WARNING-DISTURBING PICTURES: Sex Video Of MSU Students Raises Stench
3 April 2015
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Another sex video rocks Midlands State University
Kwacha Mahachi|Gweru | There are serious concerns from Gweru residents on why the Midlands State University (MSU) students in the city of progress are continuously caught offside, producing pornographic videos that circulate among students.

The latest recording is a 30 –second clip of shameful deeds. In the latest yet still fresh video is an incident where the University’s a level 2.1 Human Resources Student , Dephine N****** ******(Name Withheld)’s footage leaked and is still circulating among students in Whatsapp groups.
The scandalous video shows  Miss Mazara and her unidentified boyfriend in the very act of bedroom games.
More concern was raised after it emerged from an impeccable source the boyfriend spread the video after a misunderstanding when he discovered that the girlfriend had dumped him and was now going out with a sugar daddy, a well known Gweru businessman .
“Having been dumped for a sugar daddy, the dejected guy went on to circulate the video among Whatsapp group mates on social networks. I am informed the young lady was subsequently suspended,” they said.
Leaking of sex-videos is not a new phenomenon as in 2011 and 2012 other sex tapes found their way out of the Pandora’s Box somewhat signaling that the leaks will continue unabated.

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6 Replies to “WARNING-DISTURBING PICTURES: Sex Video Of MSU Students Raises Stench”

  1. Ko inga mamudoma nezita after initially dash-dashing? Makapusa zvakaita seyi kana ndimi ma-journalist? Anyway, tipeyi video tone zvedu is anaDhara…..

  2. Ko inga mamudoma nezita after initially dash-dashing? Makapusa zvakaita seyi kana ndimi ma-journalist? Anyway, tipeyi video tone zvedu is anaDhara…..

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