The decision to make Zimbabweans pay for individuals who owe the RBZ is arrant nonsense and no amount of defamatory allegations against President Tsvangirai will divert the MDC focus from the fact that good citizens who owe the RBZ must assume their own debts.
President Tsvangirai fully supports the voice of the party’s MPs in Parliament who have stood firm in defence of the innocent Zimbabweans they represent; Zimbabweans who must now suffer on behalf of Zanu PF fat cats who fleeced the central bank.
Luke Tamborinyoka
Presidential Spokesperson
Movement for Democratic Change

Mugabe hosts obscene jamboree while nation starves

It has been reported that Zanu PF is in the process of raising the sum of US$1 million in order to bank roll Robert Mugabe’s birthday bash scheduled to take place at the plush Elephant Hills Hotel golf course on February 28, 2015.
We have also gathered that several elephants and other wildlife will be slaughtered to feed the crowd that will be commandeered to attend the nonagenarian’s 91st birthday bash. The irony of it all is the fact that the bash will be taking place at a time leading economists have since announced that the average incomes in Zimbabwe are now at their lowest in 60 years. It has also emerged that more than 76% of the country’s adult population is surviving on less than US$200 per month.
While the MDC would like to wish Robert Mugabe a happy 91st birthday on February 21, 2015; we would also like the old man to use his birthday as a moment for serious reflection. At the very ripe age of 91, Robert Mugabe is certainly way past his prime. No matter what his Zanu PF spin doctors might want to say, Mugabe has seen better days and he is now a big liability to the generality of the people of Zimbabwe for as long as he remains as the county’s head of state and chief executive. It doesn’t need rocket science for one to appreciate that a 91 year old man belongs to an old people’s home and not to the State House of a nation.
As the MDC, we are greatly perturbed to learn that instead of focusing on more serious and pressing national issues such as rehabilitating the country’s collapsed public health delivery system as well as the renovation of the nation’s dilapidated road and rail infrastructure, Zanu PF has seen it fit to squeeze the sum of US$I million from the country’s ailing business sector in order to bankroll the nonagenarian’s birthday jamboree in the resort town of Victoria Falls.
The absurdity of it all is further compounded by the rather bizarre demand by the Zanu PF Youth League that Robert Mugabe’s birthday should be declared a national holiday. Zimbabwe is not North Korea where the Dear Leader’s birthday is deified and celebrated as a public holiday. In a short period of 35 years, Robert Mugabe and Zanu PF have successfully managed to run down and trash a country that was at one time the jewel of Africa. From being a proud net food exporter and bread basket of Southern Africa at independence in April , 1980, Mugabe and Zanu PF have mismanaged the country and in the process ; they have reduced a once proud nation with a sophisticated mixed economy into a basket case. That is the tragic and sad legacy of Robert Mugabe’s rule in Zimbabwe.
The MDC calls upon the proposed Robert Mugabe birthday bash scheduled to take place in Victoria Falls on February 28, 2015 to be called off. All the money that has been collected to bankroll this obscene jamboree should be immediately channelled towards rehabilitating the collapsed public hospitals, clinics and rural schools in Matebeleland North province. Any food items and other materials that have been ‘’donated’’ for Mugabe’s birthday bash should be handed over to the Jairos Jiri centre and other orphanages in Bulawayo.
The majority of the people of Zimbabwe are living in penury, squalor and destitution and thus; it would be grossly offensive for Robert Mugabe and a few of his hangers – on to wine and dine at the Mosi – a – Tunya on Saturday , February 28 , 2015. It is high time that the ZanuPF regime shows some respect and empathy for the toiling masses of Zimbabwe.

Misihairabwi Quits MDC

Announcement of the Resignation of Hon. Priscila Misihairabwi –Mushonga from position of Secretary General
On 15 January 2015, the MDC Secretary General Hon. Priscila Misihairabwi –Mushonga announced to the public through the Financial Gazette newspaper that within a period of a few weeks from that date she would be making a decision as to whether she would continue to play a central role in the party.
It is with regret that we advise members of the party and the general public that on Thursday, 12 February 2015, Hon. Priscila Misihairabwi -Mushonga tendered to the President of the party, Prof Welshman Ncube, her written resignation from the position of Secretary General with immediate effect.
The Presidency has accepted this resignation and hopes that Hon. Misihairabwi -Mushonga will continue in her other roles in which she was deployed by the party, such as her role in Parliament.
On behalf of the leadership and membership of the party, we sincerely thank Hon. Misihairabwi -Mushonga for the outstanding and committed service that she rendered to the party in her capacity as Secretary General since her election to that position in February 2011.
Edwin Mushoriwa
MDC Deputy President

Grace, Tsvangirai Fingered in RBZ Debt

FIRST Lady Grace Mugabe and opposition MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai have been fingered as having substantially benefited from the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ)’s controversial $1,35 billion debt which the government wants to take over.
This came out yesterday as legislators debated the RBZ Debt Assumption Bill which sailed through the second reading stage amid protests by opposition legislators who demanded that the National Assembly conduct a secret vote in a bid to stop its passage.
Opposition MPs argued that the Bill should not be passed as top Zanu PF and government officials, among them, First Lady, benefited from it. But Zanu PF shot back saying Tsvangirai was also a beneficiary of the RBZ’s benevolence.
Opposition legislators wanted a secret vote on the bill, but Speaker of the National Assembly Jacob Mudenda thwarted it, ruling that this could only be entertained at the third reading stage before the Bill could be passed into law.
MDC-T chief whip Innocent Gonese and Kuwadzana East MP Nelson Chamisa had proposed a secret vote saying Parliament could not be railroaded to pass the Bill without a clear explanation of how the money was used.
“The people are saying this is a diabolical Bill and they equate it to Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act. They are saying the RBZ has assets and must pay its debts and if there are people who benefited they must be made to account,” Gonese said.
“People need to know who benefited at a time when the RBZ was behaving as Father Christmas and to solve the issue of conflict of interest, all MPs who benefited certainly must be precluded from taking part in the vote to pass this Bill,” he said.
Mudenda said: “I made a ruling that at this stage, it does not permit voting.”
Gonese said he had qualms with the way some of the debts were described because Zimbabweans could be paying for money used to buy homes for “small houses” or lobola for second wives of some individuals.
“For example, the Medallion Gold, Anglo American debt and other debts have no clear explanation as to how they were incurred,” he said. “It is only described as a variance. How can Parliament be expected to condone such a debt? We need full disclosure and explanations and those people who benefited must be made to reduce the $1,35 billion debt.”
Gonese said some amount on the RBZ debt was used to pay for electricity debts and fuel for “Zanu PF fat cats”. “You expect the poor impoverished Zimbabweans to pay? I want to challenge Zanu PF MPs that if they have the interests of people at heart they must join us in blocking this Bill so that we ensure those who benefited reduce the amount,” he said.
Nkayi South MP Abednico Bhebe reiterated: “This is a private debt and if Zanu PF MPs insist on the government taking over, then we will require that this House be divided so that Zimbabweans can actually judge who have the interests of the people in this House and who are the people in this House actually sanctioning looting.”
This prompted Marondera East MP Jeremiah Chiwetu (Zanu PF) to hit back saying the $3 million used by the RBZ to buy Tsvangirai’s Highlands house when he was Prime Minister had contributed to the contested RBZ debt.
“If we say Tsvangirai should pay back the $3 million can he manage? He cannot even manage $1 500 per month,” Chiwetu said.
In response, Binga North MP Prince Dubeko Sibanda (MDC-T) claimed that Grace’s Alpha and Omega Dairy project was built using RBZ money and partly contributed to the debt.
Zanu PF proportional representation MP Sabina Mangwende said those farmers who got farming implements sold a lot of maize to the Grain Marketing Board (GMB), but had not yet been paid. She said they would only pay back for the equipment they got after the GMB had paid them for maize deliveries.
After a heated debate, Finance minister Patrick Chinamasa told legislators that a separate Bill would soon be introduced in Parliament for the setting up of a Zimbabwe Debt Office to verify and validate the RBZ debt.
He, however, pleaded with MPs to urgently pass the RBZ Debt Assumption Bill in its current state, saying validation of the debt might take long as the central bank required about $250 million to recapitalise.
The Bill now goes to Committee Stage where Chinamasa promised some amendments. Newsday

Sibanda Strikes Again, Blasts ZANU PF Looting

FORMER war veterans’ leader Jabulani Sibanda has urged Zimbabweans to pray for divine intervention to put an end to a “dirty corrupt lot” in Zanu PF oppressing fellow countrymen and looting State resources.
Sibanda claimed President Robert Mugabe is now surrounded by corrupt “weevils” that have hijacked Zanu PF, and persecuted the late Vice-President Joshua Nkomo during the 1980s.
The firebrand ex-war veterans’ leader took a swipe at the Christopher Mutsvangwa-led association, describing it as a militia created by the army to oppress ordinary Zimbabweans.
“Actually corruption, permitted corruption, has created a ruling class in this country,” he said in a wide ranging interview.
“Zanu PF is no longer led by ordinary people, but by individuals that are able to buy votes out of ill-gotten wealth.
“I urge our people to continue praying. Those that can fast will have to do so because God has a way to put this to an end.
“We can only find the way to end this if we seek spiritual eyes and find determination and courage to save the revolution and our country, and contribute to the peace in Africa and to the world.”
Sibanda was expelled from Zanu PF and deposed as war veterans’ chairperson during a purge targeting suspected allies of then Vice-
President Joice Mujuru.
He courted Mugabe’s ire when he said all able-bodied Zimbabweans should resist a “boardroom or bedroom coup”, in apparent reference to a plot to unseat Mujuru.
Former VP Mujuru, a number of ministers, Zanu PF provincial chairpersons and other officials were booted out on charges of planning to topple Mugabe.
However, Sibanda described those behind the purge and now controlling Zanu PF as a corrupt, repressive and criminal cabal now surrounding Mugabe to loot the nation’s resources.
He said Zanu PF would be cleansed of such a “dirty lot”.
“The late (Joshua) Nkomo was loyal to Mugabe, but he was chased away and persecuted by people who today purport to be very loyal to him, but only for their selfish, personal needs and to get positions at the expense of democracy,” he said.
“What we see today in Zanu PF is people wielding power against the people and using the army against the people. I do not believe in such a party. I believe in Zanu PF that upholds the will of the people, their hopes and aspirations.
“I promise you that Zanu PF will be cleansed of this dirty lot.
“I may not be there when it happens, but this country will be cleansed of this dirty lot that are destroying the party and the country.
“Our minerals have disappeared.
“Mugabe even once asked where the minerals were. Our minerals have been taken by the same people who are destroying the party from within.
He added: “Corrupt weevils have destroyed our industries, looted diamonds, other minerals and undermined democracy.
“There is no democracy in Zanu PF and this is all because of these weevils, but the question is for how long will the nation take this nonsense?”
Sibanda described his ouster as illegal, before labelling the Mutsvangwa-led war veterans’ association as a military militia, created ostensibly by the army to oppress Zimbabweans.
“Our war veterans’ association is an affiliate of Zanu PF and not the army,” he said. “We do not exist anywhere in the Defence Forces Act.
“However, this brand new entity is affiliated to the Defence Forces and they are now using the power of the barracks to threaten war veterans.
“This is not a war veterans’ association, but a military militia that has been set up by the army to extend the arm of repression against our people.
“They don’t have support and will not have it in the foreseeable future.” – SouthernEye

How Prophet Angel Stole My Bentley

Spirit Embassy Ministries founder Prophet Uebert Angel Mudzanire, convinced a Harare businessman to surrender his Bentley as a way of sowing a seed into his life, but the “man of God” immediately sold the vehicle just after receiving it despite having promised to return it to the owner if he failed to reap the promised harvest within the stipulated period, the court heard yesterday.
Mr Ndabazinengi Shava, the director of Faith Age Holdings Zimbabwe, told the court that Prophet Angel after selling his vehicle to one Phebion, relocated to the United Kingdom and blocked any communication with him.
This was revealed during the trial of Anderson Tagara who is accused of aiding Prophet Angel in defrauding Mr Shava of his vehicle valued at $300 000.
However, Tagara denied the charges when his trial opened yesterday before regional magistrate Mr Noel Mupeiwa.
Mr Shava said he believed the man of cloth when he told him that he would reap three folds.
“Just after relocating to the U.K, Prophet Angel actually called and ordered me to give his brother (Limit) the registration book and I gave it to him without any suspicions, not knowing that my car had already been sold even though the agreed eight months period had not lapsed,” he said.
In his defence through his lawyer Mr Itayi Ndudzo, Tagara denied the charges arguing that he was the owner of the car in question.
Part of the defence outline reads; “In February 2012 accused person (Tagara) purchased his own Bentley using his sole and exclusive funds.
It was only subsequent to the importation and registration of the vehicle in May that accused was approached by his then friend, Shava with an offer for the purchase of the vehicle. After negotiations the accused sold the vehicle to Shava and delivered it to him.”
Tagara told the court that in 2013 Shava approached him with an agreement of sale bearing his (Tagara) name as the seller and Benjamin Mudzanire as purchaser.
“Shava advised me that the vehicle had been sold to Mudzanire and since registration was in my name, the agreement of sale was required to divest me of ownership rights, I then signed it. “Allegations by Shava against me are entirely false and actuated by dishonesty, greedy and malice . . . he gambled his property without my involvement,” he said.
The trial continues on Friday. – State Media

Mutasa: Tsvangirai Must Join ZANU PF

Joining XANU PF?...Morgan Tsvangirai
Abused…Morgan Tsvangirai
In an unexpected turn of events, former Presidential Affairs minister Didymus Mutasa has called on all democratic forces, including opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai’s MDC, to join him in the “real Zanu PF” to rescue the country from its current political and economic crises.
In an apparent response to the weekend appeal by MDC national executive member Nelson Chamisa, for Mutasa and other disaffected Zanu PF stalwarts to join hands with the MDC as the only way to defeat what he called the spectre of tyranny in the country, Mutasa said yesterday that this was not the solution.
Speaking in an interview with the Daily News, the Headlands legislator said it did not make sense “to leave a vibrant organisation (the real Zanu PF), notwithstanding the challenges” it was facing at the moment.
“No, we cannot join the MDC. If anything, they should come and join Zanu PF because we are the biggest party.
“Everyone in MDC was once in Zanu PF, including Tsvangirai. So, it should be them who come to Zanu PF, not the other way round,” Mutasa said.
He said even though he and other Zanu PF officials, including former vice president Joice Mujuru, had been treated unfairly by their erstwhile colleagues in the Zanu PF that emerged post the party’s disputed “elective” congress that was held in Harare last December, he would never leave the “real Zanu PF” and join another party.
“I have never left Zanu PF and I will never leave the party. I am in the old Zanu PF and I belong in that Zanu PF. However, I am not in the illegal Zanu PF and that one I do not recognise,” Mutasa said.
Addressing party supporters in Kuwadzana on Sunday, Chamisa said it was good that Mutasa and other prominent Zanu PF members now agreed with the MDC that the ruling party had too many “fatal deficiencies” to be allowed to continue misruling the country.
“We call upon people like Mujuru, Mutasa and all other democratic forces to come and join Tsvangirai. I even told Mutasa come, come, come and unite with us as Zimbabweans to extricate the country from the economic mess that it finds itself in,” Chamisa said.
The Kuwadzana East legislator said all democratic forces should take advantage of Tsvangirai’s massive grassroots support and coalesce around him if they entertained any hopes of dislodging Zanu PF from power.
But Mutasa, who maintains that he is still the bona fide Zanu PF secretary for administration, said opposition parties interested in democracy instead should join the “real Zanu PF” to advance the interests of all Zimbabweans.
Meanwhile, the ruling party’s disciplinary committee, headed by Vice President Phelekezela Mphoko, that will decide Mutasa’s fate is set to start its work soon, following the return of First Lady Grace Mugabe from her long Far East sojourn, where she allegedly underwent a minor medical operation.
But even then, there is apparently serious disagreement among Zanu PF hardliners about how to deal with the dissenting former Presidential Affairs minister, who is also contemplating dragging Zanu PF to court.
Although Mugabe and his legal advisors have warned Mutasa against taking the court route, Mutasa is undeterred and insists that the party should repudiate its December congress and return to a more democratic dispensation.
Well-placed sources told the Daily News yesterday that while some of the hawks were agitating for Mutasa’s summary dismissal from the party — as had happened with former war veterans’ leader Jabulani Sibanda and former spokesperson Rugare Gumbo — others were not sure that this would serve the warring party’s interests.
Grace demonstrated the immense power she now wields in Zanu PF when Cabinet ministers, service chiefs and Zanu PF bigwigs scrambled to Harare International Airport to welcome her back to the country on Sunday after she had been away in the Far East for more than two months.
Most observers were agreed that the fact that senior government and Zanu PF officials had felt compelled to converge at the airport to welcome her back to Zimbabwe in the manner that they did spoke volumes about how much political power she now wielded in the country.
President Robert Mugabe himself admitted during the ruling party’s damp squib “elective” congress that was held in Harare late last year that Grace now often directed him what to do.
There was much pomp and ceremony as Grace arrived at the airport, with one senior Zanu PF official who spoke to the Daily News describing her welcome as “fitting for a Queen”.
“She (Grace) is now probably the most powerful politician in Zimbabwe, which is why her welcome back to the country today almost rivalled the treatment that the president gets when he returns from his trips abroad.
“To not go and pay homage to Amai at the moment amounts to virtual political suicide and everyone knows this. Her welcome was fitting for a Queen,” the central committee member who requested anonymity said.
Among the bigwigs at the airport were Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa, Defence minister Sydney Sekeramayi, Foreign Affairs minister Simbarashe Mumbengegwi, politburo member Shuvai Mahofa and fast-rising Youth league boss Pupurai Togarepi.
Mugabe himself only came back from the family holiday late last month, claiming at the time that he had left his wife in the Far East recuperating, after she had undergone a medical operation. Mugabe reportedly sneaked out of the country a few days ago so that he would accompany his wife home.
Speaking at the welcome party, Togarepi wasted no time in reminding the gathered Zanu PF bigwigs that it was in fact “Comrade Stop It”, as Grace is now popularly known in party circles, who was in control.
He bluntly told them that the honeymoon was over for those who had taken advantage of her absence to misbehave and frustrate the ruling party’s youths.
“We are happy as the Youth League that mother (Grace) you are back. We were being persecuted when you were away. When a mother is not there, others take advantage and push you, but this is our time to report them to you” he said to loud applause. -DailyNews

