Missing activist, Itai Dzamara’s family has accused the government of failing to co-operate in locating their relative three years after his alleged abduction by suspected State security agents.
Dzamara was allegedly abducted on March 9, 2015 and has not been accounted for, although the government had pledged to co-operate in looking for him. Itai’s brother, Patson, yesterday told NewsDay that the new government of President Emmerson
Mnangagwa had failed to make good promises to assist the family locate the missing activist.
“Of course, the custodians of the so-called new government are doing their best to present a different face to the public and to the international community,” he said.
“But we know that a leopard does not change its spots. Many people have been killed. For example, last week, two vendors were killed by the police because of an issue to do with the transport system. So, we’re still dealing with the same draconian system.
“Despite the fact that we are now in a period that’s being touted as a new era, where Mugabe’s former Vice-President, Emmerson Mnangagwa, took power and is trying by all means to put forth a democratic image, the reality is that nothing meaningful has changed. Mnangagwa is failing to address the issue of Itai’s disappearance.”
The family is now demanding an independent commission of inquiry to be set up to investigate the matter Newsday