Does Mukupe’s Signature Reveal His Mental State
27 May 2018
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Deputy Finance Minister Terrence Mukupe has attracted criticism following his disturbing public conduct in the past week forcing him to apologise through a letter released to the media yesterday.

But now that letter has resulted in further scrutiny of his character. Mukupe’s scruffy signature in the letter has now become the point of debate.

Is it true that a signature reveals your true character?

‘A signature is a mirror to how you portray your image to the outside world,’ according to Auckland forensic graphologist Mike Maran, and when reviewed in conjunction with a body of handwriting, its appearance can say a lot.

Does Mukupe’s signature reveals more than what we already know about the man from his public comments in last few days.

Or should Mukupe take Abraham Lincoln’s advice, “Better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.”