‘HIV Spreaders’ Should Not Be Imprisoned, Lawyers Take Govt to Court

The Constitutional Court is on Wednesday going to rule whether the laws which make it a criminal offence for someone who would have infected his or her partner with HIV are constitutional or not.
The argument was bought by the Zimbabwe Lawyers for human Rights last year after the conviction of two Zimbabwean women by the courts two years ago for deliberately infecting their partners, and is based on the constitutionality of the law versus the new constitution promulgated in 2013. The Constitutional Court is on Wednesday going to rule whether the laws which make it a criminal offence for someone who would have infected his or her partner with HIV are constitutional or not.
The argument was brought by the Zimbabwe Lawyers for human Rights last year after the conviction of two Zimbabwean women by the courts two years ago for deliberately infecting their partners preside over the constitutionality of the law versus the new constitution promulgated just before the 2013 general elections.
The law  in context states that any person  knowing that he or she is infected with HIV, or realizing that there is a real risk or possibility  that he or she is infected  with HIV intentionally  does anything or permits the doing  of anything which he or she knows will infect or does anything which he or she realizes involves a real risk or possibility of infecting another person with HIV, shall be guilty of  deliberate transmission of HIV whether or not  he or she is married  to that person, and shall be liable to imprisonment  for a period not exceeding twenty years.
In its (ZLHR) arguments, their case is that there is  no scientific evidence to prove the source of HIV infection which could be brought before the courts when two parties are being tried.
The rights lobby group said the conviction of such persons were done on who first reports  accusing another  as opposed to basing on evidence which is not easy to come by.
Three lawyers Tabani Mpofu,Lizwe Jamela and David Hofisi  have been delegated by the Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human rights to argue the case.

Mugabe to Butcher Endangered Elephants for Food at His Birthday

President Robert Mugabe is set to butcher giant elephants at his birthday celebrations.
Mugabe who turns 91 this week, is set to slaughter Zimbabwe’s endangered species at celebrations held by his party ZANU PF.
A report by the Chronicle said a prominent farmer, Tendai Musasa had pledged to donate two elephants, two buffalos, two sables, five impalas and a lion worth a combined $120 000 towards the president’s birthday bash that will be held on 28 February.
According to The Guardian the conservationists have branded the plans as unethical.
Musasa said this was his way of supporting the function and to ensure a celebratory mood.
He said the donation was “a perfect gesture”, adding that the animals would be slaughtered a few days ahead of the big day with the meat being stored by a local hotel.
“This is totally unethical”
But the chairperson of Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force Johnny Rodrigues said he was not in favour of anyone donating wild animals for a celebration or any other reason.
“They have been doing this for years now. Every time there is a celebration…, several elephants and buffalo are killed for the celebrations. This is totally unethical and should not be allowed,” Rodrigues was quoted as saying.
Mugabe’s government is already under fire for a plan to ship at least 62 baby elephants to China, the United Arab Emirates and France.
The country’s tourism minister last month said the southern African country was overpopulated with African jumbos, adding that Zimbabwe needed to urgently reduce the animals’ population.
According to Huffington Post, at least 20 000 people are expected to attend the lavish celebrations just outside Victoria Falls. Reporting

“Thank God there Are No Rains, Let’s See if MDC Will Feed You’ says MP

ZANU PF Member of Parliament for Gwanda North Madodana Sibanda and his fellow ZANU PF community leaders in ward 11 of his constituency have celebrated the poor rainfall in the area warning villagers that those aligned to the opposition will starve to death.zanu-pf-woman
Addressing villagers at Ntalale in Gwanda North over the weekend, the legislature supported by his compatriots warned the villagers that the area is bound for a poor harvest this year and government food relief will be needed and only those “loyal to ZANU PF will be accorded the food aid.”
The MP openly told the villagers that those loyal to the opposition MDC factions will be fed by the MDCs not government.
“I hope you can all see that this year is bound to be a drought, so please when we come with food aid those not loyal to us should not even bother coming to us for food aid but go to their MDC As, Ns and Ts,” Sibanda said.
According to people who attended the meeting which was convened as a ward developmental meeting, they were stunned when the MP and his entourage began chanting ZANU PF slogans and speaking ZANU PF business instead of developmental issues.
Some people are reported to have tried to leave the gathering but were forced to remain in the gathering by ZANU PF regalia dressed marshals who threatened them with violence if they left the meeting.
The angry villagers told this media that the communities of Ward 11 in the constituency have been sending numerous complaints about their ZANU PF councillor who has not done “anything” for them since elections but instead get victimised for complaining. According to the villagers they are continuously being exposed to ZANU PF intimidation for them to be loyal to ZANU PF against their will.
ZANU PF won the Gwanda North constituency winning two council wards out of eleven and ward 11 was where the party got its biggest number of votes of close to 2000 voters. Opposition parties claim that ZANU PF bussed in thousands of people from near by ward 12 of Gwanda South to register and vote in the ward.

Enjoy Your Life Now

Enjoy your life now. Do not wait for tomorrow. Do not wait for something to happen before you enjoy your life.
Enjoy when you are broke, because you still have your life.
Enjoy when you are sick because you still have life.
Enjoy when you are single because marriage life can be rocky.
Enjoy when you are alone because some company can be quit discouraging.
Enjoy when you do not own a house because not all home owners are happy.
Enjoy your current boss, who knows, you might be the boss tomorrow.
Enjoy your job, children, neighbourhood, family because some don’t even have them.
Enjoy the heat, the cold and the wind. Enjoy the view, the fresh air and the birds.
Enjoy your life because there are a lot of moments to enjoy in your life. Find them and treasure them.
Enjoy who you are because you are not an accident. God designed you like that and placed you in your family for a bigger purpose.
Enjoy your looks. There are people who may not like them, but there are still a lot of people who adore them.
Enjoy your spouse. Find and notice the goodness in him or her because they are the reason you married him or her.
Enjoy your calling. Be confident in it. You were designed to fulfil a specific function. This is where you fit best.
Enjoy today because there is always a reason not to enjoy.
And you will be amazed that if someone got a chance to live your life as today, he or she will be the happiest person in the world.
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Mphoko Blasted by Tsvangirai on Gukurahundi


MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai’s MDC writes blasting Vice President Phelekezela Mphoko on his controversial views about Gukurahundi.
Genocide is defined as the systematic destruction of all or a significant part of a racial, ethnic, religious or national group. According to public international law , genocide is a crime against humanity. It is a notorious fact that from the early to the mid – 1980s, more than 20 000 civilians were massacred in the Midlands and Matebeleland provinces by the North Korean – trained Fifth brigade. Pregnant women were bayoneted and thrown into open graves whilst men and women were buried alive in a gruesome manner that would make the savagery and brutality of ISIL, Boko Haram and Al Shabab look like child’s play.
Recent remarks by Phelekezela Mphoko to the effect that the Gukurahundi massacres were a conspiracy by the West are therefore in extreme bad taste, insensitive and grossly offensive to both the victims and survivors of this genocide.
Indeed, all peace – loving and patriotic Zimbabweans have been offended and insulted by Mphoko’s insensitive and irresponsible remarks. The Gukurahundi genocide is a very sad chapter of Zimbabwe’s post – independence history and we expect senior political leaders in the mould of Phelekezela Mphoko to be extremely cautious whenever they find it necessary to make a comment on this dark phase of our country’s history. The fact of the matter is that the ZanuPF regime led by Robert Mugabe planned and ruthlessly executed the Gukurahundi genocide with devastating and chilling brutality. Indeed, Mugabe is on public record as having referred to Gukurahundi as ” a moment of madness.”
As the MDC, we have always advocated for the need to bring closure to be sad story of Gukurahundi. Put simply, the Gukurahundi genocide cannot and indeed, shouldn’t be wished away.It has to be addressed holistically and conclusively in order to bring and foster lasting peace and tranquillity in Zimbabwe.
Victims and survivors of the Gukurahundi genocide should be clearly identified and compensated. In fact, there is a compelling need for a wholesale counselling programme to be instituted for both the survivors and the known perpetrators of the heinous Gukurahundi genocide. It is against this background that the remarks by Phelekezela Mphoko should be seen as flying in the face of the national healing process that he is , ironically, supposed to be heading. Mphoko is a complete and utter disgrace to all right – thinking, democratic and peace – loving Zimbabweans.
Whilst we appreciate that he is singing for his supper and he is desperate to please his political master, he cannot be allowed to get away with such irresponsible and highly inappropriate and provocative remarks. As the largest and most popular political party in Zimbabwe, the MDC hereby calls for the immediate resignation of Phelekezela Mphoko as the Republic of Zimbabwe’s second Vice President. This man is completely unsuitable to hold any position of responsibility in any government anywhere in the civilised world. Mphoko should also proceed to specifically proffer an unconditional apology to all the victims and survivors of the Gukurahundi genocide. The apology should also be extended to all the people of Zimbabwe.

Obert Chaurura Gutu
MDC National Spokesperson

IN PICTURES: Instant Justice for a Cellphone Thug

A Bulawayo Cell phone thug was at the weekend given a “thorough bashing” after he was caught in the act pick pocketing a cellphone from a woman, before handing it over to an accomplice who fled with the gadget from the scene.
The unidentified cellphone robber was then forced to eat a humble pie, after he agreed to help the victim to recover her handset from his accomplice, who had already gone with the handset. The thorough bashing from the surrounding mob left him pleading for mercy.
“Please lingangibulali ifoni yenu iyaphenduka, ngiyacela bantu – please don’t kill me your phone is going to be recovered”. The unidentified thief began to the sizeable crowd as it delivered instant justice on him.
He was captured being whisked away to the nearest police post, but not before he was given a few more bashes, soon after losing his teeth, after receiving several kicks from the mob.

It is a serious crime to take the law into one’s hands by attacking an accused person but efforts to obtain a comment from the crowd on why they were choosing to break the law, were fruitless as emotions continued to rise against the accused.

Chinamasa Begs EU To Lift Mugabe Travel-Ban

Finance Min Patrick Chinamasa and Danish Minister of Trade and Cooperation Development,  Mogens Jensen
Finance Min Patrick Chinamasa and Danish Minister of Trade and Cooperation Development, Mogens Jensen
FINANCE minister Patrick Chinamasa yesterday pleaded with the European Union (EU) to unconditionally lift the economic and travel sanctions imposed on President Robert Mugabe and First Lady Grace to normalise relations between Harare and the European bloc.
Several government, Zanu PF officials and firms linked to them were placed under EU trade and travel sanctions in 2002 for gross human rights violations and electoral fraud, but the EU has lifted the embargo on most of them save for Mugabe and his wife.
“While we have taken these significant steps towards normalisation of Zimbabwe-EU relations, we must remain cognisant of the fact that there was still unfinished business,” Chinamasa said at the official signing ceremony of the 11th European Development Fund National Indicative Programme 2014 to 2020 in Harare.
“Zimbabwe has a chief executive and as long as the chief executive remains under sanctions our relations remain poisoned and unproductive. “I, therefore, take this opportunity to call for the unconditional lifting of sanctions against our head of State and the First Lady.”
Chinamasa said the signing ceremony was a significant step towards normalisation of relations and this would be the first time since 2002 that EU was engaging the government directly with development assistance funds being channelled through Treasury and not through non-governmental organisations as was the case before.
“Following the signing, Zimbabwe and the EU must embark on a political dialogue as provided under Article 8 of the Cotonou Agreement,” he said. “This will be spearheaded and conducted under the auspices of the Foreign Affairs ministry. But dialogue must be between equals.
“For as long as sanctions remain, the dialogue will unnecessarily remain contentious and acrimonious, and may retard progress towards normalisation.” Chinamasa added that Zimbabwe was open to doing business with EU member States.
“We would really appreciate it if we could have the European Investment Bank (EIB) in Zimbabwe,” he said. “So I am happy that EIB will be having another mission to Zimbabwe. “Our productive sector needs support to accelerate economic growth and achieve sustainable development.
“By the way, we started this January to make a token repayment towards liquidation of our indebtedness to the EIB to demonstrate our commitment to do business with the bank.”

Grace Return Throws ZANU PF Into Panic

THE return on Sunday of First Lady Grace Mugabe from her two-month-long holiday has reportedly sent top Zanu PF officials into a pensive mood, with some fearing for their political lives amid reports of an impending major Cabinet shake-up, officials revealed.
Grace is believed to wield enormous influence on key decisions made by her ageing husband President Robert Mugabe who turns 91 on Saturday.
The government and Zanu PF sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity yesterday, said they were anticipating a major reshuffle in both the ruling party and government structures starting this week following her return.
The officials said the party expected the appointment of new Cabinet ministers and a swift resolution of the disciplinary case involving fired Zanu PF secretary for administration Didymus Mutasa.
Grace is in the seven-member disciplinary panel appointed by Mugabe recently to address Mutasa’s matter.
The committee, chaired by Vice-President Phelekezela Mphoko, is yet to meet following its appointment, as Grace was away.
“Remember, the First Lady is now the kingmaker in both the party and the government, and starting this week, there is likely to be a lot of activity, as she takes over from where she left after our resounding congress in December,” a Zanu PF insider said.
“Mind you, Amai is the one credited with the downfall of (former Vice-President Joice) Mujuru and her followers both in the party and the government.
“She is likely to resume her campaign and exert her influence in the appointment of outstanding Cabinet posts.”
In the run-up to the party’s congress last December, Grace led a vicious campaign against Mujuru accusing her of plotting to topple Mugabe.
Although Mujuru denied the charges, she was eventually relieved of both her party and government posts.
Opposition parties and political analysts yesterday expressed similar fears that Grace’s return could spell doom for perceived pro-Mujuru party cadrés.
National Constitutional Assembly spokesperson Maddock Chivasa said: “Her coming back means more chaos in Zanu PF, as she is widely believed to be the chief principal and symbol of hate and divisions.”
Political analyst Takura Zhangazha said Grace’s return was only significant to Zanu PF, with people who led her campaign to land the women’s league post now looking up to her for political ascendancy and the next step after the purges.
“Within the context of their party, it means those that led the ousting of the former VP will look up to her for the next step and action for political ascendancy in Zanu PF,” he said.
“Nationally, her return will not change anything. It’s significant only to Zanu PF. There is no new policy she can review. She can end up in Cabinet, but apart from that, there is nothing much she can do on policy issues.”
MDC-T spokesperson, Obert Gutu, said there was nothing much to expect from Grace, but wished her a speedy recovery.
“Grace should ask herself few very tough questions: Why did she have to travel more than 10 000km away from Zimbabwe in order to undergo a relatively simple operation?” he said.
“Why have her husband and the political party he leads allowed the health delivery system to collapse?
“Why is it that they can afford to wine and dine in high society in the Far East for more than two months at a time when more than 85% of Zimbabweans are living in poverty and destitution and are surviving on less than $2 per day?
“What is the total cost to the taxpayer for chartering an Air Zimbabwe Boeing 767 jet from Harare to Singapore and back?”
MDC-Renewal spokesperson Jacob Mafume said it was worrying that Grace was becoming a new centre of power in Zimbabwe an indication that all was not well with her husband.-SouthernEye

