Grace Warns Joice Mujuru, Didymus Mutasa

First Lady Grace Mugabe has fired warning shots at Joice Mujuru and Didymus Mutasa threatening to eliminate them politically if they do not promptly beg for forgiveness.
Speaking for the first time in clearer terms, Grace finger pointed at Mujuru stating that Zimbabwe’s only faciotn leader comes from Mashonaland Central. A furious Grace spoke out saying the end has come fro Mujuru.

The First Lady Grace Mugabe is set to Meet the People of Mashonaland Central at Chipadze Stadium in Bindura and also thank them for endorsing her nomination to the post of Secretary for Women’s League.
Mugabe has addressed rallies in eight provinces so far. Yesterday she addressed a multitude of Zanu PF supporters in Bulawayo. In her address, she slammed inept ministers, saying time has come for only those meriting their ministerial posts to stay in Government. Our reporter Felex Share will be giving us the updates of the events as it unfolds.
10:20 Thousands of Zanu PF supporters have gathered at Chipadze Stadium in Bindura for the First Lady Grace Mugabe Meet the People Tour and thousands more are still patiently queuing outside as they wait to enter the venue.
10:33 The first Lady is yet to arrive but meanwhile people are being entertained by Sulumani Chimbetu.
10:43 Senior Zanu PF officials and Government Ministers, Prof Jonathan Moyo, Cde Saviour Kasukuwere and Cde Josiah Hungwe are already in the stadium waiting for the First Lady. Cde Phillip Chiyangwa, Cde Patrick Zhuwawo and Cde Supa Mandiwanzira are also part of the proceedings here.
11:30: Mugabe has arrived in Bindura and is currently in a closed door briefing with members of Zanu PF Women’s League at Bindura University.
12:05 The First Lady has arrived at Chipadze Stadium amid “, , ” chants by Zanu PF supporters. She is accompanied by Cde Edna Madzongwe, Cde Eunice Sandi Moyo and Cde Oppah Muchinguri.
12:18 Mashonaland Central Provincial Chairman, Cde Luke Mushore is now introducing delegates and Mashonaland Central Youth Chairperson appeals to Mugabe to stop senior officials who are inciting members to turn against elected leaders.
14:00 First Lady Mugabe addressing the gathering and says Mashonaland Central is the province where a faction leader comes from. She adds, “but soon we are going to baby dump your faction leader, come congress in December.
14:03 She says people will soon come to know what they mean by the slogan ‘down with Gamatox’ adding that a moment of truth has come for corrupt leaders some of whom own diamond mines in the country.
14:05 Those are the same people who go around denouncing the President and her ( Mugabe) projects in Mazoe. She said the same faction leader is the one who has directed and influenced provincial youth chairpersons from Mashonaland East, Masvingo and Manicaland provinces to snub her rallies.
14:08 “Kana uri kuzvinzwa iwe faction leader, simuka kwauri ikoko uende kunavaMugabe unokumbira ruregerero,” she says
14:10 “If the President does not dump you, we are personally going to dump you isu,” she added.
14:13 The First Lady also warned those associated with the so called faction leader to realise that they are being used . . . “Nemi varume vakuru siyanai nezvamuri kuita nekuti very soon you are going to be dumped also.”
14:15 Factionalism, she says, is stalling government programs adding that people should be focused on delivering election promises than stampeding for posts. Mugabe said her election to lead

Prophet Magaya Pays Bribes to ZBC Journalists, Investigation Claims

Harare preacher Prophet Walter Magaya is allegedly paying bribes to ZBC journalists in order to get fair coverage, an investigation recently opened claims.

Investigated...Walter Magaya
Investigated…Walter Magaya

The Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation ZBC General Manager for television services, Tarzan Mandizvidza and a senior business reporter are being investigated by the Anti Corruption Commission for soliciting bribes from Prophet Walter Magaya and a ZANU (PF) legislator.
Mandizvidza  and Bruce Chahwanda (a reporter) are said to be getting kick backs from ZANU(PF) Gokwe-Nembudziya MP Justice Mayor Wadyajena and PHD Ministries leader prophet Walter Magaya for positive coverage on the state controlled television station.
The bribe scandal was anonymously reported to the Zimbabwe Anti Corruption Commission by some disgruntled reporters after Chahwanda’s consecutive trips to Gokwe to cover Wadyajena’s political and private business while there is a Midlands Correspondent, Jackie Gwemende who covers the province.
“Last week Chahwanda was asked to write a comprehensive report by the Head of News and Current Affairs Josephine Zulu explaining who authorized his every weekend Gokwe trips. The report is now with the Human Resources department awaiting action,” said some reporters who requested anonymity for fear of victimization.
They continued saying “he is getting  the blessings of going to Gokwe every weekend and cover Wadyajena by Mandizvidza . He is the same person who only covers Prophet Mayaga’s stories and no one else. If anyone comes with a Magaya story the copy does not see the light of the day.”
The sources said Tichaona Chikono, the camera person who moves with Bruce Chahwanda was not also happy with the dealings as he is also sidelined when it comes to the sharing of the bribes.
“The guy complains of being used by Mandizvidza and Chahwanda as they do not give him anything for the public relations of Wadyajena and Magaya. He is very bitter,” added the disgruntled reporters.
An official with the Zimbabwe Anti Corruption commission told ZimEye that they got the reports involving Mandizvidza and Chahwanda.
“We are on the task. We received those reports from ZBC and it is not that case only but several others involving corruption at the company, ” said an official with the ZACC who cannot be named because he is not allowed to speak to the media.

Tsvangirai Booing in Manicaland Was Planned Beforehand

The booing of Morgan Tsvangirai over elections in Manicaland on Sunday was planned beforehand, it has emerged.
A senior MDC- Renewal officer in the region told ZimEye the dressing down of Tsvangirai had been  ordered way before the incident.
Booed... Morgan Tsvangirai
Mr Pishai Muchauraya who is the Renewal Spokesman for Manicaland, told ZimEye the MDC cadres had planned to embarass the embattled Tsvangirai.

Manicaland is the home of the Renewal movement which saw Tsvangiria being challenged to step down by Deputy Treasurer Elton Mangoma backed by a host of other Manica heavyweights including Roy Bennett and Muchauraya himself.
When asked whether it is true that the cadres had embarrassed Tsvangirai, Muchauraya replied saying: it is true, but planned.”
Tsvangirai was on Sunday booed by Manicaland supporters after he personally presided over an alleged “sham” provincial election to ensure his favoured candidates won. According to Newsday, this was after the executive led by Shuah Mudiwa walked out in protest, but Tsvangirai caused another storm when he skipped Kuwadzana East MP and party national organising secretary Nelson Chamisa’s name while introducing candidates vying for the secretary-general’s position and only mentioned party spokesperson and ex-Nyanga North MP Douglas Mwonzora.

BREAKING NEWS – Stanchart Bank Mutoko Employees Sentenced to 48 Months In Prison

Convicted Standered Chartered Bank Mutoko employees charged for defrauding the bank US$40,000, have been sentenced to two years in prison.
Bank Manager Tafara Ben Maunze and teller Clemence Nkalimo who had been remanded at Mutoko Prison awaiting sentence, were yesterday slapped with 48 months imprisonment. Their colleague who was the prime person in investigations, Effort Chimhamba,
however controversially walked away a free man last week despite being the chief suspect in the case. (See Drama as Magistrate Parties With Man Charged US$40,000 Theft Just Before Acquitting Him)
Mutoko resident magistrate Mr Edwin Marecha suspended 12 months on condition the accused do not within five years commit any offence involving theft for which they will be sentenced without the option of a fine. A further twenty four months were suspended on condition the accused restitute Standared Charterd Bank the sum of $20,000 each through the clerk of court Mutoko.

BREAKING NEWS: Prophet Rwambiwa Cleared of Adultery Charges, Complainant Exposed

A Mutare preacher Moreblessing Rwambiwa who was being accused of adultery, was on Friday

cleared...Prophet Rwambiwa
cleared…Prophet Rwambiwa

cleared of the charges.
The complainant, Brian Sibanda, who was claiming the preacher had an affair with his wife, withdrew the case on Friday morning shortly before apologising to the man of the cloth.
ZimEye caught up with Prophet Rwambiwa as he was leaving Mutare courts a free man. Our reporters also caught up with the complainant. However, Brian Sibanda, claimed that Rwambiwa had not been released but was merely out on bail.

“What are you talking about, I didn’t pull out, he was given bail, ” he said.

When pressed on the circumstances of the alleged bail grant and how much Rwambiwa was made to pay for his release, Sibanda however said he was not telling the truth. He replied saying…

” I will have to think about that, “, he said.

Meanwhile it has emerged that the trip that the accused man made to Zambia was actually an ordinary pilgrimage trip that had already been planned for. Unlike the false allegations that the man of the cloth was on the run, this was a planned journey and had nothing to do with the sensational allegations. Rwambiwa revealed to ZimEye that he had traveled to Zambia for a conference and was not fleeing at all. He also disclosed to ZimEye that reports that he had been beaten up were false. A report by the accuser that he has an audio recording of the prophet which clip allegedly links the man of the cloth to his wife, was found to be unreliable as Sibanda refused to to avail it for examination.
More to follow….

EXCLUSIVE: Prophet Accused in Sex Scandal, Beaten Up

Mutare- A Pentecostal church preacher, Prophet Moreblessing Rwambiwa, has been accused in a damning sex scandal involving a congregant’s wife. (ALSO READ – Prophet Rwambiwa Cleared of Adultery Charges).
ZimEye can exclusively reveal that Prophet Rwambiwa of Mutare’s Tabernacles of Grace church, is currently in chains under Mutare police where he is awaiting trial for adultery after he was arrested shortly after returning from Zambia where he had sought spiritual refuge.

The accuser, who cannot be named at present, has said he has an audio recording of the prophet which clip allegedly links the man of the cloth to his wife.
Prophet Rwambiwa is not new to allegations of immorality. He was in 2010 named in another scandal in which other senior pastors and married women within his church were named. A former pastor who was subsequently expelled from the church, Admire Mukombiwa once sensationally claimed saying:
“At one time, Rwambiwa proposed love to a girl who works in a saloon. She got furious on why her married pastor would do such a thing and wanted to report the matter to your newspaper, but we chipped in and pampered her not to do so as this would tarnish the image of the church,” he said.
Mukombiwa said the two pastors would on numerous occasions lie to their wives that they were going to all-night prayers, yet they will be camping somewhere else with their girlfriends.
“Just recently, they told their wives that they were going to an all-night prayer at the Social Centre in Mutare, but they left the church at around 1am and went with their girlfriends to Dangamvura Area 14. Their escapades finally came out and they then started accusing me of not covering them up on their adulterous behaviour.
“They then resolved to fire me from the church, since I was now a liability to their activities,” he said.
More to follow….

Drama as Magistrate Parties With Man Charged US$40,000 Theft Just Before Acquitting Him

There was daylight drama in Mutoko on Wednesday when the resident magistrate went into a party with the lawyer of a man charged for a $40,000 Standard Chartered Bank theft, a few hours before acquitting the accused in mysteriously circumstances that have left the whole community shell shocked.
Resident Magistrate Edwin Marecha caused a scene Wednesday when he led a party hosted by the lawyer of the accused on the same case he would on the same day acquit the charged, Mr. Effort Chimhamba, the primary suspect in the case.
Mr Chimhamba is the chief suspect in the theft case which has seen two other colleagues being found guilty while he goes away scot free. The lawyer, a Mr Moyo, represented Effort Chimhamba, the first accused in the theft offence of $40 000 which went missing at Standard Chartered Bank in December last year. The second accused Clemence Nkalimbo, a bank teller and the third accused Tafara Ben Muunze were found guilty and will be sentenced on October 13 2014.
Most of the people who followed the proceedings of the case were left open-mouthed when Effort Chimhamba, who was the chief accused in the matter was found not guilty.
But what further shocked people was that the party was held right at the backyard of the court prior to the judgement on the case. There was an excess of braai-meat and there were still left overs afterwards.
The meat mysteriously bought in abundance, was acquired from a butchery owned by the magistrate.
Mr Moyo, the lawyer who represented Effort Chimhamba bought the meat from the resident magistrate Mr Marecha’s butchery which is a few meters from the magistrate’s court. Just after the party, the judgement on the case resumed, and Mr Moyo’s client was acquitted.
When contacted on Thursday morning, Magistrate Marecha did not deny attending the party hosted by the accused’s lawyer. He was asked: “Since you had a braai with the accused’s lawyer yesterday, people are saying you received money. How do you answer that?”. Asked thus if he received bribe money, he replied ZimEye saying: “ipfungwa dzavo, ipfungwa dzavo – these are just their thoughts,” he said while albeit agreeing that he did party with the accused’s lawyer.

Chinese Tycoon Caught Destroying Dog Kennels Built for Blacks

A Chinese tycoon recently exposed for building dog shelters for black workers, was yesterday snapped destroying the structures aside his employees.
A recent ZimEye article revealing how Chinese businessmen are treating Africans at Timsite in Bindura like dogs, has resulted in the wooden cabins of shame, the symbol of African oppression by the Chinese being dismantled as shown in the below pictures.
ZimEye yesterday managed to capture Mr Yang leading wokers demolishing the shelters.
The company’s major-shareholder, Mr Yang who travels with personalised number plates (pictured), is reportedly in the top 100 of the world’s richest people.

Mr Yang’s main business is in coal mining.
Demolishing was in progress last afternoon, shortly before Mr Yang sped off from the site. However the company only destroyed those cabins at the main entrance leaving the rest which are out of public view.

Dr Grace Demands Birthday Gifts from Every Zimbabwean

FIRST LADY GRACE MUGABE has said that every Zimbabwean must observe her birthday.
Speaking during an address to pastors of various churches at her Mazoe farm, Dr Mugabe said people must remember her birthday which is the 23rd of July.
They must also send her presents, she ordered before pleading that she would share them and not use them for her pleasure.
“…you must remember my birthday please. And always send me presents,” she said. RECORDING:

Grace turns 50 next year.

Mugabe Reshuffles Security

President Robert Mugabe has tightened his security on members of his party whom he suspects of opposing the election of his wife Grace to lead the party’s Women’s League. Mugabe it is said wants to nominate his wife Grace the party’s 2018 presidential candidate if she is elected the leader of the Women’s league at ZANU (PF) congress due this December.
Grace last week rolled out her campaign with a rally in Chinhoyi which was attended by thousands of bussed supporters from the Mashonaland West province. High placed sources within the country’s spy organisation the Central Intelligence Organisation said the aging leader is reshuffling security staff in all the government departments as he fears an ouster.
“There is a massive reshuffle of aides to government ministers (CIO officials who guard government officials) which started last week with the  most targeted being those who belong to the camps which are opposed to the elevation of the First lady to lead the women’s league. The reshuffle has also affected security attachés’ to countries out of the country who are also suspected of working against the President. We have a number of such security personnel who were deployed oversees who have been recalled,” said the sources.
ZimEye failed to get in touch of Foreign Affairs department to confirm whether there were such redeployments of security officials assigned to work outside the country as both the Minister Simbarashe Mumbengegwi and his Deputy Christopher Mutsvangwa’s phones could not be reached. The sources said Mugabe (90) had indicated that he would step down before the next election but the CIO advised him that there are senior ZANU (PF) officials sitting in the party’s highest decision making body, the Politburo, who would push for his prosecution. “We are not resting as we are closely monitoring every party official’s movements because of these developments. We have the list of such senior party officials who are working against President who we are closely monitoring and this is not an easy task”, added the official.

Granny Struck by Cancer, Please Help

A Zimbabwean granny from Nyazura was last month struck by cancer and is in need of financial assistance to undergo treatment.
Mrs Venesencia Kanjanda who is 66 years old and lives at stand no.192 Nyazura, Rusape, needs to go for an appointment at Prirenyatwa Hospital on Thursday 9th October.
Said her grandson Never Jekese who is based in South Africa, “please assist my grandmother has breast cancer so the need to remove the breast the medical fees, are very high.
Well wishers are asked to send contact Mrs Kanjanda and send donations via Ecocash to her no +263777807178.

God Has Given Mugabe Another Chance – Prophet Wutaunashe

God has given President Robert Mugabe another chance, Prophet Andrew Wutaunashe said just after the July 2013 elections. Wutaunashe who is the founder of the Family of God church told ZimEye that Mugabe was last year  given another chance “to complete his work.”
A year later, this article revisits what he said about “Mugabe’s chance”:
He said God showed him a picture of how the post election Zimbabwe will be and told him ” I am going to give the old man an opportunity to complete his work.”
He added that he himself then told President Mugabe: “the years of collegial government you had with these people (The MDC) were not a waste of time.”
He said that contrary to what political apologists have said before, the government of national unity has actually brought respect among politicians from both warring groups.
When confronted over his alleged bias towards ZANU PF as widely reported, Wutaunashe said this is not true at all. He revealed that he has not only acted as a mediator between the parties but has also personally advised key MDC icons who follow his church teachings.
“When I was doing my mediation (between ZANU PF and MDC) there (between 2007 and 2008), my message was come together for the interest of the people because in the end what matters in any politician’s mind is that it is the people that matter,” he said referring to the need for the 2013-ended government of national unity. He said the doldrums the country went into were because of politicians’ failure to simply agree with each other, one elderly refusing to work with the other.
Mugabe and Tsvangirai learnt from each other
Wutaunashe however said that during the years running up to 2013, both Mugabe and Tsvangirai developed themselves by learning from each other.
“I actually believe that despite all hostilities, Tsvangirai learnt a lot from Mugabe, and vice versa as well,” he said
Tsvangirai Ignored Wutaunashe’s Advice?
On another subject, Wutaunashe sounded that MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai ignored advice concerning the ideology of Pan Africanism. In the two years running up to the year the MDC-T was founded, Prophet Wutaunashe had told an international delegation in a Johannesburg in 1997 that future African politics will have to be Pan African in nature and be geared towards ‘perfecting the work of liberation revolutionaries’. The conference was titled: “Restoring Dignity to Africa.” One of the attendants who followed guides from the conference, Nervous Mumba from Zambia, soon struck luck after the conference becoming Zambia’s Vice President under former President Levy Mwanawasa as earlier prophesied at the conference. At present, Mumba is rumoured to be standing as a strong challenger for the Presidency, said Wutaunashe.
Prophet Wutaunashe indicated to ZimEye that had Tsvangirai paid attention to the advice given more than two years before the MDC was formed, he could have saved himself much disappointment. The direction of Dr Nervous Mumba’s life and ministry changed as a result, said Wutaunashe.
“When I spoke to the delegation in Johannesburg the Zimbabwean opposition didn’t exist, and the Zimbabwean situation emerged as it did later. I actually believe that across the political divide there are people of like conviction, concerning the rise, working together as Africans”, he said.
He added that the government of national unity has been underrated on its achievements of causing an environment where the opposition would get an opportunity to “learn from an old man like Robert Mugabe the foundations of their nation.”

