Aspiring Independent Councilor Pulls Out Of Election Race: Throws Weight Behind Chamisa
2 June 2018
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By Own Correspondent| Aspiring independent councilor for  Ward 7, Goromonzi West has thrown in the towel in a move aimed at supporting the MDC Alliance council candidate ahead of the 2018 harmonised polls.

Kudakwashe Andrew Manjonjo, who had declared his intentions to run for political office in the July 30 elections as an independent candidate revealed on a facebook post that he was putting his weight behind the MDC T candidate for Ward 17, Tough Mupindu in order to put up a united front against Zanu Pf.

“Even though opposition has failed to unite as one voice in this election, in my ward we have.

That is why i have made the difficult but positive decision to no longer run in this election and endorse my fellow MDC-T comrade, Tough Mupindu,” he said.

Below is the full text of his message revealing why he is pulling out of the election race.


When I started my campaign for Councillor I was clear in my belief that a Grand Coalition was the best way Zimbabwe could progress in the upcoming elections.
That has clearly failed over the last 9 months much to my disappointment.

However, three clear candidates have risen in my ward, myself, the MDC-T and ZANU PF candidate.

Even though opposition has failed to unite as one voice in this election in my ward we have. That is why i have made the difficult but positive decision to no longer run in this election and endorse my fellow MDC-T comrade, Tough Mupindu.

We are of the same age and he was like me in student activism. An educated fellow, we share similar ideological and policy ideas for my ward. I do believe together we can end the 38 year rule of ZANU PF in my ward who have never received less than 80% of the vote every election.

We have been in discussions with community leaders over this decision over the last month and a good number agree there is strength in our unity as a youthful vanguard.

Thank to you to all who have supported me politically, spiritually and financially. I hope at the very least you understand why I have made this decision. Its been an epic journey which I have learnt alot from.

It was never meant to be just about me but about changing ZIMBABWE for the better. Let us be ready for vote for a different future on July 30.

Thank you.