Renewal Open To Unity Pact with Tsvangirai

Mafume ruled out re-unification with MDC-T but said they would rather form an electoral pact and fight Zanu (PF) from one corner, since there were no personal differences between Tsvangirai, Biti and any other member of the MDC formations.
“What is important and possible is an election pact by opposition parties to win the 2018 election against Zanu (PF), not to dissolve different political formations.
“Ideally, different political parties would come up with a pact and win elections first, then share cabinet posts and other responsibilities in the subsequent government,” said Mafume, pointing out that the Renewal Team was not competing against MDC-T, but were allies fighting one common enemy, Zanu (PF).
According to Mafume, the MDCs, labour, church, student organisations and civil society among other democratic forces’ roles are complementary to each other and would not be in conflict.
Zimbabwe at this juncture, Mafume noted, would be comfortable with a coalition that sets rules for a common electoral strategy, not reuniting the parties with leaders obsessed with personal power.
He made a call for opposition leadership to have ‘conversation with themselves’ and see where they went wrong.
Mafume urged the opposition to respect multi-party democracy while having the ability to merge interests under a pact and fight the enemy.
Reuniting the MDCs and other opposition parties, according to Mafume, will have problems as those bound to lose positions as a result of the merger might pull out of the struggle, rendering the objective unattainable.
“Besides, reunification would be a long and taxing process, as there would be need to conduct primaries which are divisive if not properly handled.”
Morgan Tsvangirai, MDC-T leader, pinned hopes of change in a grand-coalition.
“I for one, would be prepared to seriously consider a grand coalition. The sooner people sit down together and start discussing how to unite and form a formidable party, the better,” Tsvangirai said in his end of year address.
Promise Mkwananzi, Renewal Team youth national executive member, said divided, the opposition will not remove Zanu (PF) from power.
“Morgan Tsvangirai is welcome in the coalition as long as he comes without the Big brother mentality.
“The coalition of political parties will have no president and leadership would be chosen by the people,” Mkwananzi said.
Charles Mangongera, a political commentator said: “Any coalition by the opposition will be supported by the electorate as it would emerge as a new democratisation initiative.”
Simba Makoni, leader Mavambo/Dawn/Kusile, welcomed an inclusive coalition that takes everybody aboard.”
Observers had reservations about any arrangement meant to form a meaningful common front by the opposition.
They said MDC-T believed that it was the most popular party in the country and had what it takes to go it alone.
Following the reunification of the Renewal Team and MDC led by Welshman Ncube in Harare last November, Obert Gutu, MDC-T spokesperson, said: “Tsvangirai is not losing sleep over the coalition formed by political dwarfs. MDC-T is the most popular party in the country and is seized with the economic challenges facing the nation.”zimbabwean

Zimbabwe Inflation Reaches 1.28Percent – Zimstat

Zimbabwe’s inflation slid to -1.28 percent in January from the December 2014 rate of -0.80 percent on an annualised basis, the national statistics agency said on Monday.
Month-on-month, the inflation rate shed 0.25 percentage points on the December rate of -0.09 percent to -0.34 percent, the Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency said.
Last week, central bank governor John Mangudya said the continued decline in the inflation rate was necessary step towards price correction.
“The Reserve Bank’s considered view is that the reduction in the rate of inflation in the national economy was and is a necessary process towards correcting the high prices obtaining in the country. It is disinflation and not deflation,” he said in the monetary policy statement.
“The disinflation in Zimbabwe is therefore a good development as it increases the consumers’ purchasing power. Disinflation is different from a deflation phenomenon which is caused by businesses lowering prices in a desperate attempt to get consumers to buy their products.”
He said inflation is expected to remain in the negative territory for the greater part of 2015, reflecting the effects of depressed international oil and food prices, weaker currencies against the United States dollar and the positive effect of disinflation in the economy.-The Source

Survey : Most Zimbabweans Survive On Less Than $200 A Month

At least 76 percent of Zimbabwe’s 7 million adult population is living on less than $200 a month, according to a consumer survey conducted by the country’s official statistics agency and a regional independent research house, showing worsening socio-economic conditions over the past four years.
The FinScope Consumer Survey 2014, commissioned by FinMak, a South Africa-based entity which seeks to improve financial inclusion, was conducted by the Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency (ZIMSTAT), which handled sampling, quality control and weighting of data, and Continental – Fonkom, which conducted 4,000 face-to-face interviews.
It is the second research after FinScope 2011, and was conducted between July and September 2014.
The meagre personal income numbers dovetail with recent World Bank figures which show that real per capita incomes in Zimbabwe are lower today than they were 55 years ago in 1960, further denting the country’s prospects as a viable investment destination due to lack of sizeable markets, among other factors deterring foreign direct investment.
Fisurvey also threw up a set of bleak poverty indicators – access to water has declined, with only 29 percent having piped running water, compared with 35 percent in 2011 and 36 percent being unable to send children to school due to lack of school fees, up from 25 percent in 2011.
The percentage of people who have had to skip a meal due to lack of money went up to 44 percent in 2014, from 29 percent four years ago, while 37 percent have gone without treatment or medicine because of lack of money, compared with 20 percent in 2011.
“Adults with no income have decreased, although the majority earn $100 or less,” said FinMark project manager, Obert Maposa on Monday.
The survey also found that 70 percent of adult Zimbabweans reside in the rural areas, a 5 percentage point increase from the 2011 figure, pointing to a decline in the urban population.
There were some positives – such improvements in education as shown by the decrease in the number of people no education from 7 percent in 2011 to 3 percent in 2014. Financial inclusion also increased by 17 percentage points, from 60 percent in 2011 to 77 percent in 2014 – largely driven by mobile money products by the telecommunications sector.
The number of Zimbabweans with an insurance policy remained static at 30 percent, with funeral cover and medical aid being the major products taken out to cover risk. The survey also found that 53 percent of Zimbabweans did not save in 2014, compared with only 37 percent in 2011.
At least 30 percent or 2.08 million of the population were operating bank accounts last year compared to 24 percent (1.45 million) in 2011 as many people shunned banks while others could not afford the charges.
“Despite these improvements, more hardships were experienced in 2014 compared to 2011 due to a lack of money in this regard,” said Finscope.
According to the study, more people were accessing banking services last year compared to 2011, although the figure is still way below intended levels.
“Banking in Zimbabwe is largely driven by the use of transactional products. A high percentage of the population (70 percent) is not banked with the majority of those indicating that they do not need a bank account (74 percent),” the firm said.
Other reasons cited by individuals for not having a bank account were that they cannot afford to maintain a minimum balance required; bank charges too high and many received income in the form of cash and therefore had an insufficient balance for a bank account.
Of those who have a bank account, 67 percent regarded safety as a main reason for banking while 39 percent used bank accounts as a means to either deposit or receive money from an employer. At least 20 percent of those who are banked said it was an easy way to obtain loans.
The survey further revealed that 53 percent of adult Zimbabweans do not save with the majority claiming not to have sufficient funds after paying for living expenses while others did not have an income.
“Of the 47 percent of adults who currently save, 35 percent save to cover living expenses while 21 percent do so for education and school fees. Only 19 percent save for non-medical emergencies.”
The study further showed that 58 percent of adults do not borrow for fear of debt while others were concerned about defaulting on credit.
At least 70 percent of adults did not have insurance with most respondents claiming that insurance was “too expensive.”Of those who have insurance, 77 percent was for funeral cover and 30 percent medical aid.
The study also revealed that many people were now using mobile money remittance services. At least 58 percent of those who remit, 83 percent said they used formal channels such as the bank, mobile money and cross-border channels like Mukuru, MoneyGram and Western Union.-The Source

Police Crush WOZA Valentine March

Bulawayo members of Women of Zimbabwe Arise (WOZA) selected Friday 13th February 2015 to conduct their 13th Valentine’s Day procession. At 245pm, two processions began, one in 9th Avenue and one in 14th Avenue. Both processions had over 550 members taking part and marching through the city to the Mhlahlandlela Government Complex to hand over a petition to the resident minister.
The protest was conducted under the theme – Demanding Dignity – Demanding Women’s Empowerment! The protest followed a civic education programme covering the constitution clauses on the right to earn a living. Members’ demands were written on placards and contained in the Woza Moya newsletter being distributed along with the traditional red roses.
The demands included the creation of jobs, a halt on the relocation of informal traders from Bulawayo city centre and the urgent convening of a country wide consultation to map a collective way forward on how to revamp the economy putting women and youth at the centre of the economic empowerment action plan.
Both protest groups arrived undisturbed at the government complex after a 20 minute march. The police officers in the vehicles merely watched and followed. Upon arrival at the complex, the security guards immediately locked the gate barring the two members due to deliver the demand entry. Undeterred the peaceful members began their Mhlahlandlela programme, singing their composed songs stating their demands and putting across their views. As the final stage of the programme was coming to an end, 15 anti riot police officers who had been dropped off a distance away arrived where the singing and slogan chanting members were located.
They made to surround those by the gates and started to push them away with baton sticks. WOZA leaders Jenni Williams and Magodonga Mahlangu both advised the police officers that the protest was now dispersing and asked them to allow for closing slogans for peaceful dispersing. Both were rudely told to shut up and get away, both were manhandled as they tried to stress that police officers were now causing disorder by prodding and threatening to beat members, by now many afraid and beginning to run away. The police officers continued to push the leaders and members down the road towards Herbert Chitepo Street.
As the front group reached this street, they made to turn left to go towards the bus terminus, anti riot officers ran and blocked them once again prodding and manhandling those trying to get to the terminus through this road. With no choice those in this forced procession, and then went towards 12th avenue hoping to once again take a route to the terminus, once again the police officers ran and blocked them. Now perplexed most members kept demanding where they should go and they were answered by baton sticks in the ribs or back respectively depending on which way they were facing.
A police twin cab showed up with an occupant obviously a high ranking officer, both Williams and Mahlangu went to ask him if he could make the orders clear but he ignored both with a stony demeanour. This officer was engaged repeatedly by WOZA leaders but he remained un-responsive and showed no obvious role as an officer sworn to uphold peace and order.
As the members now in some sort of a ‘forced procession’ continued to be shepherded out of town some police officers began to let on that they were pushing members to the industrial sites. Some police officers threatened that they were awaiting the arrival of a vehicle to take members to be dumped in Plumtree, a town 100 kilometres away. For several more city blocks the police officers blocked any exits, using baton sticks and threatening now numbering over 90 members. They refused to allow a slower pace or rest in the shade for anyone, even the elderly.
At the intersection of 15th avenue and H. Chitepo Street, the start of the industrial area, two members fainted. One member, Thabani Nyoni was beaten on her lower back and immediately fell down and was unconscious. The other member was quickly revived but Thabani spent over 10 minutes unconscious. When she came to she could not speak, an ambulance had to be called due to her condition. At this time some police officers had continued to push members for another 30 minutes deeper into the industrial area. Some members managed to stay behind with the unconscious members, until the ambulance had arrived and loaded up Thabani to take her to hospital.
After the ambulance left, 50 members marched back into the city in a final action of defiance exercising their right to protest. As they marched they sang ‘WOZA will never be killed’ right up to the bus terminus where they peacefully dispersed as had been the original plan. The police boss and 6 officers followed in the twin cab but made no further attempt to disrupt the march. As this final contingent came back through the route they had taken forced by police baton sticks, vendors and bystanders who had witnessed the first event clapped hands and ululated.
Five members had to receive medication for soft tissue bruising and Thabani was admitted to the emergency rooms and finally discharged two hours later.
WOZA leadership met on 16 February to discuss police behaviour during the protest. They resolved to write a formal letter of complaint to the police who did not follow their legal mandated procedure and allow member to peacefully disperse. Instead they used cruel , inhuman and degrading treatment forcing members out of town and using violent means to deprive them of their constitutional right to protest.

EU Pours $270 million Into Zimbabwe

The European Union (EU) on Monday provided development assistance to Zimbabwe amounting to $270 million marking the resumption of cooperation between Brussels and Harare following the imposition of restrictive measures on President Robert Mugabe and his inner circle over a decade ago.
The EU and the government of Zimbabwe signed the National Indicative Programme, a joint cooperation strategy between Harare and Brussels, that will be funded by the 11th European Development Fund between 2014 and 2020.
Speaking at the signing ceremony in Harare, EU ambassador to Zimbabwe, Phillipe van Damme, said he hoped that the resources would be put to good use, adding that he expects Harare to institute some democratic reforms.
However, Finance Minister Patrick Chinamasa said the EU should immediately lift sanctions on President Robert Mugabe and his wife, Grace, imposed in 2002 for alleged election rigging and human rights violations to ensure that there was better cooperation between Harare and Brussels. Names of most senior officials of Mr. Mugabe’s administration were struck off the sanctions list by the EU last November but only the president and his wife remained.
Political analyst Earnest Mudzengi, director of the Media Centre, told VOA Studio 7 that the restrictive measures were not serving any purpose towards the revival of the country’s economy.
At the same time, Willard Manungo, permanent secretary in the finance ministry, who is also the authorization officer of the joint strategy signed Monday, said the development assistance provided by the EU will be channeled towards agriculture and health sectors as well as strengthening governance institution in order to strengthen the rule of law through institutional capacity building.
The EU said under this agreement, 6 million Euros was set aside for civil society and the money will be channeled through government.
But Terry Mutsvanga, director of the Coalition Against Corruption, said he fears that some of this money will not reach the non-governmental organizations.
The decision by the EU to channel the funds through treasury also comes at a time when a number of local civil society organizations are being investigated by the Washington administration for misuse of funds allocated to them for their work in Zimbabwe. – VOA

Brutal Rental Squeaze In Harare

Dear Editor,


A horror rental squeaze has gripped Harare, something the government should be aware of and deal with urgently.

Most surbubs such as Glen View, Highfield, and Chitungwiza have seen a squeaze as tenants are systematically kicked out for non payment.
Investigations show that in 2 out of 3 houses, a lodger has been forced out due to unaffordable rentals. On average, a single room ranges from $50 to $70. People interviewed say this figure is too high considering that most people take home a paltry between $200 – $300 per month.
Another factor seen is that most families rent two rooms or more. It means rentals alone chew the means of survival of most working people. If something is done about rentals, the lives of many will improve. We urge the government to purge the amount should charge so that lodgers are left at mercy of merciless landlords. I recommend an amount of $10 per room, so that the workers enjoy their sweat.
Editors, please publish this story as it will help most people and it will awaken the government to the real causes of suffering of this great nation called Zimbabwe.

Mugabe Must Go Demo in London

Zimbabwean diaspora groups are joining forces in London on Saturday 21st February to demand that the Mugabe regime steps down to allow a peaceful end to the economic and political crisis in Zimbabwe which has caused massive unemployment and widespread poverty.


The occasion is Mugabe’s 91st birthday which comes at a time when his physical and mental decline has become an international joke even as he assumed the chairmanship of the African Union. 


‘Robert Mugabe’s last birthday in office’ is the theme of the protest, which has been organised by Morgan Tsvangirai’s MDC. The gathering will be addressed by people including Wilbert Mukori of the Zimbabwe Social Democrats who says: ‘People must understand that doing nothing is no longer an option; it is doing nothing that has led the nation into this mess and doing nothing will leave only one way out – a violent revolutionary route’.  


The organisations taking part are: the Zimbabwe Vigil and its associates: Restoration of Human Rights in Zimbabwe (ROHR) and Zimbabwe Yes We Can, MDC-T UK (also USA, Canada, Australia and South Africa), Zimbabwe African People’s Union UK (ZAPU-UK), Occupy Africa Unity Square (OAUS UK), Zimbabweans United for Democracy (ZUNDE), Zimbabwe Social Democrats and the Swaziland Vigil.


While we protest outside the Embassy, Mugabe will apparently be tucking into elephant steaks at a birthday party at the Victoria Falls. We understand that Zanu PF caterers have ordered two elephants to satisfy the jumbo appetite of the incompetent and corrupt Mugabe Mafia.



Time and Date:             from 2 – 6 pm on Saturday 21st February

Venue:                         outside the Zimbabwe Embassy, 439 Strand, London WC2R 0JR

Photo opportunities:    singing, dancing and drumming. Dancers will demonstrate Mugabe’s latest dance moves.

Nearest station:            Charing Cross


Temba Mliswa Should Face the Wrath Now!