Ebola Scare Death in Murehwa: Zim Govt Silent

The Minister of Health and Child Care has remained silent following reports of an alleged Ebola attack in Murehwa circulating on social media on Friday.
The report reads in part, “Health Alert – Ebola is now in Zimbabwe. A Zimbabwean truck driver affected by Eloba has died in Murehwa Hospital today on his way through Murehwa from Nyamapanda . Be warned Zimbaweans avoid unnecessary movements Murehwa is now at risk we will inform eveyone on everything taking place in Murehwa hospital as we still gathering more information we are informed that two nurses now are in intensive care suspectes that they affected by Eloba.”
When contacted on Friday afternoon, Health Minister David Parirenyatwa’s office appeared as if unmoved by the reports. Even after the office phones kept ringing without answer for more than half and hour, an officer believed to be the secretary only replied saying she needed to forward the call to the appropriate office following which the call was abruptly terminated.
Rumours of an ebola outbreak in the country have been rife since the epidemic struck West Africa a few weeks ago. Our reporter has since been assured that a comment will be made by the Minister by end of day Saturday.

Mnangagwa Refuses to Revive Gono’s Senatorial Hopes – Gumbo

ZANU PF spokesperson Rugare Gumbo has voiced out that former Reserve Bank Governor Gideon Gono’s hopes
to enter the senate are not closed at all as previously claimed by Justice Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Minister, Emmerson Mnangagwa. Mr. Gumbo indicated to ZimEye that Mnangagwa is actually causing sabotage on Gono’s hopes for the senate.
Gumbo told ZimEye that following the politburo meeting on Tuesday, Mnangagwa was tasked to lead a committee that should engage the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission with a view of finding legal ways of ensuring Gono who as an unregistered candidate for the Buhera area does not qualify, is given access for the elevation.
Mnangagwa who is believed to be leading his own faction in the race to succeed President Robert Mugabe on Wednesday said that Gono’s chances for the senate were now sealed for good. This contradicted Rugare Gumbo’s position on the matter.
“I stand by my story. I am the party spokesperson and I stand by my statement (which is final),” Mr Gumbo told ZimEye on Thursday morning.
When asked if there are any prospects of Gideon Gono being raised to the contentious senatorial seat, he replied saying, “what we are saying is what I said that we are going to go along with chairperson Makarau’s position. But it is unfortunate because Mnangagwa is supposed to be chairing the committee tasked to look into the matter but he is doing the opposite of what he is supposed to do,” said Gumbo.
Herald Offside claims.
Gumbo also earlier dismissed claims in a Herald editorial claiming that he had gone offside in attacking the paper. He said that Mugabe is concerned over The Herald’s said “biased reportage”. President Mugabe has already blasted Minister of Information and Media Jonathan Moyo for washing the party’s dirty linen in public.
A source told ZimEye of the rebuke Mugabe felled into Jonathan Moyo, saying “yesterday after the cabinet meeting, the President approached Minister Moyo and asked him why he was victimizing Mliswa.In his words he said ‘why are you victimizing that boy?,’ a senior ZANU(PF) cabinet minister who sits in the politburo told ZimEye Wednesday. They continued,
“the president in our presence said the fight should stop forthwith but we do not know whether the ‘old man’ meant to forgive Mliswa or what because we are going to discuss his issue in the politburo meeting today,” they said.
Meanwhile, it emerged both Gideon Gono and Rugare Gumbo allegedly belong to the Joice Mujuru faction which is seeking to have her succeed President Robert Mugabe.

BREAKING NEWS – Driver Feared Dead, Chaos as Train Derails in Pretoria,

Pretoria – A train driver is feared dead in a sudden train mishap in Pretoria when the locomotive went off the rails while carrying commuters.
There was chaos and panic Thursday afternoon when the train derailed at Centurion in Pretoria, close to Sport Park station.
It was traveling from Johannesburg to Pretoria.
Although no passengers were injured, the driver’s condition was unknown at the time of writing.
Many Zimbabweans aboard the train, walked out in haste fleeing any possible secondary incident.


EXCLUSIVE- Gokwe Mystery Fire Caused by Deadly Juju as Businessman Tried to Get Quick Riches

PART 1 – The Gokwe inferno which nearly razed down the CBZ bank building last month, was started by a Gokwe businessman fire CBZwith two accomplices while they were dabbling with deadly juju trying to get rich fast, an investigation has unearthed.
ZimEye on Thursday morning reveals how the named businessman casting fires trying to get rich fast had deadly concortions backfire on him. But the fire did not stop at him but flamed all the way to the nearby CBZ bank, destroying part of the property and leaving many jobless.
Properties adjoining the bank have since been reduced to rubble as a result. Read more Thursday morning on

EXCLUSIVE: Politburo Leak: Mugabe Blasts Moyo Over Mliswa, “Why Are You Victimizing that Boy?”

President Robert Mugabe Tuesday asked Information Media and Broadcasting Services Minister Jonathan Moyo to stop victimizing ZANU(PF) Mashonaland West provincial Chair Temba Mliswa.

blasted by Mugabe over MliswaJonathan Moyo
blasted by Mugabe over MliswaJonathan Moyo

Earthquakes are expected in the politburo today as ZANU PF politburo seeks a resolve to the Temba Mliswa and Gideo Gono duo headache. There have been heated calls for Mash West Chairman Temba Mliswa to be pubished for having disgraced several politburo heavyweeights who include Jonathan Moyo, Ignatius Chombo, President Robert Mugabe’s cousin Patrick Zhuwao, and the President himself. But Mugabe has come out in apparent support of Mliswa.
Moyo who is said to belong to the Mnangangwa camp, is accused of staging a media war against the Mujuru camp which Temba Mliswa publicly said he supports.
The Zanu PF politician on Monday punched at Zanu PF cabinet ministers Jonathan Moyo and Saviour Kasukuwere labelling them “Gay Gangstars”.
He extended the gay description to politburo member and President Robert Mugabe’s nephew Patrick Zhuwao.
“Yesterday after the cabinet meeting, the President approached Minister Moyo and asked him why he was victimizing Mliswa.In his words he said ‘why are you victimizing that boy?,’ a senior ZANU(PF) member who is a cabinet minister and also seats in the politburo told ZimEye in Harare Wednesday.
“The president in our presence said the fight should stop forthwith but we do not know whether the ‘old man’ meant to forgive Mliswa or what because we are going to discuss his issue in the politburo meeting today,” they said.

UK:New Writing from Zimbabwe: Togara Muzanenhamo and Zodwa Nyoni

Togara Muzanenhamo
Togara Muzanenhamo

New Ways of Writing
Ilkley Playhouse Wharfeside 7.30–9.15pm

On a rare visit to the UK, Togara Muzanenhamo from Zimbabwe launches his new collection Gumiguru – a month of dryness and heat before the first rains fall. Togara, whose first collection Spirit Brides was published to acclaim in 2006, represented Zimbabwe at the Poetry Parnassus in London 2012.
This cycle of poems framed through the natural and agricultural landscapes of Zimbabwe is both an elegy for the poet’s father and a hymn to the veldt, farms and villages, and the people whose lives are interwoven with the season.
The event begins with an introduction to contemporary writing from Zimbabwe by Dr Emily Marshall, Leeds Beckett University, and includes work by the Festival’s 2013 Apprentice Poet in Residence, playwright and poet Zodwa Nyoni, herself originally from Zimbabwe.
In association with Carcanet Press.

Expert Comment: “No Connection Whatsoever Between Building Collapsing and the Plane”- South African Civil Engineer, Taka Sande | VIDEO

By Senior South Africa based Civil Engineer, Taka Sande
– Comment on TB Joshua claims that a plane which flew close to the church hostel an hour before the collapse which killed more than 70 people last week, is responsible for the tragedy –
“I saw the video from a CCTV camera showing the flying plane before the collapse. The Plane circled the building for the third and last time at 11:44am and the building collapsed at 12:45pm, an hour after the plane had left.
There is no connection whatsoever between the collapsing of the building and the plane. Judging from the way the building crumbled down, it is due to some kind of structural failure from the bottom.
There was no explosion and no visible external forces involved. Hence what caused the collapse happen from inside and came from within the building itself. It is said that two floors had been added to the original building.
Hence the first area to be investigated is whether there was adequate structural design done to cater for the additional floors. From three floors upwards the foundation has to be redesigned and the vertical support redesigned in the form of columns.
I would say the collapse happened due to poor workmanship, and in most cases the owner of the building may not be aware that the structural integrity of the building was compromised. The one who is responsible can be identified after investigations. In general, building failures are caused by inadequate design by the structural engineers, a case of incompetency. They can be caused by cost cutting measures by the contractor or by the owners who compromise the safety of the building in the name of cutting costs. And lastly it can be due to using inferior and substandard or unaccredited materials.
In this case the contract or the manufacturers are responsible. I hope the Nigerian government or its engineering statutory body will quickly set up a team to investigate this incident so that the responsible culprits can be brought to book. This will restore the integrity of their building industry.”
ABOUT  – Taka Sande:  Mr Sande is a professional Civil Engineer who has built numerous high rise buildings in Zimbabwe and South Africa for a period stretching since 1996 to date. Every one of those buildings still stands to this date.

Bloodthirsty Lion Roams Freely Waiting to Kill in Kariba

A ferocious lioness kicknamed “Bloody Mary,” has caused a headache for Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority rangers after it escaped shortly after killing a man in Kariba last week, Thursday.

bloodthirsty lion
On a killing prawl…Bloody Mary – FILE COPY

The beast together with two others caused trouble when they killed an employee of Somabula Safaris in Matusadonha.
The employee had at the time been docking his house boat at the lake.
The employee, name supplied, was killed by the three lionesses on the 4th of September . Matusadonha field station was immediately informed and went to attend the scene as one of the lionesses has a collar. Rangers tried to scare the predators by firing shots resulting in two of the three lionesses were being wounded.
After a laborious overnight search, two of the lionesses were later killed, but bloody Mary escaped. Bloody Mary was still being tracked down at the time of writing.
To date 5 people have been killed while 12 have been injured country-wide owing to human wildlife conflict. Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority has appealed to the public to respect the distance between themselves and wildlife and to always report the presence of wildlife in their areas to the local traditional leadership,the police or Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority offices.
Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority has said it is going to continue to hold awareness campaign programmes with communities with view to minimizing human wildlife conflict cases while increasing public safety.

MDC Renewal Rescues Hospital Victim

The MDC Renewal party has rushed to the rescue managing to help a woman who was abused by nurse practitioners at Old Mutare hospital.
The Renewal Team sent a donation of an expensive wheelchair together with medical supplies to Baisai’ Muchakache who was given injection the wrong way last month in July which botched up medical procedure caused her to be amputated as a result.
The party’s spokesman for Manicaland Pishai Muchauraya presented the donation earlier in the week to Miss Muchakache’s husband.
The family members are not MDC supporters and this gesture was only done to assist following the horrific incident, it has been reported.
Mr Muchauraya told ZimEye they will not stop there, but will go forward and assist the patient with referrals for legal help PICTURES:

BREAKING: Man Killed By Lion in Kariba

A man was yesterday mauled by a lion while docking his boat.
The incident happened right at Lake Kariba’s shores while the man identified as Mr Mapfunde, was docking his vessel.
He was alone.
Details were sketchy at the time of writing but the man was the breadwinner in his family according to the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority.
Many people have been killed by crocodiles in the lake area in recent months and this incident is the first of its kind in 2014.
More to follow…

WARNING DISTURBING IMAGES: Tragedy as Patient with Small Eye Problem Ends Up Leg-Amputated By Nurse

exclusiveMutare  – A Watsomba woman suffering from an eye problem through a mere allergy, was given an injection the wrong way by a hospital nurse and now has had to be amputated of the whole leg (up to the bum) in a classic case of medical incompetence not witnessed in Zimbabwe in many years.
The incident occurred on the 20th July at Old Mutare Hospital where Ms Basisai Muchakate, 42, was subsequently forwarded for amputation at the Mutare General (Provincial) Hospital. Her leg was removed last Wednesday by Dr Ralph Kitcap at the institution and she has since been recovering albeit in severe pain at Mutare General Hospital.
The negligence in the case comes from the fact that an injection pierced at the centre of the bum will strike the sciatic nerve, something which student nurses are taught in their first year at university, explained Ms Barbara Nyagomo, a qualified general nurse. Medical card records read that soon after the injection was administered, the leg began to receive poor blood circulation and for the next four weeks, she endured a rotting leg as it cast an ever increasing pungent smell. Ms Muchakate’s husband told ZimEye, “They injected her once at first and she immediately complained that her leg was now numb. Upon calling the sister in charge on that day, the same nurse came back saying the penicillin (haisi kupinda zvakanaka)- is not entering properly,” he said.

To compound to the patient’s troubles, the hospital demanded that she pay for the amputation which was $270,00 she had to pay apart from medicines and pain killers.
When contacted for comment the nurse in charge at Mutare General Hospital who identified herself as Sithabile, denied liability saying that : “the injection could not have caused the condition because a Cyatic nerve problem only causes paralysis and does not create Gangrene,” she said adding that the doctor would be back on Monday and so it will be important to wait for his comments.
But an independent medical expert told ZimEye that, “there is negligence in the administration as well as poor management if the drug ‘reacts’. From talking to someone over there in the health system there was pointing of malpractice and a degree of negligence. One can believe that hypothesis because if the patient arrived walking and was reacting to the drug surely getting your leg amputated does point to the fact of negligence. So yes the account of the husband has truth in it,” they said.
The husband’s account is supported by the patient’s documented medical record card. The case has been referred to the Zimbabwe Women’s Lawyers for Human Rights who have voiced interest to assist the patient. Ms Muchakate has also received donations of a wheelchair, bandages, and meds from the MDC Renewal’s spokesman Pishai Muchakate (pictures following,) among other well wishers.

Tragedy as Zimbabwean Man Dies in UK

A Zimbabwean man has died in the UK’s city of Leicester.
Mr Bothwell Dlamini died of a short illness on Wednesday.
He died of multiple organ failure a condition said to be caused by severe bacterial infection.
An appeal has since been launched (published below) by friends and relatives.
Dear fellow Zimbabweans and well wishers. It is with great sadness that our brother and father Bothwell Dlamini passed away today Wednesday 27 th August 2014. We are planning to repatriate his body to his home land Chibuwe in Chipinge, Zimbabwe where he will be laid to rest. As such we kindly asking for your donations big and small to make this possible. L T Sithole Halifax acc 01814250 s / c 110516 For details of the arrangements. Could you please contact Bothwell Dhlamini’s aunt Thandazaini Lorraine Sithole (Chiororo) Sandra Vuso’s mum on 07916786407 also from Chibuwe in Chipinge or Mr Mungoshi on 07776169845 from Leicester. Prosper Mudamvanji Sabau 07446118050

Eaglesvale School Head Finally Says: Workers Will Be Paid

Following the recent controversy that has surrounded Eaglesvale School after the Tirivavi said ‘takeover’ as the Head, he has finally decided to come out and speak and he told ZimEye that he never told workers that they are not going to be paid.
Said Mr Naison Tirivavi:
“On Monday from 10 o Oclock to 3PM I was in a Board of Trustees Meeting. We never told workers that they would not be paid. What we told workers was that their backpay would be delayed that’s all,” he said.
When asked on his position of the status of the school for prospective pupils, Mr. Tirivavi reiterated that Eaglesvale remains the best school in Zimbabwe.
“To tell you the truth, we are the best school at the moment in Zimbabwe. On the sporting arena we have been able to beat bigger schools, the likes of St Georges College, Falcon, Churchill. For the first time we have done that(sic). On hockey, both boys and girls are in the Super 12 in Zimbabwe. All other activities we are doing extremely well. I don’t see any reason why any parent who wants Eaglesvale (sic) should think twice, except those who are giving in to the lies while they don’t even investigate,” he said.
This article is the second in a series on the school as events unravel over the Eaglesvale new leadership saga. 

US Man Sentenced to 7 Months in Prison for Lobbying for Mugabe

A businessman who was part of a negotiated USD3.4 million deal facilitated by then RBZ Govenor Gideon to coerce US politicians to get sanctions against President Robert Mugabe and some of his close ruling elite, dropped, Prince Asiel Ben Israel, has been sentenced to 7 months in prison for the crime.
Prince Asiel Ben Israel, who is a Jewish Black American, was last year arrested together with another businessman 72 year old Greg Turner.
Charges against the men go back to 2008 when Barack Obama was elected President and they hoped that a black US President would reverse sanctions against Mugabe. But their objective was thwarted when the US government referred the case to the FBI instead back in 2008. Because of standing US sanctions, it is illegal for any US company or persons to trade or make business with Robert Mugabe and some close members of his ruling elite.
Turner has pleaded not guilty despite the presence of an email said to have been sent by him in 2008. Investigators have released the email sent to Dr Gono from Turner in which the latter reassured Gono, “The battle has begun. Failure is not an option.”

Eaglesvale High School: USD143,000 Goes Missing

The Eaglesvale High School saga which has led to the institution failing to pay workers, has caused consternation amid an official report ZimEye now exclusively reveals that $143,000 mysteriously disappeared from the school coffers.
According to the suspended headmaster, Mr Naison Tirivavi, the large sum of money disappeared after he had been removed and he only discovered when he returned to his job having himself torpedoed the suspension. He however was silent on any involvement of the police in investigating the disappearance of the money.
He told ZimEye during the week:
“In terms of the finances of the school in 2011 I was forced (into events that )then developed to (sic) last year, and when I came back, a sum of $143,000  was no where to be seen.
“And as from last year onwards the first case was built on the management board that was then suspended. They used a lot of money, and they made sure that the school is bankrupt, but we have managed to manage the cashflow up to now, and I don’t now who gave you the information that the workers were not going to be paid because our workers are going to be paid and in fact are among the best paid workers in the country. The other issue is Eaglesvale is not the most expensive , its actually the cheapest private school, and the figures by one of your commentators were wrong.
Eaglesvale doesn’t charge those. Eaglesvale charges very little”, said Tirivavi.
This article is the frist in a series on the school as events unravel over the Eaglesvale new leadership saga.

Not Running a Radio Station With Obert Mpofu – Ezra Sibanda

Broadcast Journalist Ezra Sibanda has dismissed reports that he is working with Transport Minister Obert Mpofu in the Skies FM radio project.
“I’m not running a radio station with Obert Mpofu. Chronicle created those lies,” Mr Sibanda told ZimEye on Monday.

In a recent story the state owned Chronicle ran a report alleging that Mr Sibanda is a director for the radio project being bankrolled by Transport Minister Obert Mpofu.
The paper quoted Sibanda speaking about his company’s prospects stating, “Skies FM — if granted this licence — will focus on news and current affairs, including mining, farming, business, sports as well as arts and culture. It will have something for everyone,”
“We want to make sure that people in the region are active participants on the national issues that affect them, and also give them a platform to air their views on those issues,” he said without at any point and in no way mentioning Minister Mpofu’s name.
Mr Sibanda was speaking shortly after offices he shares with his brother in Bulawayo were stormed by robbers who stole various valuables.

Shock as Alice Chavunduka’s Brother Attacked, Eye Gouged Out by UK Thug

London – The late legendary TV presenter Alice Chavunduka’s brother, Walter,

now one eyed...Walter Chavunduka
now one eyed…Walter Chavunduka

was attacked at Ras Pombi’s show in Chingford at the end of July in an incident that has left UK residents shell shocked.
ZimEye can reveal that Mr Walter Chavunduka was wounded by a known UK thug in a mishap that has left him battling with just one eye. He has been told by medical experts there is no more hope for his left eye which was battered during the attack said to have been unprovoked.
A source told ZimEye of Chavunduka’s ordeal:
“It wasn’t even during the show (that the attack took place); the show had finished and we were out in the car park getting ready to go.”
It was when he was about to head to his car that the offender (name withheld) suddenly without cause approached him and struck him in the face, briefly becoming unconscious.
The attacker is said to be a man of Zim origin said to have just come out of prison on a charge of stabbing someone and also for drugging.
A Zimbabwean national, currently on an asylum claim has been named as the culprit who gouged Mr Chavunduka’s eye in the vicious attack whose motive is yet to be established.

