Sekeramayi Speaks On Mutinhiri Ditching Mnangagwa
9 March 2018
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Sydney Sekeramayi

By Dorrothy Moyo| The Zanu PF politburo member and the man previously thought to be the head of the G40 faction, Sydney Sekeramayi has spoken for the first time on Gen Ambrose Mutinhiri’s ditching of Emmerson Mnangagwa and the decision to start a new pro Robert Mugabe party.

In the 5 months before Emmerson Mnangagwa’s rise last year, Sekeramayi was forwarded by the G40 faction as an alternative replacement of Mnangagwa. It was then thought he was in agreement with the move to expel Mnangagwa from ZANU PF.

But 3 months after the November coup, Sekeramayi has stood to strengthen Mnangagwa’s leadership.

Sekeramayi reportedly told party supporters at an inter-district meeting at Mahusekwa Growth Point that although Mr Mutinhiri has sold out that should not shake the party, urging the members to remain united.

The state media reports on the function saying the meeting was meant to inform members on the new developments after Mr Mutinhiri’s resignation and formation of an opposition party National Patriotic Front.

The ZBC report quotes the Provincial chairman Joel Biggie Matiza saying the leadership in the area should ensure that resignation of Mr Mutinhiri does not divide the party and advised that those who used to work with the former Mashonaland East Minister of State should know that the party is bigger than individuals.