In the interest of the ruling ZANU-PF party, it is quite critical there is need to consider the expulsion of Temba Mliswa as an urgent issue. Mliswa’s contact is inconsistent with a true ZANU-PF cadre who stands to perpetuate the party’s aspirations which are anchored on unity, peace and development.
It is crystal clear that Mliswa is an instrument for controversy and division in the party ever since. One thinks it is prudent for ZANU-PF to expel Mliswa along-side his Uncle, Didymus Mutasa who is equally a liability than an asset to the party.
Mliswa puts the reputation of the party into disrepute by his lack of personal discipline. But the recent discovery of seven illegal AK 47 rifles in his possession is quite puzzling. This puts his intentions into question. He is such a suspicious personality.
I think it is detrimental to keep this man in the party for he can erode the public image of the party. He is in the habit of causing a reign of terror in Mashonaland West. He is feared by all fellow party members for his rascal behaviour. This is a real threat to the fabric and cohesion of the party.
This is the time to exorcise the party of all demonic persons like Mliswa so that all energies can be focused towards national development as propelled by ZIM ASSET.

Harare Bans Chicken Backyard Rearing

HARARE City council has banned the rearing of chickens in backyards saying this was against by laws.
Director of Health Services Dr Prosper Chonzi insisted that council by-laws (1962) have to be respected.
“No poultry house shall be placed nearer than three metres from any boundary or nearer than six metres from premises used for human habitation,” he reminded residents. “No person shall keep any poultry by reasons of continued crowing, quacking clucking, gobbling or like noise tends to destroy the comfort of neighbourhood.”
He said those found on the wrong side of the law will be prosecuted. Howeversaid the poultry projects were their only source of income adding that not every unemployed person could sell tomatoes and trinkets.
“I lost my job in June last year and, with my $200 retrenchment package I started keeping poultry for sell. This is my only source of income; how do they want me to survive with my family,” said Milton Moyo from Budiriro 5 high density suburb.
A Mt Pleasant resident said the city needs to change its outdated by-laws as life in Zimbabwe has changed.
“They wrote to me saying that if I continue to keep poultry I will be prosecuted but this is my house,” declared Tim Mandishona.
“The said neighbours are my customers and they never complained about any noise. We will meet in court! “This Smith regime law must be abolished to suit our Zimbabwean way of living.”
Mandishona said if the local authority felt residential areas were not ideal then it must provide them with alternative places to operate from.
Most residents in Harare are making a killing by keeping poultry in their backyards as customers shun South African imports which they say are genetically modified and tasteless.

Bosso Fails to Beat Bulawayo City

HIGHLANDERS FC are still searching for their first pre-season win despite their coach Bongani Mafu expressing satisfaction with his team’s preparations for the new season.
Yesterday, the Bulawayo giants played their third official pre-season game against Zifa Southern Region Division One Soccer league newboys Bulawayo City who held them to a goalless draw at Barbourfields Stadium.
It was the first time that Highlanders has failed to score, having played to identical 1-1 draws with Chapungu and FC Platinum at home.
They paraded their new signings Obadiah Tarumbwa, Teenage Hadebe and Nqobizitha Masuku who played the first half and imposed themselves well before being pulled out at half time.
Tarumbwa played as a silent striker, coming from the midfield and showed some deft touches but never got an opportunity to force a save from Bulawayo City’s goalkeeper Ndodana Sibanda.
Teenage partnered Douglas Sibanda in central defence and exerted himself well while Masuku was paired with Welcome Ndiweni in central midfield and was on top of his game.
Highlanders’ first chance at goal came at the stroke of halftime when Thomas Chideu twisted and turned in the box before firing a shot that was pushed for a corner by a well positioned Ndodana. From the resultant corner, Bulawayo City’s  goalie dived to his right to punch away a Knox Mutizwa goal-bound header off a Bruce Kangwa cross.
Ndodana kept Bulawayo City in the game with two stunning saves first tipping for a corner a Chideu dipping long-range volley eight minutes into the second half before denying Douglas a spectacular goal in the 77th minute.
Bulawayo City seemed comfortable to get a draw and never troubled Highlanders goalkeeper Ariel Sibanda who was a spectator throughout the game.
Despite failing to find the back of the net, Highlanders coach Mafu said his combinations are coming through and they will soon start “smacking” opponents.
“One of these days someone will get smacked for real. I liked the way the players responded in the second half because in the first stanza we gave our opponents too much respect but I told them during the break that they have to go back and enjoy their football. I told them that they have to entertain the crowd so that they come back next week and I must say the boys went a gear up and were unfortunate not to get a goal,” said Mafu.
“We now have a team at Highlanders and you can see that they are good players. I still need a right back though but if we fail to get one we are going to try the young man (Lewis Ncube) and give him game time until he improves.”
Bulawayo City coach Philani “Beefy” Ncube was full of praise for his goalkeeper who kept them in the game and was content with his team’s overall performance.
“I was surprised that we managed to hold a Highlanders side that is better than us in terms of fitness. You could tell that we struggled with transition going forward and vice versa. However, I’m happy with how we played and even our goalkeeper did well to keep us in the game with brilliant saves,” Ncube said.
Bulawayo City: Ndodana Sibanda, Tawanda Chikore, Khumbulani Dube (Terrence Majo, 51st minute), Zibusiso Sibanda, Brighton Dube, Xolisani Moyo, Innnocent kutsanzira (Mlamuli Phakathi, 66th minute), Warren Dube (Bekithemba Ngwenya, 51st minute), Ntokozo Tshuma, (Trynos Ndlovu, 23rd minute), Eddy Nkulungo (Trevor Ndlovu, 66th minute), Mkhululi Moyo (Qinani Sibanda, 66th minute)
Highlanders: Ariel Sibanda, Lewis Ncube, Douglas Sibanda, Teenage Hadebe (Felix Chindungwe, 46th minute), Julius Daudi, Nqobizitha Masuku (Tendai Ngulube, 46th minute), Bruce kangwa, Knox mutizwa (Rahman kutsanzira, 46th minute), Welcome Ndiweni (Edmore Muzanenhamo, 72nd minute), Thomas Chideu (Ozias Zibande, 72nd minute), Obidiah Tarumbwa (Gabriel Nyoni, 46th minute). – Chronicle

BREAKING NEWS : Standard Chartered Bank Shuts Down – Mutoko

British owned commercial bank Standard Chartered Mutoko branch has been downed. The bank, which lost $40 000 fourteen months ago in a mysterious theft that saw the conviction of manager Tafara Ben Maunze and a bank teller Clemence Nkalimo closed its doors last week.
The two, who were sentenced to twenty four months imprisonment and restitution of $20 000 each, were later mysteriously released on bail pending appeal.
ZimEye last year exclusively revealed the magistrate ruling on the case, partying with the convict’s lawyer just after the key hearing. [READ MORE -]

Shut down...Stanchart branch, Mutoko
Shut down…Stanchart branch, Mutoko

Arriving at the property Thursday, only the security guard was left manning the premise.
An official comment form the bank could not be obtained at the time of writing but speculation was that the shutdown was all to do with the failure of the courts to uphold judicial principles.
It was furthermore not clear when or if ever the bank would re-open.
Meanwhile last week, one of the bank’s customer service employees, a Mr Maphosa, was said to have already been paid his benefits in cash amounting to $44 000.

Lecturers’ Strike Continues One Week – COMMENT

Musavengana Hove| Almost a week has elapsed since lecturers at Zimbabwe’s state universities began their strike over non-payment of last years’ bonuses and delay in payment of their January salaries.
Government’s failure to pay civil servants is well-known by now but what staggers the mind is the docile climate that has come to characterise state universities. It is compelling to write off student activism as a phenomenon past its prime. Student activism used to be no mean power broker in Zimbabwe during the 1990s. When students used to project freely themselves the government used to listen to their clamour. The power that used to be associated with student leaders was something to be considered by the government when dealing with issues critical for the smooth-running of education system, including the lecturers’ welfare.
Lecturers strike for their own cause, being non-payment by the government not students but if the Student Representative Councils (SRCs) thorough across state universities could come together and fight in solidarity with the lecturers whose rights the government is trampling on, it would be for the good of our higher education system.
The strike by lecturers is an academic battle to restore the dignity and value that was once associated with our education system.
If the SRC leaders were bused to Mazowe to endorse Grace Mugabe whose fast-track PHD is still a talk in Zimbabwe’s academic circles, why should the same “patriotic” student leaders remain quiet when professionals with authentic credentials are being stripped naked by the government.
What is so academic about Grace Mugabe’s accession to the post of secretary of ZANU-PF women’s league?
What is so academic about the relationship between ZINASU and MDC Renewal?
It is not only shameful but uncalled for to see future leaders fight for association in old-fashioned political entities which are not only retrogressive but have DNAs that disregard youthful vitality.
It would be no surprise if the Zimbabwe Congress of Student Organisation (ZICCOSO) was to send a solidarity message to Finance Minister Chinamasa for failing to avail funds to cater for the lecturers’ welfare on time.
It is pathetic to see the once vibrant ZINASU waiting in mendicant fashion for donors and MDC formations to pour in money for them to realise their founding principles and values.
Our “future leaders” have become copies of the old establishment self-evident but shameful reasons.
Student leaders are now frontiers of political parties not the students they claim to represent.
University students continue to multiply but instead of uniting into a relevant voice that the government can hear, their unions are an unpleasant discord.
The political economy of these unions has turned them into stooges who know nothing as to why they exist.
ZICCOSO waits for the order to strike from ZANU-PF’s commissariat department while ZINASU waits for anyone to give its grease its leaders’ hands for them to wake up to their mandate.
The shameful results are self-evident, that is, the downgrade of our once prestigious higher learning system.
This semester is a decider for thousands of destinies. Dissertations are mid-course and it is the time when students are in the most critical need for lecturers.
When lecturers come back for work, we are likely to see a marathon teaching style where students are going to be taught how to pass exams rather than critical engagement with concepts and theories that apply to their different disciplines.
This partly explains why our universities are now producing half-baked graduates a matter that has been raised by a number of mainstream media.
The development has been attributed to high enrollments exceeding the capacity of lecturers who are up against poor working conditions.
This should be a cause for concern for Zimbabwean students.
It is time students came together to chart a new chapter, with the restoration of dignity in our education system as a starting point.
Student leaders should come out of the decaying institutions in which they are helping to destroy their own future and face reality.
Youths are builders not pallbearers.
Musavengana Hove is a part 4 Journalism and Media studies student at the National University of Science and Technology. Email him [email protected] for feedback

Policeman Stabbed Over Whatsapp

A BULAWAYO woman went berserk and stabbed her police officer husband with a fork on his private parts following an argument over WhatsApp messages.
Chengeto Gumbo Kanengoni, 25, who is employed at Mashonaland Turf Club, allegedly went on to stab Joseph Manhokwani once on his right arm and several times on his back before biting him on his left and right upper chest.
She also hit him on the leg with an electric iron. Kanengoni had gone through her husband’s mobile phone and seen a message in which Manhokwani was talking about his mother, with his sister.
The content of the message was not disclosed when Kanengoni appeared before Bulawayo magistrate Marilyne Mtshina facing a charge of domestic violence. Kanengoni was remanded out of custody to February 16.
Prosecuting, Raymond Makhaza told the court that on February 5 at around 7PM, Kanengoni came back from work and found her husband preparing supper when she got inside the house and locked the door.
Makhaza said Manhokwani asked his wife why she had locked the door and Kanengoni told him she went through his phone and came across WhatsApp messages in which they were discussing her mother-in-law.
“The two had a misunderstanding which led to Manhokwani leaving the house for a few hours to avoid quarrelling,” said Makhaza. When Manhokwani came back home the same day at around 10PM they both retired to bed.
The court heard how Kanengoni later woke up and started shouting at her husband. She grabbed a steel kitchen fork and stabbed her husband on his jewels.
Makhaza told the court that Kanengoni went on to bite Manhokwani on his left and right side of the upper chest before hitting him on his right leg with an electric iron.
While Kanengoni was assaulting her husband their neighbour Alouis Chipato came to his rescue and took them to his house where Manhokwani narrated how he was always being threatened by his wife and her sister.
The matter was reported to the police leading to Kanengoni’s arrest. chronicle

Baby Niece Raped In Exchange For A Cow

An elderly man from Lupane allegedly tied up his teenage niece on different occasions so that his 59 year old friend could rape her.
Philimon Mlindema Sibanda of Gweshanga Village, who was the girl’s guardian, allegedly went on to force his niece to marry Freddy Ndlovu after a series of rapes, in exchange for a cow.
The two allegedly agreed on the marriage terms at a beer drink.
Ndlovu, also known to villagers as Mareza because they allege he is a serial bed-hopper – would have sex with the girl on the floor while his wife slept on a bed in the same room.
The complainant, from Silwane Village in the same area was 16-years-old when the alleged rape occurred in 2007.
The two elderly men were on Friday dragged before Hwange regional magistrate Dambudzo Malunga facing rape charges.
Both denied the crime arguing that the sex was consensual.They were both remanded out of custody to March 4 for continuation of trial.
Ndlovu told the court Sibanda offered him the girl at a beer drink.
“We were at a beer drink with Sibanda when he offered the girl to me. I went to his homestead where he showed me three girls and I chose the complainant and paid a beast as lobola,” he said.
Ndlovu left the court in stitches when the magistrate asked whether the intercourse was consensual.
“Your worship, she agreed because she didn’t pinch me like those other women usually do when they’re forced into sex,” he said.
Sibanda denied tying up his niece and claimed the marriage was consensual as the two were in love.
“I never tied her up, instead she told me she was in love with Ndlovu and they got married properly. I didn’t doubt her since Ndlovu is also called Mareza because of his notoriety with women,” said Sibanda.
The complainant, however, told the court she was forced because her uncle tied her hands so that Ndlovu could have sex with her.
Prosecuting, Tawanda Sigauke told the court that the trial delayed because police could not locate the complainant who had relocated to Botswana with her new husband, after she fled Ndlovu’s homestead.
“On February 2, 2007, Sibanda called the complainant and told her that he had found a husband who wanted to marry her. On February 7, Ndlovu visited the co-accused and Sibanda introduced him to the girl as her husband to be.” said Sigauke
The girl didn’t consent, the court was told.It is alleged that Sibanda demanded and got a beast from Ndlovu.
“On the same night on February 7, Sibanda tied up the complainant’s legs and hands and locked her in the same bedroom hut with Ndlovu. The first accused laid the complainant on the floor, pulled up her skirt,tore off her panties and had sexual intercourse with her without her consent. The accused rested for a while and raped her for the second time without her consent,” said the prosecutor.
The court heard that Sibanda untied his niece in the morning while Ndlovu left for his homestead.
Ndlovu returned to Sibanda’s homestead a few days later.
Sibanda allegedly forced his niece to sleep in the same room with Ndlovu where he allegedly raped her twice at night, it is alleged.
The prosecutor said in the evening the girl fled as Ndlovu wanted to rape her again and she slept at a neighbour’s homestead.
Sibanda followed her and tied her hands before handing her over to Ndlovu who took her to his homestead as a wife.
At home, Ndlovu told the court, he had sex with the girl on the floor while his wife slept on the bed.
The matter came to light when the complainant narrated her ordeal to Lamlela Ncube who then helped her report to the police leading to the two men’s arrest.-chronicle