BREAKING: Eaglesvale School Now Bankrupt After being Indigenised

Harare’s most prestigious private school and one of the most expensive in the country, Eaglesvale has gone bankrupt shortly after being taken over by a standing member of President Robert Mugabe’s ZANU PF party, Mr. Naison Tirivavi (the former headmaster) the school board had suspended for misappropriating school funds and assets, ZimEye can exclusively reveal.

When the suspended headmaster mysteriously returned to work and fired the same board which was investigating him, the school which is owned by THE philanthropic Dutch Reformed Church, was then scrambled with assistance of ZANU PF officials, and finally seized early this year, ZimEye can reveal. This development is one of many in which institutions and businesses have come under the control of black Zimbabweans loyal to the ruling party. A dubious organisation based in Masvingo Mr Tirivavi calls The Reformed Church of Zimbabwe took over resulting in the school going bankrupt.
Mr Tirivavi announced this week that the school can no longer pay general workers their full wages and so he is looking to cut down on work hours. “As for August pay for instance, I don’t know if we will be able to pay and when,” Tirivavi said on Monday.
This was so despite the school charging amounts up to $3600 per student. The fee structure is as follows: boarding $3600, day high school $2300 and junior school $1450 per term.
After overturning his own suspension early this year, Tirivavi returned to work and conducted a ceremony where he announced the school was now indigenised and because the Dutch Reformed Church is of foreign origin.
When questioned for further details on the development and also on why the indigenisation ceremony was not officially published in the ordinary way, Mr Tirivavi refused to answer requesting rather to meet our reporter face to face at an undisclosed location: “Ko zvingaita here kuti tisangane muHarare titaure takatarisana zviso zvedu”, Tirivavi asked our reporter.
He said he has been reinstated after the seizure. The ceremony conducted attended by the controversial Local Government and National Housing Minister Ignatius Chombo, together with Education Minister Mr. Lazarus Dokora, also had Finance Minister Patrick Chinamasa as an invited guest. READ MORE

 Despite an on going Supreme Court challenge by the Dutch Reformed Church board, Mr Tirivavi declared that the school is now under ‘The Reformed Church of Zimbabwe’. – READ MORE at:

Tsvangirai UK Dinner £400 Story is False & Fabricated – Pbebve

A Herald story that states MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai only managed to scrap a little over £400 from his fundraising UK dinner is false and misleading, Mr Tsvangirai’s EU office has said.

Herald has fabricated again...Pfebve
Herald has fabricated again…Pfebve

“It is Herald at it again, the whole story is cooked up. There were in excess of 40 people who paid for dinner, the budgeted for subject to space. Each table had 8 people and there were 10 tables,” Mr. Tsvangirai’s ambassador to the EU Elliot Pfebve told ZimEye Wednesday morning.
The dinner was held in Birmingham last month and was charging £50 per head. ZimEye can reliably confirm that there were indeed more than 40 people in the hall. However attempts to photograph the dinner hall were fruitless as a Mugabe agent operating in the UK, Makusha Mugabe believed to be the source of the Herald story, blocked journos from doing their work. As a result of Makusha Mugabe’s meddling it has thus been speculated that the £400 figure reported by the Herald could represent net proceeds (after expenses) instead of actual collections.
The MDC UK & Ireland chairman, Tonderai Samanyanga also dismissed the report but refused to pass a comment. “The Herald can say whatever it wants but we are not worried and our struggle will still continue. The Dinner was an MDC internal function and it will remain that way. I cannot discuss any internal matters in the press,” he said.
The attendance for the main meeting which was before the dinner was 97. See pictures:

VIDEO: MDC-T Youths Blast Mugabe
VIDEO: MDC-T Youths Blast Mugabe

Shock as ZBC-TV Female Journalist Dresses as ‘Gay’

There was shock when a Harare based female TV presenter on the government owned broadcaster, ZBC, showed up dressed in male outfit.
Social networks were ablaze when the named presenter (pictured) conducted a program while robed in a man’s attire, black suit and tie.

addressing the nation…ZBC Presenter speaks into the cameras

One news reader wrote to ZimEye : Editor, we are told it is a crime to publicly practice homosexuality but here we are a news presenter working for the same anti gay government flashes onto the TV screen akapfeka nguwo dzemurume, zvirikumbofambaseyi shuwa?”
A Facebooker scoffed saying she was dressed like an undertaker.
Attempts to obtain a comment from ZBC’s public relations department were fruitless as their phone rang without being answered.
The broadcaster has in recent years fallen on a financial hard rock failing to pay workers’ salaries for up to six months. It has been speculated that ZBC staff are struggling to make ends meet after numerous journos were seen begging for private loans.

PICTURES: Horror Accident as Kombi Smashes Into House in Bulawayo

Several passengers were injured and taken to the hospital following an accident involving a Kombi travelling from Babourfields and Mzilikazi township to the City Centre and a small car with two passengers at the corner of First Ave and Herbert Chitepo in Bulawayo this afternoon.
The driver of the small car failed to give way and collided with a Kombi full of passengers resulting in the Kombi veering off

the road and smashing into a durawall. The driver of the Kombi ran away leaving injured passengers struggling to come out of his Kombi. It is believed he
had no driver’s licence and appeared very young.
The Kombi driver wasn’t on the wrong but to run away from an accident is a serious crime. I believe it’s high time to go hard on Kombi owners who give young, inexperienced and unlicensed drivers to carry passengers. Simple confiscate their Kombis.

EXCLUSIVE: Minister Mohadi Caught Defying High Court Order, Seizes Farm

Cabinet Minister for Home Affairs Kembo Mohadi has been caught in a disgraceful farm takeover as he openly defies a High Court order barring him from seizing a Beitbridge farm owned by a white farmer Ian Ferguson.
Minister Mohadi has already begun building a golf course at the farm unceremoniously and in direct opposition to a High Court interdict issued by Justice Mathonsi in 2010.
When contacted, Mohadi several times refused to comment insisting that our reporter should come to his offices to talk to him face to face.

“Why don’t you come and see me in my office and we talk face to face?,” he said via phone on Sunday afternoon, failing to specify his proposed time. He however acknowledged the integrity of the inquiry in which his brother, one Steven who is involved in the take over of the farm, has fingered Mohadi as behind the defying of the High Court order.
The High Court Order case number 771/2010 before Justice Nicholas Mathonsi on 30 August 2010, states that “It is declared that until such time as the relief set out in the final order is determined the Applicants and all those who occupy the properties through them are entitled to remain in peaceful and undisturbed possession of the properties and further entitled to continue their safari and hunting operations on the property and the first and second Respondents are interdicted from taking any steps to cause any person to occupy the farm or to hinder or disturb the Applicant in his occupation thereof”
Mohadi’s brother has claimed to ZimEye that the farm takeover is in order due to a listing for resettlement issued in 2002. However court records show that the same listing was challenged in court by Ian Ferguson with the result of a Writ of Ejectment being issued by the Deputy Registrar of the High Court on 24 October 2013.
More to follow……..

Biti Must Just Talk To My Husband – Elizabeth Tsvangirai

MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai’s wife has said that all and any problems Tendai Biti and his Renewal MDC faction are having will be easily solved through a chat with her husband.
“Those who left the party who are now called The Renewal they must just talk with their leader”, Mai Tsvangirai said.
Liz Tsvangirai was speaking at a rally in Birmingham on Saturday afternoon shortly before her husband took to the podium. When Mr Tsvangirai rose he began by dismissing the Renewal Team as a pure ZANU PF project addding that Biti and his camp cannot be taken seriously at all.

“The Renewal was formed to defend ZANU PF that is all, said Tsvangirai.
He attacked Biti for allegedly taking ZANU PF bribes. “If you consumed ZANU PF money, wait and see, hayiende mahara,” said Tsvangirai. He continued, “when you took that money we were there together and now you want us take you seriously?”
On the issue of challenges against his character Mr Tsvangirai said Biti has no moral grounds to challenge him on issues of morality.
“If it was a question of character debate, lets do it; openly we do character debate. But you must know that you also have your own issues. If you live in a glass house. Handiti ndizvo?
Tsvangirai also added towards saying that Biti cannot be taken seriously.
“When people decide to leave the party, it is their democratic right to go and form their party, said Tsvangirai.
“You think we can take those people serious?,” he said.

Tsvangirai Draws Paltry 97 Members After ‘Appointing’ Mugabe Agent

Former Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai’s UK rally at the weekend brought an embarrassing supporter turnout after the MDC party allowed the appointment of a Mugabe agent as Tsvangirai’s public affairs and press officer three weeks before.

Just 97 people at Tsvangirai’s Birmingham rally

Makusha Mugabe, a former ZANU PF agent working in its media echelons, reportedly self appointed himself amid his own claims that Mr Tsvangirai had given him the influential post, at a time when members queried with Mr Tsvangirai how he is working to address infiltration by fake members.
Tsvangirai as  a result attracted a paltry 97 supporters to his rally becoming outnumbered by insignificant functions conducted by his own juniors who include Bulawayo South MP Thabitha Khumalo who has before gathered double what the MDC leader achieved at branch level. Empty chairs and open spaces were a prominent feature at the poorly attended Birmingham (entire UK & Ireland) rally supporters attended without charge. However at Thabitha Khumalo’s recent Oxford meeting in November, more than 200 people converged to the Oxford city small function which yet drew at least 170 people who further paid a £10 fee.
Mugabe was also visibly drunk throwing a pungent smell of alcohol during the function.

The notorious Makusha Mugabe

A senior official sitting close to Tsvangirai who declined being named told ZimEye Makusha Mugabe had however “self proclaimed himself Tsvangirai’s personal press officer” and had not been appointed by anyone at all.
“I can confirm to you that Makusha Mugabe was not appointed at all by the President,” the official said.
More reports to follow…

Ten People Killed by Crocodiles in Kariba

A woman was attacked and killed by a crocodile in lake Kariba on Monday, becoming the tenth person to die of such attacks in 2014.
The incident occurred on Monday afternoon in Nyamhunga.
The woman identified as Mrs Mbewe in her 50s, was fishing with half of her body in the lake’s waters when the reptile went after her. She was fishing with the water up to waste level at the time.

By Wednesday afternoon, National Parks and Wildlife were yet to find her body in the waters.
National Parks have issued a warning for people to desist from fishing while in Lake waters.

Prince Harry Chooses 10 Zimbabwean Youths to Work as Media Champs

Prince Harry once had a Zimbabwean girlfriend he almost married – today His Royal Highness has chosen ten Zim youths to work for him as media coordinators – Ten Zimbabwean youths have been selected to work with the fourth heir to the throne on his recently launched Invictus Games program for wounded soldiers.
The ten youths part of a larger group of 60 Londoners, have been roped in as social media champions who will publish the upcoming games slated for September this year, and were selected with the help of the Active Horizons and Citizens UK NGOs.
President Robert Mugabe has described the royal family as friendly to Zimbabweans, and in the picture below, the Prince poses for feature photos with three Zimbabweans prominently leading the sixty-strong group.

From left to right - Sibongile Mazivisa, Benjamin Hamandishe with Prince Harry, and another youth (right)
From left to right – Sibongile Mazivisa, Benjamin Hamandishe with Prince Harry, and another youth (right). Cynthia Masiyiwa looks on from behind the Prince.

The prince met the group at Bethnal Green Academy in east London where he revealed that he hates micro-blogging website Twitter. “I really quite hate Twitter,” said Harry as he took opportunity to hit out at the website for what he sees as its ‘invasion’ of his privacy during an impromptu question and & answer session.
“The issue for myself and my family, put quite simply, is that it’s very hard for me to tweet about the Invictus Games and tweet about something that means a lot to me, whereas I at the same time really quite hate Twitter by the invasion of privacy. I think you all understand what I’m talking about,” he said.
The ten Zimbabwean youths have achieved various strides in their careers. Below are their profiles:
Cynthia Masiyiwa 
Cynthia Masiyiwa (22) program manager for Active Horizons a youth – led Charity Organisation a member of Citizens UK. Young Woman of the Year 2013 (Women on the Move Awards) and ZAA Young achiever of the year 2013 for her outstanding work in the community advocating for young people and migrants.
Tawanda Mukoko 
Tawanda is a Graduate from Bournemouth University and currently works as a Digital Project Manager for Flamingo Group. Tawanda has managed, set up and delivered innovative business platforms which directly impact communities globally. Tawanda is one of the co-founders of a young, award winning organisation which focuses on increasing the participation of young global citizens in nation building programmes in Zimbabwe.
Sibongile Mazivisa 
Sibongile is a student at Westminster Kingsway College, studying Government and Politics, English, History and Economics. She is also CEO of the college and as well as Student Governor, which means she is involved in the decision making of things that affect the college.
Chido Mukoko 
Currently at 6th form studying biology, chemistry, maths & business studies. Aspires to be a pharmacist. Mentored younger pupils in maths & Iooking to work for a company to tutor younger children.Volunteered for the Olympics & recently did volunteer work at an RSPCA store in Woking. Volunteered at a care home doing activities with the elderly
Ashley Tawodzera 
Ashley Tawodzera, is a graduate from the University of Zimbabwe, Bachelor degree in Nutrition. Wants to be a Public health nutritionist and help eradicate world hunger and malnutrion
Niclette Mutandwa
Niclette represents her college in different sports activities and other extra curricular activities. She has done different voluntary works but her most memorable is when she spent 10 weeks in Tanzania helping the community. Her most challenging experience was when she worked on a project with mature German students and had to go there for a week and present her final project. Through all this she has also managed to maintain A* grades in her college work. Niclette volunteered to work as a kit carer during the Paralympics and has also volunteered to help get primary school kids involved in different sports activities.
Passi Mbaya 
Passi is currently a student at Lesoco College and has just completed her health and social care level 3 course. This September  she will be going to do ‘Access to Nursing’. Passi is I’m one of the youth leaders at her church and I gets involved with various activities such as choir, bookshop, charity projects and many more.
Samantha Tapfumaneyi 
Samantha Tapfumaneyi (18) who goes by the name ( Samantha Allan ) is a freelance presenter wanting to follow in the footsteps of Oprah. She has worked with numerous companies, which has given her the opportunity to report at places such as Downing Street and interview celebrities at movie premiers. She’s also the founder of a new online youth broadcaster ( Samantha.Allan.Online TV) which seeks inspire,empower and entertain the young generation. Samantha is inspired by strong women who refused to be ignored whilst aspiring to be a strong voice & presence for her generation.
Benjamin Hamandishe 
Benjamin (19) has a strong balance of character and charisma. He aspires to study Political Science and International Relations at University of Birmingham this year. Serving the community is his top priority, and at whatever level or scale possible from street cleaning campaigns to charity, he loves to serve people. Benjamin’s passion also lies in music, particularly singing. One of the highlights in his career has been sharing the stage with world renowned and multi-award winning artist Donnie McClurkin in 2010. Having received advocacy training from Active Horizons, together with my intrigue in politics, he is determined to be an advocate for all who are facing any form of injustice in any part of the world, be it social, legal or political. Fashion styling, athletics long distance running and rugby are some of his other interests.
Nyasha Zaranyika
Nyasha is currently in her final year at Kingston University doing a Masters in Social Work. She has been working with young people in Maidstone with a local church since 2009. The role includes meeting weekly to discuss issues that affect young people such as bullying, peer pressure and self-love. Last year as part of her course she went to Mysore, India. The group she was with worked for Kiriya Pushpa, ChildFund. She had the opportunity to go to the slums and raise awareness of the importance of education, speaking against child labour and corporate punishment. She also spent a few days working with women that had been rescued after being trafficked and forced into prostitution. The experience was challenging but very rewarding for her. For the past couple of years she has worked in diverse roles with individuals at risk of harm. “Working with women who are in the criminal justice system but are on community orders made me see how stereotypical societal opinions impact the way people are treated and viewed. People stop seeing the person but see the vulnerability.” Says Nyasha, so for six months, from January she has worked for a Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults team in one of the London Boroughs. Working with this team affirmed the reasons why she decided to do social work, seeing a visible positive change in individuals’ lives which is gratifying. Her passion has always been to work with people in a way that is empowering and anti-oppressive.

Apology – Chipo Mashingaidze

An article on the ZimEye website on 11th July 2014  titled “OK Supermarket Forced to Close” referred to Mrs Chipo Mashingaidze, a former worker with the supermarket group.
We have since established that an employee of the company provided information and misleading representation that led to Mrs Mashingaidze’s name being printed in the article and words ascribed to her.
We apologise to Mrs Mashingaidze for any embarrassment caused.
We, therefore, wish to extend to Mrs Mashingaidze our sincerest apologies.

ZimEye Launches New Mobile Website

ZimEye this week launched a new interactive mobile website.
The website is built on the latest responsive technologies to improve user experiences. This development comes after the site now 6 years old needed a makeover.
ZimEye Editorial Moderators do hereby apologise for any inconvenience caused during this transitional period.

Chinoz Attacks Nyarota, Says Editor “Destroyed Daily News”

Buhera South legislator Joseph Chinotimba has blasted former Daily News editor Geoff Nyarota.
Speaking on the sidelines of an interview concerning his criticism of the Media Commission headed by Nyarota, Honourable Chinotimba said he remains concerned that government money is allegedly being wasted on people like Nyarota at a time when MPs are not getting their allowances and orphans of war veterans are struggling with school fees.

Attacking Nyarota ...Chinotimba  - FILE COPY
Attacking Nyarota …Chinotimba – FILE COPY

“My question is still the same and that why is it that Professor Moyo is wasting money on Nyarota ‘s media commission while our children suffer,” said HON Chinotimba.
He added:
“Is he not the same person who destroyed the Daily News recently?,” he asked.
In January 2001 HON Chinotimba’s party ZANU PF presided over the bombing of Nyarota’s Daily News printing press at a time when Chinotimba’s predecessor Dr Chenjerai Hunzvi were vowing to put the paper out of business because of its radical anti-government investigative reportage. Nyarota who became jobless following the attacks, has since been appointed to the media commission which HON Chitotimba says is squandering government money at a time when MPs are not being paid… Read more ….

