Khuphe On Way Out Of MDC-T, Thabitha Khumalo Readies to Take Over
22 February 2018
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By Paul Nyathi| MDC-T National Deputy Spokesperson, Thabitha Khumalo is reportedly positioning herself to take over from troubled Deputy President Thokozani Khuphe.

Very reliable sources within the MDC-T in Bulawayo revealed to that the Bulawayo East legislature is mobilising provincial structures to second her to the Vice President position as “Khuphe’s days in the party are numbered.”

Khuphe who is at serious loggerheads with Interim President Nelson Chamisa over the party leadership, is said to be in the way to be dismissed soon if she does not resign, according to the sources.

“It is common knowledge in the party that Khuphe will not be in the party for too long and so Thabitha (Khumalo) is earmarking the position,” said the sources.

According to the sources, Khumalo also enjoys the full backing of Chamisa and members of the standing committee to land the position.

Khumalo who has been deputy to resigned party spokesperson, Obert Gutu and could have been the immediate replacement of Gutu, is reportedly not the party leadership’s favoured to take over the position which according to the sources is earmarked for former radio personality, James Maridadi.

Khumalo is also reported to have been coerced to trade her Bulawayo East Constituency seat to MDC Alliance candidate, David Coltart for the Deputy President position.  – ZimEye will keep our community of readers and viewers updated of the developments.