Farmers Fear The Worst As Dry Spell Continues

THE continued dry spell in most parts of the country has seriously affected crops, especially maize, threatening hopes of good yields. The outbreak of armyworms and quelea birds has worsened the situation for maize and sorghum farmers.
The Meteorological Services Department had forecast heavy rains in some parts of the country from Friday last week to tomorrow (Tuesday).
Farmers in the southern parts of the country have lost hope of a harvest and said even if the rains come, the crops would not recover.
Zimbabwe Farmers Union president, Mr Abdul Nyathi, said most farmers in Masvingo, Matabeleland North and South have been severely affected, especially those who planted maize.
“The maize is a write-off and it will never recover even if it rains as we have gone for too long without rains. There is still hope for some small grains if it rains.
“At the moment it is very hot in Gwanda and the crops have wilted.
“The situation is bad and farmers have lost hope.
“The season has been so bad,” he said.
Mr Nyathi said the rains had not been favourable for crop production as they were heavy in some areas causing flooding and leaching while some areas did not receive enough for crop development.
“In some areas maize was affected by leaching and it is yellow and not developing well. This will compromise yields.
“The armyworms have done some damage and now we have received reports of web worm which is affecting maize,” he said.
He said the armyworm outbreak was under control.
Zimbabwe Commercial Farmers Union president Mr Wonder Chabikwa said the crop condition in most parts of the country was good except for the southern regions where maize has been severely affected by the dry spell.
“The southern parts of the country have gone for 10 days without receiving rains and the weather is hot.
“If we get to 14 days without receiving rains most of the crops in the southern region will be a write-off.
“We hope it rains so that those who planted small grains will have food.
“We have encouraged farmers in the dry areas to grow small grains but some of them prefer maize, which they say tastes better,” he said.
Plant Protection and Research Institute director Dr Godfrey Chikwenhere said while the armyworm outbreak was now under control there were new challenges caused by quelea birds and web worm.
“The armyworm is not causing any problems at the moment as the moths are now laying eggs. Quelea birds have wrecked havoc in Mashonaland Central in Muzarabani area and West Nicholson in Matabeleland South.
“We are being assisted by the Zimbabwe National Parks and Wildlife Authority in controlling the birds,” he said.
He said the web worm was affecting maize in Mashonaland West, Mashonaland Central and some parts of Mashonaland East, especially areas around Harare.
Dr Chikwenhere said teams from the PPRI and Agritex were on the ground to assess the damage and curb the pest.
He advised farmers to drive away the birds during the day.
Meanwhile, the MSD head of forecasting, Mr Tich Zinyemba, said there will be an increase in rainfall activity across the country, with a bias of heavier falls to the north-east in Mashonaland Provinces; Harare and the North of Manicaland.
“These falls should be increasing gradually as the week progresses with 30mm in 24hrs being expected in some areas. The amounts should gradually decline from north to south.
“Please note that we are experiencing high temperatures at the moment, and therefore these can result in violent storms, in terms of strong winds, hail and lightning. We urge the public to take the necessary precautions to avoid damage to life and property,” he said.
Zimbabwe is expected to receive normal to above normal rains during this season but these are not good for Agriculture.
Minister of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development, Dr Joseph Made, has said there was need to invest in irrigation to aid agriculture.
He said due to climate change, farmers could no longer rely on rain-fed agriculture as the patterns were no longer predictable.-herald

International Women Day 8th March 2015

lettersBy Nomazulu Thata
A second letter to all women in Zimbabwe in preparation for the grand boycott!
“Passive resistance”
Dear Zimbabwe Women of all ethnic societies,
As we slowly and surely approach the international women’s day of the global village: the 8th March 2015, I would like to remind you once more about the grand boycott that we shall all start ceremoniously on the 8th of March. We are all clear about the reasons why we have to make this famous boycott: We are also clear about the objectives why we have to make this passive resistance a success. It is not easy to be part of this grand “passive resistance.” It is the most challenging thing we can do as women of Zimbabwe. But tell me what the alternative to this life is? We are all in this together? I am in the Diaspora and I wish to come home and contribute to the development of Zimbabwe. In Zimbabwe, I want to work hard like all other well wishing democratic Zimbabweans to make sure that there is bread for all children of all ethnic groups. Give this thought for a moment dear Zimbabwean women, if we sacrifice for a month and bring this regime down we are going to have it better after the government of Zanu PF has gone from the corridors of power. God will hear our cries and bless us with a progressive change of government different from Zanu regime. We just have to brave it and give change of government a chance. This is our moment! Dear women of Zimbabwe let’s make history in our life time and send the despot packing.
I am sure you got it right; it is not advisable to take to the streets to fight the Zanu regime because they will harm us considerably. Passive resistance has worked in most countries and we want to use this non lethal tool to bring down the rot regime of Zanu Pf. Please stay home for the whole month of March. Do not take to the streets as you will be harmed. We shall ask many other women of other countries in the global village to demonstrate with us in spirit and to be with us and make vigils on the 8th of March in remembrance of our plight, our challenges in bringing up families with little or no assistance at all. Remember always that we women of Zimbabwe deserve better than the life we are living at the moment weather you are at home in Zimbabwe or in the Diaspora.
In most progressive countries women have done well. Just to mention a few, we have Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, who is alo respected democratic leader in Europe, President Michelle Bachelet of Chile, and President Dilma Rouseff of Brazil. Mrs. Clinton is weighing her options of becoming the first woman President of USA. In Africa we have the President of Liberia, Mrs. Sierloff Johnson; in Central African Republic we have Catharine Samba Panza as President. We have top executive members of big companies performing their tasks at par with their men folk. Ms. Thokozile Mkwananzi is a star in her right, working for a big company: Nissan in USA. Bulawayo should indeed recognize her contributions to the cause our citizens in need of educational assistance and the recognition of Chieftaincy in Mathebeleland. Dr. Lindiwe Chopamba is head of a corporate also in the USA. A brave young lady of Pakistan: Malala won the Nobel Peace Prize, a price she won out of absolute bravery. She will be role model for many girls in the generations to come. In Zimbabwe we have Noviolet Bulawayo who shook the world with numerous literature prices. We are indeed very proud of her. She is our hope for Zimbabwe, she will carry on that message we want to be passed on to further generations of girl-children of Zimbabwe. Indeed we have to celebrate the success of these women of the global village. We women must learn to appreciate the success of other women so that we learn how to appreciate what we have done ourselves.
But these grand developments elsewhere on women and their empowerment are not in Zimbabwe. We approach the International Women’s Day with a very heavy heart, mixed feelings. The former Vice President, Mrs. Joice Mujuru was purged by women who serve patriarchal structures of our societies.(Grace Mugabe and Oppah Muchinguri) While she suffered this there was not a single sign of women demonstrating against this patriarchal brutality of Zanu PF against a widowed woman whose husband was the most decorated soldier in the country. At the same breath, Ms. Priscilla Mishihairabwi-Mushonga is facing the same axe from her boss, Professor Ncube. Again, no single woman in Zimbabwe has protested against this patriarchal brutality on the widowed woman. It tells us a lot how widows are viewed in our society: Inhlamba to say the least. (Culturally a widow is an insult) It would appear casual and normal for women to be used and abused and discarded at will by their male bosses in those institutions of power. Women of Zimbabwe please let’s smell the coffee and work together. We cannot see our women brutalized emotionally, judiciary and physical and we look on without doing anything. Where is women solidarity? We seem not to be aware how much power we have in our hands if we worked together. Mrs. Mujuru’s physical appearance was even mocked, she is ugly, her casual dress code in her own private home scrutinized and judged: (she was wearing a mini skirt! But she was in her home residence and very private.) Who does not know how opulent Mai Mujuru decently dresses when she was on duty as Vice President of the Republic of Zimbabwe.
Year 2015 February, fifteen years after the turning of the second millennium, Mugabe was talking to the press in Addis Ababa, having been thrust upon with an AU chairmanship; he says “women can never be equal to men.” The good question is how many men in Zimbabwe share his disposition? It is not surprisingto us in Zimbabwe to hear a nonagenarian uttering nonsense in a world body like the Africa Union to a group of patriarchal, that Mugabe know too well, masquerading as social democrats, as a matter of fact they are all male chauvinists to the core. Evidence of this is that President Zuma of South Africa abuses most vulnerable women to marry himself every year it seems. We shall be told it is the Zulu tradition that allows him to marry as many women as he likes. It is dire poverty and lack of education that make these women go along with it.
To say women can never be equal to men show that Mugabe is now senile and since 1980, Zimbabwe was reduced to a moment of madness. This man is out of touch with the world that is developing exponentially, socially and economic. He thinks analog in a digital world. Does it surprise us then that men in Zimbabwe are seeking cure by having sexual intercourse with toddlers and girl virgins? Such utterances are jovially laughed at by men in the corridors of power. These powerful men will never liberate women, even in their maddest senses. They use women and give them false power in a patriarchal institution to serve them, but some women do not see this until they are brutally purged just like Mai Joyce Mujuru. Painful still for Mai Mujuru, when her husband was killed she came out loud, crushing dissenting voices that questioned the nature of General Mujuru’s death and she was defending that institution that murdered her husband. Then politics is indeed a very dirty game.
It will be challenging to celebrate the international women’s day of 2015. Let’s look at the plight of babies, toddlers, children, young women, mothers and grandmothers in Zimbabwe. How many toddlers, young girls young women have been raped by sick men who are looking for the cure of HIV. How many toddlers have been raped by their grandfathers, uncles, cousin and all those close relatives who were given the hands of trust? How many girl-children have been abused by their own mothers? Recently over two weeks ago the Independent newspaper reported an incident of a five year old toddler who was sacrificed by her own mother for a train fare to travel to South Africa looking for those jobs. When the five year old girl started crying, shouting with pain, resulting from the penis penetration of the man, the mother, who was present in the hut where rape of a toddler took place, did not rescue her, she wanted the mission accomplished, she wanted that money. She waited there to see it to finish and demand the money she wanted from him. How do we explain all this moral decay to ourselves? Apparently the man was not satisfied with the sex with the mother but asked to go for the five year old to square the money he was to pay for sex. This is Zimbabwe for you in 2015.
We are approaching the international women’s year indeed with a heavy heart. There are questions that linger in our minds: how did it happen in my own country Zimbabwe? How did it happen that a 22 year old woman from Mathebeleland North can take a knife and behead her child? Was she mentally ill? How does a woman dweller in a shanty sub-suburbs of Harare intentionally throws her child in the well and the child drowns and dies. She did that because the second man she married did not want her baby of the first relationship. How does a woman plan to give birth alone and throws the baby in the Blair toilet? How much does it take in a woman to abandon a nine year old girl-child at the market and the child becomes a street kid? All these are not isolated cases, but they recur time and again in the social media. We are becoming used to these cases and we no longer empathize with such cases any more but directly judge them: how evil. Sure, to ask all these beautiful morals! We shall never comprehend their mind set, why they did it. The bottom line is that Zimbabwe is in serious dire straits! The police state of Zimbabwe is all out to send these women to jail. It is never asked, why are the moral fibers in the societies decaying to unprecedented levels of the history of the people of Zimbabwe? What corrective should the government do to prevent such heinous crimes, below the pale? While we prepare ourselves for the grand boycott, please make sure there is enough food in the kitchens to avoid going out for shopping. Keep away from unnecessary danger created to harm us women. However we prefer that all nurses and doctors report to work as we are not fighting our own people. Three weeks is a foreseeable time frame that is practical and short and can bring change to our lives forever. Our reasons and objectives are clear:
Reasons for the total boycott: passive resistance
“Women and children are experiencing more acute poverty in Zimbabwe. The number of children suffering from malnutrition has risen to levels not recorded in the country’s history.
Families headed by women are now very common and experience higher levels of poverty than those headed by men. Most Zimbabwean children are not getting even basic primary education. Educational structures have collapsed. Reintroduction of school fees has made primary education almost unattainable for most children, who cannot pay fees in foreign currency. The number of street children in all large towns in Zimbabwe has risen to unprecedented levels. The hardships of life mean mothers and fathers have become less sensitive to the basic needs of their own offspring. A nation with a street population of the magnitude we have in Zimbabwe cannot prosper, because the nation has lost one of its most vital resources: the children who are the future. People with mental and physical handicaps are not given the help they need. People suffering from HIV/AIDS in Zimbabwe are advised to have sex with very young girls and sometimes with babies, to rid themselves of the disease.” Young girls: as young as 13 to 14 years are sent for early marriages to alleviate hunger in most rural areas. Boys are now preferred to go to schools than boys because of bare poverty in woman headed homes. Girls will still forfeit schools if they are on monthly periods because they do not have simple sanitary pads. Food insecurities in most parts of Matabeleland and Midlands are not addresses by the government, it’s done selectively, given to those they think they support Zanu PF. The systematic killings that happened in the early 1980s where by 20,000 people of Mathebeleland and Midlands perished, the brutal execution of the farm invasions of the year 2000, the Murambatsvina of 2005, and the brutal killings of the 2008 elections time that saw thousand lose their lives using the killing code: Mavotera papi? Dear women of color these are our genuine objectives why we want this regime to go. Further the First Lady of the land has amassed wealth using diamond returns and has multiple farms, and she has of late made 200 families homeless in Manzou area just to put animals in the area. This should irk us all dear women and girls to do something, we cannot watch this crazy bioscope on our midst and look on. We are not protected by this government at all, our young women and girls are raped, every 90 minutes, a young girl or young woman is sexually assaulted by sick men who think they can cure AIDS by raping virgins, thereby infecting them further with the deadly virus. This Zanu government is patriarchal; you know how Mai Mujuru was ripped of her post as VP. This is evidence of how women are used, abused and dumped when they do not need those women anymore. (I am not condoning faults in Mai Mujuru, I am looking at her as a woman, and how she got used and abused by men in her party) There is no water, no electricity in most towns and cities of Zimbabwe, if at all very unreliable. If there was water, raw sewage will be running right inside the most densely populated townships in all cities of Zimbabwe, and children will be playing in the mud sewage! Unemployment is running at 90% of the working group margin. Companies are relocating to their countries because their Zimasset is unsustainable to make business. Flood victims are left on their own and unattended by the government, instead whatever donations that are done in their name, the goods and money are looted by disgraceful officials without shame! Hundreds of young people have drowned or attacked by crocodiles and got eaten by trying to cross the Limpopo River seeking better life in South Africa as cheap laborers. The economy can shut down anytime now as the government has not clue.
I therefore ask you women of color to prepare for this boycott by stuffing our kitchens with food so that we do not need to go out during that time to the shops for shopping, you will be shot by a desperate regime that is brutal, and you know this. Keep out danger and stay home.
Objectives: our passive resistance
We are tired and angry and something must be done to alleviate suffering in our land. The situation in Zimbabwe cannot go on like this. We wish ourselves a good government that will guarantee us good living conditions for all citizens without fear of tribalism and racialism, as summarized below:
Respect women and men as equals, in accordance with the 1948 Declaration of Human Rights. Honor and respect the rights of children. Stand up for the rights and liberties of women, women’s protection, women’s sexual independence and self-sufficiency. Eradicate all forms of violence against and exploitation of, women and girls. End the exploitation of domestic servants. Make women and girls aware that health and education are basic human rights. Campaign against the sexual abuse of children and babies; sex offenders who pass on the disease HIV/AIDS should be treated as criminals. Their crime is a crime against humanity!
Prosecute pedophiles and make Zimbabwe safe for children of all ages. Find the means to care for people living with HIV/AIDS. Develop programs to combat malaria, diarrhea and other water-borne diseases. Promote supplementary feeding programs for children in urban and rural schools to alleviate hunger in growing children. Develop programs that reduce child- and infant-mortality rates Develop the concept of compulsory lavatories in rural areas to improve hygiene, thus reducing water-borne diseases. Make clean water available equally in cities and rural areas. Provide compulsory and free primary and secondary education for all children of Zimbabwe. Promote the advancement and economic empowerment of women and girls.
During the boycott time the whole of March starting from the 8th of March, the International Women’s Day, women will be asked to fast. God will hear our innermost prayers if we give up that, what makes most men tick: sex. Usually when people fast they give up what they like most. In this case we ask all women of Zimbabwe to give up conjugal rights of the bedroom with our spouses. We kneel down and pray that we can bring change by small things that people can consider very insignificant: “passive resistance.” Even passive resistance can bring change, it has happened before in many other countries; let it happen again in our lifetime done by us here in Zimbabwe.
Please be on the watch out for information every week until the 8th of March 2015 on Nehanda Radio. In the meantime please do stuff up the kitchen with food so that you do not go our during the boycott days! We mean business it is not a play in the garden, we are serious! Enough is enough!
Ndini Chirikadzi chenyu
Yimi Ugogo omncane
Yes we can!
Nomazulu Thata is a political activist who resides in Germany. She is a senior member of the party Zunde: the Deputy National Chairperson. This call to boycott is a call to all women citizens of Zimbabwe of all political parties and non political oriented persons, it is therefore nowhere in conflict with her party Zunde position and aspirations. She can be contacted on: [email protected]

Makarau Speaks On Alignment Of Laws

Zimbabwe Electoral Commission chairperson Justice Rita Makarau has urged Government to expedite the alignment of laws with the new Constitution to enable the body to fulfil its duties of preparing and managing the voters’ roll.
Justice Makarau was speaking at a luncheon hosted by the Ministry of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs on Friday in honour of Mr Emmerson Mnangagwa’s elevation to the vice presidency.
“All lawyers celebrate your (Mr Mnangagwa) appointment as the Vice President and we have no doubt that your appointment is in recognition of your leadership qualities and immense sense of nationalism.
“Your ministry is saddled with the mammoth task of aligning laws to the new Constitution. It is important that we ensure that ZEC is mandated to prepare, register and keep the voters roll,” said Justice Makarau.
Chapter 12 of the Constitution empowers ZEC to prepare for, conduct and supervise all elections and referendums in Zimbabwe.
It is also the electoral commission’s duty to ensure that the elections are free and fair; to register voters or supervise registration of voters; and to compile voter’s rolls and registers, or supervise the compilation of these, and ensure their custody and maintenance.
Justice Makarau said the realignment of laws with the new Constitution will erase any ambiguity regarding the composition and functions of the electoral body.
Speaking at the same luncheon, chairperson of the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission Mr Elasto Mugwadi said his commission cherished Vice President Mnangagwa’s pronounced view and advocacy for the removal of the death penalty from the statute books.
“The Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission recognises the efforts and contributions you (VP Mnangagwa) have made and continue to make in advancing human rights in Zimbabwe going back to the liberation struggle in which you courageously, unflinchingly and heroically participated to remove an unjust system grounded on racial discrimination and separate development,” Mr Mugwadi said.
Vice President Mnangagwa thanked staff in the Ministry of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs for organising the luncheon that allowed relaxed interaction with staff.
“I have been part of you as the Minister of Justice before my recent appointment to the post of Vice President, and the good thing is that I am still a part of you while I am serving in my new post as the Vice President. I hope that we will continue working well together,” VP Mnangagwa said.-herald

Grace Jets Back Into Zimbabwe

Grace Mugabe jetted back into the country this morning after undergoing surgery in the Far East.
She arrived at the Harare International Airport Sunday morning accompanied by her husband President Robert Mugabe.
Thousands of Zanu PF supporters thronged the airport to welcome Grace who returned home after undergoing surgical procedure to remove the appendix.
Grace told Zanu PF supporters of her medical history saying the latest surgery is the third one after undergoing the first one in 1986 where she had surgery to remove tonsils and the second one in 1996 when she had a gall bladder surgery.
Grace and her family continue to enjoy the luxuries of Asian medical facilities as millions of the country’s woman and girls fail to access affordable medical care in the country.
Grace and Mugabe were welcomed by Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa, President of the Senate Cde Edna Madzongwe, Defence Minister Dr Sydney Sekeramayi, ministers Simon Khaya Moyo, Miriam Chikukwa, Oppah Muchinguri, Simbarashe Mumbengegwi and service chiefs.

