Why Chamisa And Not Mnangagwa | OPINION
30 March 2018
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Charlene Smith | I disagree that Mnangagwa’s 37 years in politics make him a better candidate for president in July’s election in Zimbabwe than 40-year-old Nelson Chamisa.
Mnangagwa was part of one of the biggest thefts of state resources on a corrupt continent under the leadership of Bob Mugabe. Being part of a corrupt regime that destroyed a nation and forced millions into poverty is not a recommendation.
Three of America’s greatest presidents were young; Theodore Roosevelt was 42, John F. Kennedy was 43, Barack Obama 47. The two worst were Ronald Reagan who had Alzheimer’s in the most important job in the world and Donald Trump who is 71, and I suspect has dementia too.
I met Chamisa in 2000 when I advised the MDC. He was incredibly impressive, a peacemaker, smart, very hard working and someone it is easy to like. If he becomes president Zimbabwe will prosper.
I really hope this beautiful nation of great people gets the opportunity it deserves.
The only thing that will end Chamisa’s presidential hopes and destroy Zimbabwe’s chances is if the MDC start quibbling among each other – again. Personal greed and egos have prevented it taking power for 17 years. Now is the time for that to change.