I Don’t Hate Mnangagwa, Professor Moyo – Chinoz

Buhera South MP HON Joseph Chinotimba has said that he does not hate either Justice Minister Emmerson Mnangagwa or Information Minister Jonathan Moyo.
HON Chinotimba told ZimEye there is no factionalism in ZANU PF and his recent drilling of Professor Jonathan Moyo on the Zimbabwe Media Commission and alleged squandering of money had nothing to do with the alleged party factionalism.
HON Chinotimba There is no faction in Zanu PF. I don’t have any person that I support except Robert Mugabe who is followed by Joice Mujuru; followed by Simon Khaya and followed by Didymus Mutasa going down in that order.chintotimba412x232
ZimEye: It is alleged that when you questioned Mr Johnathan Moyo about the Zimbabwe Media Commission you were pursuing a factional agenda.
HON Chinotimba: Do you think if things are not done in the right way I should not ask? Remember I understand my job and my role as an MP. As it is right now, the children of War Veterans are no receiving money from the ministry of Finance. …..sic.
I am asking Johnathan Moyo as a Minister of Zimbabwe not as an individual. I am a war Veteran who stands for the disadvantaged children and I am anti corruption. When I talk of corruption am asking why the country’s CEOs are given more money; What about those who are given $100?
And those who are working outside how much are they getting? I am fighting corruption.
ZimEye: Is there any hatred between you and Mr Emmerson Mnangagwa.?
HON Chinotimba There is no hatred at all. They are my leaders. Jonathan Moyo is my friend and I don’t hate anyone.

Old Mutual U16 Young Sables win 2 from 2 in Pretoria‏

SPORT-NEWSThe Old Mutual U16 Young Sables make it 2 wins from 2 games in the Grant Khomo Craven Week tournament in Pretoria earlier this afternoon. After having beaten Griquas on Monday 15-13, the Zimbabwe team defeated Griquas Country Districts earlier this afternoon.
Against Griquas on Monday, scoring came by way of 3 unconverted tries by Mufaro Mpisaunga, Nqobisile Ncube and Travis Landing- the final score being 15-13.
Earlier this afternoon against the Griquas Country Districts, a solitary try by Adriaan Kok and 2 penalties by Benajmin Meredith was enough to provide the Old Mutual Young Sables their 2nd victory, this time by 1 point.
The Zimbabwe team are expected to play Namibia in their final match of the tournament on Thursday before returning back to Zimbabwe.
Last week the U13 Young Sables completed a very successful campaign in the U13 Craven Week tournament only losing 1 of their 4 games in Durban.
Sponsor’s Old Mutual are greatly appreciated for supporting the Zimbabwe Young Sables teams. The investment of Old Mutual into Zimbabwe Rugby’s development structures is a central feature to the growth and development of the sport within schools.

Zim Man Dies Of Cancer in Manchester, UK

A UK based Zimbabwean man has succumbed to cancer in Manchester after a long battle.
Mr Tonderai Mamboininga (38), died on Saturday at Christies Hospital after a lengthy battle with the ailment. Mr Mamboininga, a divorcee, has left behind a ten year old daughter. His ex inlaws (reportedly the only next of kin in the UK), launched the below passionate statement to humbly appeal for financial assistance:

Gone too soon... 38 year old Tonderai
Gone too soon… 38 year old Tonderai

Hama neshamwari tawirwawo nedambudziko rinoda rubatsiro rwedu sevana veZimbabwe. Tonderai Mamboininga/Unendoro/Nyamasvisva akashaika musi wemugovera 28.06.14 kuChristies hospital Macclesfield aine makore 38 mushure mekunge arwara nelung cancer . asiya mwana musikana ane 10 years. Tinokumbirawo rubatsiro rwenyu kuti mutumbi wake uendeswe kumusha kuZimbabwe kundochengeterwa ikoko. Isu tiri masahwira ake, akanga akasiyana ne mudzimai (mai wemwana wake). Vabereki wake wari kumusha. Takaungana panhamba 16 Almond close Salford A6 5AT. Tiri kufunga kuti mutumbi uendeswe kumusha in few days to come.
Contact details 07403872688.
Bank details ..
sort code 11 06 72
account 00649046 R Mutaki
account 13716585
sort code 090127 C Croasdale.
Thank you

Tsvangirai Saved from Expulsion as High Court Defers Hearing

Morgan Tsvangirai’s MDC party went into celebration on Friday when the High Court ruled against Tendai Biti’s Renewal team faction obtaining an interim order to defer disciplinary action against Morgan Tsvangirai following the Mandel Training Centre National Council resolutions that suspended Tsvangirai in March.
The Mandel Training Centre Resolutions would have seen Tsvangirai being expelled this week and a renowned insider running the “Radio Chokwadi” Facebook page had already reported claiming that Tsvangirai would be expelled by Friday.
But the High Court granted a stay order in Tsvangirai’s favour which according to MDC-T spokesman Douglas Mwonzora ‘suspends the Mandel Training Centre resolutions,’ a claim which led to MDC members reporting that the Mandel Resolutions were been declared void. Justice Zhou however ruled that the Renewal Team must not implement any of the resolutions of their National Council meeting held at Mandel Training Centre in April this year, which suspended Mr. Tsvangirai and five other top officials, until a case brought by the Tsvangirai faction challenging the legality of that meeting is finalized by the court.
Mr Douglas Mwonzora who himself had also been suspended by Biti’s team, told ZimEye on Friday, “the determination (by the judge) is that the application we filed against Mangoma and others to suspend the resolutions of Mandel especially to bring certain leaders into disciplinary action (sic) has been granted, in other words the resolutions of Mandel have been suspended until the determination of a case that was brought challenging Mandel, brought by 130(sic) members of the National Council has been ruled on. So what that means is that pending that there is nothing that can be done in furtherance of Mandel,” said Mwonzora.
Renewal Spokesman Jacob Mafume commenting said ” It is not true, there is only an interim order to suspend the hearing,” he said confirming court records on the Friday hearing.
Political commentator Ndaba Nhuku wrote saying that Tsvangirai’s team committed suicide by going to court. Said Nhuku, “Tsvangirai through the party legal guru Douglas Mwonzora sought an INTERIM order for the postponement of disciplinary hearing against himself and others six pending finalisation of the pending court case. Justice Zhou has granted him an interim order to the effect that the court dispute must be completed first before disciplinary action. Thus the political and legal meaning of this judgement is that Tsvangirai has recognised the Mandel meeting and its resolutions; Secondly that Tsvangirai who has all along been refusing to be drawn into the legal battle with the Renewal team has now danced to the Renewal tune; Tsvangirai cannot proceed to do anything without court ruling for example, he cannot proceed with the issue of assets or recalling of MPs; Politically, Tsvangirai is reacting to Renewal.
“I will emphasise that what Tsvangirayi got is an Interim Order and that has drawn him into the game which, as is the norm with political court cases, will sometimes last for ten years or more, the entire Parliamentary life span. Meanwhile party cars and other moveable party properties will be absolute. Again, Tsvangirayi has finished himself by going to court.
I understand a comprehensive statement is being drafted by Prof Madhuku and Tendai Biti and will be released soon but in short, its victory for Renewal team,” said Nhuku.

Chinese Man Almost Killed By Tree in Harare

Harare – Vivid signs of Harare’s fast aging trees, a gigantic Jacaranda tree fell onto a Chinese man’s car on Monday afternoon severely damaging his vehicle. [envira-gallery id=”110543″]
[envira-gallery slug=”110543″]

MIRACLE ESCAPE.....Chinese man stands aside the tree
MIRACLE ESCAPE…..Chinese man stands aside the tree

The incident occurred at around 5PM (30 minutes ago) at corner Mazowe Street and Chinamano Avenue.
The old jacaranda tree suddenly fell onto the Chinese driven VW car, the Harare Resident’s Trust said. The huge tree fell onto the silver VW vehicle belonging to David, a Chinese national, who miraculously escaped unhurt, alongside his two-year old daughter.

The road was closed for traffic due to the sudden tree-fall.
The Precious Shumba led HRT, expressed concern saying people will die of the tree falls if the council does not do perform replacements.
“The Harare Residents Trust(HRT) has consistently advocated for the replacement of the old trees along our avenues before lives are lost,” the HRT said.


Hwende Scoffs MDC Renewal-UK Offshoot

The MDC-T Renewal effort in the UK has been rubbished by MDC firebrand Chalton Hwende.
Commenting shortly after the launching of the Renewal Team in the United Kingdom, Mr Hwende who supports founding President Morgan Tsvangirai said: “This is non event a Dog’s breakfast, the individuals involved were at one time expelled or suspended for abuse of money from our UK structures. Forming structures by a political party is not even newsworthy because all small parties have got structures countrywide and in diaspora even ZAPU, ZUD, ZUM all have structures so we are not at all concerned.”
A meeting was conducted in Luton on Saturday afternoon where a number of key MDC members resolved to form a wing of the so called MDC renewal UK team who align themselves with “expelled” Secretary General Tendai Biti,deputy treasurer Elton Mangoma and Youth Leader Solomon Madzore.

BREAKING NEWS: MDC-Renewal Launched in UK

MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai’s hold on power was further strained at the weekend when a team of MDC-T heavyweights joined hands to form the first rebel MDC-T offshoot in the United Kingdom, ZimEye can reveal.
The group who align themselves with those expelled by Morgan Tsvangirai in March this year, include among others former MDC UK chairman Ephraim Tapa, together with Tendai Biti’s brother, Stanford. Ephraim Tapa is influential among thousands of UK based citizens and albeit amid controversy, has a network of supporters throughout the United Kingdom through the ZimVigil organisation.
A preliminary meeting was convened on Saturday in the UK’s Luton town where the senior executives met.
The meeting was held two hours before a fundraising session of the Luton branch later held at 5PM.
A meeting briefer was expected at the time of writing.
Morgan Tsvangirai was on the 26th March suspended by the National Council convened by Secretary General Tendai Biti and several others who have since been labelled ‘rebels’ by Morgan Tsvangirai’s camp.
ZimEye has in recent years been key to reveal secret party launches which include that of ZANU PF in the UK last year.
More to follow…

BREAKING: Tanzania Football Team Kicked Out of Harare Hotel

SPORT-NEWSTanzania’s national football team has been kicked out of the hotel they were booked in ahead of their crucial return leg against Zimbabwe this Sunday, it has been reported.
This is because the Zimbabwe Football Authority (ZIFA) hosting the team, failed to pay their accommodation, broadcast journalist Ezra Tshisa Sibanda says.
It was not clear which hotel it is Tanzania’s team had booked into. It was also not clear where the team is presently lodged following the eviction.
Meanwhile, it emerged that Zimbabwe Warriors are also unhappy with the treatment they are getting from Zifa, they haven’t been paid their daily camping allowances and their outstanding salaries. The coach Ian Gorowa continues to be ignored by those running Zifa and no one from ZIFA has visited the players since they went into camp on Monday, said Sibanda.
He added:
“This is a disgrace and a total failure by those in charge of the football association. I wouldn’t mind the players and technical staff deserting camp and going back to their clubs leaving Cuthbert Dube, CEO Mashingaidze and their board to play against Tanzania,” said Sibanda.
A comment could not be obtained from ZIFA at the time of writing.

VIDEO: Ukraine Crisis Covered By Zimbabwean Journo – DOCUMENTARY

In the below documentary the first of its kind, Zim journo Emmanuel Chindove covers the Ukraine crisis as it happened.
Chindove traveled and toured the country right in the heat of tensions between Russia and Ukraine interviewing various eye witnesses of all that has been taking place since Russia moved to annex Ukraine’s Crimea province.

Tsvangirai Attacked By Diarrhoea

MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai, has been attacked by a rare type of diarrhoea, reports from the party’s senior echelons state.
“When I talked with his wife yesterday, she told me he is suffering from a rare stomach problem”, a source who cannot be named for their protection said.

Morgan Tsvangirai
Morgan Tsvangirai

When contacted another senior source said, “it is now a family matter, ” continuing to say the only person authorised to pass information was Douglas Mwonzora.
“That issue is Mwonzora’s to comment”, they said.
Efforts to reach either Mr Mwonzora or Mr Tamborinyoka were fruitless at the time as their phones rang without being answered. Despite the explanations given so far however, the state media has claimed taht the former Prime Minister is suffering from stress “due to pressures at home and at work.” The Herald paper reported claiming that “initial reports hinted on food poisoning, but sources close to developments, say personal and political developments appear to have weighed down on Mr Tsvangirai who has been holding rallies countrywide in a bid to outwit a lobby against his continued leadership of the main opposition party.
Sources quoted by the paper allegedly said Mr Tsvangirai was admitted at a Belgravia hospital on Sunday, the day he missed the second consecutive rally he was scheduled to address at Zimbabwe Grounds in Highfield.
“Tsvangirai came here on Sunday, briefly left, and then came back later in the day after which he was admitted. Elizabeth (Macheka, his estranged wife) visited him today (Tuesday). Indications are that he has had a mental and maybe a nervous breakdown,” the hospital official said.
An MDC-T source allegedly added: “The marital and political problems that Mr Tsvangirai is facing seem to have taken a toll on him. Remember his marriage has not fared well and the party is in turmoil. This seems to have affected our leader.”

Concerns were raised when Tsvangirai failed to attend two consecutive rallies in a space of 14 days to date due to the undisclosed  illness.

After he failed to turn up at the last rally at the weekend, Tsvangirai’s office soon issued a statement via his Facebook account saying he was indeed ill but now recuperating. More to follow…

Tsvangirai Remains Suspended, Says Sipepa Nkomo

MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai remains suspended from the party since his booting announced on the 26th March this year, the rightful chairperson of the Renewal Team Sam Sipepa Nkomo has said.
Mr Nkomo said despite the Guardian Council fracas last week Thursday which saw Mrs Sekai Holland announcing that Tsvangirai’s presidency had been restored, the MDC leader is still to appear before a tribunal. Speaking to ZimEye at the weekend shortly after the debacle, Mr Nkomo said decisions made by the MDC-T National Council which suspended Tsvangirai on the 26th March, cannot be reversed by the Guardian Council. “Well as you know I didn’t attend the Guardian Council meeting, I refused myself(sic) The communication which came out of the Guardian Council meeting stated that the Guardian Council has nothing to do with the Mandel Training (National Council) meeting and constitutionally the guardian council is below the National Council and therefore it has has nothing to do with renewal team,” said Mr Nkomo.
He continued hinting that “still on this issue the fact that her (Sekai Holland’s) statement was ‘doctored’ by Mwonzora and Luke Tamborenyoka and that the true statement that was signed by 22 out of 24 members; this statement has nothing to do with the Mandel meeting. Obvious she she talks about (sic) she talks like a person who is trying to mediate between the renewal team and the Tsvangirai faction, and that’s why she said that the suspension of Mangoma and that of Tsvangirai were unconstitutional. She is trying to say both sides were wrong, let us talk, that’s what she is saying. So I don’t see anything that is strange. She was talking from a position of the Guardian Council.
But “the Guardian Council is below the National Council, and therefore what is said about the suspensions are off,” said Sipepa-Nkomo.
Mr Nkomo was speaking shortly after Guardian Council member Sekai Holland caused a stir in the MDC party having announced that all suspensions carried out this year are no longer binding, and these included that of Morgan Tsvangirai.

BREAKING NEWS: Holland Restores Tsvangirai’s Presidency

  • Morgan Tsvangirai now the fully recognised MDC leader after he was suspended in March.

MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai is now the fully recognised President of the party and his suspension is null and void, according to Sekai Holland, the 72 year old nominated chairperson of the MDC faction aligned to Secretary General Tendai Biti.

Following confusion about Mrs Holland, the latter who belongs to the Renewal Team, has reinstated Tsvangirai who was kicked out on the 26th March 2014 by a National Council resolution held at Mandel Training Centre in Harare.

In a statement issued after a spell of confusion on her political position in which she also claimed Morgan Tsvangirai’s aides on Thursday forced her to make a public statement disassociating herself from Tendai Biti, Mrs Holland ironically came out instead announcing among others that Morgan Tsvangirai’s suspension in March was illegal. This was at a time when it was thought she would rather have sought to re-establish her integrity reportedly tampered with by Tsvangirai’s aides Luke Tamborinyoka and Douglas Mwonzora as said on Thursday. Holland’s public declarations are set to cause future legal problems for Tendai Biti’s MDC faction since she is the recognised interim leader after she labelled Tsvangirai’s suspension “unconstitutional.” Her statement read in part:

“These Party factions have been acting unconstitutionally by claiming to have suspended each others’ leaders and there is talk of MPs and Senators being recalled from Parliament, thereby creating confusion and instability in the Party.

...Job done
…Job done!

“The prospects of the MDC remaining a strong and viable opposition Party to strengthen our fragile democracy are being destroyed, potentially ensuring the corrupt and authoritarian rule of ZANU/PF for many more years to come.”
The Guardian Council resolutions communicated by Holland ignored treasurer general Elton Mangoma and secretary Tendai Biti who were expelled by Tsvangirai three weeks ago.
Holland’s statement is a direct contradiction of Tendai Biti’s public presser released on the 26th March where he said : “We no longer recognise Morgan Tsvangirai as leader of the MDC party” for violating the party’s founding principles and values. Before Holland’s statement, Tsvangirai had been due to be disciplined in a tribunal hearing this week.

Community Icon Attacked By Mob Labelling Him Baba Jukwa

National_in-the-news-NATIONAL-Local_stripHarare- A community icon and philanthropist Jabulani Charlie whose picture was erroneously flighted by the state owned Sunday Mail paper at the weekend, was on Wednesday attacked by a furious mob labeling him by the notorious Facebook activist, Baba Jukwa’s name.
Mr Charlie was saved at the last minute by a speeding kombi driving away from the spot he was at in Mbare yesterday morning.
Charlie’s photograph was published in the Sunday Mail at the weekend as a leading graphic on the Baba Jukwa scandal story in which the paper claimed that they were in possession of an email he allegedly sent to the faceless character. The email is said to have contained socialite Pokello Nare’s pornographic video with her then boyfriend Desmond Chideme (Stunner) a few years before. The video was however not published by Baba Jukwa.
The placing of the photograph lifted from his Facebook social portal in which the man was coincidentally wearing military-looking camouflage attire (albeit civilian) in the publication’s story, has since given a false impression that Charlie is the faceless character himself since Baba Jukwa has been associated with a group of ex-government servicemen called the Vapanduki group.
Charlie’s whereabouts were not known at the time of writing as friends said he had gone into hiding as a result of the threats on his life. He however has in recent years been seen hailed for notable sacrificial work for the community at large for no pay, and was recently in and out of the Chingwizi camp assisting the Tokwe0Mukosi flood victims.