Uebert Angel Taunts ZRP from London

Megachurch preacher Uebert Madzanire who calls himself ‘Angel’, has taunted the Zimbabwean police following an arrest warrant issued on his head.
Angel received the warrant for his arrest after he absconded a court hearing in Zimbabwe.
He had been away doing church planting business in Texas, United States, and doing work in the United Kingdom when he was served the warrant in absentia.
Writing after landing in the UK, Angel, lambasted saying, “All my haters this is a dedication to you.”
He also wrote boasting of his whereabouts saying. “If you’re wondering where I am this valentines day – in London with ” Belle”. If it hurts you to know I am OK, I don’t CARE.” PICTURES-

Warrant of Arrest For Eubert Angel For US$300 000 Fraud

Warrant of arrest for ‘fraudster’ Prophet Angel
A warrant of arrest has been issued for Spirit Embassy Church leader Prophet Uebert Angel Mudzanire after he failed to appear in court to answer to fraud charges involving a luxury vehicle worth US$300 000.
The police Vehicle Theft Unit is looking for the flamboyant preacher who is understood to be shuttling between the United Kingdom and the United States. He left Zimbabwe in May 2014.
Harare magistrate Mr Tendai Mahwe issued the warrant on Christmas Eve when he did not appear in court to respond to allegations of lying to businessman Mr Ndabazinengi Shava that he would “harvest” several vehicles and money if he “seeded” his Bentley Continental to the preacher.
Efforts to get a comment from Prophet Angel over the last fortnight were unsuccessful while church officials in Harare were tight-lipped.
The warrant reads, in part: “Whereas from the information taken upon oath, there are reasonable grounds of suspicion against Ubert Angel Mudzanire, founder of Spirit Embassy Church with no further particulars known, committed a crime of fraud as defined in Section 136 Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act Chapter 9:23 which occurred sometime in June 2013.
“It is alleged that he intentionally misrepresented to Shava Ndabazinengi. . .being the director of Faith-Edge Holdings (in Harare) that if he cedes his motor vehicle, a Bentley Continental, black in colour on registration number ACO 1759, engine number CKHOO2121, chasis number SCBDH23WOBC68373, complainant would in eight months receive several vehicles, assets and money as blessings and if nothing materialises the accused person would return the same motor vehicle to the complainant when in actual fact all this was not true and instead the accused person sold the car without the complainant thereby converting the proceeds to his own use.
“These are (police) therefore in the State’s name to command you that immediately upon sight apprehend and bring the said person or cause him to be apprehended and brought before the court of a magistrate to be examined and to answer to the said information and to be further dealt with according to law.”
After spending 12 years overseas, Prophet Angel returned to Zimbabwe in March 2011, and his congregation grew rapidly as multitudes embraced his charismatic style and “miracles”.
The church held services in the Harare International Conference Centre auditorium; subsequently in the Rainbow Towers grounds and later at Harare Exhibition Park.
He suddenly relocated to the UK last year amid speculation that he was seriously ill, a fugitive or bankrupt.
Prophet Angel is yet to comment on all these issues, though recent tweets on what is believed to be his Twitter account indicate he is preaching in the US and the UK.
The fraud allegations came to public knowledge in 2014 when Mr Shava approached the courts.
Prophet Angel’s co-accused, Anderson Tagara, a Harare-based businessman, has already appeared in court and will be back in the dock this Tuesday.
At Tagara’s initial appearance, Prophet Angel was named the “main perpetrator of the case”.

UK Govt has Snatched My Kids Away | LETTERS

LETTERS-strip-forum-red-strip-text-formatted3Dear Editor,
Hi I am a Zimbabwean British citizen single mother of 3 my older daughter is at university and she is well disciplined. My last two daughters a 5 year old and a 1 year old were put in care last year in November. I don’t drink or smoke, I don’t have a criminal record and I’m not known to the social service. This was the first time and they are threatening to put my children on forced adoption. The reason is 1. I’m a single parent 2. I come from a poor background 3. I gave a long term illness. I have never suffered from depression and I don’t have mental illness & I’m not disabled. I have given my 100% showing my commitment to my children by attending all the contacts and meetings. My 5 year old daughter have a 100% school attendance and all the doc’s apt & immunisation are up to date. I feel like I’m being refused Right to family because of the 3 points I mentioned. I need your help to get my children back I love my kids, they are my world. After all I raised my older daughter
without any problem now she is doing very well at university. Another reason why they are taking my children is because they think that my children are likely to suffer future significant harm. My voice will surely be heard with your support. Thank you
Rose B

Chiyangwa Abused Man Kills Himself

A worker abused by businessman Phillip Chiyangwa through the indigenised Zimbabwe Glass Company, has killed himself.
The victim, a 37-year old Gweru man, committed suicide by downing a poisonous substance after he was kicked out of his in-laws’ house, where he was staying with his wife and two children.
Chiyangwa has abused workers as he stopped paying them for several years while yet splashing money on lavish parties, brand new vehicles, and squandering resources on an untold number of girlfriends who last year he was reported blowing more than $50,0000 per month on.
Some of Chiyangwa’s victims are disabled employees.

Chiyangwa shows off his latest acqusition at Zimoco showroom last week - Picture by Kudakwashe Hunda
Chiyangwa shows off his latest acqusition at Zimoco showroom – FILE Picture by Kudakwashe Hunda

The man, Lovemore Munhungei of Mkoba 10, who was employed by Zimbabwe Glass Company in Gweru, committed suicide behind Mkoba Village 1 Police Station in Gweru after having an altercation with his in-laws which resulted in him being evicted from the in-laws’ house.
His in-laws accused him of failing to look after his children after going for over two years without a salary after his company sent him on an indefinite forced leave.
According to neighbours, Munhungei allegedly had a misunderstanding with his in-laws and prior to his death, he is alleged to have sent text messages about his intentions to take his life to all his relatives while advising them to take care of his family. Munhungei also went to his wife’s workplace and told her that he wanted to commit suicide because he was failing to cope with the situation he was in.
Mrs Munhungei, who declined to give her first name, confirmed the tragic incident, saying her husband was staying with his parents in Mkoba Village 2 after the two separated following a misunderstanding.

Angry Birds Destroy School

To many children, the phrase “angry birds” only refers to a video game. To Zhombili Primary School pupils, “angry birds” refers to birds that are in the habit of breaking classroom windows with their long, thick and downward-curving bills. The school in Insiza District, Matabeleland South Province, was closed for a week after southern ground hornbills (insingizi) destroyed classroom and teacher’s cottage windows.
Zhombili Primary School, situated at the border of Matabeleland South and Midlands provinces, had to be closed at the request of parents who complained that their children were now afraid to go to school. Pupils started going to school on Monday last week.
School Development Committee chairperson Mr Douglas Sibanda told the Sunday News that the birds were making life for the entire community miserable. He said the birds had unsettled teachers but vowed that they were going to “deal with the birds with everything in our hands”.
“The big problem we face is that these birds are destroying windows and we are appealing to people who have an idea of how we can deal with them to come forward and assist us. Parents have mooted an idea of having parents on guard during weekends, as that is when these birds come down to the school,” said Mr Sibanda.
A teacher, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the birds were a “menace to the school and the community at large”.
“We thank you for coming to hear our plight. Insingizi are a menace to the school and the community at large. They are destroying both classroom and teacher’s cottage windows,” said the teacher.
“Looking at how big the birds are, early childhood and Grade One to Two pupils were afraid to come to school and parents requested to have the school closed for a while so that they can try to chase them away. The school is not manageable because these birds are now daily phenomenon.
“We cannot afford to hire a caretaker because the school does not have the money to pay. Parents are not paying school fees and the little money we get from donors is not even enough to take us for the whole term. The school cannot also afford to be repairing windows all the time because that means it has to neglect other important issues.”
Our news crew which visited the school on Thursday afternoon saw some pieces of glass around the school.
The same teacher, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the birds usually come and destroy the windows when there is no one at school. Most windows of the three classroom blocks were broken and only a handful had been repaired.
A villager, who resides near the school, Mr Mbuso Mahlangu said insingizi were common in the area. He disputed the belief that the birds might be sending a message to the community.
“We don’t know why insingizi are destroying windows. I do not want to think that this might be something unusual because if that is the case, the community will take action. As it stands, the community just took it as a passing phase which needs to be addressed accordingly so that pupils can go to school without fear,” said Mr Mahlangu.
The southern ground-hornbill (Bucorvus leadbeateri) is the largest hornbill in the world and features a striking red facial and throat skin that contrasts with its black plumage. This species is named for its habit of walking on the ground as it feeds, and it is less often seen in flight. -Sundaynews

Mphoko On Gukurahundi Again: “It Was All A Western Conspiracy”

