Is Mnangagwa Degenerating Into A Mere “Buddy President”?
17 June 2018
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By Farai D Hove| PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa is trying hard to make out as a popular president. His latest stunts include posing for selfies with teenagers.

The below pictures come 7 months after taking over power following the November 2017 coup, and at a time when none of the so called “criminals” surrounding the former President are arrested and well known crooks like Wicknell Chivayo continue to prosper.

Mnangagwa posted the below on Sunday saying, “I enjoyed meeting with a group of students this week, whom I invited to hear their views and ideas. We talked, listened and laughed.

“Every engagement I have with our intelligent and inspiring young people, leaves me with ever more hope and excitement about the new Zimbabwe.”