Outrage as UK Refuses To Release Zimbabwean Man’s Corpse

A UK coroner has sparked fury after refusing to release the body of a Zimbabwean man who died on the 4th May, all because the suspected killer-driver has requested a second postmortem.
Following a fatal car accident that claimed the life of the man, Mr Kainos Mupungu, the suspect is now at large and on the run. Meanwhile, more than two weeks after the tragedy, the local UK coroner for Leicestershire has said the body will not be released until the suspect’s request is fulfilled. That action has caused immense grief to the anxious family amid challenges to foot the funeral bills for the long-awaited burial.
Mr Kainos Mupungu perished in the car accident on the 4th May in Leicester under suspicious circumstances.  A subsequent postmortem report confirmed that he had lost his life in the traffic accident. The driver and suspect in the crime said to have caused the accident, actually fled the scene, abandoning the man to die, reports say. “The coroner concluded that Kainos died of positional asphyxia. His body’s position closed in on him blocking airways and it was not any bleeding that killed him, ” a close relative has said.
The official postmortem was concluded less than 5 days after the accident, but the suspect allegedly fearing criminal charges, soon requested a second postmortem causing the continuous delays in releasing the body. Reports on Monday stated that the suspect (name withheld) is currently on the run, a situation which has made the coroner withhold the body from repatriation to Zimbabwe.
“The suspect is taking advantage of legal loopholes and has hired lawyers to force a second postmortem”, another family source told ZimEye.
“But is it not our right as the family to have his body in all this,”? the asked.
Zimbabwean funerals attract huge daily costs since relatives usually camp at the mourning place until the deceased is buried.
When contacted, both the coroner and the investigating officer refused to comment with just a police source saying in general that: “Suspects also have rights.”
The Mupungu family in Zimbabwe have been waiting for more than two weeks for the release of the loved one’s body, and to date thousands of dollars have been blown as they wait for their loved one’s body.
More to follow…

DISTURBING VIDEO: Harare Violence Among Teenagers

A highly disturbing video has emerged of Harare seven 19 year olds assaulting a female colleague, one of their own.
The video, recorded from a Harare avenues location, shows the seven teenagers ganging up to attack the helpless young women.
One of the attackers, a woman, is seen approaching the victim and accusing her of hurling insults at her. “You called me a prostitute did you not?” asks the second attacker after the first had swung a thick horse pipe on her.KIDS
Th second attacker is then seen punching and kicking the victim, while brutally pulling her hair several times.The victim begins to ask for mercy, but the unnamed attacker appears not moved as she continues to intensify the butchering.
Could these occurrences be a norm in Harare nowadays?  – This is because during the numerous oft times loud attacks, two adults pass by the same lane and they are seen ignoring the vivid commotion, despite the agony the victim is suffering.
The names of the attackers together with the victim were not known at the time of writing, and neither the identity of the youth recording the video.

– CLICK here to watch the video if the clip does not load directly –


Tsvangirai like “Jesus Riding On Donkey to Jerusalem.”

Morgan Tsvangirai is like “Jesus Christ riding on a donkey to Jerusalem and the donkey must stay with its master”  – these words were uttered by a forumist at the Mass Public Opinion discussion held on Friday as they referred to all who are advocating for the so called “renewal agenda.”
The meeting became thorny, and had to be called off when MDC-T spokesperson Douglas Mwonzora said that Tendai Biti and Elton Mangoma are traitors. A report by the Daily News states that the meeting ended instead after spokesperson for the MDC faction led by Tendai Biti, Jacob Mafume had attacked Morgan Tsvangirai. Jacob Mafume spoke to ZimEye in an interview on Friday night answering to these allegations. Below was an excerpt of the interview:
Q: There have been reports that you had a forum meeting today which is claimed to have ended after you attacked (Morgan) Tsvangirai. I am trying to get facts on what really happened.
A: No no that’s not what happened. All of us had a presentation ready so we had Mwonzora to give a presentation. It was not an MDC meeting it was a Mass Public Opinion  meeting where I gave a presentation on the history of MDC up to now and where it should be going. As Mwonzora presented, he then attacked Mangoma and Biti personally. In my response he was saying they are sellouts they have sold out, they are responsible for the failures of the inclusive government and they are corrupt. My questions were simply on relation to that, of for instance saying they are sellouts: Who got $1.5m when everyone had boycotted government? Who had built a house that is big and has more toilets than constituencies while it’s only for one person. Then someone has alluded to the suggestion that Tsvangirai is Jesus riding on donkey into Jerusalem, but the donkey is mistaken (sic), if it goes on its own, and so will not be accepted. I said you have been complaining that Mugabe is riding us like donkeys, does this guy believe that we are donkeys which we are supposed to take him to Jerusalem?
We as the donkeys we refuse to go to Jerusalem and he would have to walk on his own and we can not allow a situation where other people see themselves as riding and others are donkeys. When we started this party it was a union of democrats, no rider and the ridden. This was the context of what happened, they had a hired crowd to echo anyone else who spoke except Mwonzora and to try and drown everything, that’s when I insisted that if I am to remain in this meeting I should be allowed to finish my speech, if I am not allowed to do so I’m going to walkout of that meeting together with the people who came with me. That’s why the reporter said I stood my ground to finish my speech”.
Q: You said Mwonzora has attacked Biti and Mangoma that they are sellouts, was there anything that he stated in terms of an attack? ”
A:” Yes he said they were the ones who had negotiated in bad faith setting up people to fail. They had given wrong advice to Tsvangirai and also when they got in they have been unfaithful in the execution of their duties. So I pointed out that those two were the best performing ministers of the inclusive government combined. Mangoma did wonderful work in energy and eradicated the fuel queues. Minister of finance Tendai Biti stabilised the economy and gave meaningful wages to the people and basically kick started an economy that had shut down. I also said these people have tried to prove their ways but they have been weighed down by the unfocused performance of their principals in terms of exercising his powers.”

Journalist Threatens to Lawsuit Over Baba Jukwa Video Allegations

A Zimbabwean journo who writes for The Zimbabwean paper has threatened to sue people who uploaded a Youtube video which publishes his name and documents said to link him to the notorious Baba Jukwa Facebook page.
The Youtube video released on Saturday lists Mr Mkhululi Chimoio as an alleged perpetrator behind the Facebook page. The evidence reportedly comes from a hacked GMail account the video‘s producers say contains the names of the those behind the page.
The person who uploaded the video was not known at the time of writing, while unverified reports stated that they are a CIO agent.
..Baba Jukwa's notorious avatar
Chimoio revealed his intentions in a Facebook post on his wall saying that the persons had only downloaded his photos before linking them to the Facebook page.
He wrote, “It’s not surprising that some desperate fools can download my pics and use them in their funny YouTube and other social network wars. We will meet in a court of law, will teach you a lesson not to dare scandalise, character assassinate or drag my name into your own squabbles. This needs straight legal action for defamation of character and publishing false info about me.”
Meanwhile it was assumed that it is not the Baba Jukwa Facebook that has been hacked, but an email address said to link to the page.

DISTURBING PICTURE: Another Baby Killed, Dumped in Sewage

Another child became second victim of suspected mother cruelty having been found dead in a sewage pit.
The deceased child(pictured) was discovered by school children in Harare on Thursday afternoon at around 1400Hrs.IMG-20140508-WA0000 The body was found floating in the sewage overflow which is in High Glen road near Great Stride college, according to a ZimEye Citizen Reporter. Click below to view:   The incident comes shortly a mother in Victoria Falls beheaded her own child.

Warning Graphic Disturbing Image

Police had not attended to the scene at the time of writing.

UK: MDC-T Leader, 14 Zimbabweans to Be Deported in 24Hrs

Fifteen (15) Zimbabweans who include a senior MDC-T leader are set to be deported out of the United Kingdom in the next 24 hours.
The Zimbos have already been issued with plane tickets, ZimEye can reveal.
They are currently housed at Colnbrook detention centre which is close to Heathrow international airport due to be flown to Zimbabwe Thursday at 8 pm aboard a Kenyan airways flight.
They include MDC-T Chairman for Croydon Branch, Bright Manjengwa who was detained on 11th April. The Home office has attempted to deport Mr Manjengwa three times without success.
An appeal raised for them states that at least £4500 in legal fees is required to save them from deportation. More to follow…

VIDEO- CHAOS: Residents Furious as ‘NIKUV’ ZANU PF MP Flees Meeting

Harare residents were left furious on Wednesday when ZANU PF MP for Harare HON South Shadreck Mashayamombe fled a public parliamentary hearing called for by the Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Portfolio Committee.
Mashayamombe was fingered for disrespecting the crowd of mothers and fathers who had assembled to discuss the Electoral Amendment Bill, at the Ambassador Hotel.Mashayamombe-Shadreck-10-682x1024
At the beginning seven MPs were present, but halfway through the meeting they started to trickle out forcing chairperson, Harare West legislator Jessie Majome, to call the meeting off. Mashayambombe and five others were labelled NIKUV MPs during the furor. “These are the very NIKUV MPs who call meetings and then they disappear,” one woman said in anger.
“He is irresponsible and lacks seriousness! He should be voted out in 2018,” said an equally furious man who had gathered at the hotel for the meeting.
Harare West MP Jessie Majome was forced to apologise as she remained the only legislator left to face the angry crowd.

– Newsday/ Additional Reporting.

‘Tsvangirai Youths’ Arrested for Burglary

mdc-symbol-logo-mdc-logo250Mutare – Youths aligned to embattled MDC founder Morgan Tsvangirai on Monday broke into an MDC Team office in Mutare and allegedly “stole computers.”
They also stole an Izuzu pick up truck which was parked at the offices at no 26 B Carrington in Darlington, an official report revealed last night.
Three youths were on Monday after 6PM, arrested while in the act of breaking into the premises. They included Misheck Kagurabadza, Knowledge Nyamhoka and Allan Moyo.
Two others Lloyd Mahute and Huggins Kashiri were said to be on the run at the time of writing.
The arrests came shortly after Morgan Tsvangirai was suspended by a party National Council meeting at the weekend. He has indicated defiance of that council resolution stating the meeting was improperly constituted.
More to follow…

UK: Zim Man Dies in Car Crash, Family Appeals for Help

A UK, Leeds based mother is appealing for help from fellow Zimbabweans following a fatal car accident that killed her son, 24-year-old Trust Nqobile Tshuma, in the early hours of Saturday morning.
Mr. Trust Nqobile Tshuma was doing his final year at the University of Huddersfield.
Tshuma died when a Vauxhall Corsa he was traveling in collided with a boundary wall on the westbound Leeds Inner Ring Road, in the early hours of Saturday morning.
A second casualty, a 23-year-old man who was also in the car, suffered serious injuries and was rushed to Leeds General Infirmary.
Following the incident, police Constable Wayne Mason, of the police’s Major Collision Enquiry Team, said: “We are appealing for witnesses to this incident or anyone who saw the collision or the car just prior to the collision to contact myself at the Major Collision Enquiry Team on 101.”
The family has made an appeal for help from fellow Zimbabweans and any well wishers to help raise the money to repatriate the body to Zimbabwe. Contributions can be made to the Bank Account or at the listed address below.

fatal crash...Nqobile Tshuma
fatal crash…Nqobile Tshuma

It is with great sadness and sorrow that we have had a great tragedy in our Zimbabwean Family. 24 year old Trust Nqobile Tshuma was doing his last year at Huddersfield University. He got involved in a fatal car accident on Inner ring road A58 Leeds, West Yorkshire and unfortunately lost his life. The accident happened on Saturday morning of the 20th April 2014. We are therefore appealing to everyone wherever to help with anything in order to fund Trust’s burial. The little that any one can donate will make a big difference. Your contribution will be highly appreciated.  This is a very very sad and traumatic situation indeed.
34 Kepstorn Close
Miss E Tshuma
Santander Bank
S/C: 09-01-27
ACC: 44133315
Tel: 07578427410
REMEMBER EVERY LITTLE HELPS. YOUR £0.50, £1, £10, £20, £50, £100, £1000 WILL GO A LONG WAY.

MDC-T Denies Replacing Jesus’ Name With Tsvangirai’s

The MDC led by Morgan Tsvangirai has been publicly criticized for producing and launching a music album with songs that replace the name of Jesus Christ with that of their leader Tsvangirai. Christian believers have taken umbrage at that conduct for they deem it blasphemous. In any case, they have argued that it is improper to mingle politics with religion.
The album is called Tsikamutanda.
The party this week launched the controversial album they recorded for fundraising purposes. It carries church songs that have been altered  into party morphs. The album contains church hits such as “Ndiye Jesu Wacho Anerudo” previously praising Creator. Now the same compilation is branded with MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai’s name as the object of worship (See video). The video shows national spokesman and senior lawyer, Douglas Mwonzora featuring as a lead vocalist.

Bulawayo legislator Thabitha Khumalo has however spoken against the criticism made against the party as unfair since other political parties like ZANU PF have done the same in the past.
Noted below was a panel discussion conducted on Thursday soon after Miss Khumalo had complained. The discourse involved ZANU PF Chairman Nick Mangwana, Political Analyst Gracian Masiyiwa, and MDC UK chairperson Tonderai Samanyanga who added his contribution afterwards.
Thabitha Khumalo (MDC-T): It’s amazing how when as MDC we convert church songs to revolution songs we are accused of turning Tsvangirai into a mini God but when it is done by any other party, it’s okay. How sad. Anyway, nothing will dent our spirits as no-one can touch them, and victory is certain.
Nick Mangwana (ZANU PF): Oh well the first thing I would say is where is the evidence? And then the second thing is to see the context under which everything has been done. We are just about to approach Easter, and then you release a song in a community which is a predominantly Christian society(Zimbabwe), and you release that song which replaces Jesus with Tsvangirai after a couple months ago, when we witnessed the deification of Tsvangirai by (Nelson) Chamisa; I think we are going to a level somebody is going to be made a god soon. So in essence of what ZANU PF is alleged to have done, without putting a song there, I cannot comment, but here we have a song and to see clearly a distortion of Christianity, where Tsvangirai is actually made into a son of God, and I think its almost blasphemous (sic). That’s my position.
Simbarashe Chikanza(ZimEye): Mr Masiyiwa you are connected to the Christian community and you have been involved in opposition politics, what is your view on this Sir?
Gracian Masiyiwa: First of all I haven’t listened to the songs. But just answering from my knowledge of politics and my knowledge of religion as well, I agree with someone who says that ZANU PF has done this type of a thing before, during the liberation struggle, and in some way; But the fact that ZANU PF has done it before, doesn’t make it a good thing. In general I don’t think it is a wise thing to replace Jesus with someone else’s name. Care should have been taken:  – when seeing the religious songs I know they are impressive and the tunes and the melodies and the discourse around them are very easy to appeal to people’s minds but should we replace Jesus or God with someone else’s name? It is not good………
Simbarashe Chikanza: So are you all saying that there is no song that praises Robert Mugabe, taken from a church song? Are you saying this is something that only happened during the liberation era?
Gracian Masiyiwa: As a Christian society it is very easy to convert some religious songs into political. But it depends on how  we use them. But we cannot replace a name of a deity and put an individual’s name there such that credit goes to that person and not God .
Nick Mangwana:  Your question was whether there is a song out there, which praises Robert Mugabe? I am not aware. I am not saying there is none, but I simply am not aware. If you ask for my personal view, whoever does it is wrong. And we are celebrating the crucifixion of Jesus, and the redemption of the world, and at that point you release an album which tallies where Jesus is actually replaced by  Tsvangirai, which makes Tsvangirai the sacrificial lamb of God. I think it is actually blasphemous and I will maintain that. And my co-panelist has said, whether ZANU PF has done it, or whatever time they did it or allegedly, it doesn’t make it right. It is not right. …. In that case they are losing relevance and they are trying to gain Tsvangirai some relevance by doing this. Actually the lyrics of the song are Jesus Ndakamuona Nekurururama. Now everywhere there is Jesus, they are putting Tsvangirai.
Tonderai Samanyanga:   Songs can be transformed into anything. There are original songs that came about; Even in the church itself, there are some songs that have been transformed from somewhere. If you look today some church songs have already been sung in other organisations….When people form songs, they will be focusing at the directions of the day, and looking at the past directions. So it is not only in politics, even in the church people transform songs. So whether they are talking about replacing the Lord with Tsvangirai, no one would subscribe to that and I don’t see anything pertaining to that. During the war we did have songs which we sang for our leaders. We did have songs from the church which we sang taking them into our situation, and that is common. So for us to focus on that album which is coming out and make it an issue or a subject matter, myself I don’t think it is justified for those who are saying we have transformed church songs to glorify somebody. We are in a struggle and we have to look at what inspires us. If we are coming from a Biblical background, we are usually associated with the Biblical songs, and that’s why it is easy to do that. If we are coming from a liberation struggle we would see that there are songs that talk about the liberation struggle. You would see that there are songs that talk about our own tradition, where we petition the ancestors, those are the songs that transformed our struggle today; so I don’t see anything abnormal in all those things. But it’s only that some people feel so bad that they could be popular that they can sway the focus of the people when you are talking about somebody in a way that resonates with many people . That is why there are those critics.

1000 Chitungwiza Houses Face Brutal Demolition

In a development that has seen Chitungwiza Town Council sell land for residential purposes and dished out planning permission, the same council will now force hundreds of families onto the streets after abruptly issuing them with demolition orders.
Council who approved the building of the residential properties, has said these houses are not fit for purpose having been built on wetlands as is prohibited. This comes despite clear prior written planning permission having been passed by the same council.
One of the victims of the pending demolitions is an ex-soldier, one Mrs Chipato. She like many others was not aware of the demolition listing of their houses until the council announcement was made last week.
Mrs Chipato’s house has no street-number although having offer letters from the council, a development which stands to open a can of worms on corruption in the principality. She told ZimEye  in an exclusive interview: ” I have with me papers allowing me to build after I bought this land from the council. Why they now want to destroy my house I do not understand.”
A source told ZimEye on Tuesday, “the issue of corruption is rampant at Chitungwiza city council to the extent that a whole council was held at bay during the tenure of Tanyanyiwa to the extent of relegating housing issues to a certain conman Mabambe,”

“What is surprising is the collusion between council, former councilors and a certain former deputy mayor Mabamba.All these corrupt these corrupt dogs must be thrown in jail and keys thrown away,” they said.
DARE (Democratic Assembly for Restoration and Empowerment) party president, Mr. Gilbert Dzikiti told ZimEye: “The government has once again failed to serve its people and must resign en-mass or call for fresh elections as soon as possible.
“The crisis of governance extents to the GNU period and exposed lack of principled leadership in local council,” he said.
Mr Dzikiti added saying that council officials here deserve prison for these acts of selling unfit land for residential purposes.
“The rot in Chitungwiza Town Council calls for Chikurubi to be wide open and all former councilors and mayors from 2000 to be thrown in the jail and keys thrown away. Even dogs respect each other more than these people who turned Chitungwiza
into a sewage and waterless city.
“At the same colluded to sell unsuspecting people housing wetlands. It’s a crime against humanity and Chombo is complicit in those affairs as the responsible Minister from nineteen gochanhembe. The government cannot be Satanical as to render these people homeless without an alternative.
“It’s disgusting and the government officials must all resign and pave way for a progressive generation of leaders. The government is clueless on the on housing, water, economy,constitutionalism ,corruption and devoid of human empathy and common sense that tells you there is punishment for looting and thievery,” he said.
The DARE party has protested to government saying that the residents should be compensated before they are evicted.

Harare Cops Cause Nuisance on MDC-T MP

Some policemen caused a scene in Harare when they disturbed Harare-West MP Jessie Majome demanding what may likely have been a bribe.
In what will now form part of her legal challenge against the ZANU PF controlled broadcaster, ZBC, the officers delayed the MP for close to thirty minutes while she was driving to work in Addington Lane in the morning. The cops then demanded to see her drivers’ licence before changing to a ZBC radio licence without checking what they had asked for in the first place; they charged her  for that alleged breach.
Miss Majome narrated her ordeal saying,

The fine MP Majome was penalised by the cops on Monday, for not having a radio licence for her car

“Just this morning a good 30 minutes of mine was wasted by ZRP and ZBC along Addington Lane. They stopped me on the pretext that a police officer wanted to see my driver’s licence but he never bothered to come and see it. A ZBC licence inspector then pounced and demanded that I pay a $30 spot fine for not having a ZBC radio licence.
“I explained to him that as I do not support ZANU PF I have no intention of paying for it until ZBC abides by the Constitution and broadcasts in a non partisan and independent manner as per Section 61 (4) (a)and (b) of the Constitution. He demanded that I pay a $30 spot fine and I refused.
“I insisted on a ticket and eventually I got it. Here’s my trophy! I wish the Constitutional Court would hear my case on this soon.”
The ZBC story revealing the obvious bias by the national broadcaster

Meanwhile it emerged that indeed ZBC does not publish balanced views on its political coverage. In one story published Monday for instance on a parliamentary debate on the Electoral Amendment Bill, all political commentaries were carefully extracted from Robert Mugabe’s ZANU PF party. The story while claiming that “the Electoral Amendment Bill (HB7, 2013) has raised diverse views from several quarters as interested parties debate on the legislation’s implications,” would go ahead to quote only ZANU PF political analyst Psychology Maziwisa saying “calling for public hearings smacks of cheap politicking” after MDC-T Southerton legislator, Gift Chimanikire last week moved the motion which was shot down by Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Minister, Cde Emmerson Munangagwa.