CIVIL disturbances that rocked Zimbabwe in the early years of Independence were part of a region-wide conspiracy to destablise Southern Africa and not part of any anti-Ndebele agenda by Shonas, Vice-President Phelekezela Mphoko has said. In an interview with The Sunday Mail at his offices in Harare, the VP opened up on what triggered the violence that is commonly referred to as Gukurahundi.
Hostilities formally ended on 22 December, 1987 when President Mugabe and Dr Joshua Nkomo signed the Unity Accord that joined their two parties in today’s Zanu-PF.
VP Mphoko said there was no way Zimbabwe could come to terms with this dark chapter in its history — which President Mugabe has referred to as a regrettable “moment of madness” — if citizens did not speak frankly about what happened.
Key to this healing, VP Mphoko said, was analysing the roots of the problem; which he traced to a wider conspiracy formulated within the context of the Cold War politics that sought to discredit black nationalist rule as informed by Socialist and Communist ideological underpinnings.
“There is one point which has not been articulated to my satisfaction: The issue of Gukurahundi,” said VP Mphoko, who was Zapu Chief of Logistics and the direct link between President Mugabe and Dr Nkomo during the Second Chimurenga.
“Now, there were two Gukurahundis. This must be understood — two Gukurahundis. The first Gukurahundi was a proclamation by President Mugabe in 1975 as a New Year’s message to his advancing forces that let’s turn this year into what he regarded as Gukurahundi.
“That was a proclamation during the war, a revolutionary demand that ‘this is how we should defeat the enemy’. Meanwhile, on the Zapu side, the old man (Dr Nkomo) proclaimed a similar situation as a turning point in the armed struggle. There is Gukurahundi here by Mugabe; there’s a turning point there by Joshua Nkomo. This was a pre-Independence Gukurahundi; pre-Independence turning point by the two leaders.”
He said that first Gukurahundi ended on 18 April, 1980 when Zimbabwe attained Independence via the military and diplomatic onslaught by President Mugabe’s Zanu and Dr Nkomo’s Zapu.
VP Mphoko continued: “Now, I have always said the post-Independence Gukurahundi was a conspiracy of the West. This I maintain . . .
“When Portugal gave up its overseas territory in 1974 . . . the Rhodesians, the South Africans, General (Hendrik van den) Bergh who was head of the BOSS (apartheid Bureau for State Security) and Ken Flower who was head of CIO here, they almost walked to Portugal to protest to the Portuguese.
“‘Why are you doing this? You have opened the gates in Mozambique. ANC terrorists will walk into South Africa. Rhodesian terrorists will walk into Rhodesia. The terrorists of the ANC from Angola will walk into Namibia and into South Africa. Why did you do this? Can’t you reverse this?’
“The Portuguese said, “No, we can’t do that. Find your own solutions’. South Africa and Rhodesia insisted ‘you have opened gates to Communism’.
“So then, what do they do? Information we have is that the Americans, the British, the South Africans and Rhodesians . . . (decided) ‘we need to find a solution to contain the situation’.
“So they came up with a buffer zone in Mozambique and Angola to stop ANC from both sides; to stop ANC and the Patriotic Front forces on this side. They created — in Mozambique — Renamo, which was heavily supported by South African military intelligence.
“And they created Unita in Angola . . . which was heavily supported by the South Africans. Unita was supported by the Americans: $15 million every year for 27 years.
“They were given some of the best weapons to make sure no Communism passes to Namibia, passes to South Africa; no Communism is passed from Mozambique to South Africa and also to Zimbabwe. That is what happened. They created that.
“Now, because their concern was South Africa, they wanted to protect their interests in South Africa from the Mozambican front and the Angolan front that side.
“Come Zimbabwe becomes independent: South Africa gets the same threat now. Zimbabwe is independent; the front is open.
“So what do they do? They create — from a myth, from nothing: ‘Ah, Zapu wants to overthrow you (the Zanu Government)’. (This was) in order to justify, to create something.
“So that is what happened. So the Gukurahundi after the war had nothing to do with Mugabe — nothing! That is a fact. People can say what they want, but that was a Western conspiracy. You can never hear the British condemning that — never! They can’t say anything. They never said anything. They never condemned anything because it was their baby.
“They knew what they were doing because they were protecting South Africa. So that point should be emphasised; it is very important.”
VP Mphoko said greater awareness of this history was crucial for Zimbabweans to stop being divided by external forces.
“Our people should be very careful not to be used . . . the Rhodesians, the British have always wanted a war between the Shonas and Ndebele.
“They have always wanted that and this is historical. And up to now, there is so much suspicion between the Shonas and Ndebele because of these things. We have lost relatives, I was a victim also. The people who were affected will never forgive you and that is what they wanted.
“It is going to go a long way to heal. That is where the problem is. They have achieved it. But we have to be very analytical as a people to understand the source.
“If we don’t do that then we will continue for years and years. But if we understand and be analytical, then you will understand that yes, it was a conspiracy.”
VP Mphoko, who also heads the National Healing and Reconciliation portfolio, said his work was cut out for him in this regard.
“That is a very sensitive area because people lost lives. But we need to solve a situation. We need to heal those wounds. It would be very important that eminent persons in the affected areas participate in the healing system. That’s very important.
“You see, we should avoid the tendency of: ‘Wow, jobs have opened up, this is an interesting ministry . . .’
“No, no, no. It’s a very serious matter. It needs eminent people. There are people who were killed . . . where people have died you have to be very careful.”
VP Mphoko said unity between Shonas and Ndebeles pre-dated the Unity Accord with the first formal and nationwide collaboration coming in 1972 after the Organisation of African Unity meeting in Benghazi, Libya.
“That was the time of Cde Herbert Chitepo and JZ (Cde Jason Ziyapapa Moyo) when we formed the Joint Military Command in Mbeya (Tanzania).
“And I must emphasise here that the Joint Military Command was the first unity between Zanu and Zapu . . . “In the meeting, and we were very clear, we don’t want anyone to have an advantage over the other. This is a win-win situation.
“If Chitepo becomes Chairman, then the Commander of the Army will be from Zipra. If JZ Moyo becomes the Chairman, then the Commander of the Army will be from Zanla. So that’s what happened.
“Chitepo became Chairman, and then Mangena Nikita became Chief of Staff.
“And we were sharing positions. Josiah Tongogara became Chief of Operations. I became Chief of Logistics. And Robson Manyika became Commissar; John Mataure became (Chief of) Personnel and Training and then Gordon Munyanyi became (Chief of) Military Intelligence and so forth . . .
VP Mphoko said thereafter, following an attempt by Bishop Abel Muzorewa, Reverend Ndabaningi Sithole and Cde James Chikerema to take over Zanu in Mozambique, unity between Zanu and Zapu again came to the fore.
When their attempts were rebuffed, the trio approached the OAU Liberation Committee saying no material assistance should be given to Zanu fighters.
“So, everything was completely cut off, and that is when we had a lot of sicknesses in the camps because there was no food, no medical assistance. A number of people died.”
He said during a tour of the camps with Mozambique’s leadership as well as Bishop Muzorewa, Rev Sithole and Cde Chikerema; Cde JZ Moyo witnessed firsthand the dire situation.
“When he got back to report to the Revolutionary Council about the trip, he talked about the problems in Mozambique; affecting our people in Mozambique — Zanla; Zanu people.
“Moyo insisted that we have to rescue that situation because we have identified each other, Zapu and Zanu, as allies, we have to protect the revolution to deny the reactionaries from taking over what is there.
“So, we came up with a plan to rescue that situation. Sithole and others had put a condition that the Zanla (cadres) should join Muzorewa, Chikerema or Ndabaningi. If they don’t, no food; nothing!
“. . . we had to come up with a limited strategy to rescue Zanu from this crisis. The limited strategy was to form Zipa (Zimbabwe People’s Army) on the same lines as we did with the Joint Military Command of 1972.
“Hashim Mbita (head of OAU Liberation Committee) promised JZ Moyo that: ‘If you do that we can rescue the situation. That’s the only way we can do it.
If you don’t do it now, we can assure you that Zanu and Zapu are likely to be de-recognised and then Frolizi and Muzorewa recognised at the next Liberation Committee meeting in Addis Ababa’.
“The most important thing here is that the formation of Zipa was mainly to rescue Zanu from collapse. Any other interpretation is not correct.”
VP Mphoko said as Chief of Logistics, he secured supplies and arms in Tanzania and took them to Zanu fighters in Mozambique.
“Zanla in Mozambique became alive again . . . And when our mission was accomplished, we withdrew as Zipra because we had finished our mission . . . Our mission was to rescue Zanu from collapse and this is what we did.”
He, however, pointed out that finding each other as Zanu and Zapu had not been easy.
“The relationship between the two parties was very hostile in the early days. But those who meet at the front crossing, you cannot try to fight each other because enemies are close. We met John Mutaure on several occasions at the front there and then we had a common approach long before the leadership . . .
“The military people, we had our own relations. You would find a Zanu fellow or he would find you stranded on the way from Tanzania to Lusaka with a tyre puncture. He is going that side; you are coming this side. You would say, ‘Take my spare wheel. Take it to Lusaka, but don’t take it to (your) place’.
“And this is how things were. So, that relationship in the military is older than the unity between the two parties.”
VP Mphoko also singled out the formation of the Patriotic Front as another landmark in Zanu-Zapu ties. “After the withdrawal of our Zipra command in Mozambique, unfortunately when we were planning these things, other people had their own views. They wanted a third force. They wanted to control and so forth.
“Now this is very critical. What happened was when these people wanted a third force, we refused. We came with a mission to rescue Zanu. The people who knew about that were the Zipra Command and Rex Nhongo (General Solomon Mujuru). Not the rest.”
He said there was pressure from the likes of Wilfred Mhanda to depose the leadership, to the point of even claiming that Dr Nkomo was collaborating with the Smith regime.
Through that tense period, President Mugabe emerged as the natural leader, acceptable internally and within the Frontline States; with Dr Nkomo playing a pivotal role in convincing the likes of Mwalimu Julius Nyerere of Tanzania to realise that Bishop Muzorewa, Rev Sithole and company had in fact become destablising factors.
“That’s how those boys lost. From that time, they were told to toe the line and the Frontline Heads of State recognised Zapu and Zanu.
“And when those young fellows left, they were in actual fact told by Nyerere and Samora Machel to toe the line. So they refused. They wanted to exist as a separate entity but they couldn’t and ended up having problems with the Mozambican government.
“So when we went back to Maputo that is when we formed the Patriotic Front on October 30, 1976.
“That’s when we formed the Patriotic Front because the feeling was that we should go to (the) Geneva (Conference) as one.
“Immediately after forming the Patriotic Front, the co-leaders of the Patriotic Front, created a Commission of Inquiry to find out what led to the collapse of Zipa. What was highlighted were the fights that took place in the camps.
“So, the Commission from Zanla was led by (Cde Simon) Muzenda, (Dzingai) Mutumbuka, Rex Nhongo, Josiah Tungamirai and Mark Dube. The Zapu side was led by George Silundika, Dumiso (Dabengwa), Gordon Munyanyi, Ambrose Mutinhiri and I . . .
“That commission went to Tanzania collecting evidence; went to Zambia and the camps in Mozambique to collect evidence. But we knew what was there. Well, we knew about our mission which was limited.
“But there was another element where there were clashes in the camps. That element was a foreign element, which reveals heavy infiltration, the anti-unity element within the liberation struggle.”
VP Mphoko said after that commission, he remained in Mozambique as a Zapu representative after the withdrawal of Zipra, on the instruction of the Zipra command.
“When Mozambique became independent, we wanted a presence as Zipra. We sent a man called Tom Ndebele in 1974 to go and be our man there.
“He disappeared. So when I remained there, one of my tasks was to establish what happened to him. He was arrested. There had been too many Rhodesians . . . So he was arrested, thrown into a prison called Mashava and he died there. They killed him there.
“That was an interest we had. Frelimo was a partner and military ally and so forth. I had worked with Frelimo before. When they opened their Tete front in 1968, I personally delivered weapons to their front there.
“I had worked with them personally from a logistical point of view. And I remained there in Mozambique, as a representative now of Zapu.
“When we went to Tanzania when the leaders had decided to . . . Zapu and Zanu, I was told by the old man, Joshua Nkomo, to go back and represent Zapu.
“And then I said to the old man: ‘Mdala, I have a problem being there in Mozambique. The relationship between Zanu and Frelimo and I am squashed there, sandwiched’.
“The old man said to me: ‘You must go back and make sure that that situation also favours you’.
“Those were his instructions. So, I went back. Now, after the formation of the Patriotic Front that’s when I was co-ordinating the two leaders of the Patriotic Front. That was my biggest mission.” Sunday mail

MDC-T Dismisses RBZ’s Monetary Policy

Morgan Tsvangirai’s MDC-T party has rubbished the Reserve Bank’s new monetary policy for 2015. FULL STATEMENT:
The monetary policy statement by the Reserve Bank Governor smacks of a neo-liberal agenda as among other measures it seeks to cause a general wage freeze in Zimbabwe at a time when minimum wages are far below the poverty datum line of USD450 per month.
The MDC therefore condemns the anti-worker monetary statement. We reject the misplaced view that wages are the only cost drivers. Far from it. Public utilities, imports, corruption and profiteering are some of the causes of inflation not wages. The MDC will fight and resist labour market flexibility which is being introduced by the clueless Zanu PF regime.
The monetary policy statement is clearly anti-worker and not pro-poor. How can millions of Zimbabweans whose Zim dollar bank balances were ravaged by government-induced hyperinflation only get US$5 as compensation? This can only mean that the Governor is bereft of any new ideas to deal with the residual effects of hyperinflation.
The Governor, like his Minister of Finance, are presiding over a comatose economy and no amount of financial engineering is going to reverse deflation and the liquidity crunch. The so-called “rebalancing” of the economy is a pie in the sky. What needs re – balancing is the politics of the country which makes the economy hostage. The talk of competitiveness in the absence of foreign direct investment (FDI) will not work. Competitiveness requires social dialogue and the full consummation of the Kadoma Declaration.
The Monetary Policy Statement is a damp squib. The financial sector is like a jungle without GPS. Most banks are on the verge of collapse and depositors risk losing their savings. The US$200 million borrowed from Afrexim bank for the resumption of interbank facilities is not enough as it will be swallowed by non-performing loans and externalization.
The MDC is of the view that the Governor is biting more than he can chew. He must focus his attention on the odious RBZ debt of USD 1.3 billion and explain to Zimbabweans how the debt was accrued. The MDC rejects the RBZ Debt Assumption Bill and calls upon Governor Mangudya to publish the list of beneficiaries and measures he intends to institute in order to recover public funds.

Weak Nigeria Army Wants US Soldiers to Fight Boko Haram

Nigeria president Goodluck Jonathan has appealed to USA to send troops to fight Boko Haram in Nigeria, raising questions as to the military strength of Nigerian Army.
Speaking to Wall Street Journal, Jonathan said the U.S as friends must help fight ISIS backed Boko Haram.
The 57-year-old president of Africa’s largest democracy said in an interview that he has been asking the U.S. since early 2014 to send combat soldiers along with military advisers to Nigeria to battle Boko Haram. Citing intelligence reports, he said the militants were receiving “training and funds” from Islamic State, the jihadist group whose leadership is based in Iraq and Syria.
“Are they not fighting ISIS? Why can’t they come to Nigeria?” Mr. Jonathan said, in his first interview with Western media this year.
“Look, they are our friends. If Nigeria has a problem, then I expect the U.S. to come and assist us.”

Fraud Outcry As Schools Reject kids With O level 9As

Many prospective A level students are being turned away from various schools dashing any hopes for higher education. Zimpolicy and ZimEye can exclusively reveal that most schools are opting to enroll pupils with 9As and only those that attended O levels at their schools, leaving external students without any hopes of getting places at schools of their choice. The situation is even worse for those students with grades B and C as they are not even considered for selection.
Some parents found themselves in a dilema as they tried to secure A level places for their children in various schools. “I wanted to take my son who got 9As, 3 Bs and a C to St Ignatious school but they wouldn’t take him. Instead, they enrolled about 40 of their own who had 9 As or better, 26 girls and only 3 boys from other schools.
The boys from other schools had 13 As each. The Head explained to me that since there was so much competition for limited places,the fairest criteria for enrollment was the number of As scored.I thought that was only fair and did not take offence.I don’t think anyone will fail to get a place.Its just a question of each one going where they belong.” said one parent.
The allegations are that the head teachers are compelling for bribe money in order to take pupils from outside.This has left parents with no option but to enroll their chidren at those schools which are not their first preference.
Meanwhile a comment from the Education Ministry was not forthcoming at time of writing.

Boy Forced To Have Sex With a Dog

Three Zvishavane boys have been arrested after they forced a Grade One boy to have sex with a dog for fun.
The three two aged 11 and one 13 have been charged with conspiracy to commit bestiality. The matter could not proceed as one of the boys failed to turn up in court. It will now be heard on April 8, 2015.
It is the State case that on November 26 last year, the three minors from Murambadziwa Village under Chief Masunda forced a Grade one pupil to have sexual intercourse with a dog. The three boys were curious to see if a dog’s sexual feelings could be aroused by a human being.
The three accused were playing with the complainant at one of the accused’s home. One of the accused suggested that the complainant have sex with the dog that belonged to the 13-year-old. The owner of the dog then grabbed his dog’s legs and brought it near the complainant.
While this was happening, another accused was busy removing the complainant’s shorts. The complainant said in court documents that he could not fight back because he was afraid of being beaten by the three.
One of the 11-year-old allegedly pinched the complainant and pulled him by the ears as he ordered him to have sex with the dog. He also threatened to shoot the complainant with a catapult if he refused to take instructions.
One of accused caressed the dog so that it would not bite them or run away while the sexual act was taking place. When the dog appeared ready, the three placed the dog on the complainant’s lap and forced the boy to have sexual intercourse with the dog.
The boy then had sex with the dog until the dog started barking. It was then that the three freed the complainant and the dog. The matter came to light after the complainant informed his parents. mirror

Man Rapes Woman in Front of 12-Year-Old Son

Mbombela- A man found guilty of raping and robbing a woman in front of her 12-year-old son was sentenced to a total of 20 years in prison by the Nelspriut Regional Court(South Africa) on Friday.
Kagiso Malumane, 21, from Manyeveni Trust near White River, Mpumalanga, pleaded not guilty to charges of housebreaking, robbery and rape, a Sapa correspondent reported.
He was accused of raping the 31-year-old woman in October 2012. The victim lived with her only son in a one-roomed shack in Manyeveni Trust.
During sentencing, magistrate Andre Geldenhuys said the accused, who was 19 years old at the time, had planned the attack well.
“You knew the woman lived alone with her 12-year-old son, and that she sold clothing for a living,” he said.
“After you broke the door and entered, you threatened her with a 25cm knife and she was so scared that she did not fight back.”
Geldenhuys said that after insulting her, Malumane raped her while her son watched.
“When finished with your evil act, you then ransacked her house, robbed her of her cellphone, DVD, clothes and other valuable items that you could sell,” he said.
Geldenhuys said Malumane was well employed as a gardener at Luvolwethu Primary School in the same area.
He earned R1 940 monthly.
“At night, you turned into a thug and went out to commit crimes. You are a danger to society and the community is fed up with criminals like yourself,” he said.
Geldenhuys said the woman had done nothing wrong to be violated in that manner and emphasised that she had a right to live safely in her house.
“A statement by your defence that you showed remorse, and that you want to apologise to the woman is rejected by the court. You lied to your attorney from the beginning. Your apology will never take away the pain you caused to the woman and her son,” he said.
Geldenhuys said the accused needed to rehabilitate himself as he was still a young man.
“You are sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for housebreaking and robbery and another 10 years for rape. Sentences will not run concurrently,” he said.

Chombo Attacks Visiting British Investors

BRITISH investors visiting Zimbabwe had “unpleasant disagreements” with a cabinet minister after some of them tried to ask who would succeed the country’s nearly 91-year-old leader, the minister told state TV on Friday.
Ignatius Chombo, the local government minister, told the 19-strong delegation that who Zimbabweans vote for was none of the visitors’ business.
“We… had some little unpleasant disagreements when they wanted to refer to the succession in our own country,” Chombo said in comments carried on the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation’s evening news bulletin.
“So I told them that who we vote for in Zimbabwe is our business and not their business.”
President Robert Mugabe’s government has been pinning its hopes on a spate of recent visits by potential foreign investors to bring cash inflows and avert what threatens to be another major economic downturn.
Fragile after the 2000-2008 crisis, things are not looking good in the cash-strapped country where there are frequent reports of retrenchments.
On Thursday the state-run Herald newspaper was reported to be embarking on a retrenchment exercise. The state-owned bus company has also sent 100 workers on unpaid leave.
Analysts say the country’s indigenisation policy, which compels large foreign and white-owned firms to part with majority shares to local black shareholders, is holding back investment.
Last month Mugabe told a visiting French business delegation that the handover of majority shares only applies to natural resource-based sectors like mining.
Chombo told the British delegation that “it is really up to them to discuss with the relevant ministers and also the minister of indigenisation on what plans would be like for a particular investment,” ZBC reported.
A Belgian business delegation is due in the country in April.

Gokwe Granpa Bashes Wife Over Chicken Drumstick

A Nyoka villager Samson Makwenjere aged 58, under Chief Nemangwe is set to appear before the traditional court for assaulting his wife for erroneously giving his relative a chicken drumstick, which he said was supposed to be in his plate as the father.
Kerina Makwenjere (51) sustained a dip cut on her forehead, after she was struck with a cooking stick, by her husband of more than 30 years, and opted not to take the case to the police, as she sought justice from Chief’s traditional court. managed to get comment from Chief Nemangwe’s representative, who confirmed receiving the report and promised to update us on the court dates.
“We are going to preside over Makwenjere’s assault incident and hope to stop all domestic disputes amicably. We have been busy with domestic disputes the whole of last year especially during cotton harvesting period. We are going to preside over this issue before the end of February and handover appropriate justice,” said the Chief Representative.
Makwenjere told that he was annoyed by her wife’s disrespect by issuing a drumstick to a stranger. “Kerina was so disrespectful, as she is aware that a husband is the person who must eat a drumstick and back of a chicken every time a chicken is prepared for supper or lunch. I know that she was incensed by the assault, but she must also take the culpability for the cause of this altercation,” he said swearing and swinging his hands.
Meanwhile, Kerina is breathing fire with anger, after revealing to during interviews that her husband has become greedy. “I want him to be tried by the Chief for wounding me. He has become so greedy since last year after he failed to receive his pension. He is angry with everyone at home as if we have caused this problem.
I think he will learn a lesson after the publication of this story in your newspaper, my son. Tell the world that a 58 year old man committed grievous bodily harm to his wife for the love of chicken drumstick, which I gave to his close relative,” she swore.

