By Paul Nyathi|Zimbabwe Development Party (ZDP) leader Kisinoti Mukazhe who lost in the 2013 presidential elections says that he will not be contesting this year’s elections.
Mukwazhe said the elections would not be free and fair because of “numerous electoral practices.”
“The outcome of these elections won’t be a reflection of the true will of the people of Zimbabwe, but of the manipulated, hoodwinked, suppressed and helpless electorate,” said Mukwazhe in a statement he issued jointly with Moreprecision Muzadzi leader of little known Voice Of The People (VOP) party.
“Observer missions like Sadc and Comesa have already indicated that elections will be free, fair and credible without mentioning grievances and ignoring concerns raised by most political stakeholders.”
Mr Mukwazhe and Mr Muzadzi recently approached the constitutional court seeking to be considered for funding under the Political Parties (Finance) Act, despite that they did not qualify.
Chief Justice Luke Malaba dismissed the application, saying a political party was not an income generating project, hence upstart political outfits should not burden the courts with claims of a share from the election campaign fund awarded in terms of the Act.
According to ZEC’s election roadmap, the electoral body has appointed constituency election officers and was yesterday busy holding nomination court training and set up.