MDC-T To Expel Defiant Members On Underwriting Fees

Morgan Tsvangirai’s MDC faction announced Saturday its intention to expel members who refuse to pay the newly announced mandatory Underwriting Fees by the end of April 2014.
The party’s new deputy treasurer who replaced Elton Mangoma, Tapiwa Mashakada, told ZimEye any member who refuses to abide by the orders of paying the new underwriting fee should “find another home.”

Find another home if you don't want to pay - Mashakada
Find another home if you don’t want to pay – Mashakada

Mashakada’s comments came after members complained about the fee and the “shady” method of collecting and submitting it which they said is unconstitutional since the whole purse will not be handled by the treasury, but be sent privately and directly to Mr Tsvangirai office mostly via the Western Union money transfer service. This the members said is a violation of the constitution.
Wrote Mashakada responding to the complaints:
“The MDC – T party should rightfully be resourced by its valuable general membership. Even a burial society is membership driven.
“What is crucial is that there should be accountability and transparency in the financial affairs of the party. Bona fide MDC -T should find no problem with following the pointed direction. After all, the party is a voluntary organization. Members who do not want to be bound by the rules and decisions of the party should simply find another home. The people’s project is poised to succeed”.
“Back home people are selling goats and chickens to support their party. I doubt that anyone who is questioning the decision of the National Council is serious. However, are alive to the fact that our detractors are panicking with this new innovation as they had putatively written the epitaph of MDC – T. This party is greater than individuals. All decisions are arrived by majority decision in the party’s decision making organs. The National Council has resolved to restore full provincial executive status to all Diasporan provincial assemblies. In between Congress the National Council has the loci standing to take decisions that further the interests of the party. These decisions will be taken to the Congress for ratification. So what we are doing is very constitutional. The people’ s struggle has now entered its final and decisive phase of its trajectory to push for fresh but free fair and credible elections in Zimbabwe before 2018.
Dr Tapiwa Mashakada

VIDEO: Drama as Chingwizi Victims Vow to Fry Mugabe, After Chombo Tells Them Go Away

  • Chombo tells Tokwe victims relocate to resettlement plot without food or compensation
  • Govt actually has no land to resettle the victims
  • Villagers told plough 1 hectare of land first before getting the next meal
  • Govt fails to pay a paltry $3,664

There was drama when poor Tokwe Mukosi villagers living at Chingwizi camp, vowed to fry President Robert Mugabe alive yesterday when his Minister of Local Government, Ignatius Chombo openly ignored their plight watching them go hungry and devastated while at the same time instructing them to go away.
Chombo’s instructions came as the 3000 survivors of a storm which destroyed 90% of all tent-shelters on Wednesday, were being ordered to work one hectare of land first before government gives them their next meal.

Angry Chingwizi campers complain of food for labour orders
Angry Chingwizi campers complain of food for labour orders

I have nine children and since the 11th March I have been given just 1kg of beans, a man in the video below narrated. “I sleep in the same tent with nine (9) children and since the 11th March I have been given just 1kg of beans for food. They have told me that if I want anything else I must first work on one hectare of land before I receive anything,” he said.
There was drama when in anger one woman openly said they are being forced to grow sugar-cane when they have no experience whatsoever of that business. “If it needs be we will remove Mugabe today,” the furious woman shouted.
No food, no compensation
But despite these concerns Minister Chombo said the victims should vacate the camp without any compensation, and the state owned Herald paper did not mention these complaints voiced by hundreds of victims who were also affected by the Wednesday storm. Minister Ignatius Chombo was yesterday however seen dismissing the devastated victims and telling them to vacate the camp with no compensation whatsoever.
He admitted government was failing to pay the families a paltry $3,664 per household saying this money would be paid when it has been found. The villagers should relocate and government will not provide any food for them, Chombo indicated.
“Every family will get its dues from Government once the funds have been mobilised and lack of compensation should not stop people from moving to permanent plots as there is a real high risk of outbreak of diseases such as typhoid because of overcrowding.
“We are going to give every family that has not been compensated a document acknowledging that they are owed money by Government. The amount owed was based on valuations done on their property will also be written on that document which should be produced for a family to get compensation when resources are eventually found,’’ he said.
Chombo warned that Government would not continue to provide food to families who resist moving to permanent plots.
This was after Chombo’s ministry claimed that some of the flood victims were now comfortable in the camp where they get free food handouts.
“Why should we continue to provide food to families who insist on staying in the camp when their plots to build permanent structures are ready? We should make it clear that food assistance will only be given to those families who agree to move to their permanent plots because, we need to de-congest Chingwizi temporary camp,’’ he said.
The minister stressed that Government wanted a modern resettlement model to be followed in settling the flood victims who should benefit from Tokwe-Mukosi Dam water.
Minister of State in Vice President Joice Mujuru’s Office Sylvester Nguni said it was important for the Tokwe-Mukosi relocation co-ordinating committee to ensure that genuine flood victims get plots for irrigation.
Government actually has no land to resettle the victims
But DARE party president Mr. Gilbert Dzikiti who visited the camp within hours of Chombo’s tour has found that government actually has no land to resettle the victims.
Mr Dzikiti told ZimEye : “Information on the events at Chingwizi says that the government actually has no land to resettle people. There are mainly two reasons to this:
1. The land down there has some mineral deposits (diamonds) and if ever people are settled there, they will have to be moved again to make way for mining activities.
2. The land was also earmarked for expansion of the ethanol project and the government has to agree with Billy on the terms of resettling people there. On Wednesday night there was a storm in the lowveld and information coming from there is that less than 10% of the tents survived the storms. The rest of the tents were torn including the ones covering food and medicines for the families at Chingwizi.
“We have been wondering whether the forced removal of people because of game parks was true and now information is suggesting the prevalence of diamonds at Tokwe Mukosi and Manzou in Mazoe.
“Why does the government need to beg an alleged thief like Billy Rautenbach as Temba Mliswa alleges? Why don’t the government compulsorily acquire the land for the national disaster?
“The people at Chingwizi have organised themselves but they do not have financial resources to go beyond what they can do at Chingwizi. Are we prepared to help these people, not only morally but financially and with our intellectual resources?,” said Dzikiti.
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...Video loading... Please refresh or visit again shortly...
…Video loading… Please refresh or visit again shortly…

He added that:
“The local area MP is elusive and seems to have been gagged from speaking out on the issue of minerals and beneficiaries to the mines and share holders of both the game park and diamond concessions.”

Muchechetere In Rush To Sell Assets

The disgraced ZBC CEO Happison Muchechetere under investigation for allegedly defrauding the corporation of $900,000, is in a rush to sell some of his last remaining assets, ZimEye can reveal.
Muchechetere is currently selling  (3) three properties: a Borrowdale flash property, a half-built house in Ashdown Park going for $55,000, and a 400sq metre stand in Greendale being sold for just $6000.
A named agent hired by the suspended ZBC chief was spotted Friday going around Harare looking for potential buyers while refusing to disclose the Muchechetere identity. The agent was at pains trying to convince buyers that for instance the Ashdown Park property is in council approved shape.

Muchechetere was exposed for obscene salary awards to himself and a small band of untouchables at the troubled state broadcaster

DARE party president, the fiery Gilbert Dzikiti blasted the former ZBC boss on this development:
“We are saddened that  Mr Muchechetere is now disposing ill gotten gains from scandalous salary gate and the do called television van tender or purchase.” he said.
He added:
“As a party we have petitioned the president to capacitate a judicial or parliamentary commission to bring to closure the rot and greed which had manifested itself within the public sector parastatals and boards.
“The refusal of the president to accept a purported offer to resign from Mr George Charamba is not only retrogressive but damaging to the stature and office of the president.In light of these failures assets are being sold as a cover up to lavish outlandish lives which characterised the looting and grab of public resources at the expense of public delivery of service.

Tsvangirai Collects Underwriting Fees from Party Members

MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai has begun collecting mandatory underwriting fees from all members.
The party becoming the first in the world to do this, was hit by a funding crisis after failing to get into power through the just ended disputed July elections.
His newly appointed interim deputy treasurer, Tapiwa Mashakada wrote to members in the diaspora telling them they must pay up £50 per person (those in leadership of whatever level), and £5 from every ordinary member.mwonzora
Saying MDC-T is currently owed US$3 million by government, MDC-T spokesman Douglas Mwonzora said the party was forced to come up with innovative ways of funding itself.
“The underwriting fee is meant to ensure that we sponsor ourselves as a party as government is refusing to fund us. The national executive received and deliberated the recommendations by our acting treasurer-general and it was agreed that legislators would contribute a certain sum,” he said.
“Similarly the party leadership from national to provincial and district levels will also contribute towards the party.
“The amounts will vary according to seniority. The membership is also being asked to contribute.”
The letter written by Mashakada and titled “PAYMENT Of CONTRIBUTIONS 2014” reads in part:
“You are hereby informed that the National Executive Committee at its meeting of 25th March 2014, resolved that party structures and members are supposed to pay underwriting fees as a way of fundraising for the Party.
“The National Executive resolved that the UK & Ireland Provincial and District Executive members pay UK Pounds E50.00 and ordinary members in the Province to pay (5 .00 underwriting fees to be paid as a once off amount by end of this month.
“May you also be notified that a monthly subscription for the UK & Ireland Province membership is (2, 00 per month f f 24 annually). The party can only be sustained to continue with the struggle by your worthy contributions.
“The money can be channeled to the party through Money Gram or Western Union to the attention of Edith Munyaka, President’s Office or contact the above email for any enquiries”

Mangoma Expelled Amid Confusion

Confusion and panic reigned in the MDC-T party yesterday when Morgan Tsvangirai through party spokesman Douglas Mwonzora summarily expelled Deputy Treasurer General Elton Mangoma.
There was drama when Mwonzora stood in contradiction with Organising Secretary Nelson Chamisa who a few hours before had stated the contrary, that Mangoma would not be expelled.
Chamisa categorically told the Daily News that none of the party members fingered for creating confusion in the party, including those calling for Tsvangirai’s ouster, had been fired from the party.mangoma412x232
He said Mangoma and eccentric Manicaland provincial spokesman Pishayi Muchauraya had only been suspended pending internal disciplinary processes.
“No one has been dismissed from the party. Mangoma’s matter is now at the disciplinary tribunal and the party is in the same mode as it has always been. We are focusing on real challenges that are affecting the people of Zimbabwe, the problems of a non-functioning economy and non-functioning government.
“This is not the time to mark the next man. We must mark the ball. We cannot afford own goals at this particular time. It is Zanu PF which says bhora mugedhi not us,” he said.
However Mwonzora issued a statement to the contrary saying a resolution had been passed “to initiate the process of expelling honourable Mangoma.”
“He will be notified of the decision and according to the constitution of the party, he will be given an opportunity to respond in writing,” said Mwonzora.
He added:
“We are putting a closure to this issue so that we can start to rebuild the party. Mangoma is being expelled for continuing to disgrace while facing disciplinary measures, so the national executive and the national council voted for this decision,
“He is not fired for the first case, but for continuing on transgression. I call it foolish bravely. I think he was wrongly advised legally and that could be his case.”
Mwonzora said the decision to act on Mangoma came as a result of later actions, “The national council, acting in terms of clause 5.11 of the constitution, decided to summarily expel Mr Mangoma from the party not for the offenses that are before the court but for the subsequent offenses that he did commit,” he said.
He added: “The national executive and the national council noted further that subsequent to the charges laid before him, Mr Mangoma continued with transgressions complained of, in particular, he continued going to the press denigrating the image of the party, holding parallel meetings in the party and fanning factionalism in relation to the new offenses he is said to have committed.”

Zim Girl Breathes Fire on UK Police Commissioner

A London based 23 year old Zimbabwean woman has begun turning the heat on police officers of all ranks daily, on issues of discrimination and fair treatment of citizens. If she had been in her home country, Cynthia Masiyiwa (pictured-right)could never had received such a chance to talk to for instance Commissioner Augustine Chihuri, let alone challenge him on his work – the London based Cynthia appeared on international BBC 1  TV quizzing London’s Met Police Commissioner Hogan Howe.

Questioned...London's Police Commissioner Hogan  Howe
Questioned…London’s Police Commissioner Hogan Howe

Cynthia’s job at the Citizens UK NGO, which she rose through the ranks doing, is to check on the police if they are treating suspects fairly on London’s streets, while also pulling young adults from street life into employment.
Years before the British police force has been blamed for numerous cases of alleged racism.
In the televised BBC discussion on the state of London’s streets, PC Howe’s face turned rigid and pale when Cynthia opened her mouth after other participants had threatened they would fry the police boss on police alleged abuses which began in the 1960s.
“The police must be held accountable for their actions on people and that is what we are here for,” said Cynthia in agreement with the others.
But we should not just attack the police every time, but also praise them, however, said Cynthia (who had begun on a fiery note) to the sudden relief of the Commissioner. She continued saying there are many “good things that police are actually doing that are not coming out. we’ve done so much work with Citizens UK and engaging police and across London we’ve got 600 city safe havens, a place where young people can run, or anybody in immediate danger can run to,” she said.

Horror Accident in Bulawayo

A Harare bound PCJ Motorways bus travelling from Botswana to Harare overturned today at the 110 kilometre peg on the Bulawayo to Harare highway at 4am. Scores of people were injured with some said to have lost their limbs. There were no fatalities recorded on site. MORE PICTURES: Click here to view.
“We do not know what the driver encountered but there was no other vehicle nearby when the bus overturned,” said an unidentified female passenger who was bleeding from the ear.

bus colapsed… rescuers inspect the wreckage

A police officer said ambulances rushed seriously injured passengers to hospitals in Bulawayo. Some of the ambulances transported the injured to Gweru.
“We do not know how many were injured as the ambulances arrived before we got here,” said a police officer at the scene.
The accident scene was like a dirty dump site as the passengers’ luggage was strewn all over. There were big and ugly red patches of blood on the road that hinted at the ordeal the passengers went through.
The Shangani area is now a black spot for motorists and passengers. Last year a Pathfinder Bus overturned killing seven and injuring scores of passengers. Several fatal accidents have been witnessed in the same area before.

Makandiwa Has Many Gay Congregants -GALZ

Harare- Prophet Emmanual Makandiwa’s church has a significant number of members who are gay, the

Gays and Lesbians of Zimbabwe organisation, has said.

Makandiwa who on Sunday insulted homosexuals should be ready for the fight as the vulnerable community knows part of his (Makandiwa) congregants who are their (GALZ) members, the organisation said.

GALZ said should Makandiwa continue insulting them they are going to name and shame such individuals to the public.
The fight back emerges after Makandiwa said homosexuals were mentally sick last Sunday.
This did not go well with GALZ which Monday told Makandiwa to shut up or face the music.makandiwa555555
“It is one thing for you to remain silent or neutral about homosexuality; it is quite another for you to castigate us when some of your followers are LGBT people themselves hence statements such as the ones quoted in the Sunday Mail hinder his ability to reach out to the people that yearn for God’s love”, said GALZ Monday.
GALZ said they were expecting Makandiwa to play a peace maker role between the group and government which always lambast them.
“One of the fundamental roles of the church is to foster love, unity, and empathy and cohesion in society. This does not seem to be reflected in his offensive comments that serve only to reinforce the prejudice against LGBT people in this country and encourage persecution. Being a pastor is more about being willing to be led by God and changed by the people you meet than issuing infallible decrees from the pulpit”, GALZ added.
The organization said by uttering such statements Makandiwa was trying to impress politicians who use the group to gain political mileage.

 “As a pastor and Christian in order to serve his flock well, he might do so by admitting he is wrong and sharing his frailty than pretending he know God’s will on a given subject. We hope he will understand that manipulating the authority of the church to fight political battles is the most blatant sin and that he prays for a day when the question of one’s sexuality will become irrelevant and discrimination against lesbian, gay bisexual and transgender people will be relegated to the same heap containing slavery, racism (including anti-Semitism), sexism and discrimination against socially marginalized groups and people”, said GALZ

Mnangagwa Pressured to Fix Girl-Child Abuse Issues

Zimbabwe’s Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Emmerson Mnangagwa, was last week approached by two key national figures, MDC parliamentarian Jessie Majome, and Tariro Tandi of the Plan International NGO, who are both seeking urgent government action on girl child abuse.
Zimbabwe’s heir apparent, is now under pressure to formulate laws, checks and procedures in line with the new constitution tackling girl child abuse.
Following the meeting with Mnangagwa, Jessie Majome detailed progress on her work saying, “Yesterday I teamed up with Tariro Tandi of Plan International, after I had sought and obtained audience with the Minister of Justice Hon. Emerson Mnangagwa to lobby him on concrete steps to end early, child and forced marriage. I’m fulfilling the commitment I made in Accra on 4 March -that Tari is holding, with the Ghana Parliament and Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) to work harder on this issue.

from left, Majome, Mnangagwa, and Tariro Tandi
from left…Majome, Mnangagwa, and Tariro Tandi

“The Minister welcomed the initiative and invited us to submit the necessary law reform details. We’ll get right to it- amendments to align the law to the new Constitution to the Marriage Act i.e to raise the minimum age for marriage to 18, criminalize breaches, and the Education Act to define and strengthen the right to compulsory basic education.
“Thanks Bea Ton of Star FM and F B for linking me to the fantastic work of Plan International an Girls Not Brides on the same issue. We can only succeed when we partner. My motion in Parliament on action to end GBV includes ending early, child and forced marriages.
“I was encouraged to see Research & Advocacy Unit & Rumbidzai Dube’s field research on this.
“Let’s not tire until early, child and forced marriages and GBV disappear from our society.”

Cuthbert Dube Bounces Back as ZIFA Boss

The disgraced former ZIFA and PSMAS boss, Cuthbert Dube, has bounced back after a months’ long controversy to do with his hundreds of thousands a month salary as PSMAS CEO. This time, he is now the new President of the national soccer body.There was suspense at Mount Hampden yesterday when Dube had failed to win having failed to garner the required three quarter majority. He however later resoundingly beat his opponent Harare businessman Trevor Carelse, 44 – 14.

The election was monitored and observed by FIFA representative for Southern Africa, Ashford Mamelodi, among other observers.

Harare City chairman Leslie Gwindi had taken 10 votes while former Zifa board member (marketing) Nigel Munyati, director of Aces Youth Academy had received zero votes from the 58 delegates who voted. Zimbabwe Soccer Player Agents Association chairman Omega Sibanda was voted Zifa vice-president, taking over from Ndumiso Gumede, who did not seek re-election.