Grace Mugabe Goes Missing Amid Thick Mystery

President Robert Mugabe’s wife Grace under a cloud of thick mystery is nowhere to be seen almost four weeks after her husband returned from holiday without her, amid suggestion at Mugabe’s instigation that she had gone under an operation for appendicitis.
When he returned on January 22, he told Zanu (PF) supporters and government officials at the Harare International Airport that his wife had undergone appendectomy and was recuperating in the Far East country.
Close to a month later, Grace has not returned unconfirmed reports say her condition has deteriorated and could be in a coma in the intensive care unit in Singapore.
However, presidential spokesperson, George Charamba, recently dismissed the reports.
“There is nothing like that,” he said. “It is those reports that are in a coma,” said Charamba.
He, however, did not shed light on Grace’s condition, adding to the mystery on her health.
There has be no official word on whether Grace’s two sons, Robert Junior and Chatunga, are with their mother.
It is not clear whether Chatunga passed his A-Level studies that he should have completed a year ago.
Mugabe returned from Singapore alone and did not comment on his children, save to say that they had undergone routine medical checkups.
Government has denied a claim that Mugabe underwent a major operation, while more reports have indicated that he could soon go back for further surgery.
The president, turning 91 on February 21, tumbled to his knees recently on his return from an African Union (AU) summit where he had just been made chairperson of the continental body. – TheZimbabwean

Makoni Chieftainship Fight Turns Ugly, Didymus Mutasa Told ‘you have no royal blood, you are a muzukuru’

IT never rains, but pours for former Zanu-PF secretary for Administration Didymus Mutasa as the Makoni Chieftainship council of elders yesterday publicly disowned him, saying he was the dynasty’s nephew and not of royal blood.
The council — led by Chief Makoni — said Mutasa was not of royal blood as he wanted everyone in the country to believe.
Mutasa all along claimed to be a Makoni or a Nyati, but for the first time, the clan publicly disputed his kinsmen status, saying he could not assume office as a bonafide member of the clan.
Chief Makoni, who was flanked by Mr Moses Gwasira and Ishe Muchembere during a Press conference at his court in Rusape, said this explained why Mutasa in the early 80s unsuccessfully launched a campaign to clinch the Mutasa chieftainship of the Shumba clan in Manicaland.
His bid crumbled after he failed to elucidate the genealogy and connectivity to that chieftainship.
This has also raised suspicion that he could be of the Shumba totem.
“Didymus Mutasa is not of royal blood because he is a nephew. His great grandmother was a muzvare (daughter of the Makonis called Marutse).
“He is tarnishing the image and integrity of the dynasty by his claims to be a Nyati. Our dynasty is being viewed with suspicions because of him, and this has prompted us to come in the open to expose his roots,” said Chief Makoni.
“He is neither a Nyati or a Makoni. The Mutasas were once our enemies, we fought wars against them to liberate our land and there is no way we could be of the same totem with them. Here is a nephew who adopted the totem of his uncles for lack of or ignorance of his own totem. Didymus Mutasa, thus, has no standing in the determination of matters that relate to the Makoni clan and Makoni Chieftainship. He wanted my throne. He frustrated the whole process for many years. He wanted to be Chief Makoni. He is greedy. He is evil and stops at nothing to grab power,” said Chief Makoni.
It is claimed that Mutasa is a descendant of one “Matambura”, a male born of a female sibling (Marutse) of the family of Chigudu, of the Zendera house.
The Makoni clan stems from its great grandfather Gunguwo, who had five sons, Fusire, Muswati, Zendera, Nyamanhindi and Nyakurukwa.
Marutse was a sister to Zendera who was allegedly killed in 1840.
After his death, Marutse and Zendera’s children were scattered in Mapore and other parts of Mutasa area.
The name Mutasa was derived from a suitor who allegedly rejected paternity.
Mutasa wanted to impose his late brother John Mutasa’s son Tichafara Topira Mutasa, popularly known as Rungutai, as Chief Makoni.
His interference was resisted by the likes of Moses Gwasira, Thomas Vhunduke Gwasira and Makoni District administrator Mr William Mashava.
Mutasa was working with a self-claimed installer and fire kindler of the Makoni dynasty one Paradzai Mukuwapasi.
Mukuwapasi wrote several letters to Mr Mashawa at the instigation of Mutasa, to fast-track Rungutai’s ascendance to the throne.
Rungutai serves as the Headlands constituency Zanu-PF political commissar.
Mutasa dispatched Mukuwapasi to Mr Mashava’s office to fast-track the process on numerous occasions, but the move suffered a still birth as the dynasty elders argued that the Mutasas where not on the family tree, and therefore not of loyal blood.
“He is not of loyal blood as he would want everybody to believe. The central role he played in 2014 as the eldest ‘living father’ of the Zendera family at my inauguration as Chief Makoni was purely political and out of coercion. It was a give and take because we wanted the process to go on as he had stalled it for two years. It was not based on connectivity to the chieftainship,” said Chief Makoni.
Another elder referred the Mutasas, who claim to be ‘Nyati Rutombo’ ‘Nyati Chena’ as ‘Nyati yemubhuku’, not Nyati of Makoni.
Minister of State for Provincial Affairs in Manicaland Mandi Chimene, attended the meeting and thanked the council of elders for biting the bullet and clarifying Mutasa’s true origin.
Mutasa’s political career took a nose dive after being linked to former VP Joice Mujuru’s cabal that wanted to depose or assassinate President Mugabe to facilitate Dr Mujuru’s ascendance to the Zanu-PF and national Presidency.
This was then followed by a series of events including his failure to get a Central Committee seat, being sacked from Government as well as impending disciplinary hearing by a special committee led by VP Phelekezela Mphoko that was recently set up by the Politburo.
Mutasa is threatening to sue Zanu-PF challenging some amendments made to the party’s constitution and that the outcome of the 6th Zanu-PF National People’s Congress was a legal nullity.

$1 Million Contract For Turnall To Increase Capacity By 80 Percent

Listed roofing and building materials producer, Turnall Holdings says it will increase production to over 80 percent of capacity this year after securing a contract worth more than $1 million from Masvingo Town Council.
Speaking to delegates during a tour of the company organised by the Zimbabwe Miners Federation on Friday in Bulawayo, production manager William Chitate said currently the firm was operating at 70 percent of capacity and plans were underway to push it to 85 percent before year-end.
Chitate said as a result of the re-opening of the Bulawayo plant last year, they are producing about 18 000 tonnes of pipes per year.
He vowed that Turnall will not succumb to harsh economic challenges currently forcing other firms to tumble.
“If all companies are going to fall in Zimbabwe, Turnall will be the last one. Next year we are expanding the capacity which we have and we have plans to explore export opportunities in the region,” he said.
Chitate said currently both Bulawayo and Harare factories are employing more than 750 people.
The pipe plant in Bulawayo was closed a year ago due to depressed demand on the local market was re-opened last year after securing $2 million worth of projects with a national significance.
Currently, Turnall is supplying pipes to projects such as the Harare water maintenance , Nkayi Rural District Council, Masvingo trunk sewer project and the Victoria Falls pipeline project.
Masvingo Town Council needs about 800 tonnes of pipes for its project.
Last year the firm said its operating expenses shot up following the closure of the country’s sole asbestos producers, Shabanie and Mashaba Mines and was spending about $8 million annually to import raw material.
Banking group, FBC Holdings in September last year divested from the company after its performance continued to weigh it down.
Turnall posted a loss of $3,5 million for the six months to June.-The Source

Premier Tobacco Licence Renewed

Debt-ridden Premier Tobacco Auction Floor has retained its license to operate in the forthcoming tobacco marketing season which opens on March 4, despite failing to remit tobacco levies of about $1 million in the previous season.
The auctioneer reportedly owes a local bank about $400,000 and over $1 million in tobacco levies to the Tobacco Industry and Marketing Board, Tobacco Research Board and the tax collector.
However, TIMB on Friday said Premier Tobacco is one of the three auctioneers licensed by the regulator this season, along with Tobacco Sales Floor Limited and Boka Tobacco Auction Floor.
“All stakeholders are advised that the 2015 auction tobacco marketing season opens on Wednesday 4th March 2015,” TIMB said in a statement, adding contract sales would begin on March 5.
Sales bookings will open on the 18th of February and deliveries accepted as from the 25th of this month.-The Source
The marketing season, which normally starts in mid-February, opens late this year following delayed rains and subsequent late harvesting by farmers.
This year Zimbabwe projects to produce up to 220 million kilograms of tobacco.
In 2014, total flue tobacco amounted to 216 million kg, earning the country $684 million.
TIMB said last week that over 88 640 farmers had registered to grow the crop this season compared to 88 281 in 2014.
The number of companies registered to finance tobacco contract growing also increased to 20 this season from 16 last year, which is also anticipated to push up volumes.
New farmers are trekking to tobacco production, which has become the most lucrative crop, dumping traditional ones such as cotton and maize with lower returns.

Friday 13th: Pre-Valentine Blood Bath As Security Guard Guns Down Two Sisters

A security guard ran amok and shot dead two sisters before turning the gun on himself at Mtimukulu farm near Lake Chivero today.
In a pre-valentine blood bath and a typical Friday the 13th episode, the two sisters Jill and Jean Mahebe were shot dead under unclear circumstances by a guard who was dating one of them.
When the ZBC News arrived at the farm, the two sisters’ bodies were still lying at the scene of the crime while the body of the murderer who has been identified as Tawanda Galasi was lying in a nearby bush guarded by police details.
The elder of the two daughters’ Jean only turned 23 on Thursday the 12th of February.
The motive of the brutal killing is not known and witnesses were baffled as they claimed the three had shared some goodies a few minutes before the incident.
The father of the two girls Joseph Mahebe who was in a state of shock told the ZBC News he cannot imagine life without his two daughters.
The day had started like any other normal day for the girls’ mother, but Friday the 13th of February turned out to be a day of horror.
Though the circumstances are still unclear, initial evidence is leading to a crime of passion.
Most of the people who gathered called for a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding the security of the gun.

School Kids, 6 Injured in Kombi Accidents

School kids and several people were injured on Friday afternoon in separate accidents across the city, Harare. Six people were injured when two commuter omnibuses fleeing from a City of Harare traffic police vehicle veered off the road near the Chicken Slice foud outlet along Chinhoyi street

“Satanists Strike Man Dead Using Cellphone”- LETTERS

LETTERS-strip-forum-red-strip-text-formatted3A London man writes claiming that so called Satanists have killed a man through a dodgy telephone call from an 09 number. Mobile operators and telecoms professionals dismissed the report as mere myth.

Dear Editor
This a true story of the 090 number and the 080 number. A friend of Mai Sibanda‘s husband , passed away two days ago after being called by Satanists. The person who called kept talking in a strange language and within hours. He carried on speaking in the strange language. He developed a headache yesterday and pain killers could not help before he died. To my fellow Zimbabweans, do not answer even other unknown numbers. _CLICK TO LISTEN_


Chombo Backs MDC-T Mayor

In a surprising development, Local Government minister Ignatius Chombo has endorsed Bulawayo’s opposition MDC mayor Martin Moyo to be the new Zimbabwe Local Government Association (Zilga) chairman, a move that has courted the ire of the association’s Zanu PF members.
There were suggestions within Zilga’s Zanu PF caucus yesterday that the move was playing out along the ruling party’s ugly factional and succession wars of the past few months, with other sources saying that it may be a desperate bid by government to attract donor support to the country.
Zilga is an association of mayors and other local government leaders, whose mission includes promoting local government and its role in development and the provision of services.
While repeated efforts by the Daily News to talk to Chombo yesterday did not yield positive results, disgruntled Zanu PF Chombo backs MDC mayor.
Zilga members claimed that the newly-installed ruling party secretary for administration was meddling in the association’s business by voicing his support for Moyo — a move they said was outside the minister’s brief.
The minister, who has invited all district chairpersons and mayors for a crucial meeting scheduled for the Rainbow Towers in Harare today, apparently worked throughout the week to build support for the opposition mayor of Zimbabwe’s second largest city.
However, it is still not clear if Moyo, a close confidant of MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai, will secure the necessary votes to sail through unopposed at the Zilga ballot, which Chombo wants held before March 1.
Zanu PF has a majority 79 chairpersons and mayors countrywide in the 92-member strong Zilga.
“The disquiet highlights the broader split in the ruling party. Chombo has been persuading the Zanu PF chairpersons to back Moyo, and has told the chairpersons that to him the Bulawayo mayor was unchallenged and has virtually locked up that race.
“Ahead of this weekend’s meeting, the minister has been focused on the chairman’s nomination, and has been calling chairpersons and mayors, rounding up and even strong-arming them to back the Bulawayo MDC mayor, ostensibly because he is appealing to donors, mainly Germans, who can help unlock cash to bankroll the financially-troubled Zilga,” a well-placed source said yesterday.
Chombo had allegedly first met the chairpersons and mayors behind closed doors at a meeting held in Bulawayo last week. Assuming each chairperson and mayor in the 92-member conference participates, a candidate needs at least 46 votes for victory, although Chombo is said to want Moyo to stand unopposed.
The victorious leader will wield significant power in terms of the direction and tenor Zilga will take over the next three years.
That dynamic has frustrated many Zanu PF chairpersons and mayors given that the MDC has only 13 mayors in the 92-strong bloc.
“Chombo is raising fundraising arguments and is keen to build support from ambivalent Zanu PF chairpersons and mayors.
“He is also pledging to ensure a deputy Zilga chairman from Zanu PF.
He is proposing installing Alderman David Mutasa from Makoni as Moyo’s deputy,” another source added.
Chombo’s support of Moyo also comes as the minister is allegedly stitching a deal to introduce Easipark in Bulawayo.
The source said the disgruntled Zanu PF chairpersons were “working the phones” in a bid to derail Chombo’s plans.
“For now, the minister’s plan is short of critical votes, and his strategy risks hitting a brick-wall.
“In practice, democracy is governed by its most popularly understood principle, that is majority rule,” said another unhappy Zanu PF chairperson.
“The side with the most votes must win, and we are surprised why Combo wants us to back an MDC candidate. Many fear opposing him but certainly there is disquiet over this,” he added.
Another disgruntled chairman said, “Why doesn’t Chombo go with his proposal to president Mugabe that we must support an MDC mayor? What is he trying to do? Kutengesa ikoko. (He is a sell-out)”. – DailyNews

BREAKING NEWS: Tuku Struck By Illness, Cancels Friday Show Appearance

Music legend Oliver Mtukudzi has had to cancel his Friday show due to an unexpected flue condition.
An announcement was made by his media team who wrote:
We regret to inform our fans that Oliver Mtukudzi will not be able to perform in Bulawayo tonight as earlier advertised. This is because he has been taken ill with flu and his diabetic condition is currently volatile. His Doctor has advised rest and is monitoring his condition.
Please note that the show that was organized by Groove Entertainment will go ahead as scheduled. Groove Entertainment has met all their obligations and done everything to prepare for the show.
We regret any inconveniences caused and we would like to promise our fans that we will hold another show in Bulawayo as soon as our dates permit.
Thank you
Tuku Music

BREAKING NEWS: Doctor Arrested

Defiant Bulawayo medical practitioner, Doctor Nkonzo Ndebele was yesterday arrested for failing to pay $350 per month maintenance order imposed on him by a Bulawayo maintenance court in September last year.
Appearing before magistrate Tinashe Tashaya and prosecuted by Adelaide Chimbete, Dr Ndebele was remanded into custody until the 2rd of March to answer charges why he has not met the maintenance order since it was issued by the court. A dejected Nkonzo was denied bail by the prosecutor after he had previously failed to appear in court to answer the maintenance charges.
Dr Ndebele who according to his estranged wife makes about $30 000 every month from his numerous surgeries in town, was ordered by the court to pay $350 per month for the upkeep of their six-year-old daughter. He was also ordered to pay all the costs of the child’s school fees and buy uniforms at least once each term.
Since the order was effected in September last year, Ndebele has not adhered to any of the provisions of the order. Instead huge amounts of money have been spent on legal fees as the two continue to fight over the apportionment of the property acquired over their eight year customary marriage.
In recent press reports, Ndebele was quoted to have said he was above the country’s laws and no one would do anything to him. He has since violated a restraint order against his wife issued by the courts and is currently on bail for contempt of court.