Students Demand Free And Fair Elections
9 May 2018
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Terrence Mawawa, Masvingo

Tertiary students here are demanding key electoral reforms ahead of the much awaited polls.

An Election Debate that was coordinated by Community Tolerance Reconciliation and Development (COTRAD) under the Topic: 2018 General Elections, What Are The Student’s Expectations, was held in Masvingo on Friday.

The debate was facilitated by Advocate Lucy Chivasa and the panellists were Tamuka Chirimambowa (Researcher and Former Student Activist), Jennifer Chitanda (Great Zimbabwe University SRC Vice President), Tasangana Muwandi (ZICOSU), Junior Tawanda Mkwazhe (COADESU) and Proud Mkhize (ZINASU) .

The students’ demands during the debate were:

1. Peaceful, free, fair and credible elections.

2. Provision of loans and grants to college and university students .

3. A democratically elected government- which prioritises the welfare of students at schools and colleges.

4. Government policies that subsidise education.

5. Inclusion of young people in key processes.

6. Youth empowerment and creation of employment.

7. An end to manipulation of young people by politicians.
8. The respect of rule of law and constitutionalism.