Sibanda, who steps down from the player agents’ body, narrowly edged Highlanders board member Elkanah Dube 30-28 to the vice-president’s post.

Chicken Inn secretary and Bulawayo prominent lawyer Tavengwa Hara was elected to the board after receiving 51 votes. He goes into the board together with Harare businessman Bernard Gwarada who picked up 48 votes. Former board member (development) John Phiri got 42 votes while Fungai Chihuri obtained 41 votes. Chihuri is former Zifa Eastern Region chairman. Gladmore Muzambi, former referees’ boss, could not make it to the board after getting 32 votes. (SouthernEye/ZimEye)

Tsvangirai – Biti Fighting “Has Ended”

MDC president Morgan Tsvangirai has announced that the so called ‘fighting’ between him and a group of activists of which Secretary General Tendai Biti was alleged to be part of, calling for his ouster, has ended.
Biti believed alleged to be one of those orchestrating the ouster of Tsvangirai from the party’s helm was himself present at Tsvangirai’s press briefing.
He however did not state anything in support or disagreeing with Tsvangirai.
“After that frank heart-to heart session, we all unanimously agreed that our disagreements in the cockpit, while confirming our credentials as a democratic party, had needlessly diverted attention from the key issues affecting the people of Zimbabwe,” Tsvangirai announced.

Morgan Tsvangirai at the press briefing - IMAGE CREDIT - Morgan Tsvangirai
Morgan Tsvangirai at the press briefing – IMAGE SUPPLIED BY – Morgan Tsvangirai

The infighting became nasty when deputy treasurer Elton Mangoma was assaulted after writing a letter to Tsvangirai, urging him to step down following the party’s loss in last year’s harmonised elections.
Mangoma was subsequently suspended by party officials loyal to Tsvangirai who laid allegations that he had breached party protocols by allegedly communicating his concerns to the media.
Explaining Mangoma’s absence from the presser, Tsvangirai said:
“Mangoma is not here because the national council, the party’s supreme decision-making body outside Congress, has suspended him pending his appearance before an independent disciplinary tribunal. He is still very much one of us and he is innocent until proven guilty.”
Tsvangirai’s full statement was:
Today, I welcome all of you here at the party headquarters to announce a very significant political development.
On Friday last week, we met as the elected senior leaders of the party, the National Standing Committee. The meeting was a grueling five hours of honest and frank discussion on the developments in the party and in the country.
After that frank heart-to heart session, we all unanimously agreed that our disagreements in the cockpit, while confirming our credentials as a democratic party, had needlessly diverted attention from the key issues affecting the people of Zimbabwe. But we had realized it was important for us to sit down as the party leadership to openly discuss and sort out our issues.
I am proud to announce today that we have discussed our issues and there is now unprecedented harmony and unity of purpose in the MDC cockpit. We all agreed that we owed it to the members of the party and to the nation at large to discuss and resolve our matters so that we would be more effective in providing hope and a credible alternative to Zanu PF.
I can assure you that in those five-hours of no-holds barred discussions, we told each other the brutal but honest truth that will save this party and ensure the security of the faith and trust the people have bestowed on us.
After all, the last national executive meeting early this month recommended that the standing committee members should meet alone to discuss and iron out their issues in the cockpit. So we complied by having frank discussions with each other last week. I am happy to say that we have all found each other.
As you can see, we are the great team that we have always been since the people gave us the mandate to be at the helm of this party; a mandate given to us at the Congress in Bulawayo in 2011. We all agreed on the supremacy of Congress as the forum that makes and unmakes leaders in the MDC. We all agreed that the fixation with the MDC and specific individuals in the cockpit as if they were at the centre of the national crisis was both needless and unnecessary.While disagreements are necessary in a democracy, they have to be resolved. And we have just resolved ours.
The concept of dynamic contradictions drives our democracy as a party. As all of you saw, it is only in the MDC where one can finger-point at their leader or publicly declare their ambition. Ambition is not criminal in the MDC and the robust debate confirms the democratic credentials of this great people’s movement.
Mr Mangoma is not here because the national council, the party’s supreme decision-making body outside Congress, has suspended him pending his appearance before an independent disciplinary tribunal. He is still very much one of us and he is innocent until proven guilty. At the end of the day, we are a team and we will swim or sink together.
As a united leadership, we are bigger and better and we will able to confront the challenges facing the people of Zimbabwe.
We have created a big tent for everyone and I can restate here that no one already inside is moving out of the tent. This party is not splitting and as a leadership in our collective sense, we all know our responsibility to our membership and to the people of Zimbabwe. I have said it before that there are many who had mistaken the robust debate in this party as a sign of disintegration.
I can assure you that this party is alive and well. The rallies in the countryside that I have addressed, the latest being at Watsomba business centre in Mutasa district on Sunday, have shown that the ground remains solid and unshaken. The people still have unstinting faith and hope in the MDC and its leadership as the only alternative that will resolve the debilitating crisis facing the country.
Once again, we tear to shreds today the premature obituaries of this great movement that some of you had begun to write.
And once again today, we confound sceptics and put to shame the perception of the MDC as a party in turmoil and a movement in disintegration.
We have found each other in the cockpit. Our erstwhile friends in the struggle continue to come into the tent as we mount a united front against the real authors of the national crisis who are clueless on how to solve the problems facing the people. So we are coming together once again. We are bringing the spirit of 1999 in this big tent that continues to grow every day.
The crisis facing the people of Zimbabwe is greater than individual egos, unbridled ambitions and our disagreements in the cockpit.
The people have invested so much in this great movement. Only on Saturday at a rally at Tafara in Chipinge East, I saw a cheerful MDC cadre who lost a leg in the Zanu PF-led violence of 2008. But despite losing his leg, there was still a beaming smile and abundant hope planted on his face when I saw him on that sunny afternoon.
We will not let him down, together with many others across Zimbabwe who have suffered in this our tenacious struggle for positive change in the country. It is those people who continue to guide some of us in the national leadership of this struggle.
I want to conclude by reassuring the nation that the MDC leadership is determined more than ever to complete this journey of democratic change that we started in 1999. Now that all this over, we are concentrating on the important programmes of renergizing the base through the holding of rallies and public meetings throughout the country.
Ours is the people’s project and we are not losing focus on the important things such as preparing for the net election and being a credible alternative to this Zanu PF government that has dismally failed to deliver even on its election promises. The country is on its knees and we have a serious national crisis on our hands as a country. Now they cannot even ay government workers their salaries.
All of us in the cockpit are confident that the positive change, for which many Zimbabweans paid the ultimate price, will definitely be achieved well within our lifetime.
I thank You

Top Historian Scoffs MDC-T & Baba Jukwa’s Mugabe-Ouster-Wishful

A senior Zimbabwean historian who alone foretold the end of Rhodesia under Ian Smith, Diana Mitchell, has played the role of discouraging efforts by Morgan Tsvangirai’s MDC party and the faceless democracy activist Baba Jukwa, causing them to go back to the drawing board.
The red clad MDC supporters can even become as numerous as the sand of the sea, but they will be wasting their time to think that they can remove Robert Mugabe and his ZANU PF party through the ballot, according to Mitchell. They will never make it even using an Arab spring model attempted by the faceless Baba Jukwa campaign which up to the elections last year coordinated an effort labelled the Vapunduki movement.
Mitchell has a credible track-record as a historian and also being the first to canonise Zimbabwe’s liberation war heroes at a time when they were internationally regarded as terrorists at the peak of the war in the late 70s.
According to Mitchell, the red-clad MDC supporters enslaved themselves to wishful thinking when they thought they would be able to remove Robert Mugabe from power at the just ended national elections in July.
“Any Zimbabwean, at home and abroad could or should have predicted with absolute certainty that Robert Mugabe and his acolytes would never allow power to slip from their hands. One wonders if the masses of red-clad MDC supporters seen at rallies in the major cities truly believed that their visible numbers and their wishful thinking could somehow vanquish the old dictator. They have learned, once more, as we former `white liberals’ learned in our past, anti-Rhodesian Front struggles, that a `level playing field’ is the first requisite for electoral success in a developing country,” she said.
She added saying that Mugabe learnt from former Prime Minister Ian Smith how to effectively stay in power.
“Ian Smith taught Robert Mugabe that control of all the institutions of government – which included the incorporation of the national media – was all that was needed to ensure perpetual rule for the incumbent government. It was the horrific deaths among a relatively few civilians and a miniscule, white-led military, along with a lot of external support for African nationalist freedom fighters, which succeeded in overturning 88 years of white minority rule.
“Without weapons or powerful external support, how could free Zimbabweans in the MDC or its leadership have forgotten those lessons of the recent past? So recent are those lessons for now, Zimbabweans will cling to peace as a preferred option. The flames of the Arab Spring’s violent revolutions are not an attractive model for change right now.”
Last year the Baba Jukwa campaign coordinated an effort to organise the so called Vapanduki former civil servants with the hope of removing Robert Mugabe using an Arab spring model of protest move. True to Mitchell’s pediction, the initiative did not take off.

ZANU PF Holds Historic Birmingham-UK Conference

Signs that the party is getting stronger in the United Kingdom – President Robert Mugabe’s ZANU PF party on Saturday hosted a historic conference in the second capital Birmingham city.
It is Birmingham that is remembered during the liberation war of independence for providing refuge to then senior ZANU PF emissary, Didymus Mutasa (now Presidential Affairs Minister) who lived there while mobilising resources and support for the ZANLA forces back home.
On Saturday, the party deliberately chose Birmingham to meet for a key consultative forum seeking to among other things see that its ZIMASSET economic program works.
Below was their press release following the meeting which attracted numerous members across the United Kingdom:665a4a68dc5137f9076842a5a6179455

ZANU PF UK held a landmark Consultative Meeting and Business Forum in Birmingham on Saturday, the 15th of March at a packed venue. The meeting was hosted by the vibrant ZANU PF UK Birmingham Branch which is led by the Branch Chairman; Cde George Nhera.

The inclusive meeting, held under the theme “Making Zim Asset Work for You” drew Zimbabweans from various professional backgrounds across the UK, and the mixture combined to make the meeting vibrant and one hailed by those who attended as a great success.
ZANU PF UK has put it at the centre of its approach to combine business and politics. This comes from an appreciation that people don’t eat, dress or drive politics. Politics should be about the betterment of people’s lives and not the betterment of the life of the politician. It should be about self-sacrifice by the politician and not unjust enrichment. Therefore flowing from that philosophy Zanu PF-UK embarked on a programme to explain Zim Asset and make it simple enough for the enterprising mind to envision the opportunities that lie therein. Leading this initiative is the ZANU PF UK Science and Technology Secretary; Dr Samuel Chindaro, who gave another of his series of presentations on Zim Asset. Cde Moses Samasuwo, a local entrepreneur and Party Cadre also gave a presentation about the investment climate in Zimbabwe and outlined practical and technical steps about establishing a business in Zimbabwe.
Dr Chindaro gave a presentation covering the background of Zim Asset, and explained why this policy is different from previous policies in that it is based on exploiting the country’s abundant natural resources and its well-established human capital. He said that technology and the people are the key drivers of Zim Asset and gave examples of how technology can be a key to all the four main clusters and the sub-clusters. He blasted the imposition of sanctions on the President and his family calling it an absurd, unjustified, divide-and-rule tactic meant to split the Zimbabwe family and to hurt the country as a whole. He added that sanctions on the President are sanctions against the country and an attack on all Zimbabweans.
Dr Chindaro’s presentation combined very well with Cde Moses Samasuwo who gave a powerful presentation which included the 7 steps which one should take in order to establish a business in Zimbabwe. The 7 steps and associated advice will be made available on the ZANU PF UK website in the near future. Cde Samasuwo said a comprehensive investment guide on Zimbabwe which will outline the wide-range of opportunities available in Zimbabwe, would also be made available in the next three to six months.
The Secretary for Administration Cde Marshall Gore spoke about establishing a Chamber of Commerce to bridge the business information asymmetry between the UK and Zimbabwe.

ZANU PF UK Chairman Cde Nick Mangwana, who was chairing the meeting, gave a narrative of his personal experience about adapting and meeting challenges in order to succeed, grow and make a difference. He made an impassioned appeal to the diaspora community to come out of their comfort zones. He said that anyone who stays in their comfort zone will never grow. He said that breaking out of your comfort zone is doing something you have not done before, something which is anxiety invoking and is not risk neutral. He spoke against the spirit of entitlement and the loss of the Zimbabwean work ethic.
The Chairman’s message was supported by Cde Itai Choto, the ZANU PF UK Information and Publicity Secretary whose thrust was the branding of the Party. Cde Choto spoke about awareness of how the Party members engage with other people. He spoke against being aggressive and abusive and urged members to stay calm and polite when they engage in public fora such as social media and articulate the party’s position in a dignified manner. He implored cadres to go on a charm offensive rather than the bludgeoning of people with words. Cde Choto was credited with giving the meeting the level of publicity it had which had resulted in the overwhelming unprecedented attendance. There was consensus that Cde Choto continues to excel in his role as evidenced by the rapidly growing membership and visibility of the party in the UK. The Secretary for Security Cde Matunge called for maintenance of vigilance. He said that there is a need to remain aware that there will be an on -going attempt to infiltrate and disrupt the party in the UK.
The Women’s League Chairperson Cde Ruth Jabangwe spoke about the need for married women to maintain their cultural values despite the change in social setting. She said she hates seeing so many marriages breaking up due to the loss of cultural values, especially in the diaspora; a message which got a standing ovation from the male attendants!
The presentation was followed by a lively question and answer session which was open to the floor, for both question and answers. Issues ranging from the challenges the diaspora community face when opening businesses in Zimbabwe, the operation of ZANU PF UK, to the Issues of corruption were discussed. The forum noted with concern the level of dishonesty pervading our value system as a nation. There was consensus that corruption eradication should begin with individuals saying no to corruption.
Cde Tinomudaishe Chinyoka spoke passionately about corruption and noted the difficulties faced in all societies in eradicating “individual” corruption. He said that it was “institutional corruption” which is more damaging and should be tackled vigorously. Dr Chindaro noted that the current drive against corruption was initiated by the ZANU PF government and was included in the Party Manifesto, Zim Asset and the Party Resolutions from the 2013 Chinhoyi Conference. He implored individuals not to jump on the bandwagon by throwing around unfounded allegations.
A Party member who attended the Chinhoyi Conference, Cde Matongo, surprised Cde Nick Mangwana by informing him that he had listened to his landmark, ground-breaking address at the Conferenc. He commended the Chairman for the consistency in his message which resonated with his landmark, address to the Conference, and urged members to continue with their support.
Secretary for Commissariat, Cde Davison Chimenya saluted all the branches that were there. Among the branch members who attended were Cde Alfred Runyararo Benyera and Cde Table (South West England), Cde Mazala Bako (Coventry), Dr Agatha Benyera-Mararike (Kent). Cde George Nhera was the hosting Branch Chairman, supported by his team which included the Vice-Chairman Cde Chatindiara.
Zanu PF UK acknowledged the tasty complimentary culinary supply from the West Midlands women’s League led by Cde Gloria Chimbara. The Youth Chairman Cde Takunda Mangere, the Finance Secretary, Cde Eddie Mukutirwa were acknowledged for their unwavering support to the cause and the wisdom they bring to their portfolios.
The meeting was followed by a social event which allowed members to interact and network. This report would not be complete without mentioning the beautiful dancing and singing by Cde Bevan Pemhenayi which brought “morari” to the occasion. The meeting was closed by Cde Chatindiara the Vice Chairman for Birmingham.
Similar events are lined up during the course of the year and will be announced on the website and other media platforms.

Victory for Tsvangirai as Bulawayo’s Thousands Come Out in Full Support

Bulawayo – Thousands of people came out in embattled MDC-T leader, Morgan Tsvangirai’s support on Saturday.
What leadership-renewal advocates had hoped would be a watershed turnaround for the party’s history actually turned out to be a victory celebration for the MDC-T leader. Can't contain the joy of being loved and supported...Morgan Tsvangirai turns his head around
“Renewal or Rebels group they are wasting time the people are with President Morgan Tsvangirai,” said top Tsvangirai official and ally Charlton Hwende.
The development comes soon after some youths ran amok in the city spray painting party cars with graffiti calling for Tsvangirai’s removal, a mood before speculated would soon bring the MDC leader to his knees.
The exact comparative statistics of those in support of leadership renewal against those who support Tsvangirai could not be obtained at the time of writing.

Second Mugabe Birthday Party on Friday

The Zimbabwean government which is failing to pay workers is on Friday to blow tens of thousand dollars on a second Mugabe birthday bash.
More than 4000 CIO agents and other civil servants are to attend the celebrations after the Public Service Commission requested to hold another party.
The Public Service Commission chairman, Dr Mariwanda Nzuwah, who leads all the commissions said the commissions requested to be afforded to celebrate Mugabe’s 90th birthday in honour of the long road he has travelled in the leadership of his people and the vital role he played in delivering Zimbabwe’s political and economic freedom.

Second celebration...Mugabe
All for just him…Second celebration…His Excellency Pres Robert Mugabe

Nzuwah was quoted by the state media saying Mugabe should be honoured and thanked for his strong advocacy for black economic empowerment through ownership and exploitation of their national resources and called on youths to hold dear and protect their independence and sovereignty.
He revealed that similar celebrations will be held at the 10 provincial centres through the country with approximately 4 000 representatives from the commissions.
Staff associations and unions’ representatives of civil servants have also been invited for the celebrations.
Meanwhile, the state media reported that the starting time of the festivities has been moved back to 09:30am instead of the initially planned 12 noon.

Riot Police Swarm Harvest House as Tensions Rise

Numerous riot police officers swarmed the MDC-T party’s Harvest House offices on Friday morning as the party convened a crucial National Council meeting meant to discuss a letter written by Deputy Treasurer Elton Mangoma.
Speculation was rife that Mangoma would be expelled from the party after preparatory minutes leaked stating that anyone who talks to the media is subject to disciplinary action. The statements were read to refer to Mangoma who early this year opened a discussion proposing that party leader Morgan Tsvangirai should consider resigning.

harvest house police
Riot Police swarming Harvest House…. | Nehandaradio Image

At the time of writing youths believed to be protesters were seen descending on the building.
Sources close to the meeting told ZimEye that Mr. Tsvangirai was plotting to suspend both Mangoma and Secretary General Tendai Biti.
Meanwhile a meeting was convened on Thursday and a source narrated the current heated tension saying,
“The intra-party war is getting tough. Whilst the going is getting tough the Tsvangirai faction is now ready to fire Elton Mangoma and more violence may be expected. Denford Ngadziore, Washington Gaga, Yvonne Musarurwa, James Chidhakwa, Stan Manyenga and Shackspear Mukoyi declared in a meeting of 30 people addressed at Harvest House on Thursday by Washington Gaga and Mupindu that Paul and Solomon Madzore, Elton Mangoma, Madzimure, Tapiwa Mashakada, Julius Magarangoma, Hlabangu, Munyanyi and many other provincial leaders are not going to attend the meeting because some of them are already suspended. Among the Tsvangirayi guys is a group of violent thugs meant to deal to with people like Ismael Kauzani and others,” the source said.

Canada, US & Australia Blast Tsvangirai Over Party Violence

Canada has become the third Western nation to condemn MDC-T party violence following the United States, and Australian governments.
Canada’s Ambassador to Zimbabwe Lisa Stadelbauer issued a statement on Tuesday against the ongoing violence and intimidation in Morgan Tsvangirai’s MDC party.
Despite denials by Morgan Tsvangirai that there is no violence in his party, Ambassador Stadelbauer spoke unequivocally stating it was clearly being engineered by political intolerance.
Stadelbauer made reference to the recent attacks on ‘political figures’ largely interpreted to be attacks on among others treasurer general Elton Mangoma, secretary general, Tendai Biti, and party cadre Promise Mukwananzi the only political figures in any Zimbabwean party attacked since the beginning of the year. Stadelbauer’s statement comes after Morgan Tsvangirai at the weekend claimed that there is no violence in his party, while at the same time though, intolerant youths under him were traveling around the country intimidating and attacking those deemed to be supporting a proposed motion to relieve Tsvangirai of the party presidency. A recording of some of the youths confirmed by the party shows a key Tsvangirai security aide, plotting violence on Mangoma. More MDC youths have also in recent weeks been threatening violence on anyone seen expressing doubts about Tsvangirai. Tsvangirai’s own spokesman Luke Tamborinyoka has stated that when Elton Mangoma was attacked also losing his spectacles, it was only his shirt taht was yanked by a youth, a statement that has encouraged the rowdy youths to continue intimidating colleagues.
“Canada is increasingly concerned by recent acts of violence against political figures in Zimbabwe,” said Stadelbauer.
She added:tsvunkson
“We call on all political parties to demonstrate leadership by taking resolute actions to speak out against violence and intimidation. This includes engaging in open dialogue and demonstrating respect for diversity of views.
“All Zimbabweans, including politicians and members of civil society have the fundamental right to freedom of expression as guaranteed by the Constitution.
“Canada calls for these rights to be respected and adhered to. We will continue to closely monitor the situation.”
Tsvangirai has however in return blasted the Western envoys alleging that they are not saying the truth and they should not interfere in his party’s internal affairs.

US Govt Blasts MDC-T Violence

The United States embassy has condemned the violence which erupted two weeks ago and resulted in among others MDC-T deputy treasurer general Elton Mangoma being attacked being attacked by a party mob. The attack resulted in Mangoma losing his spectacles as well, but MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai’s spokesman to date has said it was ‘only’ Mangoma’s shirt which was yanked.

The US embassy’s strongly worded statement which clearly states the violence occurred in Harare recently, was an apparent call on Tsvangirai to respect human rights, protect victims of violence, and to prevent future acts of internal party aggression in his party.

The statement read: “The U.S. Embassy has taken note of recent media reports on incidents of politically-motivated violence that have occurred in Harare.

“We condemn such acts of violence, which have no place in modern political discourse.  We enjoin all parties to respect the rule of law, freedom of assembly and the right to free speech, which should be the hallmarks of a modern, democratic Zimbabwe.  We call on all parties to protect victims of violence and to prevent future acts of violence.”

The US embassy statement comes as Morgan Tsvangirai was widely accused of failing to protect Mangoma during the attack on the 15th February. After the assault, Morgan Tsvangirai’s spokesman claimed Mangoma’s shirt was ‘only’ yanked by a youth while he was in a car. But numerous witnesses have revealed that Mangoma was attacked using brute force and he lost his spectacles which were smashed by the youths.  Two weeks later, Tsvangirai has remained mum on the attacks and has not mentioned a word on the destroyed spectacles.

Zimbabwe:Biti Home Bombers Caught On Secret Video

The individuals who petrol bombed Tendai Biti’s house security wall, have been caught on camera.
The attackers were caught on cameras installed around the area which filmed the whole attack, ZimEye is reliably informed.
“We are studying the recordings right now as well as the vehicle used in the commission of the crime,” an officer close to the investigations told ZimEye on Tuesday morning.
The nature of the attack lacked sophistication and appeared ‘amateuriesh’, the attackers were clearly ‘inept’, a source close to the investigations commented.
The attack on Biti’s house came at a time when the MDC party’s unity was at its lowest ebb.
While there was specuation that Biti’s house was attacked by party insiders, party spokesperson Douglas Mwonzora was quoted alleging the attackers are from Robert Mugabe’s ZANU PF party.
“The attack bears the fingerprints of ZANU-PF,” he reportedly told the AFP news service.wall2
“It is clear that this is the work of the enemies of the MDC who want to portray it as a violent party,” Mwonzora said.
Another statement was released by the party’s wing in Chegutu,
“This must be ZANU PF work, taking advantage of power wrangles in the party MDC-T. The possibility of staged managed incident is there,” the statement read.
Meanwhile, investigations into the attack were ongoing at the time of writing with police and forensic experts taking samples and statements among other things.

BREAKING NEWS: Tendai Biti’s House Petrol Bombed

The MDC-T party’s  Secretary General Tendai Biti’s house was petrol bombed Monday night, ZimEye is informed.
The incident comes as calls for Tsvangirai to resign intensified amid numerous threats by a small group of youths voicing their desire to  assault deputy treasurer Elton Mangoma and Biti.
Details of what actually took place were still vague at the time of writing but the bomb disposal unit and army were present at the house.
The petrol bomb is said to have exploded near the security wall close to where the guard patrols from. It is believed the attack was meant for the guard house which is close to the gatepost.
The security guard however managed to escape the flames, ZimEye was told.
On top of the gatepost are clear marks of the flammable liquid where it was splashed before the flames started.

Charred... Biti's durawall hours after the petrol bomb attack
Charred… Biti’s durawall hours after the petrol bomb attack

Tendai Biti
A family member confirmed of the development to ZimEye, “The house was petrol bombed last night. The attack comes just after some men came in an unregistered car asking the security guard numerous questions about Tendai  Biti where he is, and when he returns home” he said.
Attempts to reach Mr Biti himself were fruitless at the time of writing as his phone kept ringing without being answered. A comment from the investigating officers could not be obtained as well,as they were still in the process of gathering evidence.
Both Biti and Mangoma escaped an attack by marauding youths who were baying for their blood at Harvest House on Saturday 15th February. Both Biti and Mangoma had attended  a meeting sanctioned by Tsvangirai for national leaders, but which the MDC leader also invited ordinary party members to attend.
More to follow….

‘MDC-T Councillor Tries To Sodomise Bus-Driver’

The Morgan Tsvangirai led MDC-T party has suspended its councillor for Buridiro after allegations surfaced that he attempted to sodomise a bus driver last Saturday.
The party made the below announcement that Mr Sydney Chirombe was now under investigation and would be ‘charged by the party.’ It was not clear at the time of writing if the matter had been escalated to the police.
Below was the announcement:
mdc-logo-zimeye-report“The MDC wishes to advise that it has suspended Harare Councilor, Sydney Chirombe of Ward 33, Budiriro following allegations of attempted sodomy on bus driver in Kariba early Saturday morning.
In an issue still under investigation, the MDC was informed that Clr Chirombe allegedly tried to sodomize the bus driver aboard a house boat on Lake Kariba following a training session and retreat of the councilors. The alleged offence took place in the middle of the night on 22nd February 2014.
The MDC wishes to make it clear that it does not tolerate any immoral behaviour on the part of its officials. The councilor will be formally charged by the party and will be brought before the party’s disciplinary committee for a hearing soon.”

Eubert Angel Kneels At Grace Mugabe’s Feet

Controversial Zimbabwean preacher also known as Prophet Eubert (Angel) Madzanire truly knelt before Grace Mugabe’s feet, a report states.
According to journalists present at Robert Mugabe’s birthday on Sunday, Angel dropped his six foot body before Mugabe’s wife, Grace. The preacher knelt was kneeling down before Mrs Mugabe in the eastern Marondera town.

Angel at Mugabe's birthday in Marondera  angeleubert
Angel at Mugabe’s birthday in Marondera

A NewsDay report says Angel who had been also sitting in the front row with the Mugabes soon defended his behaviour and support of Mugabe.
“This country has land and there is no more land to be created. There is an opportunity the President has created for us and as youths, let’s take advantage and let’s be vigilant in getting what belong to us,” Angel said.
He added: “Critics will be there and stories will be written (that) Angel has been swallowed by Zanu PF as if they know where I was before. I was born to a Zanu PF father and we had a sister who campaigned for MDC, but we never fired her from home,” he said in apparent reference to Mercy Mudzamiri Nongera, who last year contested and lost MDC-T primary elections for Masvingo Central constituency.
In 2011, Angel’s colleague and founder of the United Family International Church Emmanuel Makandiwa was criticised by the public after he signed the Zanu PF anti-sanctions petition.
The two have attracted several high-profile Zanu PF officials to their church gatherings.
After his presentation, Angel knelt before First Lady Grace Mugabe before he whispered an inaudible message to her and left the podium.

Bitter Debate on Mugabe’s Power Grip | VIDEO

Below was a televised debate on internal newscaster Al Jazeera regarding Mugabe’s hold on power.
The discussion involved –
Obert Gutu: MDC Harare Province Spokesman.
Nick Mangwana: U.K. Chairman for Zanu PF.
Chofamba Sithole, Journalist and Former Editor of the Sunday Mirror in Zimbabwe.

Another White Zimbabwean Says Remove Sanctions on Mugabe

Barely a few days after a group of white Zimbabwean lobbyists began a campaign to get western sanctions on Robert Mugabe and his ruling ZANU PF party dropped, another white Zimbabwean has added voice on the same contentious subject.
The Bulawayo based Steve Blomefield told ZimEye sanctions on Mugabe should be removed.
“I believe the sanctions should be dropped,” said Blomefield who is also locally referred to by the title ‘prophet’.
He added saying that he believes the recent July 2013 elections were not entirely a fraud.
“I am not pro-ZANU PF and stuff like that. But the elections, of course there was some crooking here and there, but not with the majority; I don’t believe the elections were totally fraudulent. There was some crookery(sic) here and there, but I believe that the people of Zimbabwe voted for ZANU PF, whether I like it or not they did. So we have to according to the Bible, submit to the government. It doesn’t mean that we agree with the government,” said Blomefield.

"Sanctions on Mugabe should be dropped"... Blomefield
“Sanctions on Mugabe should be dropped”… Blomefield

Blomefield’s comments come as chairman of a group of white Zimbabwean businessmen, Mathew Smith, said they want western countries to remove all the measures which he said were imposed on all Zimbabweans.
Smith is a hotelier and contract miner. His father Gary who is also a member of the group is the finance director of a transport and trucking business.
Mathew said his group believes that the targeted measures are hurting the country and Zimbabweans, and should be lifted unconditionally.
“We are forming this lobby group because the truth about Zimbabwe needs to be heard and for that truth to be heard it needs to be told from our perspective, especially as white Zimbabweans on whose behalf these damaging sanctions were supposedly imposed,” he said.
In a passionate speech delivered at a press briefing in Harare the leaders of the group denied that the motive behind the formation of the group is to protect their businesses from ZANU PF’s property grabs.
Matthew told the UK based SW Radio Africa on Tuesday, he has never felt the need to protect himself in his 33 years living in Zimbabwe, “and we are starting now because the time just feels right”.
He said the country has just had a “fantastic, peaceful, free and fair election and it is time that the citizens are freed from the sanctions yoke. Our interest is Zimbabwe and ordinary Zimbabweans”.

A Crucial Error in Mangoma’s Proposal to Remove Tsvangirai

Analysis| There is a fundamental error in MDC-T Deputy Treasurer, Elton Mangoma’s proposal to replace Morgan Tsvangirai, UK based Chofamba Sithole, argues.
He continues:
This error lies in the perpetuation of a culture of personality politics which Mangoma ignores and yet is the singular pivot of any future change in Zimbabwean politics whichever party it is.
Mangoma recently wrote to Tsvangirai proposing three possible alternatives to a future MDC-T, which he said should not have Tsvangirai at the helm if the party is to make it in the next national election.
Writes Sithole:
“We have looked at how the MDC-T’s reaction to Mangoma’s proposal for leadership renewal fell short of what is expected of a democratic movement in terms of upholding the principle of free speech. Now, going into the substantive intervention itself, I’d like to point out what I see as a crucial error in Mangoma’s proposal, which connects with what we discussed in an earlier post.
“My main problem with it is that it endorses the culture of personality in our politics and as such proposes an inadequate solution – the replacement of one personality by another.
“Mangoma lays into Tsvangirai’s personal failures and weaknesses as a leader and in his private life. He does not have a go at Morgan on the basis of the policies that Morgan Tsvangirai has promoted and advocated for during the course of his leadership; nothing ideological or technical in respect of what Jonathan Moyo the academic calls “craft literacy” and “craft competence” stands out in Mangoma’s letter, perhaps because to have done so would have brought the same swift indictment on himself and his colleagues as part of their collective responsibility in steering the MDC ship.
“What would have worked more effectively, in my view, is a proposed policy agenda that shakes up the MDC’s direction and makes a break with the MDC under Tsvangirai. I would have loved to see what it is that these guys are proposing to do differently. The resonance of such a policy-driven agenda would have automatically taken care of the leadership question.
“What would have been lost and won is a battle of ideas, not personalities. As it is, these guys dived right into Morgan’s habitat – the ambit of personality politics. And like a fisherman who dives in after the biting fish at the end of his line, they are bound to become shark dinner.
“And Morgan is still pretty much the shark in the MDC pool of personal power, however badly battle-scarred he might be. It’s a sad scenario, but there you have it.
“If you look at Zanu as well, apart from knowing that its Mai Mujuru v Mnangagwa, what else do we know abt what those pple stand for? Thats the crucial question.
“So with respect to the leadership renewal agenda in the MDC, the removal of Tsvangirai is being promoted as the priority. But what about the ideas and thinking that has characterised the MDC thus far, will it stay? And what new udeas and approaches will come in? What are those ideas? For me it is troubling that we don’t know the answer to that from those that are saying Morgan must go.shark_tsvunkson
“It is not enough to say its Biti or Mudzuri coming in after; it should be: henceforth the MDC will now drop this and that approach and promote this and that policy and agenda.”
“When Gordon wanted to take over from Tony in the UK, he was being supported by some that wanted a return to more traditional Labour policies. Blair wanted David Miliband to continue with the so called Blairite agenda of more markets and choices, more economic neoliberalism and less Keynesian approaches as favoured by the Labour traditionalists. So we had a debate here about the future direction of the Labour party.
“In the same vein, it would help if the Mangomas were to come out with a new policy agenda for the MDC informed by what they experienced as possible during their time in govt.
“And let them challenge Morgan to say that if he remained leader, what ideas would he bring? Then if nothing, it would expose Mirga Morgan as empty, and that wld undermine his credibility as leader without ever having to declare he must go. Or if they wish to declare that, it wld be much easier to do after exposing Morgan as empty of ideas.”

Violence Breaks Breaks Out At Harvest House as Tsvangirai Youths Assault Mangoma

Police had to be called in at Harvest House on Saturday afternoon when a handful of youths known to be aligned to party leader Morgan Tsvangirai attacked national council member, Elton Mangoma and other cadres threatening to kill them. Police had to be called in to break the violence the second in three weeks at the MDC headquarters.
Until today the youths had been plotting violence Mangoma due to his calling for leadership renewal in the party.
In the picture- Mangoma saved from the bloody violence.

Beaten up...Elton Mangoma
Fleeing the violence…Elton Mangoma

“It is shocking that this thing actually took place right in Tsvangirai’s face and with him smiling. He never made an effort to tell his youths to back off but he remained staring at Mangoma being beaten up. It was so clear and obvious that these people were sponsored by Tsvangirai” a senior party source said.
The meeting had been called by Tsvangirai who summoned provincial heads hoping to get himself re-endorsed as party leader following the criticism.
Beaten up...Elton Mangoma
Beaten up…Elton Mangoma

However it was not a meeting at all since violent youths who were lodged at Adelite Acres the previous night controlled all proceedings in Tsvangirai’s presence without him addressing their unruly behaviour. The youths continued chanting songs denouncing both Mangoma and secretary general Tendai Biti.
At the time of writing police officers were arriving at Harvest House as the Tsvangirai youths were blocking other party members from exiting the building.
More to follow…

ZANU PF Bigwigs Seize Prestigious Eaglesvale School

Harare’s most prestigious school, Eaglesvale has become indigenised by President Robert Mugabe’s ZANU PF party after the institution’s suspended headmaster (Mr. Naison Tirivavi)  mysteriously returned to work and fired the same board which was investigating him for allegedly misappropriating school assets.
The school owned by The Dutch Reformed Church, which was then scrambled with assistance of ZANU PF officials, was finally seized yesterday, ZimEye can reveal, in a development one of many in which institutions and businesses have in recent months come under the control of black Zimbabweans loyal to the ruling party. A board loyal to Mr Tirivavi has since taken over.
When questioned for further details on the development and also on why the indigenisation certirivaviemony was not officially published in the ordinary way, Mr Tirivavi  refused to answer requesting rather to meet our reporter face to face at an undisclosed location: “Ko zvingaita here kuti tisangane muHarare titaure takatarisana zviso zvedu”, Tirivavi asked our reporter.
He says he has been reinstated after the seizure. A ceremony was conducted yesterday attended by the controversial Local Government and National Housing Minister Ignatius Chombo, together with Education Minister Mr. Lazarus Dokora. The program also had Finance Minister Patrick Chinamasa as an invited guest.

Mysterious return...the suspended headmaster Naison Tirivavi
Mysterious return…the suspended headmaster Naison Tirivavi

The bitter wrangle for control of the school by Naison Tirivavi who used his ZANU PF connections, ended with that ceremony yesterday. Despite an on going Supreme Court challenge by the Dutch Reformed Church board, Mr Tirivavi declared that the school is now under ‘The Reformed Church of Zimbabwe’.
The reasons surrounding Tirivavi’s suspension are to do with misconduct relating to handling school assets. Reports state that at one point Tirivavi as the head of the school purchased four(4) buses for from ZIMCO, and upon delivery of the vehicles, he was given two(2) more cars as a reward for being the best-buyer. It is alleged that Tirivavi then converted the two vehicles to his personal property leading to clashes with the school board. In the ensuing bad relations with the board, Tirivavi then sought to circumvent the problem by dismissing the board and replacing it with one made up of members from the Masvingo sect known as the Reformed Church of Zimbabwe.
The old board refused to go and filed for an application seeking to stop Tirivavi from accessing or withdrawing money from school accounts as it emerged that he began a spree of several cash withdrawals. A letter in ZimEye’s possession states that Tirivavi did not tell the truth when he claimed that the Dutch Reformed Church board was dissolved. It reads in part:
“Contrary to the suspended headmaster Mr Naison Tirivavi’s email dated 5th September 2013 wherein he is alleging that the High Court ruled in favour of the RCZ(Reformed Church of Zimbabwe), and that the board was dissolved, the truth is that the High Court did not declare the board dissolved but only dismissed the “TECHNICALITY” of the urgency of the matter. The board had applied for an urgent interdiction on the basis that money continues to be unlawfully withdrawn from the school. Unfortunately the court ruled that our application was not filed timeously.  The board is appealing to the Supreme Court for this matter to be resolved urgently,” it reads.
Tirivavi was this week labelled after the notorious expelled Anglican church archbishop Nolbert Kunonga who forcefully occupied Anglican Church properties three years ago.